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Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave]

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Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:59 pm

A young adult was standing fairly casually outside of the entrance of a cave system, a map of said cave in hand, sighing to himself. He really hated when the weather was not in his favor, and he could see the mouth of the cave dripping with precipitation, but it was not because of the rain that he enjoyed so much, it was because it was really humid today. He hated the humid heat the most, and now he was about to go inside of what could be considered a sauna, and he was definitely not happy about it. He also did not enjoy the fact that the map of the cave he held in his hands was incomplete, but that was the nature of things that were surrounded in superstitious rumors. Knowing this world, however, the rumors were most likely true, at least in some of the aspects. Keita was simply waiting for his friend to show up at this point.

#2Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:38 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Gundar was suppose to be meeting his friend and comrade in front of a cave of some kind. It was rather hot today and admittedly, Gundar didn't care too much for the heat despite where he was born. He had spent most of his life learning and training on an large iceberg continent and had gotten used to that. Well, that was enough complaining about the weather now as he'd have to get used to its rather rapid changes. Making his way to the cave they were suppose to meet at, Gundar had finally gotten to where he was suppose to be. He had greeted Keita with a low tone grunt wondering what they were here for and how they would proceed. He didn't really have any information on this little excursion they were going on but he had agreed to come with him a night or two before so here he was.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:51 pm

Keita waved at Gundar as he showed up and did not do a whole lot but give KEita a grunt in greetings, which was fine. Keita was used to these types of things, and he knew that Gundar was not really one for all the frills of socializing, and he knew to get straight to the point most of the time. Keita figured that Gundar was going to go ahead and want a rundown of what they were doing there, and Keita was of course interested in the cave not because he wanted to go on an adventure or explore, but because there was quite the money in it, and so he started explaining his findings and plan. “So, there are rumors surrounding this cave saying that it’s really dangerous. If we complete this map, we can sell it to the locals for quite the sum, especially if we mark dangerous areas.” Keita said, showing the incomplete map.

#4Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:56 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Watching Keita wave towards him, Gundar had just nodded his head alongside his response to his greeting, not really saying or doing much. He was somewhat annoyed that he had traveled all the  way out here but he did agree to coming here already. Now that they had gotten straight to the point, they were here to explore this cave that the locals of this country had deemed dangerous so if they were to map it out themselves, mark the dangerous areas and sell it to the locals, they would be able to make quite a good chunk of money. Hearing the sound of money, made Gundar's ears perk up a bit as he was willing to do almost anything for a quick buck. He nodded his head again, a lot more enthusiastically this time, despite hearing that it might be full of danger and what not. He wasn't exactly a stranger to that sort of thing.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:05 am

Keita slowly explained his plan for completing the map and then charging people for the information afterwards since there seemed to be no one willing to go deeper into the cave than a few hundred feet, even though the cave seemed to be about a mile long. This suited him just fine though, as he could deal with almost anything that was in there at the moment, although he still needed to practice quite a bit of magecraft, he was waiting until the right opportunity hit him. Regardless, after explaining to Gundar about the cave, he would walk towards a small shop that was nearby. This shop was a bit of a tourist attraction and sold things to go and hang out in the cave. Keita bought a bunch of stuff, including a hooded oil lantern and some rop along with a small climbing kit that they would both use to get around the cave if they needed to, although he knew Gundar had earth magic.

#6Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:16 am

Gundar Darkforge
Continuing to listen to his plan, it seemed to Gundar he was now explaining it in a more intricate fashion, giving him all the details and the rundown of how they were supposed to map out the cave. Once again, Gundar had nodded a bit more enthusiastically than before and decided to accompany the nearby shop that was situated by the cave they were about to explore. Despite it having some bad rumors about being dangerous, it seems somebody saw this as a lucrative opportunity to sell things to people who would dare enter the cave and ignore all of its warnings. Well, as long as the provisions Keita was purchasing weren't flimsy and would work in a dire situation, he didn't care how shady it seems to people as long as it works. After they had bought the necessary provisions, they were ready to make their way to the cave entrance in hopes of properly mapping it out.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:21 am

Keita grabbed the rope, the pitons, and other things of the climbing gear as a just in case, and of course if Gundar wanted to be lazy and not use his earth magic to sort things out for them, and made sure to pull on the rope as hard as he could. He was not a strong person, but it was enough to where he felt comfortable that it would support his body weight in an emergency. He was unsure about Gundar, but he should be fine, he was a lot hardier than most, so he would be fine unless he fell quite the distance. It seemed that Gundar was fine without buying anything, and so they headed towards the mouth of the cave. It was humid inside, which made Keita sigh quite heavily, and then he walked in. This part of the cave was a bit wide, and it seemed like the perfect place to hang out and explore.

