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The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good]

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The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:02 am


It was time for it all to begin; the Southern Region of Fiore was colder than he remembered. He couldn’t tolerate the cold, but now it was different. When he found out where the Vampire Lord might be located, he trained for two years just to make sure that he was more than ready. While gathering information all at the same time he was a busy man. He had learned about a town near the Marchen Mountains. He wondered why anybody would make a town near a place where they had frequent avalanches, but figured they knew how to survive those by now.

The light mage wasn’t alone on this trip though, he was with his companion, Renji, alongside them was his best friend Kailani with Nimbus and then another good friend of his, Brone. These two wished to help him with his vengeance and honestly, he thought it was a bad idea. Still, he wasn’t going to tell them no because then they would probably follow him anyways.

Their travel was through foot because there wasn’t any carriage or mobility, they could get their hands on to travel to this location.

“Are we almost there?!” Renji would say as he was used to the weather, but the traveling wasn’t fun for him.

“I think so.” He said to him as he could see the silhouette of the town nearby.


#2Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:45 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe grunted, still irritated that the airship Christina didn't travel any further, dropping them off some distance away, near the base of the mountain. When he had complained about it, the helmsman tried to explain to him as to why they couldn't get any closer, but the dwarf was too stubborn and impatient to listen, eventually Brone just walked away while grunting, "A load of nonsense, trying to convince me the ship couldn't fly us closer because of the mountain's attitude!" Brone ranted, confusing 'altitude' with 'attitude', "The mountain has more patience than me, and if I am alright with the ship going higher, than so can the mountain, a loud of rubbish" he grunted again as he moved through the snow, his waist just barely above the surface of the white layer.

The team had been trekking for some time, which didn't bother him as much as the exceeds, though the dwarf was still upset about the helmsman lack of an excuse. He settled his nerves trying to remember the reason as to why they agreed to join Yuurei on this request of his, it wasn't a quest, but it was personal and the moment the half-elf mention it was personal, the dwarf was onboard... well actually the moment Yuurei asked for a favor, the dwarf was donning his armor with a "Ye got it, lad", wanting to escape the boredom of lounging around in the guildhall and also wanted to make up for the two years he had not been venturing with the elven duo.

"Town up ahead!" Brown called as he spotted the silhouette.


#3Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:11 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Kailani had to stifle her laughter as the dwarf ranted on, clearly not fully comprehending exactly why Christina couldn't be taken into the mountains themselves. Honestly, the dragon slayer was sort of pleased they couldn't take any form of transport further. She had already been feeling queazy riding in the airship as far as they had. The wood elf still wasn't quite certain of the details, but recently it had seemed that her body now hated any and all forms of vehicles, her body instantly feeling ill as they started to move.

The wind mage had been sure to dress warmly for the occasion, her entire body nearly covered from head to toe in a pretty winter outfit that the girls back in Blue Pegasus had put together for her. As such, only her face was exposed to the freezing elements of the snowcovered mountains, and she was feeling rather toasty. As her boots lightly crunched through the snow, she'd merrily hum an elvish tune to herself, one that had been stuck in her head since her meeting with a peculiar human.

If it had not been for the fact they were here for very serious reasons, Kailani would have loved the opportunity to explore the mountains more and enjoy the scenery. Alas, it was not to be, as Brone called out as he spotted a town on the horizon. Her humming stopped, it was no longer time for cheery melodies. Nimbus shifted on her shoulder, trying to reposition himself as he squinted at the buildings in the distance, unable to make out more than their rough shapes.



The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:35 pm


The person who made the travel worth it was definitely the dwarf and hearing him vent his feelings out loud brought a smile on Yuurei’s face. He didn’t want to laugh at him, so he held it in, but Brone made it easier to travel through this treacherous weather. He heard the man tell him about the town, and he would nod as he was glad that they were basically here. He was hoping they would find more answers to this Vampire Lord that were rumored to live in the area.

