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The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito)

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The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:55 pm


Yuurei had landed in Honseka with the help of Christina. It was the best way to travel all through a certain region traveling. When he was here last time, he took on jobs and then left without enjoying himself. It had been two years since then and now he was back here. He was older, and now that he understood a lot of the Fiorian culture, he decided to give it a try. He thought Honseka was a beautiful location and they had so much to offer. It seemed like a place that never turned dark even at nighttime. It was cold outside, but he found himself with Renji on his shoulder as they were walking throughout the streets.

His location was the Cabaret Crescent, a place, when he asked, was told that it had many bars and different types of entertainment that he could find there. He was also told that it was better to go at night, so he could see the beauty of lights the city was known for. The time of day was exactly that, nighttime; The duo would see the lights that were placed around outside and it was magnificent indeed. He walked through the district now as he could see the number of people that were still out at this time. The number of activities to do in this place was vast and even Renji couldn’t help but look around amazed by it all.

“This place is freaking amazing. Why didn’t you stay here during your two years away from the guild?” He asked him upset about his choice.

“You know if we stood somewhere like here, we wouldn’t have gotten anything done. This is not a place where I would’ve found information about that Vampire.” He said to Renji as he kept looking around while walking.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:27 pm


Kai wanders the streets looking around after returning from two years away to train, around other countries with Revy, the cat looks around wondering what they will be doing tonight, Kai’s mask is still firmly on his face, the cat moves around in the man’s hood. Kai sighs a little bit feeling that Revy was starting to get excited at seeing the night life in this city again after being away. Revy taps his shoulder and points around. You should just pick up some random woman of the night. Kai shakes his head not interested in any of that, he sees a man speaking to a cat like creature just like Revy. He walks toward what he thinks is a man but with elves it is hard to tell some times.

Hey you new around here? Kai’s face is hidden behind his mask and Revy looks down at the male exceed. hey yo, there long time no see. she waves down at him, then climbs down off of Kai and over to the exceed.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:48 pm


While Yuurei was walking around, he would catch a glimpse of someone moving in his direction. He thought nothing of it, but the man would speak to him. It would cause the light mage to stop as he looked over to him with the question that was asked.

“Well I guess I’m new around here. I’ve been in Honseka before but didn’t do much around here. What about you, are you from these areas?” He would as him curious to hear his response.

Renji’s eyes would widen when he heard a familiar voice as he saw a friendly Exceed. It was Revy and he watched her climb down, which brought him to climb down off Yuurei’s shoulder.

“Hi Revy, I didn’t expect to see you here. It really has been a long time.” He said as he was excited and it seemed like his personality changed from what it usually was.

“Yuu, this is one of my friends from where I used to work and live. This guy here is someone who saved me from some weird people.” He said to Revy.

Yuurei would look over to the Exceed and he would wave at her with a smile on his face before he looked at the guy with the mask on him. He wondered why he had his face covered but knew there must have been a good reason behind it.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:19 am


The man looks this half elf over and he wonders how many there are of Revy. Renji you been getting yours in trouble or nah ? she is clearly joking cause no way his human could be as annoying as her human is for her. She wishes her human wasn’t such a major headache to her sometimes but she still cared about him but she wants to fight him sometimes.

I am usually in Magnolia where my guild is, I am part of Fairy tail. He looks at the cat closer and wonders if they were both part of the same thing or if they knew each other from some where else. So what brings a fine half elf like yourself here? Looking to meet with a lady of the night? That is pretty pricy. His tone is slightly joking so if this gentleman is actually here for that so he doesn’t feel bad for it cause he would guess a lot of people come here for a night of passion for money.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:27 am


Renji would look at Revy as she had asked him a question. He would look over to Yuurei and then back to her.

“No, I haven’t gotten him into trouble. I have just been making sure that he gets stronger, and when he gets into a fight he’s more flashy and he doesn’t get hit by simple attacks that I know he could dodge.” He said to her.

