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Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito)

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Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:08 pm

Averie much like her older sister whom invited her here, Felt right at home in this kind of weather, It was a nice balance of feeling at home and being adjusted to the new place they where living in at the same time. But Averie had not consider coming to this event at first, she was merely going to stay at home or the office and continued looking int so many things that she would most likely just be lost to time.

But Helena her sister was ever loving and caring, If Averie avoided her for too long she was most likely going to walk into Era, find her and make her spend time with her. While annoying she knew it was important. Just as much as time with Kaito was.

Helena was nice enough to suggest this it was casual, it was quiet and there was nothing too stressful about it. Something Averie was worried about happening. But she was waiting at the dock where their boat would be, As she had been here earlier then Helena and whomever else might be willing to join them at this time. Averie was mentally preparing herself to be embarrassed by something.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:52 am


Kaito having learned of an event that was going on in the south Kaito walks out of a portal and toward the place that the boats were to be taking off from and he wondered if he was going to have to go with someone on the ride or if there was just solo rides or not and he wondered if he should have invited Averie to come but he knows that she had been busy with her rune knight duties and he was not sure that disturbing her would have been the wisest idea as he doesn't like to bug her as he knows that even if she was busy she would probably just drop what ever she was doing to follow along with him and he doesn't want to be getting in her way. Kaito got closer and he sees Averie there and he wondered if maybe she was here on business.

"You here for business or pleasure officer?" He said in a teasing voice as he was not sure if she had even noticed that he was here or not and he thought it wiser than just putting his arm around her and her thinking a stranger had grabbed onto to her and her try to attack him.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:38 am

It was a silly question, Averie did seem to laugh about it slightly. she was trying even if she was thinking about a few other things at the time as well. But she could admit she almost felt slightly bad because she had been distracted with work that she did not try to find him a bit sooner, But suppose their connection now, it just was both being busy over all at the time.

"Would...both be the right answer?"
She answered because in some manner, she almost wanted to answer it in a serious manner and just attempted to be funny about it for the most part.

But Averie would actually give him a logical answer as she reached out wanting to hold his hand."I am here for Pleasure, For me and you to spend time today on a boat ride."Averie seemed to actually want to spend time on something nice with him.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Yesterday at 7:12 am


He would laugh softly as she asked him if she could answer that with both. "That would be fitting to how you work, I guess." He gently took her hand and smiled at her. "I hope you don't mind me joining you." He was always zooming around the world and being super busy and he is wondering if it has stressed his relationship with Averie and her not have told him but he knows that he shouldn't just flat ask that question as he was more scared of that answer than one would think that he would have but he needed to make sure that he didn't push his luck too far with her.

He helped her into the boat once it had come to be their turn. "So how have you been?"" He asked as he wondered if she was going to be okay or not and if there was anything that she wanted to tell him or admit to him if that was the case. He also wondered where this boat was going to really take them and if this will be interesting as it was already weird that it was cooler like this in an area that is known to be hot and sunny. Kaito hoped they weren't messing too much with nature to make this kind of thing happen here as nature is not something that should just be messed around with and expect there not to be some form of backlash.
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