“Remember guys, somebody in this town knows something we need to find out who is the Vampire Lord and where we can find them. I’m not leaving until I get my answers.” He said to them.

Renji could see the look on Yuurei’s face, and he only seen him this serious a few times, and this being one of those times. The group would find themselves at the entrance of the town. The guards that were watching over it from the watchtowers saw them and wondered why travelers had come to their town. They saw them as friendly so they figured they would allow the townsfolks to handle them.

Yuurei’s feet continue lifting above the snow and into it as he progressed into the town. He was surprised to what he had seen. There were actual people outside and conversing with each other. There were others moving around as if they had places to go in this town. Of course, the town would become quiet when they saw the five of them in their town. Some of them whispered amongst each other as they were surprised to have visitors.

“We should ask around and see if we get anything out of them.” He said to the group.

They could try, but these people were not talkative to strangers.


#5Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:50 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone noticed the watchtowers, but realizing the guards weren't reacting, he figured he didn't have to worry about unwelcomeness. They eventually entered the town and even though the townsfolk didn't seem hostile, the unwelcomeness seem to be there like an unsettling aura about the people. They were getting looks from the townsfolk all about. People avoiding getting too close, onlookers from the snowy streets and from the safety of their houses.

"Yeah, these folk don't look too friendly, sadly" Brone grunted, "I'll head to the tavern" he turned up his nose and began sniffing the air until he caught scent of fresh bread, which more than likely meant a bakery, which was usually closer to taverns, so he immediately started making his way in that direction, though he quickly looked back to his comrades, "If ye two are going elsewhere, be careful, tavern is meeting point if anything" he said before turning back to his direction.

Eventually after following the scent of fresh bread for some distance, he reached a store and through the window he saw baked bread being presented for onlookers, though he couldn't tell what was the tavern in the general area, so he figured he would ask the baker, so he entered the shop. "Good day" he said before the baker, a large round man, could greet him first, "Was wondering where the tavern is, if ye don't mind pointing the way to me".

"Would have guessed you were looking for a place to drink, but I didn't want to be considered offensive" the baker laughed while pulling out fresh bread from the stone oven.

"I'm a dwarf, my kin before me are and were dwarves, and we all like to drink, nothing offensive about that, just all true" Brone laughed as he walked up to the counter, already enjoying the welcome from the only person in the town so far who chose to show a smile.


#6Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:17 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Kailani held her breath as they were stared at by the town's guards, fortunately, they didn't seem aggressive. Well, it wasn't like their group had done anything to warrant arrest, nor were they planning to. It was simply a nervous reaction at being looked at by any peacekeeper. Entering the town itself, didn't help to settle any of those nerves either as she felt suspicious eyes lingering on them. The wood elf couldn't entirely blame them. A bunch of strangers just entered their remote town where travelers were probably rare, especially the non-human kinds who were known for rarely leaving their homes.

It was more assuredly going to be difficult to make these people open up to them no matter how charming they were. Hearing Brone was heading off to the tavern, she'd nod, he'd fit in there best, and inebriated people were more likely to open up than the sober kind. The wood elf, however, figured her awkwardness would just make things more difficult for him to get people to open up. Instead, she hesitantly approached a young )mother and child as they walked down the street.

"Um, excuse me, I was wondering if I might have a moment of your time." The wind mage bowed politely, as the woman frowned glancing her up and down, her eyes lingering on the feline on her shoulder before looking Kailani directly in the eye.

"I don't have time for your kind. Can't you see I'm busy here?" The woman huffed rudely, turning and waltzing down the street, dragging her child away from the duo.

"Friendly bunch, aren't they?" Nimbus scoffed.



The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:36 pm


Yuurei would hear Brone telling them where he was heading off to, and in that sense, he also selected the place where they would meet. That was fine with him, and he planned to ask around and wondered how it would go. He looked over to Kailani as she had started moving and he was glad that she was here with him. The half-elf would look over to everyone who moved away from them, and he would rub the back of his head. Still, he needed to get some information and he would see an elderly man carrying bags and walking home.