He looked over to the guy that she was with and then back at her.

“What about you, have you gotten him into trouble?” He asked curious to see what she would say.

Yuurei’s conversation with the masked man would continue. He was able to find out what guild he was from, and it seemed like the next question would make Yuurei blush a bit. He didn’t really come here for that and he wasn’t sure that he would want that to happen.

“Ah, a Fairy Tail member, you’d be the first one I met. I’m from Blue Pegasus. The name is Yuurei, what about you?” He said to Kaito as he looked around as he was rubbing his chin.

“As for what I’m doing here, I figured I would check this place out as they said it has a lot of cool and nice things to explore at night time. Like you said I’m a half-elf, but my entire life was spent in a forest. What brings you to this area tonight?” He explained to him before asking him a question.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:42 am


Revy shakes her head. "He is more the trouble maker of our team." She wasn't gonna tell Renji that hers is pretty much going toward the route of a serial killer in the making cause she doubts that she would be in much need of being the one that looks crazy in this passing meeting. She tries to hide her expression of worry.

Kai puts his hands behind his head and stretches backwards. "Oh so you are part of the pretty people guild, that parks their ship where the feel like it." He yawns already bored just knowing this man is probably the normal basic I am strong and pretty type of man, guess his luck of being born a half elf with great skin keeps him in demand.

"The name is Kaito, you can forget it at your earliest convenience to free up space in your head for the airs they teach you." He too ponders why he had truly wandered here, maybe he was looking for a daemon woman or maybe just needed to be free from his chains of his guild for a bit. "My best guess for being out here is that I wanted to walk and maybe cross some interesting people, sadly no luck so far." His voice seemed teasing still at the half elf man. He looks down at Revy who is speaking to the other little cat and he wonders how many more there could be around of their kind.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:24 pm


Renji shook his head as he looked at the man with the mask and had angry look on his face. He was causing Revy trouble and he definitely didn’t like that.

Yuurei would laugh when he heard the alternate name for Blue Pegasus. He had to think about it and it seemed like everyone in that guild was indeed physically attractive. It wouldn’t take long, but he would finally get a name behind the mask. His words can show that he was teasing Yuurei, but he the half-elf didn’t think he was interesting either, so he figured they could enjoy their time together and find something interesting around this district.

He would move over to Kaito’s side and he would have a smile on his face.

“Ah, so Kaito it is. I wonder how you look without the mask though. I see the mystery behind it, but I’m sure you aren’t an ugly person.” Yuurei as blunt as ever couldn’t help it.

Yuurei was going to say something, but Renji would step in front of them.

“What have you been making Revy do?! Tell me, you bastard?! You better not be making her do things she doesn’t want to do you hear me! If anything happens to her I’ll cut you!” Renji was angry as he revealed his claws as the Exceed looked at Kaito.

Yuurei looked at Renji as he was surprised, yet at the same time knew that he was very quick to say what was on his mind. He figured he would watch how this played out before stepping in. He did watch Kaito wondering what he would say to the Exceed.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:42 pm


Kaito laughs into his hand a little at this exceed baring fang and claw. "Oh I don't make her do much, just cook, clean, wash my back, serve me as she should, oh oh oh and I make her do hand stands till she passes out." Kai was clearly taking the piss out of Renji, he didn't abuse Revy in anyway besides scold her for sneaking late night snacks from a cookie jar of snacks he had made for her. He looked at Yuurei and he place his own hand on the mask. "I am just a simple ugly human compared to the beauty of having being an elf like yourself."

Kai wasn't actually ugly he just held himself to a higher standard of what is good looking as he was raised in a small village alongside half-elves and wood elves, they didn't call him ugly he just felt that way when he was among them.

Revy looks at Renji and bops him on the head with her paw. "He is a good owner, he is picking fun at you cause he can tell you are brash and a bit of a half wit..." She giggles at saying that. "He takes good care of me and tries to keep me outta trouble when he can."


