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Pirates need to learn. (D-Rank NQ)

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Pirates need to learn. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:09 pm

Karina had heard of some small time pirates that were causing issues for the people so she went to make sure that she helped to get back what was stolen and teach the pirates a lesson. She was greeted by the crew that had hired her to come with them, her companion followed close behind her even if it was not something special it was seemingly smart so she was fine to have it with her. She checked her gun the Daydream to make sure it was in good shape she was not sure if she was really ready for this but she had to do something and she was going to be working alone today, so the nerves were getting to her but her companion gently tapped her on the back and made what could best be described as a mix between a bird hum and a cat purr at her.


Pirates need to learn. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:09 pm

She giggled a bit as she might not know what it is saying but she got that it was trying to encourage her to do this and be better. She told the captain that she was ready and they headed off on the waters toward where the pirates had been seen, Sunshard tippy tapped his way around the deck and looked for things on and in the water, she followed the creature around and she wondered what it seemed to sense or see that she couldn't she had a lot that she still needed to learn but she was still young and fresh so she needed to make sure that she kept working hard and finding what she could to learn from. She looked out into the water and that was when she saw the pirate ship that was in the water and they headed right for the ship at full speed.


Pirates need to learn. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:09 pm

As their boat passed the pirate ship Karina had jumped on their ship as they were distracted looking at the ship that sailed past them. Karina took aim and she started blasting at the pirates who were taken off guard and that gave her a lot of room to move and take them down before they could fully react to her being there, but soon some of them were returning fire at her with guns of their own and she was pinned down behind some barrels and she peeked up and quick aim and shots to try and lessen their numbers so this was more even for her. She was glad that she could see that her skills weren't horrible but she still had a lot of work that she needed to do to get better and refine her skills more so she can get closer to her fathers light.


Pirates need to learn. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:09 pm

She rolled out and she took down the last two pirates that were on the ship and then she moved to capture the pirates and the other ship came back and helped her in capturing the pirates and getting the goods that they had stolen back from the ship and she looked at them to make sure that they were in fact not stealing themselves and then she started loading pirates into the other ship and then once off the ship she took aim and they shot the ship sinking it and then they headed for the port again to turn over the pirates and to help them unload the stolen goods so they could be returned to the rightful owners if there were such a person. They then walked over to her and handed her, her reward for completing the mission and for capturing the pirates instead of killing them.
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