The light mage moved straight to him, and he would stop a few feet away from him. He smiled at him the man to show he was friendly before speaking.

“Sir, do you need help with your bags?” Yuurei would ask him.

The old man would look over to Yuurei as he would gladly take help, but once he saw that it was someone that wasn’t from the village his face was surprised.
“N… noo. You shouldn’t be here… I don’t need help from an outsider. Just go away this isn’t a place anybody that doesn’t live here should be.” He said as he walked away from Yuurei faster than he was moving before.

The light mage would rub the back of his head as he didn’t understand why they were like this.

“Damn these people are rude. I feel like we should just grab one of them and intimidate them for information.” He said puffing his chest into the air.

Yuurei would shake his head as he wouldn’t want to do something like that.

“Nah, I wouldn’t do that to these people, but they seem like they do know something that they’re keeping a secret.” He said, but he was hurt as hearing the word outsider reminded him of his time spent growing up.


#8Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:56 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"The tavern is down the street onto the right" the baker said, though before Brone could turn and leave, he called to him, "Just be aware that the town isn't much for newcomers" the man's tone had changed, now was more serious.

"I've noticed that, any reason as to why?" Brone turned to face the baker, but kept by the door. The two of them fell to silence, the dwarf could see the worry in the baker's face as the man avoided eye contact. Obviously whatever was going on or whatever the reason as to why the welcoming was horrible seem to be more serious than he had thought, "I may need some bread for my ale anyway, could I get your largest loaf?" he asked.

The baker forced a smile as he went to retrieve a large circular loaf of bread that was half the size of the dwarf, "Is it just you, or are there other dwarves?" the baker tried to make light of the conversation again.

"Nah, my kin is back in the Stella mountains, I'm here with elven friends" the moment Brone said "elven", the baker nearly dropped the jewels that were exchanged. The dwarf noticed the sweat upon his brow and how he froze for a moment. That is when Brone realized that this personal quest might be more serious than he had imagined, he remembered Yuurei had mentioned a vampire lord, definitely the one he spoken about two years ago, but the dwarf figured this was just a mission to check out a lead, if this town is possibly related to the vampire in some way, he needed to find out.

"Thank ye, for the bread" Brone told the man before he headed out to find the tavern, the baker already clammed up, hopefully a drunk would let something slip.


#9Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:05 am

Kailani Fleurn †
Despite her best efforts, Kailani didn't get diddly out of anyone, no matter how hard she tried to be. Some people were friendly enough, more so than the first woman she spoke to, but would close up if she'd try to pry into any details. After around her tenth attempt, she was still left scratching her head as to why the people were so against telling outsiders anything or was it simply a racist thing? Kailani herself had experienced very little of it since leaving the forest, other than people staring and whispering occasionally, but she knew it existed. Not everyone looked fondly upon those they did not understand.

"So... What do we do now?" Nimbus asked, glancing up at the wind mage.

"I don't know, maybe we should go regroup with the others and discuss a new plan of action." Kailani sighed, preparing to give up and go find her friends again when she'd hear screaming. She'd glance at the exceed next to her, who gave her a nod. Turning in the direction of the yells she'd race through the town, trying to discern what the commotion was all about.



The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:19 am


Yuurei had continued trying to get people to talk to him, but every time he would try to assist people, they would ignore him. He was trying to show them he wasn’t a bad person by helping them out, but it wasn’t working. Renji wanted to scratch some people’s faces because of how they were treating Yuurei. Still, they were scared of him and even Kailani. The people they were scared of looked like those two but were paler in comparison. While he continued to try he would come to a stop as he would take a deep breath in before exhaling it out.

“We aren’t going to get anywhere like this. We should go to Brone at the tavern where he said we should meet.” He said to Renji.

