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Before My Journey [Kaito]

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Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:57 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

Quilla put on her sweater of a beige color with her black sleek dress pants. Her shoes were flats as she didn't feel like tying any strings today. She wore her necklace and hoop earrings as she didn't plan on any fighting nor questing today. The weather was nice though with some wind so thankfully she wore the sweater. She kept her facial expression calm as her dandere expressions kept her in check. There was no room for weakness, no room to show the true feelings she felt. The rage, the sorrow and the happiness she felt that one night made her like this. The one time she opened up fully she now closed her doors.

Her long pink hair was fake yet it felt real to her as the dye hid her true self in every way. The golden-brown hues in her eyes were dim as they shined for others with the light that shined into them. Softly, she took a breather before holding her books close to her and entered the cafe. Immediately she was welcomed as they showed her to a window table with comfortable chairs. They were the types with cushioning from all sides, even her bottom had something soft to sit on. "I wonder what to read today, perhaps more Fiorian?", she spoke in Joyan quietly as she opened up the book.

"M-may I get you anything?", a young woman stopped by in a maid outfit and bowed her head. Quilla's head turned to look up at her from her seat and gazed way, "I suppose. Hot cocoa with a side of marshmallows. Lots of them...", she coldly spoke and then looked at the woman who was writing it down. "I'd also like a pineapple-mango smoothie with banana in it," she insisted as she enjoyed the tastes of those three things together. Once she was done, the woman left to give them her order, making her open the book. As she was reading, she'd gaze outside every so often out of habit.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:00 pm


Kaito and Revy are walking through the streets, Revy talking to him about how she is gonna hang that picture up somewhere nice when they get back home. Kai nods and keeps up with her his clothes are his normal clothes that were red and black in color and his mask is on the side of his head and his cloak looks a little beat up like he had been in the forest running around or training.

Revy is asking if they can stop by a café or somewhere and get something to eat and drink, maybe some sweet treats and Kai sighs as sweet usually isn't his thing, he seems to be spoiling Revy as of late and she is making sure to take full advantage of it as long as it lasts. Revy picks the cute little café with the maids thinking maybe she would test to see if Kaito was into maids or not maybe get a giggle at him.

Kaito sees where they are heading for and he puts his mask to the back of his head as he follows the small red exceed she seemed to have a pep in her step and Kaito wasn't gonna be the one to take the joy out of her day so he decides he will just deal with it cause it was probably a place that she had heard about or seen written about somewhere. He enters in and they are lead to a table and are seated. Kaito removes his cloak his bandage wrapped arms on full display he wasn't ashamed to have them out he just wanted to make sure no one bumped into him.

Revy sees the shy maid waitress that is tending to them looking at Kaito oddly and she wondered if maybe she knew him but didn't say anything she just looked at the menu with Kaito and picked out things and then the maid approached them and took their orders the poor girl was shaking and nervous and Kaito makes eye contact with her and she looked like she was gonna die. "It is okay I know I am a bit rough looking I am not looking to hurt or cause any troubles." The maid rushes off to place their orders of a banana strawberry smoothie, piece of simple strawberry cake and a fruit punch. Kai wonders if everyone here will be that shaken at seeing him walking around or if it would just be that poor girl that will react in such away to him.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:14 pm


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

She sighed softly as she leaned her head against the window. One hand was holding the book down as she read the words while the other one picked up her drink that soon was put down on her table. Her finger ringed around the holder and lifted it to her soft lips, feeling the warmth of the cocoa. Her tongue slowly licked the chocolate from her lip and perked her lips randomly while reading her book. Once she put down her drink, she started to twirl her hair boredly and then heard a familiar voice.

Her eyes immediately shifted over towards some seats that were closer to the entrance and saw Kaito. What was he doing here? Not that she was excited to see him or anything. Mostly after the event with Eternal Nightmare. She had a lot to say and perhaps give him info on how they weren't actually that bad of a group. Slowly, she shifted her body upward and scooted out of her seat, walked over to them before gazing at the both of them in her calm ways. "It's good to see you two again, Kaito and Revy," she gave a small smile before it disappeared. "Do you mind if I sit with you two?" she wondered kindly in her distant tone.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:41 pm


Revy starts cracking jokes about how that maid probably likes him, Kaito just waves off her claims of a maid having any kind of feelings toward him as he has done nothing to earn such feelings toward himself, plus he hadn’t been in a Bosco city in around three years so he doubted it was from back then.