#8Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:41 am

Gundar Darkforge
Deciding not to buy anything, Gundar figured he'd get by fine with just his earth magic. After all, what could be more safe than a cave with a dwarf in it? Watching Keita move his stuff, he waited for him to get situated and then enter the cave to see it was wide and spacious. It was too big for Gudnar's liking but he figured the more luxurious living dwarves might have liked this place, if it wasn't haunted anyway. Maybe he could sell the information of this location on the side to some dwarves that were looking for a nice getaway. Using his earth magic, Gundar figured he'd just make some platforms for them to jump down and climb up or something along those lines. He figured that might defeat the purpose of all the gear Keita had brought for himself but maybe he'd use it in an emergency or something. With that, Gundar decided to make his way into the cave.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:36 pm

Keita started to walk deeper into the cave with the equipment, as he was sure that the start of the cave would not have any undead or anything of the sort, simply because then there would not just be rumors about this place, it would be a fully documented danger zone around the area. As they walked through the area, the beginning of the cave was a large plane, the roof of the cave being around twenty feet above them, but the stalactites on the ceiling were plentiful enough to where they could not fly that close to the ceiling without getting impaled. Due to the humidity, there was the constant pitter patter of water droplets hitting the floor as they walked deeper into the cave. Soon, they came to the first fork in the cave, and after consulting the map, Keita pointed to the right path to indicate where they should be going.

#10Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:13 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Following his buddy Keita into the cave to see what they were getting themselves into. Apparently this place was considered haunted but from what he could tell so far it just seemed like an ordinary cave to him. Maybe the terrain was playing tricks on the local folk or easily explained shifts in the terrain that may or may not cause strange noises to sound like its haunted. For all he knew, there was probably a living beast in here scaring people out but everybody was too afraid to think clearly. Either way, he was going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other. Making it to the first fork in the road, Gundar wondered how they would choose which way to go first before he had spotted Keita consulting the map he had. Gundar had seen irony in consulting a map of the cave when they were here to map out the cave properly.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:42 pm

Keita started walking down the rightmost path with Gundar as he consulted the map once more. Because of their respective circumstances, both of them could see in the dark extremely well, so there was no need to actually use the hooded lantern that he bought, but he bought it so that he could blind any native creatures that might live down here, as they would be used to being in the dark for long periods of time. The right path was starting to narrow a bit, and soon they had to walk single file, but luckily the path did not narrow any further. Consulting the map once more, Keita knew that they were going to come up to another opening entering a large chasm, but after that the map was cut short, as the only way forward was down a tunnel on the back right of the chasm that they were about to enter, and no one had been brave enough, or they disappeared.

#12Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:03 am

Gundar Darkforge
After consulting the map with Keita, it seems they had chosen the right most path in the cave to continue on to their destination, which was basically uncharted territory.  As the cave grew darker and darker, Gundar hadn't really noticed as he was a dwarf and they were practically gifted with night vision because of their genetics. As they continued to walk, the path had begun to narrow making it harder to actually progress at a steady pace. Once again, a little hiccup in the road had caused Keita to consult the map once more to see if they were going in the right direction to uncharted territory and actually begin this quest. he didn't know what they would come up against next but he knew at least they were getting closer to their destination. With that, he would wait a few more moments for Keita to finish looking at the map and resuming their journey.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:26 am

Keita and Gundar quickly made their way towards the hole on the back right side of the large chasm that they had entered, and Keita noticed that it was around twenty meters across. A large hole that one could tell went down around forty to fifty feet. Both of them could see the bottom, and there were quite a few dead bodies there, obviously from when they fell down this hole. No one else could see down that far, and the torch light did not light up that much either, so they were simply left there and probably still marked as missing. Keita looked at Gundar after inspecting the hole, before speaking. “Gundar, a staircase, if you please?” Keita would ask his friend, knowing that he was very proficient in manipulating stone. With his help here, it would be easy to simply walk down into the tunnel and be able to walk back up later.

