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Underground Associates [Quest]

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Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:25 am

There really was no rest for the wicked, especially within the restless hedonism of Hosenka’s Crimson Quarters. Gambling, drugs, sex, and even darker depravities never ceased when there was money to be made. Murder was probably on that list as well, and to that end Nadine was contributing to statistics tonight. As with her previous romp through these dingy streets her target was an informant that was being discarded as an asset by local law officials. Pitting two sides against each other often seemed to have that unfortunate consequence in this line of work.

When people tried to have everything, they usually were left with nothing in the end.

This time it was a woman, but that made no difference to Nadine. The law was funny like that no matter where you were: killing itself wasn’t bad, it was killing the wrong people that was bad. Her business took her to a brothel for male prostitutes, and once again she found herself avoiding direct eye contact with people here in this sleazy district. Her gift of wisdom through vision was a curse here, and there were no stories she wished to dive into.

Once inside the building she was greeted by a middle aged man dressed lavishly in aristocratic Joyan attire. He made a show of a bow with arms spread wide before smiling at Nadine.

“Good evening, Miss! Don’t be shy, I’m sure you’ve come to the right place, and the best place, might I add.” The man chuckled as his hands came to rest in front of himself, palms pressed together as if in prayer.


Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:28 am

The entrance room was just a small lounge, stuffed with overly stuffed seating and reeking of incense. There was no one else present other than the greeter, but that probably meant that business was in full swing for the night. Nadine frowned as she met the man’s eyes. She made a conscious effort to block out the perversions of the information mystically given to her, although she’d keep in mind his love of money.

“I’m looking for a lady that came in here earlier,” she’d say as she stepped closer, holding up a hand to show how tall the person in question was, “about this tall, waist length black hair, green eyes-”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t discuss the business of clients. That’s bad business for me, you see.” The man kept his smile even as he interrupted Nadine, and largely seemed unbothered by the request.

“Yeah, I get it. I’m just here for the lady, though. Not your money, or your merchandise, or your lives. I’m not interested in any of that, honestly.” As Nadine took another step closer she snapped the fingers of one hand. A green magic seal hovered over her hand for a moment before she placed her hand on the man’s shoulder. Her voice lowered as she leaned in to speak, her impatient stare never leaving the man’s eyes. “Now, I can escort her out quietly through the back, no fuss. Or I can escort her quietly out the back, and leave no witnesses. Your business, your call, Monsieur.”



Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:29 am

“I’m glad we could come to an arrangement. Just call your man out of the room with some excuse, and you can have whatever’s left in her purse as well. I’m told she’s a big spender here.” Walking with the well dressed man through a long hallway Nadine ignored the sounds of intimacy muffled through the many doors lining either side. The host stopped at one door before rapping his knuckles against the wooden surface firmly.

“Pardon the intrusion, Miss,” called the man as he opened the door a crack, “but I must speak to Yukimura about something urgently. He’s been a very naughty boy, and I’ll be sure to send him back to you with extra time on the clock. Then you can punish him for me to your heart’s content.”

Listening to the exchange made Nadine roll her eyes. However, soon enough the host and his man toy were down the hall and out of sight. Once they were gone she slipped into the room and closed the door behind herself.

“There you are,” snapped the demi-human as she locked eyes with the other woman, “shut up and get dressed, you’ve wasted enough time tonight. Officer Enmei is on his way, and he knows you snitched.”

The accusation and name drop was enough to hit the woman like a splash of cold water. Whatever indignation she felt at the intrusion was quickly wiped away by worry before she hurried to comply.



Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:30 am

After the woman got dressed Nadine told her to listen for footsteps at the door while she checked the room. Once the target had her back turned however, the demi-human jumped her. Snapping the woman’s neck made things a relatively quick affair. Before she could leave though Nadine kicked the woman’s purse onto the empty bed in honor of the deal she had made to the host out front. She didn’t personally believe in honor among thieves, but was more trying to buy his silence and trust.

With the woman held over one shoulder Nadine quietly exited the room and carried the corpse to the back of the building. The host had been ever so kind to give her the combination to the hefty lock sealing the backdoor earlier. Once they were outside Nadine switched things up a bit, carrying the corpse in a bridal style pose to arouse less suspicion. Of course, she was hardly the most suspicious looking person in the Crimson Quarter even with this detail.

Once she felt that she had made enough distance between herself and the brothel, Nadine dumped the body in a trash bin. No doubt it would be found eventually, and a report would go out about it. However, that wasn’t her concern and would only serve to validate her claim that the job had been done as promised.

For now, she’d head back to the more respectable parts of Hosenka to collect her pay.


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