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Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito)

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Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:08 pm

Averie much like her older sister whom invited her here, Felt right at home in this kind of weather, It was a nice balance of feeling at home and being adjusted to the new place they where living in at the same time. But Averie had not consider coming to this event at first, she was merely going to stay at home or the office and continued looking int so many things that she would most likely just be lost to time.

But Helena her sister was ever loving and caring, If Averie avoided her for too long she was most likely going to walk into Era, find her and make her spend time with her. While annoying she knew it was important. Just as much as time with Kaito was.

Helena was nice enough to suggest this it was casual, it was quiet and there was nothing too stressful about it. Something Averie was worried about happening. But she was waiting at the dock where their boat would be, As she had been here earlier then Helena and whomever else might be willing to join them at this time. Averie was mentally preparing herself to be embarrassed by something.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:52 pm


Kaito having learned of an event that was going on in the south Kaito walks out of a portal and toward the place that the boats were to be taking off from and he wondered if he was going to have to go with someone on the ride or if there was just solo rides or not and he wondered if he should have invited Averie to come but he knows that she had been busy with her rune knight duties and he was not sure that disturbing her would have been the wisest idea as he doesn't like to bug her as he knows that even if she was busy she would probably just drop what ever she was doing to follow along with him and he doesn't want to be getting in her way. Kaito got closer and he sees Averie there and he wondered if maybe she was here on business.

"You here for business or pleasure officer?" He said in a teasing voice as he was not sure if she had even noticed that he was here or not and he thought it wiser than just putting his arm around her and her thinking a stranger had grabbed onto to her and her try to attack him.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:38 am

It was a silly question, Averie did seem to laugh about it slightly. she was trying even if she was thinking about a few other things at the time as well. But she could admit she almost felt slightly bad because she had been distracted with work that she did not try to find him a bit sooner, But suppose their connection now, it just was both being busy over all at the time.

"Would...both be the right answer?"
She answered because in some manner, she almost wanted to answer it in a serious manner and just attempted to be funny about it for the most part.

But Averie would actually give him a logical answer as she reached out wanting to hold his hand."I am here for Pleasure, For me and you to spend time today on a boat ride."Averie seemed to actually want to spend time on something nice with him.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:12 am


He would laugh softly as she asked him if she could answer that with both. "That would be fitting to how you work, I guess." He gently took her hand and smiled at her. "I hope you don't mind me joining you." He was always zooming around the world and being super busy and he is wondering if it has stressed his relationship with Averie and her not have told him but he knows that he shouldn't just flat ask that question as he was more scared of that answer than one would think that he would have but he needed to make sure that he didn't push his luck too far with her.

He helped her into the boat once it had come to be their turn. "So how have you been?"" He asked as he wondered if she was going to be okay or not and if there was anything that she wanted to tell him or admit to him if that was the case. He also wondered where this boat was going to really take them and if this will be interesting as it was already weird that it was cooler like this in an area that is known to be hot and sunny. Kaito hoped they weren't messing too much with nature to make this kind of thing happen here as nature is not something that should just be messed around with and expect there not to be some form of backlash.
(252) (461)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:34 pm

Averie was fine she was just keeping her head in many things. Her social stunts aside Averie would get on the boat with out much problem, even if she needed a bit of guiding only because she was if anything enjoying what time she had with Kaito."I would not miss this time for the world."Averie even if she was never sure how she was suppose to handle these things. But she would consider herself handling it well, While it did not seem like it Averie was handling it well."It gets my mind off of work."Averie was normally head long in work after all so this would just be her plain.

But as she settled into the boat, Averie merely placed one of her hands on his lap casually. Then she would actually get up slightly to kiss him, As she was just happy with how this all worked out for her. But since Averie and him where planning a child. She would make the subject that very things while they were riding on this boat.