#14Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:48 am

Gundar Darkforge
Following behind Keita, they had entered a hole that led to a fairly large chasm. He didn't know how deep it ran but he could tell they'd get hurt pretty badly, if not die, should they fall in. There was already evidence of death from scouts down at the bottom as far as his dwarven eye could see. It seems they were the unlucky ones. Lucky for himself and Keita, he was born with an aptitude for earth magic and so he figured he'd use it in this very situation in order to get them from point A to point B. using his magical prowess, Gundar had shifted the terrain they were in order to make some stairs for himself and Keita to traverse the room the were heading in. This would allow them to come back and forth as they please without much effort. It would probably also help people who would be coming in after them to not die.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:32 pm

Keita watched as Gundar made the stairs down the hole that they were close to, and nodded in satisfaction at his friend’s speed. He had no real capability in earth magic, but he was always the one that was pouring over tomes and books to read about other magic types so he could understand them. Knowing your enemy was a huge advantage in a fight, or even if you wanted to manipulate them in some way. After the stairs were completed, Keita slowly made his way down them, finally touching ground after about a minute or so. He was simply making sure that no animals or other creatures were going to attack him on the way down, as that would make it hard to defend himself. As they both made it down there, Keita looked around and noticed there were stalagmites and stalactites everywhere. “Well, uncharted territory from here on out Gundar.”

#16Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:57 pm

Gundar Darkforge
After he had finished making the earthen stairs for the two of them to traverse, Gundar had allowed Keita to go down first as he was the one with the map in hand. It was safer that way as he wouldn't impede their progress by waiting for Keita to put him in the right direction should they have to traverse another narrow tunnel or something along those lines. Once he was down, Gundar had also followed until he was at the bottom as well. When he made it to the bottom, there was nothing but stalagmites and stalagmites. he had also heard the comment of being in uncharted territory. This just made Gundar scoff and continued to look around the area, wondering what direction they should go in next. It would normally be pitch black but for Gundar and Keita, he assumed they were both capable of seeing in the dark if he hadn't used the lantern yet.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:56 pm

As the duo reached the ground floor of the cavern using the stairs, Keita started looking around at the room they were in. Although there were a large amount of stalactites and stalagmites here, the edges of the room could still be seen, and he could tell this room they were in was around fifty feet in radius, and a sort of misshapen oval in structure. After surveying the surroundings for a bit, Keita heard something moving slightly near him, and so his vigilance increased as he stared down near his legs. The skeletons of the previous cave explorers that were down here started to twitch and move. It seemed that the rumors of undead being in the area were true, as the skeletons started rising, and some of them even reached out their bony hands in an attempt to grab them. Keita immediately crushed the hand of one under his foot before backing away.

#18Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:56 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Making it to the bottom of the chasm, Gundar had been looking around the room to see that it was a lot smaller than it looked from when they were looking at it from above. One can never truly tell something until you get a good look at it. Either way, that was the least of these problems. Gundar had heard some shuffling coming from Keita's position as he focused his attention towards him. He could see something was moving in an attempt to grab Keita but Keita had crushed it with his foot. As soon as he saw this, Gundar took a look at his own two feet to see they had already been grabbed by a pair of skeletal hands of deceased explorers who were unfortunate enough to meet their end. Gundar put on a face of disgust before shaking off his right foot in order to get the hands off. As he did so, it seems more of them were emerging.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:16 pm

Keita backed away a bit as he saw the mound of skeletons rise off of the ground and start to form back into a cohesive shape of a human, at least it looked like human bones for the most part. Keita could not quite imagine a dwarf like Gundar failing to evaluate the cave hole and falling to their death, and as he looked again, noticed that there were not any dwarven bodies down here. As the skeletons all reconstituted themselves, it seemed that half of them started shambling towards Gundar while the other half shambled towards him, and so he guessed it was time to fight. The skeletons seemed slow, especially when compared to the average adult, and considering these skeletons hd no weapons on them and only the rags and remnants of backpacks and other survival clothing and things, they were weighed down even more, so they would not pose a threat to the two of them unless they got surrounded.

