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Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party]

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Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:54 am


The two of them were an odd different bunch for sure. Akuko seemed to completely calm with the dare, not treating it much of anything from her verbal response. She even laughed a bit at the dare as well. Was that for show or really her there? That careful nature and bravado seemed to be present here in general maybe from everyone that got here today. Perhaps that was a good thing? It would give Jikan more entertainment and things to laugh about after all.

Jikan thought Akuko would go to a different room to change but they didn't. Sure, their daemon form had some features that hide her parts while showing shape, but it was still an unexpected decision from the purple headed woman. Jikan commented on this, "Oh ho, bold aren't wee?~ putting on a show?". Jikan was not sure if any of the other guests were looking away but she chose to look. Looking towards Akuko and Quill a bit back a forth. They were friends, did they do these type of random shenanigans all the time???

Afterward Akuko would do the dare. For the people present, at least Jikan thought so, it was obvious that the lady had never done it before. It was a decent first attempt at least, she had some movement with her hips that helped her out. In hindsight Jikan wasn't surprised. From her knowledge not many people knew of this type of....dance. Even less knew how to do it in the different ways. Now that she thought of it more, she wondered how many people out of Fiore knew about twerking and its, purpose?

Then it was her turn. Jikan wondered what to do. Truth or Dare. Either could be fine and in a fit of boredom she reached into her kimino and flip a coin. Catching it in her hand she looked at it to reveal...heads. Truth? No, that was too boring her for first turn. She looked up with a soft smile but fiery challenging eyes, "Dare".


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 05, 2022 2:36 pm

She chose a dare, one that Akuko herself had to do something that she just laughed loudly."Oh how magical."She had something perfect for Jikan to do. For Akuko's dares are a bit more out there then most people. This kind of stuff was her forte and with that cheeky and devilish smile on her face.What kind of mood was Akuko in? Well a normal tricky one. She would walk over to all of the drinks they had here, with what the ones Akuko requested she then said to Jikan."I dare you to blindfold yourself....And drink this drink I will make you, You can not remove the blindfold until the drink is done."Akuko said this with as typical of a devilish smile on her face from a daemon woman. She started pouring together a drink in a medium size glass from all of the drinks.

She made sure the labels of what she was pouring into the glass was not seen, Because that would ruin the fun of it. While she stared down Jikan waiting for to put a blindfold on. At least Jikan had no time limit. Just had to be blindfolded the entire time. It was just the two things she stated and even if it was possible for Akuko to do other things she would not. The medium sized glass had the most bitter liqueur, adding into a an extremely sour Whisky Sour made by Akuko. She then mixed. Walked over to Jikan to hand it to her."A toast to the dare."Jikan was going to have to drink the most sour and bitter drink Akuko could make, Blindfolded. She was given some safety nets because she was not cruel because she did not have a time limit but Jikan was in for a heck of a time for having a shock of extremely and easily tasted bitterness and easily sharp and quick sour in the same drink. Then Akuko would sit back in her spot and waited.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:22 am


They seemed to have enjoyed Akuko's show as it was now Akuko's turn to question Jikan. As the dares moved on, Jikan picked it and had to now blindfold herself while drinking some mysterious drink. Her eyes looked at Akuko and couldn't really see what was being used. She was curious at least. Her eyes trailed to Jikan to see if she will drink it or not, knowing Akuko it was something dangerous or strong, maybe both.

The other thing about the drink, it was obviously bitter and sour, her two favorite things. After the drinking was done as well as the dare, something appeared as the lights suddenly shut off. The preppy girls were screaming as they were afraid besides the blonde and the lesbian woman. As the lights flickered on, two people were missing, the daemon guy who was beside the blonde and the lesbian. A little blood was where they sat as the bodies were missing. Her eyes wandered towards the party as if she was wondering who did it, or was it someone close to her? Maybe... it was finally them.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:10 pm


Jikan raised an eyebrow at Akuko's laugh and exclamation. "I just need to drink something while being blindfolded? I hope you have some sort of trick for this as well or this going going to be a boring dare Akuko", she teased slowly with each word Jikan spoke. Jikan would wait then, for Akuko to make the drink. She would put on a blindfold on while making some small talk while she waited. She would stick her tongue out at Akuko and wink before doing so though. She would wait fror a bit for Akuko to come back, reaching out for it Jikan would try to 'accidentally' poke Akuko's stomach before adjusting and taking the glass. A bit with some difficulty as she was not using her magic to sense her environment resulting in her only using her hearing and the few smells in the air. Someone had a soft fruity perfume on.

"A toast to the dare".

She stirred the drink in her hand, even smelled it a little before finding taking a weak sip.  Before almost choking to death because of it, not literally. But it was so sour and bitter it was suffocating. Jikan had a sweet tooth, if not she enjoyed savory things. Some bitterness food was good, but this was well beyond her cup of tea. It was not smooth either. Even if it was a drink, it still somehow felt dry and rough going down. Well then. This was going to suck. At least she did not have to finish it all at once or within a time limit.

With a little cough Jikan took in another sip, a larger one than before. Suddenly the lights went off, bodies moved, peopled scream. Jikan stood up, getting into a fighting stance before the lights came back on. When she did, she was not sure if this was prank...or something vile going on... "What...in the world".


