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In the market? (With Nemo)

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In the market? (With Nemo) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:13 am

It was some what working, Some what as Nemo still seemed unsure how to take such information, but suppose she could ask one thing that might help her maybe to collect to her thoughts and help her move on. It was going to be posed as a question. Maybe with this it could help her maybe some what continue on.

As it was posed to him as this question."How...Do I get myself, To no longer think about wanting to learn who I was in the past?"Maybe this was something that was going to be more helpful since she was still on this part when she knew she really should not be."It almost feels like, I need to know what was loss...."Maybe it was something she needed closer with. After all she had lost almost everything at this time but where she was now. It was most likely stressful.


In the market? (With Nemo) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:12 pm

He looked at her and he smiled softly at her. "Well you don't have to stop thinking about it per say, just let yourself move on a bit and start making this life yours. I know it will be a nagging feeling you will get about who you use to be, but in case the day doesn't come you remember this way you will have something and maybe someone that you can have that will treat you right." Yijun spoke with a kind and caring voice, Yijun knows that he can talk a bit on wanting to forget his past and get the blood he had on his hands off but he knows that it isn't that easy and it can never be that easy as he was not able to do such things as he needed to make sure that he was not just left out in the wind for death and those that might still seek his life. He wants to at least help her to be able to move on in case her past never comes back to her and she is left with nothing but wasted time and a wasted life.


In the market? (With Nemo) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:48 pm

She would continue to list as she seemed to continue this conversation. For the most part she only seemed to nod slightly like she understood what he said but almost like that door was just not really being open yet."Well..I suppose these peaches, aren't so bad."Nemo trying to think like she was trying to spark into this woman that was now slowly gaining who she was.

She was trying to make something of it. All these kind of different kind of foods she could try, but here she thought about a peach. But suppose it was not a horrible thing. But she almost felt like she forgot a few things."Wait....did i actually order food?"Nemo realize she forgot entirely why she was sitting here at a table in a resturant. She did not even recall what she was ordering if she did or not.


In the market? (With Nemo) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:28 pm

The waitress looked at the woman for her order as the man had ordered a chicken sandwich and a cola. "I don't think you ever picked But I know I have been drinking the water they gave us while I wait for you to order but you seemed to be having a crisis so I wasn't going to rush you." He was being honest as she was seeming to have an issue and he was sure she wanted to get over it first before she ordered but he knows that often times it is not that easy to just get over it as she was dealing with not knowing her self well and that she was worried about that but Yijun hoped that she could get over that feeling and if her past comes back it comes back but for now she needed to keep moving forward before she is just stuck in the mud and unable to move or even do anything as she was not going to be able to do a lot as she needed to make sure of a lot of things? He needed to keep an eye on her for now.


In the market? (With Nemo) - Page 2 Empty Today at 3:28 pm

Nemo merely seemed to sigh about it, She almost felt like a horrible dinner guest. But she was also use to other things. Like only just making the food, setting the table and serving it herself."Right...I will just."She read the menu pretty quickly and pointed at something that sounded good enough. So she was just taking a risk and going to deal with what she ate.

Sure that was a horrible idea, but she would just do it anyway."This will be fine."Then she figured she would have to try and settled her brain and mind from this crisis she was having. Then she took off her hat for a moment and placed it on the table to run her hand through it.

Almost like she was still in thought, Like she was unsure how else to piece her life together but she was still thinking too much still.

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