The cat had given him a thumbs-up as he was fine with that, but before anything like that could happen. Someone screamed their lungs out, and indeed and they were shouting at the center of the town before coming to a stop and running away to their own home. Yuurei would run straight to the source of the screaming and while doing so he would see people were running as fast as they could. The old people were already at home at this point, so nobody was left outside.

They would close the doors to their houses, establishments not allowing anybody to come in or out. Yuurei would make it to the center of the town, but he wouldn’t see a damn soul. What was going on here why did they scream like that. He tried to make out the words and thinking about it he remembered the words.


It was the words that were being screamed, but what the hell was a horde and where were they coming from? Noise could be heard faintly from where he stood, but he wasn’t sure what the hell it was.


#11Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:27 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone made his way to the tavern and as he entered, the majority of the patrons looked his way, raising eyebrows. As the dwarf made his way to the bar at the back, made just shifted away from him or just left the tavern, "Got any ale or whisky?' the dwarf asked as he sat on the stool.

"I'm out" the bartender said, his glare was too similar to those out in the streets.

"Do ye have anything at all?"

"No" at this point the bartender wasn't even trying to make his lie believable, even Brone, as oblivious as he was, could read through the lie. He wasn't welcome in tavern, so he wasn't sure if he could have a conversation about what he was looking for, so he figured he would ask.

"Well I'm looking for a vam-" All of the sudden, before Brone could finish his statement, a scream echoed throughout the streets, all within the taproom could hear. As if everyone knew what that was about, they all got up and scattered with fright.

"Lock up the door!" the bartender yelled as he pulled out a crossbow from behind the counter. Brone ran out the door before it was locked, hoping to track down whoever screamed. Seeing a group of people fleeing from one direction, Brone ran in said direction, hoping he guess was correct.


#12Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:38 am

Kailani Fleurn †
Within moments of hearing the scream, there were more, people were yelling at one another, rushing into the closest buildings and locking themselves in. Just what kind of creature, or creatures could cause such panic. Soon enough the chiming of loud bells rung throughout the town. A warning signal? Kailani could only hazard a guess, but she had the terrible feeling things in this town were worse than she had anticipated. The screams of panic turned dead quiet, as the formerly busy streets would be left completely bare. Not a single soul was left in sight. The wind mage jogged through them, scanning around for danger when she'd spot Yuurei.

"Yuu!" She'd call, in order to get his attention, "What the hell is going on? I could have heard wrong but I think I heard people yelling something about a horde?" She queried, the words didn't bode well, and she prayed she had misheard. A horde tended to mean a mass of creatures, rather than just one or two. She'd lower her jacket's hood allowing Nimbus to hide inside, he would hopefully be safer there.

"Where's Brone? Is he still in the tavern?" the wood elf asked, her voice full of panic as she started to stress out over the whole situation. It was at that moment, she could have sworn she caught wind of the dwarf's scent, meaning he was close by, but it was soon replaced by a strong foul odor that stung her nostrils, the stench of death and decay. "Oh no..." She squeaked as her eyes caught sight of something creeping around the corner of a nearby building. It hadn't spotted them quite yet, but Kailani felt her body stiffen in fear.

Its body was a tangled mess of wrinkled flesh. The creature somewhat resembled a wingless gargoyle, but even that wasn't quite right, its long elongated nose closer to that of a bird. Along the tips of its webbed fingers were long, pointed talons. As it scanned its surroundings its black, cold eyes locked onto the pair of elves.  It opened its mouth, revealing a set of long, razor-sharp teeth, and shrieked a horrible ear-piercing sound before racing on all fours towards the duo.

As she prepared to nervously defend herself, it would seem it wasn't alone, The clicking of its claws on the cobblestone, was not the only set. The call it had made summoned more of the creatures towards their location.



The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:49 pm


Yuurei would look over to Kailani who had called out to him. The questions asked afterward left him just as confused as she was.

“I heard it too, but I figured I might have been going crazy. I guess I wasn’t, but they all ran into buildings as quickly as they could, but I think we’re about to find out what’s going on.” He said all of this as he didn’t answer the question about Brone.