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:14 am

The many things about Akuko's tricks were, they seems harmless to start at times, it was when you got into the the details of it is when it was a with it came to light."Sometimes, the best dares are the trials you knew very well are coming."Akuko mentioned in return. The thing about Akuko if you know she is about to trick you and is open about it, It might be good to ponder what part could be a the trick.

As she handed the glass over to Jikan and was poked Akuko read her arm along Jikan's arm and then would grip upon that left exposed finger and pull on it lightly."Some one is trying to get a bit touchy I see."Akuko said so casually about it. But it seemed Akuko played off of it. Watching the reaction Akuko could not but help about it, Because well it worked swimmingly and as planned, It was a harmless thing."I do hope you are able to finish it."After all she had to finish it. It was the dare after all it was only best done on Jikan or the other people because Quillareine would know what to expect.

When the lights went off as it did Akuko just would use it as a chance to go into hiding, Mostly because she felt like it. Akuko did not follow logical or reason at times. Given it was total and complete light cut out for a moment, It would be good to question where Akuko went and why? Was Akuko about to attempt another joke on some one? It seemed the added tension of blood and missing bodies, with Akuko gone would lead to some easily picked up ideas weather or it not it as correct would be an interesting task.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:59 am


Everyone was panicking in their own way. Quilla's heart was beating as she hoped it wasn't them, but what if it was? "Duke? This isn't funny!" the popular girl even sounded worried as if she was hoping this was a joke. Did she really like him? Her eyes started to tear up as she stood up looking at everyone. "What is everyone waiting for? We need to look through the place... Th-they could be here still," she suddenly started coughing. Out of nowhere she collapsed on the carpet floor. "Don't worry, I'll protect you," Quilla heard next to her as she looked to see the Unicorn gentleman tell her.

Truthfully, she didn't need that much protection, but it was nice. Cindy went over to the Queen bee and frowned. "Why is this happening?", she wondered as suddenly the lights flickered. "I-I'm leaving!", one of the randoms said as the lights then went off. After a few more seconds the random and Cindy disappeared. Quilla stood up and looked at everyone. Was the person who was doing this here? There was now a Neko, unicorn, daemon, two humans and the three (herself, Akuko and Jikan) left. She knew it wouldn't be Akuko, this was even much for her. She'd tell her if she was going to do this, right? "I'm going to go out there and look around," Quilla insisted. "I'll go with you," the unicorn man spoke as he stood up. "Alright, Akuko..." she looked at her and Jikan, "Take care you two, we should all split up into partners if you leave this room," she insisted. This slumber party game turned up a whole new level.


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:26 pm


It was a game and not everything that expected was boring. After all it did not take away the action or trick itself. If something was well done or matched the personalty of the people involved. It just needed the right circumstances.

With the lights back on Jikan took a chance to observe the room. Two people were missing. From her memory, it was the daemon guy that was giving the foot massage, and the lady that said she was attracted to some of the ladies in the room. At first she wondered if this was a planned prank, this thought went away though when she noticed the little red spot on the floor. Could be a number of things...but one of the options was blood.

But a precursor thing was that Akuko was gone as well. Did whatever that cause the two guests disappearance cause Akuko as well? There was another possibility, that Akuko did it and then left. To be honest, Jikan thought that would not be the case because she thought Akuko was too slow in her movement and magic to pull this off. It was not a knock at her, it was just an opinion held with what she knew. She could be sneaky or tricky sure, but that was a different thing. Even though that was the case, Jikan would not cut the possibility off the table though, Akuko was still an unknown person to Jikan for the most part.

With the light came off and on again more chao ensued. But, at least from Quill word's it seemed she could tell that AKuko was here. Taking another, longer sip for the glass that held the nasty drink Jikan called out, "Bah...so sour. Akuko, if you want me to keep drinking this you are going to want to come out". Jikan would use this as a bait, she hoped it would work, or at least let her know if Akuko was even in the room for real.

With nothing much to do, she could go by the red spot to see if it was really blood. Then go over to the cough lady that fell to the ground to see her condition. This....was getting to be much more than a slumber party now...


Daring Night - Jikan, Akuko, +1 Invite [TDC: Slumber Party] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:33 am

There was just something about it, But Akuko was not showing back up or speaking at all since sneaking off as she did. Not helping at the situation at hand with her just going off as she did, But there was most likely a reason for it and she just was not telling anyone, It would be a few minutes before Akuko's head pop out of a shadowy part of the ceiling, Like she was looking around, most likely wanting to see if it was safe or not. Going on some kind of look out maybe, But she had not ventured too far away.

"Alright what? Blame a woman for seeing what I can figure out on my own."Somewhere in the room Akuko spoke then out of Quillareine's shadow she just kind of walked out of it so casually. Like she was actually searching around to see what she could have seen something for the situation at hand that could help the situation, So far it seemed since she did not mention anything at all about she had no luck at all with her venture. Having a feeling it was gonna draw eyes on her right away.

However when it came to the drink."So sour? Trust me, I was being nice with that. It could have been a lot worst. After all if it was made my way it would be more sour and bitter then that....And you would have to drink it in under two minutes."Akuko mentioned that just to see the reaction, After all she knew full well could have made it worst, if anything Akuko threw Jikan a curve ball."Unless your are going to want one entirely made how I would drink it?"This was the kind of stuff they might need to pose at another time.

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