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Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest]

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#1Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:46 pm

Poropo Poproporp
"And so I told him to take it to the boss...you know what happened next?" A crusty, old man was regaling a long story which was probably intended to be humorous, but the disguised monk was too nervous to remember the details. Poropo, who is disguised as an equally crusty criminal, was trying to look out for important, criminal information.

Poropo just smiled and nodded, "sure...the boss-" Poropo was interrupted suddenly by something happening elsewhere and decided to take this chance to end the drawn-out tale of how a fish ended up in a toilet. The monk stopped himself and turned to the crusty, old man, "-I will have to ask you to give me the rest of the story at a later date. I am very excited by how a fish got close to biting off...something."

"Are you sure? I'm almost done- ah, he's gone. I can never tell the whole story. I need to start summarizing," lamented the old man as he watched Poropo waddle off elsewhere. Within this warehouse the monk finds himself disguised, the old man and everyone other than Poropo were criminals or working for criminals. Not everyone had willingly or knowingly committed a crime, so Poropo was here to figure the details.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:05 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The anxious monk's attention was grabbed by a few familiar faces - the same faces which were having an important meeting about burglaring a store not long ago. Poropo thought the information he gave the Hosenka authorities would be enough to have put these criminals behind bars or at least stop these criminals from being criminals. However, the monk could obviously see them and so attempted to follow behind them with much caution. The anxious monk mumbled to himself as he followed them, instinctively clasping his hands in prayer, "Oh Iron Deity, please may me eavesdropping be silent and go without notice...also may me eavesdropping garner enough information for me to get out of this place."

The four whom Poropo followed took many turns and hallways to get to a location deep within the heart of the large building. Many flights of stairs were making the rotund monk tired and weary of following further - perhaps the criminals discovered Poropo was following and were trying to lure him to a trap. Thankfully, they eventually stopped in an open room and sat down to have a conversation - a conversation about criminal activity! Poropo would try to listen in carefully while remaining stealthy as can be for a heavy-set, disguised monk.

#3Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:14 pm

Poropo Poproporp
A meeting was taking place while Poropo listened in as stealthily as he could - his large weight meant he had to position himself farther away than a normal-built individual would have to. Thankfully, due to his metallic piercings, Poropo's ears were stretched out and could theoretically hear just as well as anyone else eavesdropping - this theory was what kept the determined monk from giving up despite the lack of supporting evidence. Regardless of Poropo's ear-size, he listened with the intention of gaining important information with which to leave and be rewarded handsomely by the Hosenka authorities - putting a stop to impure activity while getting rewarded was the monk's modus operandi.

"The Hosenka authorities were scoping out the place before we even got a chance - we've got ourselves a mole, but before anyone gets jumpy and points fingers...I know it wasn't any of us," confidently said the first criminal to the other three. They were getting a little nervous, but Poropo could not see their expressions - going by sound alone would mean interpreting the nuance aurally. The first criminal continued, "Our meeting place was well hidden enough, you know what I mean? That's why I dragged us all here rather than back there."

#4Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:23 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Poropo became sweatier than ever before after hearing what the first criminal had said about a rat causing a change in meeting place - the eavesdropping monk knew he was the mentioned rat and was being a rat right now! The anxious monk listened in while thinking about a way to escape if something were to happen.

The second criminal chimed in after the first criminal explained the change in scenery, "Right, I don't really care about a rat as long as I get to do my thing - I'm itching to be challenged anyway. Been to easy lately." The second criminal seemed extremely arrogant, willing to do crime for the thrill rather than the necessity some claim.

"Calm down, we all wanna use our magic but we gotta be careful - I know from experience that jail is unpleasant...can't use your magic in there." The third criminal seemed wiser than the second, stating a fact about Rune Knight jails. The inability to use magic would mean no magical escaping from the inside. However, Poropo has heard Rune Knight jails are merciless - how the third criminal got out and kept doing crime up till now scared the nervous monk. Poropo kept eavesdropping but felt extremely compelled to leave.

#5Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:34 pm

Poropo Poproporp
"Enough - the rat is listening in right now anyway," said the fourth and final criminal attending this meeting - Poropo froze in shock. The quivering monk wanted to run away but did not want to fall for a possible trap - words can be used to oust a criminal so the same can be done with a spy. If they truly knew Poropo was listening, then they would have done something by now. The monk listened with potent ears.

Without Poropo being able to see, the fourth criminal pointed a finger and fired a dark purple sphere - the sphere moved at such an astounding speed the shape changed to a bullet-like oval which pierced the wall with precise force! "Guh!" heard Poropo on the other side of the meeting area - the monk remained silent as he figured out what just happened.

"Man...how did you know he was there?" The first criminal turned around to see the wall opposite to Poropo pierced with a circular hole, still smoking. The other two also turned their attention to the newly formed bullet hole and then turned back to the fourth criminal. The first got up and walked to peer into the hole to see a crusty, old man laying still on the floor, mumbling for help, "you got him good - we could interrogate him for more info."

#6Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:46 pm

Poropo Poproporp
The first criminal pointed a finger at the wall in a similar fashion to the fourth criminal, but instead of a purple bullet a small, pointed line similar to a welding fire appeared. The first criminal then cut out the wall in order to retrieve the unconscious yet still mumbling old man. Poropo could only hear the interactions so nothing newsworthy had caught his ears except for the finding of a fellow spy. However, what came next would likely be enough to help Poropo feel satisfied.

The second criminal spoke up, talking to the fourth as if talking to a boss, "So...sir...got any idea of how we are going to get through the security set up by the Hosenka authorities?" The second was talking about a plan similar to their original, monk-foiled plan. The fourth looked to the second and then to the third criminal.

"Right, not something to worry about - I've got a guy on the inside who can help us get in...he could even get us what we need from inside so we don't even gotta go ourselves." The third criminal boldly stated he had someone inside the Hosenka authorities, a rat of their own, with which to do as they please given enough communication.

The fourth responded, "better he let us in instead of getting caught - having a guy on the inside is better in the long run." The wisdom of the fourth seemed even greater than the wisdom of the already wise third. Thankfully, Poropo was listening and could start an investigation within the Hosenka authorities. The fourth continued while Poropo listened for just a little longer in case something else came surfaced, "however, where there's one rat...there's bound to be dozens more. We can't let our guard down here either." Poropo felt his time to leave had come.

#7Poropo Poproporp 

Poropo Criminal Passing [Quest] Empty Wed Sep 08, 2021 3:53 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Having heard the fourth criminal remind his fellow three to keep vigilant for anymore rats lit a fire under Poropo's bottom - the sweaty monk felt he had to leave before the four criminals discovered him and the information he was carrying in his mind. Without waiting for another peep, Poropo began sneaking his way out of the large, criminal building. As he always does, the devote monk unconsciously clasped his hands and began praying for a clean escape, "Oh great, powerful, and ever-protecting Iron Deity - bless my sweaty feet with the power to escape unseen and unheard."

As Poropo had wished of his god, the sweaty monk was able to leave the dank building without being seen nor heard. The monk was able to pass off the information to the Hosenka authorities who promptly started an investigation into a rat in their midst. However, Poropo did leave something behind which would make infiltration more difficult should the time come again - the sweaty monk had left behind a trail of sweat-prints. The fourth criminal looked upon and followed the sweat-prints all the way from the meeting room and out of the criminal building where they became washed away by a sudden rainfall, "Hm..."

1,500/1,500 words

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