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Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party]

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Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:52 pm


Some decided to do this Slumber thing early, the day before all the other festivities. Quilla and Akuko were one as she knew Akuko was coming with her. It was somewhat weary that they ended up in Joya for relaxation instead of war and conflict. If only Quilla understood Fiorian super well, then maybe she could write well as well. The keeper of the hotel created a spot for her and supposedly three others as there were supposed to be games, food and drinks. What kind of games did these Fiorian's play and what was a slumber party?

Assuming it was all females, she decided to get changed into her new attire where she would wear less clothing as that was tradition. If there were males, then that'd be against many laws for her to be this undressed unless they were married. Slowly, she stripped each side of her kimono and put on her night undergarments and long yet tight-fitting top that had a zipper in the front and thin straps. Her hair was put up in a fun-bun and gloss was the only make up she decided to leave on.  She decided to rest on her bed as she waited for the other guests and the things that were promised; games, food and drinks.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:49 pm


Once again, hit with the urge that was the hunger or exploration and adventure. Jikan found herself out in the world once again after two long years of staying in the same place. It was an extreme of her and thus, this change she decided to do was also one, a counter extreme. Soooo she left Fiore. No no no she did not decide to simply go to a different region of Bosco. She wanted to go and see a piece of the world again. And when she heard there were festivals going around in Joya, well that sounded like a fun thing.

This place was a home rumored to be of beauty and games, and it would increase with the events going on. And, the jokefulness and beauty of the people as they dressed for the event was no joke.

Somehow she got an inviation. No idea how, perhaps from the guild that was helping put this together? Anyway, games, food, and drinks were available to her, and all she had to do was attend a slumber party. Knocking on the door before walking in, Jikan decided to dress to match the theme. Instead of wearing her long hair down, she decided to put it up into a bun. Three sticks ran through her hair at the top, three hearts. They were black to contrast her red hair and the wood was brown. She wore a slim black kimono that almost cling to her curvaceous form, but thankfully it still had room to give her breathing space and to be comfortable. She wore no make up, just the glow that her own skin allowed to show.

She spotted a lady in the room, wearing attire fit to go to bed in that made her form even more graceful.  "Ah, hello there. I guess I'm the second person to be here".

Wc: 311
Twc: 311

Last edited by Jikan on Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding wc)


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:29 pm

So many odd things that were new when she moved here and so far more of them have been moment where things were just soiled and ruined by other people here because well, Why would any one get how Akuko works, No one could take things just being slightly shifted out of place you know the harmless things, Fiorians did not get it and was becoming a drag to Akuko. Then again she was not really gaining any friends for that reason.

Was Akuko actually there yet? Good question she actually was not yet, Even then if she were to show up she would most likely make sure there was not a sound by her entering, For it was kind of just how she worked.But at least Quill would get a sign Akuko was there, After all she just could not resist at least one thing in mind when it came to these things.

Just what did she do to Quill? Well sticking her arm out of a shadow from behind Quilly Akuko would just place her hand on the hair bun and squish it a few times, Quickly retracting herself back into hiding in case Quillareine used as a chance to try and just pull her out of hiding.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:39 pm


She yawned and gazed at the door while wondering who was coming as footsteps could be heard. Surely it will be Akuko, no? Nope, she saw a nice red head with a nice-looking body. They'd do well in Joya, but for those that liked super mature women. Her eyes of golden-brown traced the woman, "Yes, you are as Akuko shall be here soon," she then sat up, crossed her legs slowly while gazing into the woman's eyes. "What is your name, if I may know, I am Quilla," she introduced herself in a cold yet soft tone.

Soon enough she felt her hair being played with, "Akuko, enough," she simply said as she turned to see where she was. It was easy to find her and sighed. "The one that likes to hide is Akuko, Shall we order somethings and figure out some games to play? I am not use to the customs of these... sleepovers," she was unsure on what to play as there weren't too many people, yet not enough people for the games she knew, like Five Minutes in Heaven. "Should we try to get more people or shall we stay with just us three?", she wondered lastly as there was a possibility they could cause chaos and roam around the halls calling out to people.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:36 am


The dress Jikan wore was a nice change of pace. Not that she was not stylish or had a beauty side of herself. It was just that given that she valued herself as a martial artist, and got into a fair share of trouble time to time. She had always made sure her clothing was practical. Comfy and easy to move in. She always made sure she still looked good, but in comparison to how she was dressed and her hair right now, well, it was no contest.