#20Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:46 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Shaking off the skeletal hand that was on his right foot, he used it to crush it to crush the head of the skeleton that attempted to bind him. After it had finished moving, Gudnar had realized there were a lot more of them than he initially thought as he had now witnessed a small militia of them coming towards him and Keita. Well, he had hoped Keita could hold his own as he needed to focus with utmost concentration here. He didn't exactly have a weapon he could use nor did he certainly expect to be battling the undead here. He had thought it was just a bunch of rumors that this place was haunted at all. Nonetheless, here they were mapping out uncharted territory and fighting with the dead explorers. Nothing could be simple anymore, Gundar thought to himself as he punched the first skeleton that entered his range, shattering it like glass.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:08 pm

The skeletons rushed towards Keita, although it was at a pretty lukewarm pace, and he simply backed up a bit and started to condense some of the water in the humid air onto the tip of his finger. A magic circle appeared below his body as he cast a spell. The water on the tip of his finger condensed into the size of a pea, before Keita unleashed the spell. A laser-like line of water streams towards the skeletons while waving his finger in a serpentine pattern, causing the line of water to slice through the bones of the skeletons like paper. The highly pressurized water cut cleanly through the bones and cut the skeletons to pieces as they fell to the floor. Keita waited for a moment before confirming that the damage finished the skeletons off. The skeletons were all taken care of, so Keita motioned for the two of them to head towards a chamber on the far side.

#22Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:54 pm

Gundar Darkforge
Delivering his best punch towards the skeleton's torso, it seems  that it was enough to shatter the torso of the skeleton. Gundar didn't consider himself to be exceptionally powerful just yet just a bit sturdier than normal. The skeletons didn't seem like they had much durability to them and that worked out just fine with him as he was hoping he wouldn't have to fight anything down here in general. As he finished punching one of the skeletons that had gotten in range, two more had approached him as Gundar delivered another punch to the torso of the skeleton. This would cause it to also crumble and shatter as the other skeleton lunged towards him in an attempt to pin him down. This proved ineffective as Gundar had successfully wrestled it to the ground instead seeing as one of them actually still had muscles and all and began to remove the head from its body in hopes that it would stop moving.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:36 pm

Keita had finished the other zombies and noticed that Gundar was fighting a particularly strong looking one, as the skeleton still had some working muscles connecting some of the bones. This made it a lot stronger than other undead around there, but Gundar was a person that would simply destroy whatever came his way, so Keita didn’t see many tactics or thinking about how to defeat it, the only thing he saw was Gundar essentially tackling the thing before dismantling it on the ground. After Gundar had dealt with that undead, Keita finished entering the new area, which was completely covered in skeletons. This didn’t mean the floor, as the walls and ceiling were also made from a massive amount of skeletons. These were more carefully placed, however, which meant that they were here to signify that this was a part of some sort of graveyard. Soon, Keita saw some floating spirits rushing towards the two of them.

#24Gundar Darkforge 

Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:56 pm

Gundar Darkforge
It didn't take long for Gundar to dispatch the skeleton he was wrestling with before standing back up on his own two feet. Exhaling, he simply stared at the lifeless skeleton he had just taken down to make sure it wouldn't try and sneak up on him again. Afterwards, he and Keita had entered another new area of the cave where it seems there were mountains of skeletons and undead of sorts just piled up everywhere in the room. Gundar narrowed his eyes a bit wondering how many inexperienced explorers have shown up and why had nobody ever thought to higher a dwarf for this sort of thing until this day. They could have saved a lot of lives but the thought process of others did not concern him. At the moment he was in danger as some spirits began to charge at the two of them. kneeling down, Gundar had touched the earth coating his skin in his mana, temporarily gaining the earthen properties.


Spehunting [TDC: Ibachi Cave] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:58 pm

The spirits lunged at them as soon as they got into what was a corridor made out of skeletons, which made Keita furrow his brow. A teal colored magic circle formed under him as the spirits rushed him, and luckily there was enough room to attack without getting into each other's way too much as they fought. Keita knew that it was close combat, however, so instead of using his preferred method of combat which was the rapier, he decided to go ahead and use a simple dagger. He could still stab and thrust with the dagger, especially because he made it particularly thin, like a needle, so it wasn’t that big of an issue. As the spirits rushed towards them, me made sure to hug the other wall to be as far away from Gundar as possible while still being parallel to him, and the spirits seemed to be a bit mindless, splitting up to attack both of them at once.

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