He hoped the dwarf was okay, they were going to need him here and soon. He looked over to Kailani who had made a noise and he would look over to where she was looking, but he had missed it. It wouldn’t take long, but a screech would be heard throughout the town. The light mage and Exceed both covered their ears. That was loud but what had made that noise; it wouldn’t take long, but the sound of running would get louder. It was multiple things coming their way, and that wasn’t good. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he knew better than to hold back.

“Renji, bag. Kai you got this don’t worry.” He said to her as he remembered her fighting not too long ago.

It was like Kailani had described, and they were appearing and coming out of the alleys of the buildings. Some were making their way from the main road, but they had to start taking them out before they were truly swarmed by the horde. Yuurei would open his hands as he would reveal two magics circles on each of them. Both would reveal stars and as quickly as they appeared they would disappear into Yuurei. Once he felt the surge of energy within him, he would rush straight towards one of the creatures.

They were quick to try and lunge straight towards him, but he found himself piercing a hole into one of them before pushing it away. That was when another had rushed straight towards Yuurei and tried gnawing at the light mage’s leg. He would lunge back to avoid the attack and with his speed, it was easily evaded. He would look at the creature that was on the floor and would launch it into the air with a devastating kick, killing it. He would jump back a few meters as he stood close to Kailani and wondered how many were there.

16/18 Remaining

Note: Right click the picture and open new image in tab to get a better look them

Horde of Monsters: These are mindless creatures that roam around the Marchen Mountains. They can only live around the temperature around the mountain, which is why they don’t venture out to Fiore. They run around the area and will attack anybody or anything that they could visually see. Trying their best to devour and tear their prey into pieces and satisfied their hunger.

#14Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:47 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Eventually, the streets were clear of civilians, all had found shelter within their homes or other places, whatever was happening, Brone knew he had to be on his toes. The streets were soon quiet, save for the dwarf's heavy footfall against the cobblestones and the jingling of his ringmail armor. He wasn't concerned for his safety, but he was worried about the other two, albeit more about Kailani than Yuurei, given he knew the half-elf was strong enough to handle his own.

Then Brone found himself reaching what looks to be the town's square with how it opens up, connecting to different roadways, and within this space, he spotted his companions standing by one another. The dwarf was about to call out to them and ask questions, but the two elven companions suddenly got into their fighting stances while facing the direction of one of the roadways. Brone saw them, the hideous creatures that poured out of the dark of the alleyways and ran and crawled towards the center of the square.

Brone drew both his battleaxes and rushed towards the center of the square where his friends where while also on a collision course with the swarm, "Look alive!" Brone yelled as he swung his iron battleaxe, digging the blade into the shoulder of one of the monsters, causing it to stumble and tripping a few of it's companions. One of the monsters immediately took notice and lunged at the dwarf, and Brone reacted by swinging his more powerful steel battleaxe, slicing the monster's head clean off, all the while still move.

The dwarf ran to his companions' side, trying to keep Kailani between him and Yuurei just in case the monsters began to encircle them, "I don't know what these things are, but with how ugly they are, my blades are alright to cut down, huh?" Brone tried to make light of the situation given how fast these beasts seem to be and how sturdy, the iron battleaxe didn't even knock out the first monster he attack, the thing got back on all fours.


#15Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:46 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
The moment she heard the dwarf's voice ringing through the air, the wood elf felt relieved, glad he had managed to find them as he took up his position so she sat safely between the two males.

"Considering how frightened the locals are, I'd say go for it." Kailani nodded, giving the dwarven man the go-ahead to start swinging his axe. He may not have been the most knowledgeable when it came to fancy words and book-smarts but his ability on the battlefield was far superior to others when it came to both strategy and pure strength. That alone made him a terrifying opponent and incredible ally.

