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Poropo Office Polishing [Quest]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Office Polishing [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:17 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Another non-violent job presented itself to the preferrably peaceful monk - cleaning a famous detective's cluttered office. Not only a seemingly peaceful job, but also seemingly non-athletic job! Nearly the perfect combination of traits, aside from the lower pay. Poropo was not one to care too much about funding, but the ability to rent a space outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall can be troublesome - without the right funds, Poropo is not even seen for rentals!

Regardless of pay, Poropo wanted an easy, peaceful job - cleaning a single office would be perfect enough for the tired monk. Poropo waddled up to the detective's office, who goes by the name Weirdlock Jones, and knocked a little, "Hello? May the Iron Deity bless you? Weirdlock Jones?"

Poropo got a sinking feeling some was terribly wrong - when the monk knocked, the door slowly crepy open by itself! The worried monk thought something or someone happened to Weirdlock and they forgot to close the door behind them.

"I am coming in now...please do not hurt me- oh, he is just sleeping," sighed Poropo in relief - the detective was just sleeping behind a stack of books and paperwork. Looking around, the monk saw piles of paperwork which likely were the origin for the job request Poropo accepted - working in such a cluttered environment is too hazardous and unnecessarily time-consuming.

"I might as well start to clean while he sleeps...may the Iron Deity bless me with quiet cleaning power." Poropo made a quick prayer and started to clean the office of detective Weirdlock Jones.

The cleaning was actually not too difficult once Poropo found a way to organize all the paperwork. The books could also be organized based on their contents, especially the books with more paperwork as their pages. As Poropo did his cleaning, Weirdlock Jones began stirring in his sleep.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Office Polishing [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:27 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Weirdlock Jones woke up an hour after the diligent monk started cleaning books and paperwork. Weirdlock was stunned by the sudden apperance of a strangely-dressed monk in bright robes and heavy, plate armor! The startled detective yelled, "Who are you!? What are you doing here!? Are you part of one of the gangs!? I know how to fight!"

Poropo was equally stunned by the sudden awakening of Weirdlock - the monk jumped back and tried to respond quickly, "Hello! I am here to clean! The job posting said to clean, but I did not want to wake you!" Hopefully the jumpy detective would accept the startled monk's answer.

"Likely story! Anyone can fund a job offer - you didn't even say if you were in a gang or- wait, I think I know of you. A rotund monk with bright, red skin, piercings, and heavy armor - Poropo Popcicle." The name was not completely correct, but to save himself from violence the monk simply nodded in agreement.

"Y-yes, Poropo Pop-...um, Popcicle..." responded Poropo - the bame Popcicle felt weird to say aloud, but no harm came from mispronounciation. The detective even seemed convinced and relaxed.

"Well...for scaring you so bad, I'll help you out, too." So the detective and Poropo worked together to clean up and organize papers and books. Poropo was paid and sent on his way, eventually.

500/500 words

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