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A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed)

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A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:09 pm

"On my own again it seems." Chishio would mumble to herself as she walked after meeting up with a friend at a pub. The woman had just come out of a pub in the evening and was heading back to the room she rented. She had some money but needed to do some quests in the future to keep herself afloat. She tended to spend money quickly on other things she did not need. This incident of getting mildly tipsy with her friend was an example of that.

Weird. Who was that several feet behind her? She tilted her head slightly and strained her eyes to a corner of a socket, just to passively glimpse who it was. A man she just saw at the pub? Right?

So here she is, with her weird dress and blunt nature, going on the streets and exiting a pub. Chishio went down an alley. It was nighttime and the moon hovered on the dark streets of Seven.

She probably looked like a drunk whore.

Chishio was being followed and was aware. However, as she walked down the alley she felt a presence. Someone was trying to do unspeakable things to her. Someone was trying to take her by force. And just like that, in reaction time she'd let them pin her to a wall. Chishio simply wanted to see this bastard's face straightforwardly so she could bust his jaw.

Her arm flew...

Of course, she had to miss. Right?

Her face showed fear, just for a second. In embarrassment, she closed her eyes as if to not see the nasty event that would happen to her. This bastard had an ill lust for her. Ugh, she wished she could choke him. But it fell flat, her arm flung itself again at him, but it dropped without touching a single thing but the air. Chishio began to panic. Out of drunkenness and fear her defense was falling flat. Chishio was a fighter, but she was being pushed into submission- way too quickly for her good.

"Ugh, you're such an ugly-ass bastard....." was the first thing she said. Chishio wasn't going to scream. That's what gave these weirdos a high after all. He was going to go in and violate her mouth and......He paused. Her eyes began to open again from lack of movement and sound. Someone was quickly approaching and the pervert knew.

#2Yuuki Hashimoto 

A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 8:04 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki had spent most the day sparring and needed to relax a little bit, and going for walks helped him clear his mind and relax, although it was rare for him to want to do much of anything after a sparring sessions besides eat, soak, and sleep; but Yuuki had only done some light sparring, where no blows were actually traded and mainly just focused on foot work and deflections. Yumi sat on Yuuki's left shoulder which was her usual spot humming softly to her self, as there was not much to excite her here in seven as shed seen most of it; Yuuki liked how child like she acted sometimes, but sometimes it was too much for him to handle considering he was just barely an adult himself.

Yuuki been walking Through the center of town where all the pubs and restaurants happened to be the atmosphere was rich with the smells and sounds of each of the eateries and alcohol establishments. Yuuki took a deep breath in enjoying the smells and how they mingled and mixed in the area creating an welcoming and comforting aura around the area, Yuuki glanced up to catch Yumi sniffing "Oh something smells good too ya?" he asked curiously causing Yumi to instantly blush "N-no" She said sheepishly eliciting a slight chuckle from Yuuki as they continued their stroll.

As Yuuki and Yumi passed by a near by alley way Yuuki noticed a confrontation, though it was getting dark it was hard for Yuuki to make out who or what was going on, that was until Yuuki saw said confrontation turn into a struggle and  heard a woman's voice say something bout someone being ugly and a bastard. Yuuki was only a about 20 is meters from where he stood to the confrontation, normally he would mind his business and keep on walking; however he would not allow a woman to be assaulted "Hold on tight Yumi." he said quietly as he burst forth with his katana clearing the scabbard only to rest lightly against the assaulting mans neck drawing a small line of blood "I think the lady has made it clear she does not want your company. Persist any further and you will leave here with more than just a tiny cut!" Yuuki said as he watched a moment the man finally relented and Yuuki removed the sword, although keeping it ready "Now I suggest you leave." Yuuki said menacingly causing the man to take off screaming out into the street.

Yuuki cleaned the blood off with a single swing before sheathing the sword and looking at elven woman, his frosty blue gaze softened a tad "Are you alright?" he asked genuinely wanting to make sure she had not been harmed. Yuuki backed up a few steps understanding she had just been through an ordeal and as tall as he was he knew he was an imposing figure and he really did not want to stress this random woman out any further than she likely already was.

Post word count :509


A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:31 pm

Ruminating thoughts of her childhood entered a disturbed miind as acceptance of what were to proceed. Usually she could bounce off catcalling and harassment, but not in the dark like this. This behavior was soon interrupted.

A much taller man came out of nowhere and to be blatant- successfully scared and attacked the bastard. Not only did he scare the pervert but as well as she. It was very random but she didn't regret his interference once seeing helpful intentions.