He hears someone say his name and he looks back at the person speaking to him and he tilts his head as he was unsure who was speaking to him and for what reason. Revy waves at the person. Yes you can join us, you look familiar. Revy was confused but she felt like she knew this woman but can’t place her finger on how she knows her and why.

Kaito looks the woman over also racking his brain as to why women are just appearing and seeming to ask things of him or question to be near him today. "Yes I would be honored if a woman of your beauty joined my table. " he figured being polite would be a good first step so not to offend this person he feels he knows but can’t place his finger on the name or person that it is. He pulls her seat out for her so she may sit.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:49 pm


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

The two were confusing her as to why they were acting as if she was some stranger. Her eyes stayed expressionless though as she listened to Kaito's kind words towards her. 'A woman of your beauty,' he said to her. She gulped and nodded. Before she sat down, she went to her table, swaying her way back after grabbing her two drinks, one hot and one cold, her book and her black bag with golden designs on them. She spotted the seat Kaito pulled out for her and settled her stuff down. Once that was done, she sat down gently against the seat and let her body lean over to rest against the table while looking at the two.

"O-oh, right," she softly spoke as her eyes avoided theirs and then looked back at them. "My hair changed and I'm younger now..." she spoke as if to herself. "It is I, Quilla,~", she gave them a small smile and then picked her drink up to drink the smoothie she got. "How have you two been?", she wondered after putting her drink back down.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:09 pm


Kai and Revy nearly fell out of their chairs at her reveling who she was. w-w-wait what what happened to you ? Revy gets closer to her and she looks her over and wonders if this is really the Quilla they knew or if Kai had messed up and dropped them off in a different dimension then they belonged in. Kai was sure they were in the right dimension so something must have happened to Quilla. "It is nice to see you again Quilla. "

Kai taps his chin and he wonders if she is probably mad at him for being so friendly/flirty cause she never seemed to mind him being that way but he guessed he should probably apologize for it just in case. " Sorry for not recognizing you, you just look very different from the last time I saw you, not that you weren’t beautiful before, but why do you look so different then before?" Kaito and Revy’s drinks and snacks arrive, the maid looking at Quilla, she seemed a bit jealous of the woman sitting at Kaito’s table she leaves swiftly and Kaito takes a sip of his fruit punch and Revy starts eating her cake and sipping on her banana strawberry smoothie.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:03 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

"I just... dyed my hair and went to see someone to make me younger," she started to open up her book as she looked at both of them. Nodding towards his statement she looked at her book, "That is all, I just look like how I did when I was in my twenties," she looked both of them as the book was helping her communicate more. She was now half her age as the power was great and successful. "My hair just isn't brown or black right now since I'm still disguising," she continued on. Her eyes looked at the book to make sure what she said was right and then gave her calm facial expression towards them.

Soon enough she saw the woman from before, the waitress. Her face was red when she realized Kaito was sitting with another girl and knew what this emotion was. Jealousy. Once the girl left, she looked at Kaito, "Your girlfriend? I can let her sit with us," she questioned. She was clueless of the fact that she was a stranger to the both of them, and was she?

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:02 am


" well the color looks good on you." He hears the woman say that the waitress was his girlfriend. He looks at her and blinks tilting his head. "She isn’t my girlfriend, why would you think that? " Revy face palms hard enough to make a sound from the impact. Kai turns and looks at Revy. " Are you okay?" Kai looks worried that she might have hurt herself.

Revy starts giggling as she knows Kaito is a bit dense and he doesn’t realize what was going on he just lives and sees what is in front of him and not really around him. She turns her attention Back to Quilla and she speaks lower. You really do look nice though, did you do it to help yourself hide or did you do it for a different reason? She was smiling and hoping that she and Kai hadn’t offended her by not instantly recognizing her as her self as she was far younger with a change of hair color.

Kai looks around for the maid that was serving them cause he was gonna apologize for if he did something wrong to give her the impression he was something more then a monster in human skin.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:15 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

"O-oh! Thank you, after all this is over, I will probably accept my original hair color." she lightly spoke as she was caught by surprise on his compliment. Her eyes avoided him for a moment and saw Revy hurt herself with a face palm. "Are you alright, Revy?" she wondered curiously. She answered in a light tone after a few moments, complimenting her and asking some of her own questions. "Yes, I did, but it's also because I wish to live life as a young woman -- the way I feel in my heart, young and adventurous as I have much to learn. Recently I met this person that made me... feel weird. Rage, sadness and wondered if he pulled away from me due to me being old." she answered quietly back to her. Her hand gesture went to her heart and then back to the table as she explained herself.