As she let her mana surge through to her hands she'd focus on the stout man at first, the only thing he truly lacked was mobility, but she would be quick to fix that as she clicked her fingers thrice. A surge of mana was sent towards Brone with each subsequent snap as her wind mage wound down from his back to encapsulate his feet, giving him a tremendous increase to his maximum speed, allowing him to zoom about with little issue.

Next, she focused on her other ally, one that did not lack speed or strength. Instead of a buffing spell, the wood elf figured he'd benefit a little more from something more unique. A skill she had acquired when she had been training alone before the light mage had joined her for her practice. Twirling her wrist in a full circular motion, she'd focus on Yuurei's back, aiming her mana at his shoulder blades, as a pair of spectral, dragon-like wings would sprout from his shoulders, allowing him to soar around should he require the extra mobility.




The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:37 pm


Yuurei would see the arrival of Brone and with that, he had started swinging his axes around and launching the monsters around as he could. When the man arrived at their side, he would see the two monsters Brone attacked get up, but then fell to the ground. The dwarf’s strength was enough to take them down as he pleased. Kailani didn’t attack, though, but what was beautiful about it was that she was helping them out. Yuurei would feel the wind on his back and when he looked over, he would see dragon wings made of wind on his back.

“What she said, Brone you don’t hold back against these things.” He said before talking to Kailani.

“I got to say it these things are pretty cool, I’d hug ya right now if these things weren’t coming for us.” He would say this to her.

He tried to move the wings on his back and when he thought about doing it, they would flap as they lifted him off the ground. This was awesome and he figured he would make use of these bad boys. The half-elf moved forward and soon enough he would notice that he would be able to fly as fast as he could run. When he got to the first monster, he would go from behind the creature and placed him five meters into the air as he started swinging the creature around. Once he felt it was enough, he would send the monster flying straight to the ground with all his strength.

The impact between the ground and the monster would have it splat on the ground. The monsters were angry looked up at Yuurei trying to figure out how to get their meal. He would soar down to the ground as he would land a right hook on another creature’s neck as he took off their head without a problem. He would land on the ground and with him looking like the biggest threat they would all start running after Yuurei. He saw this as he would watch them run straight towards him he stood still as he figured a few of them would be easy pickings for his friends before he soar into the sky.

840/3995 Mana spent

#17Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:26 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Hearing the two elven companions giving permission, Brone smiled and tightened his grip on his axes, then just like old times, he felt a familiar breeze kick up around him, Kailani's magical enhancement, but the breeze suddenly became a gust, the bit of snow that was barely covering a layer on the ground then scattered into the air, the dwarf felt light on his feet, "That's what I'm talking about!" he laughed.

Yuurei suddenly grew wings and began flying about, attacking the enemy and causing one to splatter as he dropped it onto the ground, causing the rest of them to be drawn to him. "Keep at it, lad!" he yelled to his friend. The moment Brone kicked off to target the next enemy, he felt the world fall behind him, this was pure speed and he felt like he was flying. The next thing he knew, he was behind one of the creatures, he swung his iron battleaxe and dug it into the neck of the abomination, falling it, then another one took notice and turned about to try and attack the dwarf, but the dwarf was already attacking, the steel battleaxe swung and bisected the other creature. "Now I know how ye feel, Yuurei, being a speed demon and all" he laughed, but then two other creatures broke away from the chasing of Yuurei, one of them was heading towards him, he was prepared to meet the thing head on, but the other one was heading towards Kailani, "Damn these braindead idjits!" he spat as he ran to make it back to the elf.

Before the dwarf would have to worry about trying to catch up to a runner, but with this amazing speed, he bypassed the creature and made it back to stand in front of Kailani, "I got ye, lass" He said as he crossed his axes in front of him, waiting for the running creature to meet him.