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:01 pm


Renji heard what Kaito did to Revy, which only angered him more. Everybody around them would be able to see the fury within the cat’s facial expression. Of course, that would come to an end when the Exceed felt a paw bopping him. He would look over to see Revy and she would explain the situation to him. It would indeed calm the Exceed down as he looked over to the man who was taking off his mask. He would exhale out of relief as he didn’t like the joke but was glad it was a joke.

“Good that’s all that matters to me Revy, that you’re fine and treating well.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

Yuurei would laugh a bit with everything that was said, and he would look at Kaito as the man had revealed his face to him. He was handsome indeed, but it brought attention to Yuurei on why he wore the mask in the first place,

“Ah, shit if you were ugly, then I can imagine what everybody else looks like. I’m glad to see your face finally. Still, now that everything has been settled and Renji isn’t trying to kill you, how about we go walk around together and see what we can do around this place.” He said this with a smirk on his face as would start walking when Kaito did.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:48 pm


Revy looks at Renji as they walked. Did you miss me that much you cry baby ? Have you seen any others? If you have how are they? she giggled knowing Renji has always been this way quick to jump at anything while flexing. She wonders who else might not be to far from them at this very moment waiting to reconnect with them.

Kai is confused as he didn’t know what the man meant by the comment if Kai is ugly what everyone else must look like, but he guessed he should explain as he started walking wondering where the crisp night air will bring them this fine night. The mask is more a deterrent, my skin is cursed, one touch and pure pain. He just wandered around not really a set path in mind as mostly the lights of the city blocked the skies own natural beauty in the stars.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:54 pm


Renji had heard what she asked him, and he would look at her with a smile on his face. There was only one Exceed that he had been with the entire time after they left the workshop.

“Of course, I missed you. Why wouldn’t I miss you? And yes, I’m always around one other Exceed. Me and Nimbus left the shop together and now we’re both in Blue Pegasus. If you want, you should try to convince your partner to join us. It would be nice to have a second close friend by my side.” He said to her as he had a smile on his face.

While they were walking aimlessly, Kaito would explain why he wore the mask. Yuurei would nod as that was not something he was expecting. It was also the first time he had ever heard of something like that.

“Damn the freaking sucks. I wouldn’t wish that upon anybody. Do you have any idea on how to fix it or get rid of the curse? I know I would be trying the best I can to get rid of that curse.” He said to Kaito as they continued walking.

Yuurei would look around to see that there were a lot of games around them, but these weren’t things that interested him. Instead, he was getting joy just seeing how people were excited about playing these games. He would look over to Kaito as he figured he would ask him a normal question.

“How long have you been with Fairy Tail?” He asked him curious to know.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:18 am


Revy looked to Kaito and she thinks if she could even do such a task, though she herself owe the fairy mother a lot. I think that is a task that wouldn’t be possible, plus I owe the mother of the fairies a lot myself, can’t just jump ship on them. She puts her hands on her hips and stands taller with pride of her stance on staying loyal.

Kaito wonders if he really even wants to get rid of the curse anymore yes he had been looking for a cure, but he really doesn’t have a reason to really need to be cured people mostly avoid him or scuff at him. yes I have been actively looking for a cure or a way to control it. Yes it does suck when you make people feel death with one touch. He looks at the games and things then he looks to Revy who is wide eyed and excited looking.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:02 pm


Renji could see she wasn’t going to budge, and he would shrug his shoulders. He tried, and maybe not hard enough, but he wanted it to be her choice.

“That’s understandable, I won’t bother you with it, but know you always got a home with me and Nimbus.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

Yuurei would look at Kaito as he wouldn’t be able to feel his pain, but he could feel bad for him and wished that nothing bad would happen to the young man. While they were moving around the area, the light mage figured he would take a crack of a game that was near them. This game took one to throw something and knock down a target to win a prize.