Now in the room Jikan was not sure what else to do. It seemed the party goes were not here fully yet. Perhaps she could find a weak wine to taste and enjoy while doing small talk? She looked back in the room, observing what was present before stopping at the golden brown eyes watching her as her blue green eyes stared back. Jikan's interest was held at the half dressed beauty before her until a name was spoke that took a piece of her mind away.

"Akuko you say?". Well this was going to be either amusing or a headache. That was Jikan expected knowing that mischievous person would be here. Jikan had only met her once, but with her magic and personality, the woman did an easy impression to Jikan's mind. It seemed this person knew them, were they of the mischievous type as well? "I suppose today will be more entertaining then I thought. Greetings Quilla", she did her best to pronounce it correctly. "You may know my name, I am Jikan". She then walked over, finding a soft chair to sit in as she let her soft, feminine voice hang in the air.

Keeping her eyes on the only other person in the room. Jikan saw a familiar, shadow portal for the best she could describe, open before reaching up and giving a few squeezes to Quilla's hair. Jikan only saw that, meaning Akuko was present playing games or was simply not here yet...and still playing games. Perhaps that was the case since this lady was a friend of hers perhaps? She talked as if she knew Akuko well and her response seemed to say that this happened often.

"Ah yes I know a little about her. I met her before, once. She does like hiding and popping out at people". Jikan crossed her left leg over her right. "While we are waiting I think that is fine. Some snacks and something to drink would be nice. I don't see why we shouldn't have more people for the fun".

Jikan did not say a word about the games. She knew what a game was...but had never been to a sleep over in her life. She was not sure how things went for such a thing but was looking forward to why so many people liked them.

Wc: 480
twc: 791

Last edited by Jikan on Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding wc)


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 1:00 pm

Well it seemed there was time and a place for everything, It would most likely be time to stop hiding about. However given it was evening time. Akuko would just do as they both expected, just slowly coming out of Quill's shadow. Keeping in mine it was entirely daemon Akuko she could not hide as a human in the evening time so the various different parts of Akuko's body where dark blue and light blue in colour, Her hair standing up on land and lighter pink then the normal colour Akuko had."I see i am some what famous as they say!"Akuko laughed about it while saying it in Joyan. Since half of her out of the shadow could see her tails, claws and all of the daemonic feature she normally hid away in the day light. Starting at Akuko."I did not know we were dancing with danger and fire."Also yet again mentioned in Joyan.

Then well she would laugh reach over to the zipper of Quill's outfit and pull down on it, Why? No one knows your with Akuko she knew why she was the way she was."Snacks you say?"Akuko mentioned in Joyan while she found a place on the ceiling to slowly sneak out of for a moment."Can we get something bitter? Or sour...better yet both!"it was still in Joyan. Akuko would stay hanging there for a moment, while she was waiting for an answer to her ponder, At least she knew what she wanted.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:27 pm


Quilla gazed at the lovely woman as she laid there seductively without even trying. All her attention was on the woman as she listened to her answer her suggestion. Sadly, Akuko was here messing with her hair bun, which made her sigh with an irritating turn. "Oh Akuko, does she even understand Joyan?", she questioned her friend as her eyes went deadpan, gazing towards the woman as it was her regular face. While Akuko asked about the food, she sat up and slid off the bed, swaying towards the lacrimal phone. "I will order us things," she spoke in Fiorian with her slow speech due to preferring Joyan.