#18Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:11 am

Kailani Fleurn †
The wind mage couldn't help but smile a bit when she saw how much Brone seemed to be enjoying himself despite the danger of the situation. Forever, one for enjoying a good fight. She'd continue to concentrate on her magical energy towards the support spells placed on the two males when she spied one of the creatures breaking off from the pack, racing towards herself. Her lilac eyes widened and she was about to panic when the blur that was Brone zoomed into focus in front of her once more, readying himself to strike it down.

With a sigh of relief, the wood elf figured it was about time to push her limits with a little more mana usage on top of the spells she was sustaining. A bit of offensive magic would hopefully help things go a little smoother, or at the very least quicker. Opening her mouth wide, revealing her pointed cuspids she'd begin sucking in the air around her as her third magic circle of the battle grew outwards.

The wind coated her face, forming a mask much like a dragon head made of the raging violet wind before she released a deep, bellowing roar, the face on her own flying forward towards another of the gargoyle-like creatures. As it struck it bit down, causing it to screech in pain as the wind burst, sending it flying backward into the pack.

Her wind magic, despite being more powerful than it once was, was still not quite up to par with the strength and damage of her allies. It wasn't anywhere near enough damage to strike the beast down, but it certainly had left them a little dazed and disrupted the charging of the others in the process, leaving a nice opening for the other two.




The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:58 am


Yuurei watched as they were all rushing towards him, and just as that Brone had acted. He had a smirk on his face as he heard the comment about being fast. He nodded as he was glad that Kailani was here to help them become stronger and better than they already were.  Still, now that they were able to dwindle the numbers there were a total of nine creatures left. Two of them had broken off from the group that was moving towards the light mage.

“Yes, now you understand what it feels like to have wind brushing through your hair as you run around.” He said as it was a little pun to Kailani’s magic and actually running super-fast.

The creature had been pushed back indeed, and would snarl from the pain, but would start its chase as it wanted to eat the flesh of these humanoid creatures. The other one that chased after Brone was also on its way as well.

When Yuurei saw it was time, he would flap the wings that Kailani had provided for him, and he would soar into the air and five meters above them. He would shake his head because they were dangerous but simple-minded. Their numbers made them scary to them, but that was all. He soared forward and they started chasing, but when he picked up full momentum, he disappeared, and he would end up behind them. His acceleration allowed him to do a flying kick straight into one of the creatures and take it out in one blow.

The other monsters would notice this as they would turn around, but Yuurei would backhand another one as he sent it flying through streets and killing it in one blow. He wondered if he could get some wings like this with his own spells but figured he would leave that up to Kailani. When he looked forward, he would see that another one got too close to him, and he would slam it to the ground before it could react to it. He shook his head after that as he started flying around and being chased by the remnants of the horde. He kept up his speed to be a little bit faster than theirs, so they could stay distracted.

1260/3995 Mana used
4 chasing Yuurei
1 running towards you two
1 knocked back by Kailani, and started running towards you two

#20Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:54 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone glared at the creature that was closing the gap, the hunger in it's eyes grew as it got closer. The dwarf was about to ready one of his axe to swing, but then he felt a breeze blow pass him. No. Not pass him, but inhaled. He took a quick look back and saw Kailani's face become covered in a draconic mask of wind, "Oh dang!" he lunged out of the way as a horizontal cyclone erupted from the psudo-dragon's mouth, blowing the creature back several meters. Figuring the creature had the wind knocked out of him, Brone figured he'd take the chance to finish it off.

The prone creature quickly got back up and began rushing towards Kailani along side another creature that broke away from the pack that seem to still be distracted by the flying Yuurei, "Oh no ye don't!" Brone sprinted towards the creatures to intercept them. As the first one neared the elf, he swung his iron battleaxe, finishing off what Kailani started and bisected it, then he spun in order to keep up the momentum from the swing. As the second creature jumped to attack the elf, the dwarf's steel battleaxe slammed into the creature's chest, stopping it midflight, a gashed gushed out blood as the blade bit into the abomination, the dwarf didn't stop, he brought the axe down with all his might with the creature still connected to the blade. The axe, with the creature attached, slammed into the cobblestone floor, finishing the thing off.