“Let’s play that game and I guess we can get our cats a gift.” He said to Kaito.

Yuurei would move to the man behind the counter, and he would look at him.

“One game for me, three tries please.” He said as the guy would give him three bags of sands for him to throw.

Yuurei would look at the targets and he knew which one he was going to go for. He would lob the first bag into the air to try and knock the thing down. It wouldn’t work the first time as it would graze it. The second time Yuurei would launch the bag at full force, but his direction was off. Still, he saw the target move, so he knew that he would have at it a third time. He would toss the bag again, but this time he would use more force behind it. It would smack against the target and then the target would fall back, which would cause Yuurei some excitement.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:00 pm


Revy nods pridefully and was steadfast in her stance and was glad Renji still offered in case she needed to she could come to see them and she follows the two men as they walked up to the game and she wonders if Kai is gonna try to play the game.

Kai sighs knowing that the other man did it he was gonna have to do it so Revy didn’t feel like he was leaving her out he also walked up and got the three bags after the man behind the counter was done with the half elf.

Having seen these game before he knows this game is rigged but he also knows the spot to hit to make them fall. Kai closed his eyes with his back to the game. Sorry mister but it is just your unlucky day. He throws the three sand bags backwards over his shoulder all at once it knocks over three targets all at once. The man behind the counters jaw dropped and Kai just smirks at the game host as he turns and faces him.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:38 pm


Yuurei would have a smirk on his face when he saw what Kaito had done. He laughed a bit after when he saw the facial expression of the man who owned the game they were playing. He looked like he was defeated as he looked at both.

“What kind of rewards do you guys want?” He asked as he sounded depressed.

Yuurei would look over to Renji and he would pick him up for a second.

“What prize do you want?” He asked Renji waiting for him to answer him.

Renji would look around and his eyes would widen when he saw what he wanted.

“I want the stuffed fish!” He said excited about this.

The owner would be shocked again to hear the Exceed talking out loud. He had given the fish to the Exceed, and Yuurei would put him back on the ground. Renji would hold the fish and he would drool a bit as held onto it and walked over to Revy would be.

“I got a fish, nice.” He said out loud as he had something he enjoyed on his side forever.

“Impressive Kaito, I’m assuming this isn’t your first time playing this type of game.” He said to Kaito with a smile on his face.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:18 pm


Kai puts Revy on the counter who looks around and gets a more artsy looking fish stuffed animal and the owner gives Kai a giant teddy bear with a heart telling him to please not return to this stall. Kaito looks confused then has Revy put the stuffed bear in her bag sack so he wasn’t carrying a giant teddy bear on his back all night. You would be right, played this game before so I know how to win it.. he remembers his high elf master telling him he threw like a small girl and had the aim of a cross eyed dung throwing monkey, he laughs to himself a little and Revy thanks Kai over and over for winning her a prize. Kai kneels and pats her head with his gloved hand. You know you are making it sound like I never get you things.

Revy bops Kai on the head with her stuffed fish and puffs her cheeks then laughs. Pffftttt you are always good to me even when you scold me, you are too soft hearted sometimes.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:10 pm


It seemed like Kaito wasn’t welcome in the stall again, which made Yuurei laugh. The owner didn’t want to lose out on money from the looks of it, and he understood. While they were moving Renji would put his fish away in his bag as well. Yuurei would laugh at the exchange that the two would give each other. Renji heard their talk, and he was glad that he was nice to Revy after all. While they continued walking with their Exceed by their sides, the light mage would take notice that Kaito truly had covered himself from head to toe without much skin showing. He shook his head as he felt bad for the guy and wished there was something he could do about it.

“I see, well I know who to take around when I need lots of prizes to be won.” He laughed a bit as he was enjoying his time.

It wouldn’t take long though as there would be a group of hoodlums about eight of them pushing around an old man who owned one of the stalls towards the end. The hoodlums would push the old man to the floor and Yuurei could only shake his head as he continued walking but in that direction.