She grabbed the book of numbers and flipped to different menus. Once the phone answered, she spoke, "I will have some Umeboshis, Goya stir fry in the same bag. Next, we'll have strawberry dangos, honey walnut shrimp, and teriyaki chicken. Lastly, we'll have the package special for snakes," she spoke in Joyan perfectly in her breathy-smooth tone. Her eyes were cornered as she waited for the person on the phone to finish talking. "Mhm..." she replied to them and then hung up. Before she spoke anything, she called another number, "Can I order the Supreme package? ... Mhm, of course," she kept saying as she then hung up.

Her attention went back to them, and she spoke, "Everything will be on its' way," she sat in a chair next to the door as she let the other two talk during this time. Quilla was silent and at ease till the door was knocked on. Slowly, she opened it and brought him the five bags of things, not all including food. "This is our food options, and this is the package of us,~" she purred coldly. She opened the bag, which contained fingernail polish, makeup, and a magical pencil that she could design outfits to try on. The small suitcase contained massage oil and a coupon for someone to come in and massage them. Slowly she picked it up and looked at the two as if she wondered if they wanted to use it now.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:07 pm


Jikan was not the type to show much emotions in her physical face, unless there were some special cases going on. Things that mattered to her on a deep deep personal level. As good as Jikan was letting her feelings run cold and not show them, that was unavoidable for her if she really and truly cared about someone. As odd as seeing Akuko again for only the second time, well it was definitely something that was eye catching, but Jikan managed to keep her straight face as normal.

Akuko appeared out of Quillareine's shadow. That was a normal thing. It was something Jikan had already know about, the mischievous woman's magic. But, it appeared Jikan's knowledge of how the woman looked was completely wrong!! Her hair was not white like when they met, but pink. That was a different thing though. Something else that was really crazy. Body parts were dark blue and light blue, she had claws, and...and a tail! She was daemon? Perhaps that why Jikan found herself so odd.... Was the other lady in front of her a daemon as well? They seemed friendly...at least Akuko was in their first meeting. But, it was still something wild to see for the first time, a real daemon.

....and it was even more crazy since Akuko was talking in Joyian. She knew Jikan did not know the lanauge, so that just add to the confuse the red headed warrior was feeling right now. "Well this....is new".

And then! Akuko pulled onto Quillareine's clothes, a zipper? She's attempting to pull it down?? What the heck is this woman down this time?? The flustered pounding began to fill Jikan, Quillareine was the second gorgeous lady Jikan had seen so far in her whole life, and this was just...unexpected and overwhelmed. She did not know if Akuko pulled the zipper down all the way because as soon as she started the motion Jikan turned her head away being a little bit flushed. Her eyes trailed to the ceiling, and because of that she just happened to see Akuko clinging above looking like an oddball.

Quillareine spoke next, thankfully in Fiorian. Jikan could understand her at least. The food selected sounded nice, tasty something she could eat pieces of and enjoy. It was impressive that she spoke the lanuage so smoothly. Wherever she learned it from, she learned from a great teacher.  There was one thing Jikan was curious about, what in the world was a supreme package?

When the items came Jikan finally looked towards Quill again as she pulled the items out. nail polish, makeup, and a magical pencil. Things that she was familar with but rarely choose to use.  And, body oil and a coupon?

"hmmm this place has a lot of options. I guess I could go for a massage later".

Wc: 477
Twc: 1,268

Last edited by Jikan on Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding wc)


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:49 am

Since Akuko was not hiding being a daemon upon hearing the door being knocked on for their treats, Akuko would let herself drop from the ceiling and go hide in Jikan's shadow while waiting for Quillareine to get the food and snacks. But she was not doing anything at all could ponder if the daemon was back to scheming something.

But whispering in Jikan's ear Akuko went and said."She must have not noticed, Don't tell her."Akuko said with the giggle of a trickster putting off one of the better things in a while but at least it was in Fiorian, After all she knew if Quillareine picked up on it. This was revealing how Akuko was to a person she actually trusted and knew. Jikan was now just in for a situation she might not know how to deal with and it was most likely just the starting of it.

But now she had to answer Quillareine's question."I forgot that she did not, my Fiorian is still a bit lacking."But she was trying to at least speak it a bit more, At least it was not as heavily accented or broken now days almost like she was working on it.

