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Food Drive(Sabotaging Hilde)

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Food Drive(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:23 pm

Obasi listened intently as he was given yet another mission by one of Cassia’s knight captains. He was a big man exuding an aura of power unlike anyone he’d ever known. It would have been intimidating if not for the adventures he’d already been through with Zexion. He and the blue wizard had battled many enemies before. Granted, never many as tremendous as the lord captain, but they were close enough. Regardless, he did command an air of respect that none could deny. Obasi saw the way the men and women around him held onto the man’s every word. Not just because they had to, but because they wanted to. This was just a routine mission of sabotage. It was nothing of any real importance, but they saw otherwise. They saw it as something that had to be done. They saw it as a mission that their lord captain wanted doing and that was good enough for them. In some ways Obasi was a little jealous. He wanted people to respect and fear him like they did the commander. No one would look down on him or treat them like a child. Not like they did Obasi. Even children treated him a like some feeble little boy.



Food Drive(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:24 pm

No. The Knight captain was never subjected to that. They only looked at him with awe and fear. It was clear he held the power in this room. Obasi wanted that kind of power. Not just money, but the ability to make people fear and respect him. He wanted to the kind of sway that didn’t require you to tower over someone. He wanted the power to garner such a reaction without even saying a word. This was the kind of power he wanted to have. A commanding aura that made people uneasy just by presence alone. Until that time came Obasi would have to settle for being the little squid boy. He was determined to find a way. Obasi was a little surprised by how emotional he’d become lately. Usually he was a lazy guy that liked to lounge around and fly under the radar. But recently he’d become obsessed with power and control. It was like he was becoming someone else entirely. Maybe, he reasoned, he was simply becoming his true self. The side of him that was surprised by laziness and a lack of focus. He figured only time would tell, but he knew he’d find an answer to his desire for power. He was certain of it anyway.


Food Drive(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:25 pm

“Obasi” Someone asked, breaking the boy out of his trance. He was confronted with the concerned image of a young woman. She told him he’d been standing there staring off into space while the captain was talking. Of course, he didn’t tell her why he was staring off. How do you tell someone you were dreaming of becoming a tyrant and not sound insane? Instead, he made up a lie about not feeling well, she bought with surprising ease. She then informed him that they had to go and destroy a shipment of supplies on route to one of Hilde’s strongholds. He simply said ok before rushing off with the young woman. When they arrived they immediately launched into an assault on the shipment. Cassia’s philosophy had been handed down to her men so no lives were taken. They did, however; leave them tried up whilst they destroyed the convoy. There was some resistance, which lead to a few magic duels. Obasi, was tasked with taking out the wizard. It was an ice wizard this time, but he was tougher than the last. He nearly froze Obasi a couple o f times who had to outwit him. Eventually, the boy wizard got the drop on him before knocking him out. When his job was done he once again took his leave.


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