“Ok…..” her body tensed but then relaxed from being freed by the man's restraint.

He asked a question in terms of her wellbeing at that present moment. This was not one she could answer in the current frame of mind.

“This seems to happen to me alot…..” Chishio started off to say and gave a sigh of relief. It may have seemed more a verbal thought voiced for herself rather than the man before her. Maybe she needed to dress differently or something. Damn.

She blinked a few times in silence. She was more or less trying to get her thoughts together. This man seemed to not have the same thoughts about her like the prior. The pervert was gone and this man seemed to be a typical person. At least he did something. Alot of the time people would walk by and alot of people did not get lucky to be saved.

“I'm fine. Thank you for saving me.” She said. Her face was no longer fearful and started to go neutral. Her face was blank of emotion now. It was a genuine response of gratitude she just couldn't process stable thoughts. She was still upset however. The thank you soon turned into fear again from paranoia. Chishio took several steps away from Yuuki and shook her head as if trying to snap out of a mental shock. The thoughts came up again. She placed her hands on the side of her skull, “Father….I'm sorry….I'm sorry. I'M SORRY DON'T…..”

She shook her head again suddenly coming back from reality only to mutter a single word as a reply to some meltdown. Very few tears began to dry on her face.


#4Yuuki Hashimoto 

A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:01 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki eyed the woman who's name he did not yet know, He could not make out finer details of her face like her eye color or hair color, since the alley was quite dark, but he could tell she looked afraid; which Yuuki could understand, Had Yuuki not decided to intervene she likely would have been taken by force so Yuuki could understand being fearful that now she had a man who was clearly armed only feet from her. Yuuki did not know what she was think but if he were in her shoes he would likely be fearful, even if said person had just saved them.

Yumi patted Yuuki on the top of the head like she was saying good job, Yuuki just looked up at her and smirked, keeping a watchful eye on the girl to make sure he hadn't collapsed from shock, or worse said man comes back with friends; not that Yuuki was particularly worried he could handle a few street thugs with ease. Yuuki returned his full attention to the girl when she seemed to be talking to herself as he watched her body language seemed to relax. Yuuki's eyes softened completely as the woman relaxed but his head was still on a swivel.

Yuuki was about to ask her a question but she started talking to herself again, stating something about this happening a lot, up until this point Yuuki had not really taken stock of the woman's body, Yuuki looked her up and down briefly taking her figure in and he had to admit she had a very alluring body that likely garnered a lot of unwanted attention, Yuuki figured it would not matter what she was wearing with a shapely body like hers she would likely still draw the same level of attention.

Yuuki quickly averted his eyes after taking stock of her, as Yuuki did not want her to get the wrong idea after having just gone through an ordeal of that nature. Yuuki afforded the woman silence as she worked through what Yuuki assumed would be difficult emotions to work through, even more so with a strange tall male nearby, after some time she spoke thanking him for saving her and assuring him she was fine "You're more than welcome, but probably be wise to get out of the alley; nothing good happens in them at this hour." Yuuki said warmly and softly his sapphire like orbs locking on to her eyes.

Yuuki was about to ask her if she wanted a escort to her home, when she suddenly took several steps away from him as fear now haunted her features again. Yuuki had noticed she was now holding her head with both hands talking to herself something about her father, sorry and don't, Yuuki did not quite understand what was going on or why she was freaking out, Yuuki assumed past trauma.

Yuuki took one step, two steps, three steps towards the woman to hear her utter a swear, he took a few more until he was standing in front of her and gently he placed a hand on either shoulder and gently wrapped the woman who he didn't even know into a hug "You're alright, no ones gonna harm you, your safe." he said softly and with genuine warmth in his voice as he gently stroked her hair with his right trying to calm her down or at least hold her still so she couldn't harm herself while having a breakdown.

Post word Count:583
Thread word Count: 1,092


A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:06 pm

The man said something about them leaving. Chishio would likely agree, but her mind couldn't grasp onto that to give a response. She knew if she opened her mouth right now she'd start wailing. She hated whining and wailing. Her father always did with her. All she could think about at that moment was her father hitting her and talking to himself with filthy language with the demon who had possessed him.

Chishio was pulled in for a hug. Her body grew tense, but then she relaxed into the man's chest. Her arms fell to her sides and her head pushed into his shoulder. She was unsure of why she was allowing this to happen. He didn't seem to have the same intentions as the other. Right? He just kind of held her there. Most of the time, she'd think hugging strangers was definitely a weird thing to do, but for once she felt at peace. Her mind was returning from its restless and anxious state to normality. She was unsure of how long she posed like that. She then stepped back away from him once finding herself more stable and her crying vanished.