#21Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:22 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
Forever thankful to have the warrior by her side, Kailani had watched as Brone made short work of the monstrosities that had attempted to feast on her elven flesh. That left just a few more of the creatures, which she spied racing along the ground below the soaring light mage. His distraction technique definitely proving useful. The danger levels had significantly decreased from what they had begun with, allowing the wind mage a moment to catch her breath.

"I don't suppose you have any idea what they are?" Kailani would ask the dwarf. While she highly doubted he did, on the off chance that perhaps he had witnessed these creatures prior in his life, any kind of insight could prove important in their investigations. The wind mage was curious as to if perhaps they had something to do with the vampire lord Yuurei was desperately seeking. They seemed mindless in their way of hunting, no real pack tactics other than to swarm and overwhelm their opponents. The way they chased fruitlessly after Yuurei right now was proof enough of that, a smarter creature would have left him for the two still obviously grounded.




The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:32 pm


Yuurei was getting ready as he would move quicker than he currently was, and it would confuse the creatures as they were looking for him. The light mage had moved around them and now that he was behind them, he would continue soaring straight towards them. His hands were out in front of him as he was going to go straight through all of them. The speed he was going in and the force behind his strength would be more than enough as he would find himself taking all their heads off as they were lined up for him to take them out.

It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei land on the ground as he would look around. It would seem like they had taken them all out. He checked to see if there were any of the remaining, and soon enough he would relax and disperse his magic. He didn’t see anything, and it seemed like those who were peaking through the windows would see that the strangers that were in town had taken care of the danger.

The light mage would see one person come out of a building and soon enough everyone else would do the same thing. The bell would be rung once again to let the town know that the horde of monsters was no longer a threat. The townsfolks would start chattering as they were happy that these guys were here. The smile on their facial expression was enough for the group to see this. Hopefully, now they could get some answers about a local vampire around here.

2595/1800 (10% reduced because of companion)

#23Brone Heavyaxe 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:27 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As the creatures at his feet lay limp and dead, Brone stood his ground in front of Kailani, making sure that no other of these dreadful creatures attempted to go after her, his axes were at the ready once more. Kailani asked of what these things were and honestly the dwarf had absolutely no idea, "Never seen these things before, all I could tell is that they really like elf meat" he tried to lighten the mood and gave Kailani a half-smile before returning back to keeping watch, but as it seems, the remaining of the horde were just mindlessly chasing the flying half-elf, "They don't seem too bright" he mentioned.

Pretty soon, Yuurei pulled clever maneuver in which he beheaded the rest of the fiends in a clean sweep. All then went silent for a moment before the citizens began poking through window shutters and doorways. When the bell sounded, the streets began to slowly fill the sound of people exiting their homes. Those who were entered the town square, eased their way around the dead creatures, inspecting them from a distance, then those who had taken notice of the Blue Pegasus heroes began to see them with expression different than what they presented when they first arrived into town.

Total Word Count: 2,286


#24Kailani Fleurn † 

The Town Call Tantibus [SL/Good] Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:44 pm

Kailani Fleurn †
"Indeed." Kailani nodded in agreement, they didn't seem natural, she couldn't really put her finger on it. She was fully aware of the sudden increase of monsters and beasts in Fiore, it had become quite the problem as of late, yet, she'd never heard of anything quite like these fleshy gargoyles. Most were simply overgrown magically enhanced animals, and as such, they tended to be at least somewhat intelligent. These creatures didn't even have a sense of self-perseverance, just completely mindless.

As the battle finally concluded, she'd end her spells, figuring it best not to waste her mana just in case another wave of creatures were to suddenly appear. The wood elf wanted the opportunity to properly examine the bodies, but it seemed that their deed had rewoken the town as people cracked open their doors and windows as the screeches of the creatures came to a sudden halt. Well, at least it seemed they had managed to win over their hearts by clearing out what was clearly an issue for them.


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