Considering they have not confirmed she was yet or not, Averie had not brought it up, she would ask him."Have you, had suggestions for possible names for if our efforts pay out?"Averie just sounded curious over all about it.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:47 pm


Kaito listened to the woman telling him about it being a good break from work and he watched the woman place her hand on his leg and he then saw her get up a bit and kiss him and he kissed her back and he wondered what had gotten into her as she was usually not this forward from the start so he wondered what was going on and then he heard her ask him about children names and if he had thought of any for them and he rubbed his chin and then he spoke. "The girl names I had thought of at this moment are Iris, Kaede and Isolde. Boy names I think Dante, Alphonse or Sora. How about you what ideas do you have for names?" He looked at the woman to see what she was thinking or what she would say as he was not sure if this was her telling him she is carrying his child or children, or if this is just her trying to get ahead of the curve if she were to, in case he dies.

He put his arm around her and he wondered if he would even make a good dad or not, he doubted it even though he wanted a family he doubted that he was going to really be of any reuse as a father, he was barely even any use as a mage.

(238) (699)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 8:12 am

Averie seemed actually excited to hear these name suggestion, Seemingly she had been taking this commitment as serious as possible, Even if she had other things on the go and working various hours that she could easily get distracted with so much other work. "These are very interesting choice."Averie was actually looking out of the water while she listened to the names, not saying which one she would choose for either gender yet.

When it came to the subject of her having names for the children, There was a long pause a really long pause."I had a few.....But I forgot them.."Averie mentioned almost like she was unsure how to admit it, But she was taking this all very seriously at the moment."I should have wrote them down."Well at least Averie was happy and at peace while she was enjoying the boat right even if she forgot a few other things she considered important.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:55 pm


He looked at her when she said his choices were interesting and he wondered what names she had in store that she was about to hit him with and then she said it, she said she forgot the names that she had picked for them and Kaito nearly fell out of the boat as he was not expecting that from Averie as she was suppose to be the smarter of the two of them and she just pulled an air headed move and he wondered if there was really a way this can really work out for him and her or not. He was wondering if she was just not as into this think as he was then he sighed as he heard her say that she should have written them down and he laughed a bit at that comment. "Yeah that might have been for the best if you had so we could have talked about it but you might remember as we go so just relax and lets enjoy." He moved a bit closer to her and he put an arm around her and he was glad to be here even if in that moment she said she forgot the names she wished to use on their children if they were to have any.
(218) (917)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 5:27 pm

It would be a bit while they drifted on, Then much like how things worked with Averie at times, A friendly ghost popped up and started floating above them both. Then it made a noise, like a very shift shriek that was not high pitch enough to hurt anyone's ears .

Averie looked up at it after it seemed to talk to her. Averie just seemed to realize she had planned for this and did not realize."Apparently...i had a ghost record for it.."Averie then would take a moment to recall what list she had in her mind that was now retold to her.

"Annika, Anre, Cartia, Edvard, Elias, Embla and Frej."Averie
then kind of waiting to think about what he thought of her ideas, while she still thought of his. As it seemed she was really thinking on it at this time. But she had brought ideas.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:51 pm


Kaito looked at the ghost as it popped up near them after he had said to relax and now Kaito was kind of thinking that he was just unlucky as he wanted to get off of the subject and just relax but now a ghost had shown up and it had magically recorded what the names were? Kaito sighed as he listened to the names and he wondered if she was just pulling these out of her rear but he trusted that she wouldn't do that so he watched her and he wondered about the names so he would ask her. "Hmm some of those names are interesting anything about them that drew you to them?" He was seriously curious as a few didn't sound like actually names that someone would place onto another, but maybe she knew something that he didn't about the names that she cold tell him and shed some light on the subject so they can work on this together and see if there is a middle ground like she gets to name the first one and he gets to name the next so it is fair but that plan fails if she has a third baby or so he thinks. Kaito was not really sure about a lot of this he just kind of wanted to make a family and be a good father, but he is not sure that he can be one.
(241) (1,158)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:13 am

Some of them had some pull in her mind, Other's where just back up options in case Averie was told no, But it seemed if anything she could easily filter various ones out of the list and merely come down to a select few."I was merely reading some things over a few names in a book of child names."Averie mentioned while they casually thought on it more.

