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Taming the Beast(Sabotaging Hilde)

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Taming the Beast(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:28 pm

After some needed rest from yesterday’s campaign, Obasi was refreshed and ready to take on the day. Well, he was still incredibly lazy, but he at least had the energy to get out of bed. Before he was barely able to move let alone perform any kind of task. Oh well that was the past he figured and today was the present. His current job from Cassia was again, something he’d enjoy, which was breaking stuff. With great gusto he leaped out of the bed and sprung into action.  After a quick breakfast, he was off to do his duties. He wondered what it was like to be a knight doing this kind of thing for a living. Certainly, it was fun, but he imagined a lot of boring stuff got in the way too. He’d often see knights just standing around keeping the peace or attending to construction work. He could never do any of that unless he’d been paid. Money spoke louder to him than any works of charity regardless of how generous he might have been feeling that day. Jewels didn’t grow on trees after all, and if he wanted to live out his dreams of something more, he’d need a lot of them.


Taming the Beast(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:28 pm

The small inn he’d been staying in was alive with activity. People buzzed around full of vigor and attending to their tasks for the day. He somewhat envied all the energy and ambition at their command. He wasn’t the most energetic or motivated guy ever so seeing all the people around him made him jealous. It inspired him in ways that only Zexion’s friendship really had. Maybe running around with Zexion had been rubbing off on him more than he thought. Before he had no desire for adventure or greater ambition. All he wanted to do was sit around and eat beneath the warmth of the sun. A careless life of leisure and money was all that really mattered to him. More than anything else he wanted to just live a life of ease, but that started to change. Slowly but surely, he wanted something more than just food and comfort. He had a pretty good idea of what that something was, but it was going to take time to fully realize it. Obasi would need money and resources both of, which he could get in time. It was just going to take a lot of work and he was already halfway there.



Taming the Beast(Sabotaging Hilde) Empty Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:29 pm

It was until a little later that he reached the rendezvous spot with the soldiers. Armed and prepared they were all ready to do battle. The target for today was one of Hilde’s strongholds where she kept some of her more powerful beasts. Among them were some griffins, a wyvern, several boars and a chimera. By itself the menagerie of life she kept could easily turn the tide of any battle. That is why it was thIer job to slay the horde of animals she kept under lock and key. The first step was to take out the guards. As usual Obasi was going to slip in to the stronghold while the knights talked the small militia guarding the stronghold. The former was easier than the second with them launching a faux assault on the stronghold. The enemy sprung into action and left to od battle. This left Obasi with only a handful of men to deal with. When he got inside he was confronted by some soldiers, but instantly took care of them with some bolts of darkness. The second group of enemies was taken out in the much the same fashion with little challenge. Eventually, he’d reached a room full of the beast. With zero mercy he prepared to slaughter them without remorse, thus ending the animal horde. When the operation over he went home to take a well deserved rest.


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