Then when the door closed Akuko would stop hiding. Because well she was most likely making sure whoever was dropping things off did not see she was a daemon. But she was now a curious daemon keeping in mind Akuko did not have just one tail, entirely this time it was two. with the finger nail like tips would just run along Jikan's back for a moment."Oh? What is new? Are you going to share with the rest of us?"Akuko mentioned with a bit of a laugh as well. Was Akuko now a completely different person to Jikan because she was a daemon? Even if she did not act any different at all.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:35 am


Her attire was not fully unzipped, as she had some buckets and ties to do for that to happen. Her eyes gazed at Akuko with irritation due to the childish plays as Quilla was quite funny on revealing more than she is. Being 'tainted' was essential not to be such a thing. Marriage was necessary, and if she were taken by Joyan men while being tainted, she would be executed or treated like a common whore. Such was the life where she was from. She hated the people for such a reason, mainly if one was forced into such dirty and sinful things. Her attention returned to the two people with her as she slipped Jikan the coupon and had her own. "Tell me when you wish to use it," she gazed away as she wasn't sure what it felt like to get a massage.

"Well, I am going to put on some fingernail polish as I am going to the concert tomorrow, alone," she glared at Akuko and frowned due to the whole zipper thing. Her eyes went back to normal as she calmly looked at Jikan, "Is it the Joyan or something else? We can teach you over time if so... if you want," she gazed away as she coldly spoke. She walked towards the radio and turned it on to be some upbeat music. Next, she set up the food on the long table and the booze. Finally, that was when the door knocked.

She swiftly turned and gazed at the door.

Party people or Joyan searchers that were looking for her?


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:53 pm


Akuko was a daemon, but hid it during the day time. With that information Jikan could only assume she was attempting to keep a secret identity or to hide the fact that she was a daemon at least. It was a surprise though that Akuko chose Jikan's shadow to slide into. Quill seemed to be a friend to her so it would have been more expected for that to be the case. But as Jikan sat in her chair with her leg crossed and her arms resting on her thighs, it seemed Akuko once again made an unexpected decision.

With her sitting in Jikan's shadow, it seemed Akuko decided to talk to Jikan, this time in a language she could hear. Whispering back, "I am not going to deny that she looks good. But are you really gonna get away when she finds out?". Besides that it was also the chance that Jikan would get an ear full. She did not know this woman at all and it could be embarrassing for her or worse. It seemed that that was little concern for her though as the daemon just went on and giggled. If it wasn't for how she looked Jikan might have said....the sight was a little bit cute.

She sighed. Is this the type of mischief that goes on at slumber parties? Granted....a little too old for one anyway...

"Did you really forget that I don't know Joyian, or are you just trying be plan a prank on me??~". She mused playfully. Akuko was the trickster type, a fact easily seen from her first interaction and this one. There was no doubt to Jikan that Akuko was always up to something to laugh at. At least she was speaking in a language she knew now.

She was not sure though about what next, games or a drink or two. That thought was interrupted when Akuko ran the tips of her finger nails along Jikan's back shortly. She looked up raising one eyebrow at the daemon. That was a little presumption to think she could touch her back. She moved on hand moving it as a wave before moving it up and down to the height of Akuko's general height.

"Well, I suppose not something that is new. Only something I'm being allowed to know this time. I suppose this explains your mischief being more than normal". She let out a chuckle. Jikan did not really care about her being a daemon. "Ohhhh, but then again I guess you've always been playful? I only met you once so I cannot really tell".

Jikan then took one of the coupons from Quill, reaching her hand out and taking it before putting it into a pocket on her kimono. "Okay". Quill continued to talk in Fiorian, a thing Jikan appreciate as a guest. They were home in their country, if anything Jikan should be the one trying to talk in their native language. It was a miracle she was able to interact here with no problems so far.

"Oh not its not the Joyan. Just....was a bit distracted earlier. If I would not be a burden to you two, I would accept your kind offer". She then watched as Quill got the food and drinks ready, even found some music that were somewhat enjoyable to listen to. Then a knock came at the door, and Quillareine turned to the door far too fast. It was something that just sent out the blaring alarm sign that she was tense for some reason. But why? It was just a door knock, it could and would most likely be more guests right??