“Thank you…..” she’d say again unsure of how to respond to him further. She looked confused at him. He helped her scare off the man? Why was he still here facing her? He did his saint duty, but why was he trying to still make sure she was still ok? Chishio was exceptionally confused. She expected him to just nod and walk away. Chishio wasn’t used to having people care about her too much- well her father.

She tilted her head as if judging the man in the dark. She could barely see his face.

“Thank you……” she’d say again. She looked confused this time as if unsure of what to say to him. At least her mind was clearer now.

#6Yuuki Hashimoto 

A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:17 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki normally would not have been so forward with a stranger, however he understood what it was like to be losing your mind and have everyone just walk away and leave him to wallow in his misery after killing his best friend in combat. Yuuki had not really planned on getting this involved with anyone or anything on his walk yet fate had a funny of dropping events or people into his lap which elicited smirk at the thought of someone pulling his strings.

Yuuki was roused from his musings when the girl he was holding stopped crying and stepped back from him and thanked him which kind of caught him off guard as he was not expecting gratitude, as what he did was what any self respecting person would have done in his situation "You're welcome." he said warmly as he rubbed the back of his head realizing that was the first time he had been that close with a woman. Yuuki's ears twitched nervously at the thought as it made him both nervous and excited at the same time. Yuuki had very little experience with women since his parents had arranged a marriage for him he had never met the young lady, but that was in the past after exiling himself.

Yuuki was still thinking when the girl thanked him again causing him to divert his attention back to her and making him wonder if she was just confused as himself as to what had just transpired not to long ago or maybe it was the range of emotions and actions she had just endured that had her off kilt. Yuuki would not know one way or another unless he asked but talking in this alley wasn't a good idea and they had likely gave any passers by the wrong idea "Uhh...errr. My names Yuuki. What is yours?" he asked with warmth and curiosity as he found it hard to maintain eye contact "We should probably get out of this alley before people get the wrong idea or that guy comes back with friends." Yuuki said genuinely before speaking again "I know this neat little park with a full view of the sky and the city down below, if you want we could go there since you seem like you need an ear that's willing to listen." he said warmly holding out his hand towards her as if offering his hand or arm to her .

Yumi growing tired yawned and floated down to the ground and climbed into a large pocket in his haori to sleep like she normally did when Yuuki was out late.

Post Word Count:435
Thread Word Count:1,527


A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:51 am

It seemed like he was trying to distract her from what happened. However, he suggested they go to a park. She was very prompt in her response to that idea. He wanted to take her to a park, but she didn't feel like going to one at that second.

"I need a drink to be fair. Another one, after all that...." Chishio began to say. Her inkling of wanting to go towards alcohol was probably not the best thing to do. The consumption of alcohol wasn't good to rely on in terms of fixing one's emotions. She was aware of this. But damn, after all that... Chishio just wanted to get away from where they were and her mind's fixation on her abusive father.

The girl didn't want to go to the previous bar where the potential sexual assailant had seen her. No, she'd go somewhere else. He told her his name and seemed to try to start a conversation. His name was Yuuki. Surprisingly she hadn't given her own in response.

Chishio grabbed Yuuki's hand very suddenly and began to guide, well more like a drag, him away from the disturbing situation that they, unfortunately, went through.

"I'm going to a bar and you will come with me." Her face turned away from Yuuki as she began to drag him. Seemingly, the woman had decided she'd like him and he would stay with her for a bit. If he wanted to go to a park and be with her, would it be fine if they went to a different location?

#8Yuuki Hashimoto 

A Beauty and her Savior (Social, Closed) Empty Yesterday at 7:35 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki heard the woman say something preposterous, she wanted alcohol when it was alcohol and bars that started her problems to begin with as he felt her grab at his hand and attempt to drag him with her, he easily shook his hand free giving her a look of contempt he had just save her from this situation and now she was trying to go back to where the issue actually started causing Yuuki to shake his head in disbelief "I wont be going drinking with you." he said flatly any warmth in his voice now gone replaced by coldness as his eyes narrowed at the woman wondering if alcohol was the only thing this woman thought about.

Yuuki turned to walk away "You can do what you wish, I saved you from a predicament, but now I must take my leave." he said flatly as he waved goodbye over his shoulder and made his way back to the guild house.

Post Word Count: 161
Thread Word count: 1,688

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