“So you’re trying to say I cheated old man? Do you want to say that to my face? Do you know who I belong to?” He would ask the old man as he was getting close to his face.

Yuurei would close the distance between them quickly and when he was close enough, he would look at the guy from his side.

“Leave the old guy alone. If he says you cheated, then you cheated. You don’t have to harass him, just leave and don’t ever give the service he needs from you again.” He said to the guy, which was about to cause trouble.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:28 pm


Revy looks at Renji and she wonders what is even going on in side his head, is it thoughts or is it just elevator music playing on repeat to make him stay the way he is rash, sorta rude, and he seems to head but walls and she giggles a little.

Kai sees the trouble they are heading toward and he sighs as he followed the half elf in case he might come into need of him. "Do all of Blue Pegasus members have hero complexes?" He looks at the man and puts his hand out to help the man to his feet.

Kai keeps his eyes on the other guys in case they start up anything with them or if they are gonna be properly halted from Yuuei and Kai intervening, Kai keeps himself ready in case it does come down to fighting and needing to pound some sense into them. He hopes it doesn't come to that he hates to fight and bicker with people like they are small children.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:34 pm


Yuurei looked over to Kaito when he asked that question, and he would laugh as he didn’t know what that meant.

“I don’t think that might be the case. I just don’t like when the weak are bullied by those stronger than them. I’m an outcast, and I know what it feels like to be picked on by others.” He said this to him as even though Kaito had said those words he was willing to help.

Yuurei would look at the men that were in front of the old man and next to them. They were not happy with the arrival of the two of them, even though Kaito never said anything to them.

“Thank you, guys.” He said as he walked away from them.

“So, what’s going to happen here? Are you going to hand me my money back, which he took from me? Or are you going to pay me back with that pretty face of yours?” He asked Yuurei waiting for an answer.

The light mage would look at Kaito and then around him and he would rub the back of his head. He wasn’t going to pay anybody anything.

“I guess if you want to get paid in blood, then we could do that.” He said this as he would go easy on these guys.

The light mage rushed straight towards the guy who was talking all that crap and would just connect his forearm with the man’s nose. It would cause the man to fall back on the fall as he was crying and in pain. That was one guy down and there were seven more to go. Yuurei shook his head as these guys were all talking and he would look at the rest of them.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:54 am


Kaito listened to the man and he wonders if this guy forgets he is also an out cast, kaito watched the man’s form and how easily he took down the big mouth. Revy comes running toward Kai and Kai starts spinning with his arm out and Revy jumps forward to Kai and Kai grabs her then throws her, Revy in her drop kick form hits another one of them with a tiny cat drop kick that sends the man sliding across the ground.

Kai laughs and then pushes his hand to his chest a white magic circle sweeping over himself giving himself a speed buff and runs in and he lariats two more men standing next to each other, they are taken off their feet and he makes sure the two idiots don’t land on their heads, he is sending a message not looking to dig graves for these poor misguided idiots.

Kai looks to the half elf for what his next move is gonna be here, but he figures the rest should flee cause at this point they are out numbered four to three. Revy looks at Renji and wonders if he doesn’t fight or if he is holding back for later.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:48 pm


It's not that Yuurei forgot about what Kaito told him, but he spoke specifically about Blue Pegasus, and that’s why he didn’t count to his words. Still, it seemed like things were going smooth within the little fight that was going on right now. The numbers quickly going down to four, Yuurei figured he would take out the next leaving the last one up to Kaito. The light mage would open his hand as his palm would be facing to the sky and a magic circle would appear. Stars would come out before entering Yuurei and then he rushed straight towards two of the three ruffians.

They lost track of Yuurei and he would appear right in front of them as he would grab their face and slam them straight into the ground. Kaito made sure not to kill, but Yuurei rendered them unconscious and if the blow was too much then they were too weak. They stood on the floor as he would look at the third who was not too far from him. He looked nervous as it seemed like he knew that things were going to go his way. He would start running away, and Yuurei would shake his head.