She thought about it more and thought about it. Akuko was showing her true form and Quill....was a bit revealed. Modesty was needed with anyone and opening the door could be embarassing. Understanding this, Jikan got up from her seat and spoke to Akuko. It was short and spoke in the town of, just do it and you can give me sass about it later, "Akuko dearie, help your friend and hide her in a shadow or something while I get the door".

Jikan then got up and waited a bit before Akuko could do something to help who Jikan assumed was her friend. The red headed woman would then make her way to the door, before doing a little shake of her hands before putting on a face. She would open the door slightly, using her strength to be a leverage on the door to keep the person outside from entering if they tried. She would cover her face partially using the sleeves of her kimono before softly speaking as she poked her headed out, "h...hello?", she shyly cooed.

Wc: 827
Twc: 2,095

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 12:10 pm

Was it the kind of things that happen at slumber parties? Maybe not it was just how Akuko did things, After all she was just this way and so far the two people knew what she was like for the most part and Akuko just seemed to continue on her way of being a normal person. But Akuko did get questions."Will I get away with it? Not entirely, She will be upset with me and I will possibly make up for it later."Akuko mentioned, Yet again she was a trickster and openly admitted to being a pain in the butt but there was actual positive to her at times. Quilla can be sure up at Akuko all she want some way or another Akuko always returns, Even if they butt heads.

For the language part it was not as much of a joke."I could admit maybe, Keep in mind we only mat once."After all she might sometimes need time to really remember some things, when she rather continue on doing things as she did normally. A luck of caring for people she generally assumed she would only ever meet once. Jikan was an different situation where they met more then once.

So now Akuko was told to go so she would just hop out of Jikan's shadow and casually walk away in which did not bother her too much, Just means she went to talk to Quill who was some what unhappy with her still. She did have to remark."It is fine,I do not think there are many concerts here in Joyan that might be good for me to show up anyway."Akuko sounded far less joking about this and if anything entirely serious.

And well the thing she did to most likely upset her own friend she just right away fixed and zipping it up now that they are alone."Whomever is at the door, It seems Jikan it answering it."Then well Akuko lightly ran her claws through Quillareine's hair, but only doing it enough to entire she did not mess up the bun. Then took a sit next to Quillareine and just  seemed too look at the objects around to paint finger nails, Most likely all would be empty to pain her claws but she was not asking for that to be done. But still did not mind not hiding and sitting here.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:59 pm


Her heart raced and wondered where was her guard? She frowned and panicked as the door was being opened. She had Akuko comforting her and telling her that Jikan was answering it. Was it too late? Her eyes watered yet her pride made them suck themselves back in her eyes. It didn't matter as the door busted open when Jikan answered it.

It was just party people.

A bunch of hot girls and guys came into their place and Quilla hurried to collect herself before she wrecked herself in front of the others. Her eyes gazed at everyone to make sure no one was suspicious. "I did not expect so many..." she claimed as they started to put down their booze and snacks, the others set up a stage and more grabbed a list someone else had. Was this what a sleepover was?


She heard glass break as the window was being opened. She will have to get that fixed with her own Earth magic later. Her eyes gazed at the two who were probably just as confused by now or joining in. Bopping electronic music came on as people started to make drinks and go upside down with kegs. "TRUTH OF DARE TIME, HOES!", yelled a girl who seemed to be the leader of the females. She had blonde hair and was not from Joya or at least wasn't Joyan. "I guess we got our game," she shrugged and went to sit down in a circle with everyone. The girl smacked her gum as she gazed at everyone and stopped at Jikan, "Ask someone truth of dare," she chuckles and twirled her hair in a seductive way.

The hot blonde appearance


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:48 am


Akuko returned and answered Jikan's whispered question. In honesty all Jikan could do was sigh. She had been through this a few times probably with Quill. But really, did she normally do things to this level? How troublesome. Even more so with how she played around with her words. Maybe she was planning a prank on Jikan? Maybe maybe not.