Even with Averie mentioning."I am more starting to feel...you may have better names than what I could come up with."Averie even laughed about it slightly. She must have not read that book all that well or was reading it got bored and then chose to move on to something else."Isolde and Dante huh?"She seemed interested in said two names our of most of them. Weather or not there was a reason for it seemed to be known.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:35 am


Kaito tilted his head and he wondered if that was a good or a bad thing to hear from her but he knows how busy she gets with her work with the rune knights and the trouble that could come of being unfocused with her. He loves her for who she is so he was more that willing to accept this answer as it was indeed a very her answer to him and he cracks a bit of a smirk as he was happy and he needed to stop being so grumpy he guessed as there was a lot that they have yet to do and he was not sure really how long they would have together to do it so he needed to just let things be for now.

Kaito then heard her say she thinks his names were better and he laughed a little then spoke. "I don't know if my ideas are better than yours are I am maybe not the right person for these kinds of things." He rubbed the back of his head and he wondered if the names he gave were all that good or not and then he heard her say two of the names that he said and he looked at her closer. "Are those your favorite two so far?" He wondered if that was what she was meaning when she said those two names or if they were said for some other reason so he waited for her to tell him her answer.
(256) (1,414)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:35 pm

It was a simple question, give more insight that Averie might have taken these matters serious, but just horribly unsure of herself. She was going off of a few minutes of looking, when they both are just trying at the seat of their pants, in their figurative sense."Well...Considering i might just have read a name book for five minutes, I could also due to spend a bit more time into looking into names."Averie mentioned because it was just kind og how she managed it.

At least Averie did not seem overly stressed out about it."They are ones i do like the most, But since we still have time settle on a name as we are not really in a rush for these things."Averie mentioned because she figured these were the two were good names but they would eventually suggest others in the future.

But it seemed these solace in this moment where even if names seemed confusing at first she was happy to be here.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:51 pm


He heard what she had to say and then he smirked and spoke to her. "Oh but what if I wanted to be in a rush to have a family?" He was clearly teasing her and he pulled her close so she was against him as the boat kept following the path it was taking for this boat ride around the island and he wondered if she was okay or if what he had said had just spooked her. What if he was coming on to strong and too fast. Maybe he needed to stop and just step back and give her space, Kaito curses himself for being bad at these kinds of things as he needed to make sure that he wasn't pushing her too hard or making her see that he is not right for her cause he is not on her level of intellect. He was never going to actually make it to that level with her probably he wasn't able to be with how bad his childhood had effected his development but he wasn't going to say that same old said story he just had to come to terms he is not all that great just strong.
(203) (1,617)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 9:04 pm

Averie was at least good enough to pay attention, and realize the slight teasing that Kaito was putting in her way, She had seemingly manage to handle this a lot better and actually manage it a bit better than compared to her previous times."Then you and I would have to be really busy and pull out a magical timing to have kids so soon."Averie mentioned with a bit of a laugh about it.

After all everyone had their tricks so who knows, how that would actually work out. But that was not entirely the point to start with."Even then you would be smart enough to make sure that was clear form the start."She still seemed entertained by the humour of it at least.

"That or...I am horribly lazy about that rush with other things I am doing."Averie then laughed about it herself, She knew for the most part that was not the case, they both had many things they needed to do at the time. But at least the major things were assured, Averie loved Kaito and that had not changed, they both needed to spend more time compared to Averie working so much.


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Sat Oct 05, 2024 9:50 am


As the boat rocked a bit he laughed as well to her answers and her own talk about being lazy with everything going on. "Yeah I don't think we could rush things even if we wanted to as I don't think it is a given thing to just happen and who knows maybe I am unable to have children, but really I won't know till nothing happens." He hadn't even thought about her being unable just more blaming himself for it and not her if they were to fail to be unable to have children as he doesn't think anything is wrong with her and if something failed it was going to be his fault and not her fault. The buildings moved past them as their boat was following the set course of the water way and Kaito wondered if Averie really wanted to be slow about having a family with him or if there were things he didn't know.