Her eyes looked to see Kai looking around. Was it for the girl? Quilla's eyes shifted towards a girl at the table with a group of men who were flirting with her. She could tell she was uncomfortable and couldn't do anything due to fear of being fired. "Kaito, I think she needs your assistance," she pointed towards the table. A sign that perhaps their fates were tied. Which is marvelous for the both of them.  If Kaito left to go assist her then she talked to Revy, "She seems nice, I hope those two become accompanied," she spoke in her usual monotone soft voice. Her attention went to Revy as Kaito was still gone if they did go, "I... are you acknowledgeable when it comes to emotions and human interactions?", she wondered. She did not want to admit it, but she was like a war priestess in a robotic form as she knew nothing but that. Interactions, there were so many of them and she knew barely any.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:00 am


Kaito listened to her talk and he tilted her head. "I feel if you like someone you should like them for them not there age or looks. Sorta sounds like they are vein if they would pull away from you about your age. " He points to his own heart then places his hand on his chest feeling his heart beat. " Like say I liked an older woman, I would like her for who she is and treasure that time I did have with her, making the most of it. But of course love and love things are at this point a long off dream." He laughed softly with a sigh and a smile.

Kaito hears her say that then he looks over and he sees the maid being harassed and he figures Quilla is probably right and she goes over to have some words with the guys harassing the woman. Revy looks at Quilla and tills her head. What do you mean accompanied? Revy has no clue what she means by that unless she is saying she thinks they would make a good couple, but Revy knows that is not gonna happen cause one that woman is a stranger to both her and Kai and two Kai isn’t looking for that slot in his life to be filled.

She rubs her own chin and she smiles. I think I am okay at it, but I will not say I am a master at it, what did you want to ask or know ? she sat up in her chair and smiled at Quilla willing and ready to help her if she feels she needs her help with something cause Quilla is a good woman at least in Revy’s eyes.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:28 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

She was confused at what he was saying besides the part about her age and looks. 'Treasure someone?', she wondered as she tapped her fingernails on her book, thinking clearly on this. So she was right? He didn't feel for her? Was it because of the alcohol then? She was sternly thinking about it, but then it was time to talk to Revy on the matter. "Someone to spend a bond with, not sure the right word, but my friend called it 'love'. Whatever that is..." she felt a pang at her heart. Her hand collapsed against her chest as she sighed softly.

Her eyes looked at Revy, "I wish to know about this word called 'love'. Why do I feel burning, anger and yet all I want is to be beside the man and know him more. Is that... love?" she questioned as she kept thinking about the possibility of some woman being by him. It angered her quite much and the last time she talked about this she had to leave Akuko behind. She had to find a way to ask without triggering her own self. "Me and him, we danced all night and when he was close it felt beautiful, like walking among the beach with a full moon out after a seafood dinner," she expressed more with words as she didn't know what to do with these feelings nor the exact wording to it all.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:51 am


"Sounds like you have a crush on them." She hears the woman ask her about love and she wonders if she is really one to speak on this. She smiles and looks up into the woman's eyes. "Love is a feeling where you want to put someone above your own needs." She wants to help this woman come to help her understand her needs and feelings.

"What you are saying sounds like an obsession, like you are obsessed and you have to have him no matter what, if another woman got him you would either try to hurt the woman or try to sabotage his relationship so you can try again to have him." She is hoping that she is helping to clear this up a bit for the woman cause the line between love and an obsession is a bit of a razors edge type of thing.

Kaito is still defusing the situation of the guys harassing that poor maid just doing her job and they throw a punch and kai opens two portals and the man ends up punching himself through the portal and Kai laughs softly and the woman looks at him with a smile and like she is into him. Kai doesn't notice this and he keeps to handling the guys and they give up and start to behave themselves but Kai stays that way letting the women talk cause he sorta has a feeling Quilla had wanted alone time with Revy.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:57 pm


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

It can't be, is that what it really is? An obsession? No, it can't be love or this crush she talks about either. She doesn't know what it is nor how she really feels about him as she could only explain the burning feeling yet there was some extreme feeling as well. If this was an obsession, then she needs to stay away from him. Her connection to him will endanger everyone and the last she wanted was to hurt him. Quilla was afraid now to let this feeling release itself. It was a good thing that she decided to lock up her emotions, at least those ones. In doing so, what will it cause?