Granted...one time meeting would not be enough to remember enough details of someone most of the time for a majority of people. So, forgetting that Jikan did not know Joyan could be an easy thing to forget when she was back with an old friend.

Due to Jikan moving quickly to the door, she was not able talk more about what Akuko said, that would have to wait for later if possible.


Opening the door Jikan saw that thankfully, it looked like ordinary people. Some guys and gals...and quite a bit of them as well. Many cheerful faces looked at Jikan when she opened the door, and a quick look back to Quill and Akuko to make sure it was fine to let them in was all Jikan did before she let them in.

Once the people were in Jikan closed the door. She stayed there, leaning her body against the door as she eyed the new people in the room.

Op.....someone broke a window....

Yelp....its going to be wild now maybe.

"Is this a little too much?", this question was addressed to Quill. "So many people in one room, its going to get a little chaotic~", she said this last part with a little amusement.

It seemed they were in a game now, and with a shrug Jikan made her way back to the chair she was sitting in before. After looking around at the people sitting Jikan decided on a random male amongst the group. She slowly raised a hand up and pointed at him, "You, truth or dare".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:11 am

Was it a good idea to play truth or dare with a daemon? It might be fun, as well as risky since Akuko kind of trick might end up in some one being really unhappy. She would let Quillareine be the first of the two of them be in the room and she just climb out later."We have out game and starting out wildness...maybe I need to be a bit more settled."Akuko mentioned that but that could very well be a lie after all.

Before she would fully pop out she would take time and ask Quillareine."I do not know Quilly, Do you think these people intended to play truth or dare with a daemon?"Akuko posed because daemons were not common for such things and she assumed a fairly noisey lady such as the blonde would be expecting one.

But before she really got an answer she would just place herself comfortably some where with in the group being more close to sitting near Quillareine then anything else, but that might not shock anyone. It will be fine to hear how these strangers would act or what would happen here, Would things get too crazy? it was a good ponder.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 5:31 am


"No one cares that you're a daemon, Akuko," she points out that there was a daemon in their squad as he had obvious devil horns, one had a unicorn's horn on the mid-section of their head and the main girl probably wasn't even human or she just was full of confidence and no fear. She paid back attention just in time for Jikan to ask the guy, "Dare, I'm no pussy," he said with a smirk, "No offence, Kat," he shrugged at a cat girl across from him.

She rolled her eyes and she wondered what Jikan was going to dare them. Quilla got up to get some snacks as she was starved, "Anyone want anything?" she questioned distantly. One of them looked up at her, "Sure, I will sweet cakes," spoke the one with the daemon look. The man with the long white hair and unicorn horn looked at him. "That's no way to talk to a beautiful young lady, Trent," he gave a warm smile towards her. He got up and assisted Quilla to give everyone any snacks or drinks that was requested. Once it was done the man sat next to Quilla as they continued to watch the guy take his dare.

1,534 Total

Last edited by Quillareine on Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:28 pm


Jikan lifted her kimino sleeve to cover her face as if she was trying to conceal a snicker. "Oh Akuko. I've only met you once before but I already know that you are not the type to be settled down. Why not allow yourself to play and have fun with a friend and some party goes??". Jikan was trying to help relieve Akuko in her own way. These people all looked like they were demi human. So hopefully they were not to sort to panic based on ones appearance.

Jikan was pleased with her hope was confirmed, even further actually. The group seemed to have a daemon friend. It just showed that daemon's came in very different looks, Jikan thought he was some sort of horned demi human. But he was in fact a daemon as well.

"I will take some red wine if there is any". Jikan would then look back at the man that had chosen dare. "Okay, give a foot massage to the person to your right for two minutes".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:38 am

It seemed even if it had to mentioned that way Akuko would just reply."Well blame a person who having is some kind of insecurity."She said in return to the lady she just made sure was okay in case something was needed for her, Akuko seemed to have taken it differently. Even if there was, it was almost like she assumed Daemons where a rarity and something risky to exist in Joya where they were at currently. You know the odd chance Akuko showed actually emotion that was not trying to trick some one it was so casually set aside pretty quickly.