Kaito knows that he is not the brightest guy but he knows that he needs to be better if he actually wanted to keep Averie in his life as he was clearly not doing enough for her and he felt bad about that as he needed to make sure that he gets on some kind of track to take care of her if she wanted to be a mother and him any kind of useful as a man but he also knows that he probably wasn't going to be a good dad as he moved around too much and he was not the brightest bulb.
(267) (1,884)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:34 pm

Maybe it was just how Averie's mind was, Maybe it was her lack of social understanding, Or maybe in the end she was just being really odd still. But Averie seemed to over all maybe just think about it, She knew there was many factors but there was also that peace of info she focused on weather or not Kaito was as he mentioned."Oh? Did you ever check with any medical professionals if you where able too?"easily seen now where was Averie's focus was. It was slightly thinking on that.

Even Averie was slightly worried about something else now, Since she agreed to it, she never did check over if she could, everything was normal as far she knew."Do...do I also need to check if I am able? Maybe i have the same fate as my sister?"It was something that most likely Averie did not actually need to think about and she was even if still sounding slightly emotionless and deadpan much like she was at times. A bit superficial and pointless as she was thinking about it as something she should not.

But It as much as it seemingly quickly did build up Averie did settle down."I would be worried if i had the same fate as my sister, As long as I know everything does work as needed."Averie saying it this way made her think it more in the worker mind set of it rather then her health being perfectly fine.

But Averie seemed to have got through and settled her mind quickly. If anything she felt like she was just being a silly dork this way, As she would get up from her spot, embrace Kaito as normally would hug him and merely mention."We will figure out...No matter what, even if I just need to slow down working."Averie was committed to the cause and Kaito No one could take that away from her, She was determine and stubborn in her own way.



Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:54 pm


Kaito realized he has never been to a doctor to try and see if that was a thing he had to worry about and when she asked him if he had seen a doctor about that he shook his head as it had never occurred to him to do so. He then heard her getting worried about herself like she might not be able to do such a thing herself and he now realized that he stepped on a trap spell here as he had now made her overly worried about herself and if she might be able to do it and he thought about it then after she was fully done talking and he hugged her back then leaned down and kissed her with a smile. "We can both go and get checked to see if we can have children, I will make sure that I and you are together when we get the results of the test so we can both be the first to see the others." He was going to be there with her even if she was unable to bare his child or children, he would have to think something up then so they can have a family but that wasn't a hard thing to do.
(213) (2,000+)


Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:42 am

Maybe this was just over all a good idea, Because if they were serious about this, Averie unintentionally made them realize they both really did not try or really had seen if they are able too." I guess that was one thing we did not think over or plan on."Averie would mention, Suppose they both where just enjoying their moments in life and merely did not consider.

But suppose it made Averie ask one question of Kaito."Kaito...when was the last time you even saw a doctor?"Averie seemed curious. After all she never really seemed to need to visit a doctor Helena just did all of that with out Averie needing a doctor, Kaito did not have such a chance. So she felt like it was something she needed to ask.

She even consider it because well, Helena could but was it as effective as it use to be able too was the question? Suppose a second opinion was also a good option as well. But alas Averie was getting distracted and should really get back to focus. Then again now Averie felt like she might start working each other up with worry.

But she would at least make sure."I do feel okay health wise. And Haven't noticed much change so...suppose maybe this is just over all maybe a pointless worry."Averie mentioned as she would return to a form of a logic because she felt like she needed too. Averie would make sure this was all fine before they really worked one another. As it was not Averie intention while they where trying to have a nice soon to be completed boat ride, After all this still was bonding time for then both.





Family Boat Rides.(PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride/Kaito) Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:48 am


He hears her question and he rubbed his chin. "Ones that were probably actually doctors? I think we I got freed from the lab, after that I kind have a fear of allowing people to be near me like that... So after that never, why?" Kaito looked at her and he wondered if she was asking for a reason and he was unsure what the reason was for it but he knows that he doesn't know why that was a super important thing. He enjoyed the last of the ride with her. Once they were back at the fock he put his hand out and helped her out of the boat and he wondered where she would want to go next or this is the part that they go their different ways again or maybe they go get some lunch or something but Kaito knew he had to find out what to be doing.
(156) (2000+) (exit)

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