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Rhaeduil's Eye | Shinkuu Magic

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#1Odin † 

Rhaeduil's Eye | Shinkuu Magic Empty Tue Jul 27, 2021 4:34 am

Odin †

Rhaeduil's Eye | Shinkuu Magic A5cb87730ef6375e2abea9f04d5da412

Name: Storm Fiend
Rank: S-Rank
Mana Cost: 1000
Requirements: Shinkuu Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user extends her hand out in the direction of the target and yellow magic seals appears on all four sides of her target. This summons a lightning barrier on all sides around her enemy within a range of 25 meters and when the user clenches her fist, the barriers presses onto the body of her foe before releasing a pulse of magic to deal 2x S-Rank damage in 16-meter diameter. The user is also capable of casting the spell on herself and explodes outwards, knocking her enemies back up to a total of 3-meters away from her. With the knockback, the AoE damage is reduced to 13-meter diameter. When casting with her being the epicenter, the lightning barriers leaves an area of space around her body so as to prevent herself from receiving damage.

#2Odin † 

Rhaeduil's Eye | Shinkuu Magic Empty Tue Jul 27, 2021 4:35 am

Odin †

Coped from: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t58302-what-lies-beneath-nq-odin
Mana Cost is doubled
Purchasing please


Rhaeduil's Eye | Shinkuu Magic Empty Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:53 am

Odin has purchased this spell for 250,000J.

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