She then just kind of walked over to where Quillareine is to look at all of the things that where there. Because Akuko was picky and had things in mind she wanted. Sour, bitter or both at the same time she was picky this way and knew what she wanted just did she manage to find what she wanted. But Akuko could find a few things close enough to enjoy. Pick them up and. Just taking her time so far she did not see any red wine at all.

But some one suggested red wine, So Akuko wound find her spot again, sit down and quietly eat her snacks waiting to see who was actually at the end of this dare, seemed like a fairly simple dare to have mentioned, So far this game was pretty tame, This could be interesting, Hopefully there was red wine for Jikan.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:09 am


She watched Jikan as they were going to dare them to do something. She listened to her voice of maturity telling him that he had to massage someone's feet. He looked to his right to see the Queen Bee smirk devilishly, "You heard her, get rubbing, Duke," she chuckled and then grumbled while doing so. He gazed at the woman's feet, "At least they're clean...", he mumbled before taking off her shoes and watched her twinkle her toes teasing him to get started. You could hear him groan as he started to rub her feet, hearing her groan.

"Aight, while I'm doing this, Truth of Dare, Cindy," he looked at a girl with blonde hair and pink eyes. She was really pretty, but so was every girl here, besides herself, she was okay. Her heart was beating and wondered what they were going to pick. "Truth," she said stammering.

"You pussy," he told her. "I have one, plus I don't trust you after that, you bitch," she motioned towards the massaging and giggled girlishly. "If you had to go in the closet with one person, who would it be?", he rolled his eyes at how much of a coward she was. The girl looked around and she stopped between Quilla, Akuko and Jikan as her eyes kept switching. The others noticed and chuckled, "Ooo, a girl?~ Cindy!~" The queen bee gleamed with happiness as she just found out her best friend's sexuality. "You! I'd take all you three, but I feel like the cold looking ones are the real freaks,~" she teased Quilla.

Quilla gulped nervously as she gazed away distantly, "See?~ Speaking of, Truth or dare," she smirked towards her as if she was a tiger about to devour her prey. Her face stayed calm and expressionless and looked at the girl, "Dare," Quilla announced. She was nervous, what will she have her do? "I dare you to give me your address,~" she purred. Truthfully, it didn't matter since Quilla traveled all the time so her addressed changed as well. Quilla got up and heard Ooou's from the crowd as she got a paper and pencil. Writing her address she turned around and gave it to her. She enjoyed these little games as Cindy was playing one, so shall she.

Slowly, she walked towards Cindy and saw that the Unicorn man was watching her every move as well as the daemon guy. It was like she was in a wolf's den. Three acquired. She looked back at the woman's pink eyes and leaned over to give them the paper and turned away to go sit down.

Her eyes looked at Akuko after giving Cindy her address and asked, "Truth of dare,". Quilla was curious what she will pick since Akuko was daring, but she had her insecurities just like herself.

2,005 wc total


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:27 am


Jikan relaxed in her chair as she watched. It was amusing to hear about Akuko feeling this way. Her mischievous personality and antics made Jikan think she was a carefree spirit. It was a truth, but a the same time Jikan realized the sensitivity of the situation. Akuko was a daemon after all, ignoring the personal difficulties one may be going through with that, there was also the concern and fear of how others may act towards them or response seeing them. So being on edge of people finding out she was a daemon was a rational response, and reasonable to hold some insecurity on.

The game continued on, the boy starting the two minute massage after a little back and forth with his friend. With nothing else really going on, she waited to see what choice Akuko would pick.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:12 am

There was a fair good mix of truth or dare with in this and Akuko seemed fairly delighted about it in the end, sometimes with in it's title Akuko thought people just kept choosing dare with not truth to it. She did not think it would be too much time for Akuko to think up what she would say to what was posed to her. Thus she went with one she figured one she might not be expected too. Staring right into Quillareine's eyes and said."Dare."It might have been expected for Akuko to pick dare because she would take the risks.