Their big talk from before would disappear, and he ran straight towards him and chopped him on his neck. He would go unconscious, and the light mage would stand straight as he looked over to Kaito to see how things were going for him.

“Poor guys didn’t know what they were getting themselves into.” He said as he hoped when they gained consciousness they would leave in peace.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:06 pm


Kai saw how the half elf moved and how he acted and thinks to himself that, the man seems a bit reckless with his power, he hopes he is mistaken about that cause he didn’t expect the half elf to be the violent one here or nearly killing someone like that. His master’s words echo in his head that wolves only respect wolves, so clearly this half elf was a wolf in a prettier wrapper than himself. He stays where he is not feeling the need to seek further troubles or fighting then had already happened.

Yeah humans often don’t understand the messes they dig themselves into and they were mad they paid to be stupid. He looks at Revy who runs over to him proud of herself and Kai kneels and Revy takes her place back in his cloaks hood. For being so quick to talk your exceed seemed to just stay in the background and quiet. Revy hits Kai on the back of his head.

Don’t diss Renji like that he is doing his best. she puffs her cheeks at Kai who just laughs at Revy defending Renji but he relents and bows his head with a sorry to Renji.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:33 pm


Yuurei would look at Kaito and nod as he agreed with his words; when he spoke about Renji, the Exceed would look at Kaito as he was angry at his words.

“I do my best to make sure that Renji doesn’t partake in the fighting. I mean he usually watches my back more than anything, which is what I want. I rather get hurt than see him get harmed. I guess if he did get hurt I wouldn’t have much self-control.” He said to him as he knew that he was probably joking around.

He saw that Revy would scold him for saying those words, and Renji would walk over to them.

“I mean it was pretty cool what you did with Revy. It would be cool if Yuu implemented me in a way like that, but I guess I’m fine with being his other pair of eyes. It’s a good way to make sure he doesn’t get blindsided.” He said to everyone.

Still, now that they were done with these guys what else could they possibly do now.

“I guess we should continue our travel around this district if you’re up for it Kaito and Revy?” He asked waiting for an answer from the two of them.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:57 pm


Revy looks down at Renji, and she hero poses with a smile. Kai doesn’t have me fight much either, but when I do fight with him he always watches my back just like I have his. Revy is prideful but she knows when she has to admit fighting probably wasn’t made for their kind.

Kai looks at the half elf and he can’t help but agree that if something we’re to happen to his exceed he would lose his mind as well. Yeah if Revy were to get hurt I would probably leave a bloody trail behind me to get my hands on the one that hurt her. Kai teasing looks down on Renji and he smirks. Now you wouldn’t hurt my little girl would you boy ? Kai is more doing it to get a reaction out of Renji would was quick to point a claw and fang at him for mistreating Revy. Kai looks to the half elf when he asks that of them and he walks with them staying a safe distance so not to have much to worry about unless something was too just pop up.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:09 am


Yuurei and Renji would hear what they said and it seemed like they were similar in a lot of ways. He enjoyed that a lot, and he could only bring out a soft smile at them. Renji would look at Kaito and he would shake his head as he was being teased again.

“I’m pretty sure she’ll get hurt around you before she gets hurt around me.” He puffed his chest up and was cocky with his words.

Yuurei would grab Renji and place him on his shoulder as the Exceed would squirm a bit before he knew where he was going.

“At least we are similar. I think my mind will go blank if I see Renji harmed. I guess it’s the same for those that are really close to me.” He said to Kaito.

When he meant about his mind going blank was simple. He would probably find himself moving on instinct and go beyond just hurting those who did harm to his family. Renji wasn’t going to ignore what Revy said, so he commented.

“Yeah it seems like we have to watch their back more than they watch our backs.” He said as he was relating to Revy, but joking on Yuurei and Kaito.


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