"Then... I must stay away from him if that is the case..." she gazed down at her book. Her eyes spoke sorrow as her face didn't tell anything. "I suppose... I will just go on my journey without seeing him again," she gave a light smile as she realized that was also something she wanted to tell them. "Right..." she looked up at Revy and waited for Kaito to come back. As soon as he did she started. "The reason for me reading this book was to learn more Fiorian as I will be leaving to Joya. I have received clues that my so called father knows more than he told me, including about my mother..." she started and waited for any questions before continuing.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:31 pm


Revy gets closer and pats the woman's arm. "But before you take what I say as the absolute truth try and ask him how he feels cause he might have just been shy about it to start with because of how beautiful you are." She giggles softly and smiled as she knows that Quilla was already a head turner in her older form not in her younger form she might just be able to have her own harem of men that would just fall at her feet and beg for her to kick or step on them or make them bark. She now understands she herself had read far too many romance and lovey and darker love type books.

Kaito walks back over and sits down and looks at the woman and he wonders what was just being talked about and needed to still be talked about as he took a seat. "Isn't that kind of dangerous and pretty reckless?" He wondered what the woman had in mind for what she needed to get out of him cause he doesn't want her getting in to deep into anything. "What are you hoping to get from him?" He sips his juice again and watches Quilla and he wonders if she trusts him or if he is just easier to talk to then other people about these things cause no risk of him making a move on her.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:48 am


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | ꕥ  

She listened to Revy tell her that she should ask Jin about his intentions and how he felt. She could do that as she didn't mind being primarily blunt if it was something she wanted to know about. "I see, alright... I shall do that when I see him," she gave a sweet smile before it returned to normal soon after.

After Kaito came back and spoke his words, she replied, "The location and info about the rumors about him and my mother," she answered immediately. She listened to Kaito talk about how it could be dangerous and everything a typical caring person would say. She gave a light smile, "Everything can be dangerous, but I am prepared for the worst," she nodded in assurance. "I hope that I will find out more about who I am, and if setting foot into danger is the best choice, then so be it," she was about to touch his hand to hold it firmly to reassure him that she would be okay, but she remembered he doesn't like being touched.

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:09 am


Revy nodded knowing that is the same way that Kaito thinks if it means he has to face danger then that is what he will do for the answers or to help someone even if he has no reason to help or even care about them. She feels this woman can handle herself and that if Jin was dumb enough to pass up on her then it is his own loss and someone else's gain if they find her and she takes to them.

Kai hears her out and he laughs softly on the inside she is as strong of a woman as he had expected and she wasn't gonna just lose her nerve and back down till she gets what she wants and he sees how her hand had moved toward his and he smiles at her and he moves his hand and takes her hand gently in his thinking she was the one needing reassured getting caught up in the moment of her saying her strong will and plans to find the truth and what was hidden. "Fear will not control you keep your strength and find the truth just don't die, I would miss our little talks." He gives her a thumbs up with his other hand and a wink while keeping his smile.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:23 pm


WORDS: --- | TAG:  @Kaito Todaro  | EXIT ꕥ  

She lightly giggled and looked at Kaito and Revy, taking her hand to them put her book away in her bag. She had to go soon as she had to stop in Baska for a few things. "I'm sure we will see each other again before my trip, but it's always nice to see you two," she nodded while putting everything up for an easy cleaning and to take her drink to-go. She will take Revy's advice as she will ask Jin how he really feels. Her heart couldn't take it anymore anyways as she moved over to hug Kaito and Revy both close to her. She didn't care about asking as she never knows what will happen to her during her trip soon or even before it.

She let go and looked at them both with a shyly smile while holding her bag close to her now. "I must go, but I hope you find out more about the lady here," she spoke quietly to Kaito directly and turned away to go to Baska.  

Emotions reveal weakness


credit to nat of adoxography.


Before My Journey [Kaito] Empty Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:44 pm


"It was nice to see you as well friend stay safe on your travels and hopefully Revy was of some help to you on your need. " They hugs her back then release her. "Have a good time miss." They wave to her as she goes and he looks art Revy.

" what did the find out more about the lady here thing mean ?" Kaito had no idea what that line meant but it didn’t click for him that the maid might thing he is good looking he rubs the back of his head where his mask is at and he laughs a little. Revy nearly falls on the floor as he asks this, he is too innocent when it comes to matters of the heart or people finding him good looking when he only sees himself as a gross looking monster.

She sighs then giggles and sits up straight. She was saying the maid might have a crush on you or sees you as good looking, so you have a chance with her. Kai rubs his chin then he looks at the maid who came over and started blushing and bowing thanking him for his help and he reaches and pats the woman’s head and he laughs softly telling her it is okay that he doesn’t really deserve her attention and that she should keep up the good work that she is doing. He pays and tips and then heads out thanking her again and she blushes and looks over joyed as he goes with Revy following after him.


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