She was curious to what in which what would be posed to her. So with that she would throw another piece of one of her extremely sour snacks and waited to see what she would be dared to do. Given how Akuko played all of this stuff off, It would have to be a really good dare to shock or surprise her. Since everyone so far was far more casual about things so Akuko assume this would be nothing she would not be able to handle at all, These where simple things done so far.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:13 am


Akuko gazed into her eyes as she spoke of 'dare'. People were all looking at Quilla as they waited for her to give the dare. There were many dares on her mind, but which one will entertain her? She was very simple, but she hoped that this was a good dare to give. She got up and went towards the large box she got earlier with the small boxes and pulled out an outfit. She picked it up and turned towards her with an outfit of white and black. "I dare you to wear this while twerking through the whole song of this in front of them," she calmly spoke after throwing the whole attire at her friend.

Her finger pointed towards Jikan and, a daemon and the girl who wanted to bang all three of them. After that she decided to sit down and looked at her dear friend. It wasn't something bizarre, no, but she will at least be amused.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:01 pm


Jikan rested her hand under his chin, it was her left hand as she positioned her left hand on the cushion to prop herself as she relaxed. Quill had called out to Akuko giving her the choice of truth or dare, the playful daemon woman chose dare.

It was something Jikan had expected from her. It may have only been one time but Jikan had gotten a personal one on one exposure to Akuko. Truth was a sensitive topic, and dare was a playful one. A dare was not boring. As since Akuko was most likely looking for her normal fun, doing dares would be the thing that would provide her with entertainment.

Jikan shifted her eyes to Quillareine. What was her dare? She knew AKuko and seemed to be a very close friend. So she most likely knew the type of dare that could hurt her and which would match Akuko's personality and mood. Which thankfully meant Jikan could take hints from her for what would be bad. Everyone was here for a fun time after all.

She dared her to dance, twerk more specifically. Then pulled out something, an outfit. And it...was some outfit. Is that....a maid outfit???. This was....something. Who was this person she was going to dance for though?  After Quill showed the white and black outfit to Akuko Jikan would soon have her answer. Three people, and Jikan was one of them.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:00 pm

If there was something she expect, she expected something more plain then this, But Akuko rather intrigued upon in which was challenged to her. She laughed like it she almost expected something else entirely."Oh is that all? interesting..."Akuko had to ponder if she dared Quillareine to do the same thing she would be able to manage because of her passive and priestess nature. Akuko then walking over Akuko took the outfit out of her hands and gave Quillareine a pat on the head with a typical Akuko smile, Like she might be scheming something down the road for her to deal with.

Akuko was a daring type after all this dare would show how she handled these things. She did not attempt to hide really after all her daemon form did seem to cover up a fair amount while showing off her shape. So she would just put it on in front of them if they watched or not was entirely up to them.Akuko teasing the group of people slightly seemed to fiddle with the top part to make sure her breasts were fitting just right. Almost like she expected a few dirty minded people to be gazing at her while she was making sure everything fit right. Then again you could call Akuko out for teasing other people as well, since she knew full well what she was doing when just putting it on in front of people.

Then well she would a some what good attempt at twerking in time with the song, The only season why it was questionable how well she did it because Akuko found the idea of it strange and foreign, Just how many people did this was a good question in her mind, Nonetheless she completed her dare. Then she pointed at Jikan. Akuko pointed to the other daemon with in the group."You, Truth or Dare"Why pick the people you knew? you could do much more with asking the strangers.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:03 am


Akuko did her dare as she knew she would. Her eyes watched the girl's reactions as they were the real reason she dared it. Amused or not, it didn't matter for her as she was just here to enjoy company of those she knew and did not know yet. Her eyes went towards the man next to her and then towards Jikan as she heard Akuko ask her truth or dare. What could Akuko possibly dare or even ask in terms of truth? "I wonder what it could be," she wondered out loud as she was teasing Jikan in her cold tone.

The man from the first dare was still massaging the woman's foot as we all giggled every so often, but didn't bother them on it. Were they going to end up a couple in the end? Is that how it worked? Quilla combed her pink hair as she watched carefully between Akuko and Jikan.

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