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What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)

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#1Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:06 pm

Amir †
The journey to the Sieghart Mountains was a long and arduous one. For most of the other people. For Amir it was practically in his backyard. The entire expanse of Paradise Dawn was encompassing it. It was one of the shortest routes he took to get to a mission in a while. Amir glanced over the mission dossier one more time. The mission Amir accepted was basically just a surveying job.

Going into the mines and finding a valuable place for ore. It was not too bad. Amir could survey the place easily. He got bored and started researching all the various benefits of the Sieghart Mountains and various myths. The place had become his home and the Spiral Library was not far at all. The hardest part of the mission was arranging for his protection. Amir managed to loosen up the ailment afflicting him but it was not completely solved. He needed protection in order to go further. It was why he shared the mission with his guildmates.

Amir was the first to make it to the designated meeting spot. He was only a tad early. It gave him some time to get lost in his own thoughts. One of which was a curiosity as to which member of the guild had accepted the quest with him.



What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:14 pm


Yuurei didn’t have anything to do today. He was relaxing in his room right now. Renji was on the bed with him taking a nap of his own. He figured he could continue to build up his money, but should he work alone today? It wouldn’t take long, but somebody would knock on the door. Yuurei looking at the door would sigh as his resting would come to an end.

“Come in.” He simply said as the door would open.

The messenger within the guild would tell him that Amir was hoping someone would come with him to mine materials. Yuurei would get up from his bed, waking up the Exceed as they would make their way out of the guild and into the outside world.

Yuurei would make his way to the destination where the messenger had said. It wouldn’t take long for him to get to his destination. He had done too much traveling within the north that he knew where to go without thinking. He would see Amir waiting for him and he would wave at him.

“Hey Amir, did you wait too long?” He would ask with a smile on his face.


#3Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:25 pm

Amir †
Amir was shocked and impressed that Yuurei was to accompany him. The scholar was a bit bitter when it came to the ace. Yuurei was a powerhouse of mage. Amir considered the guild lucky to be able to recruit such talent. That made Amir jealous as he knew he could not take the mage on if needed. It was a complex emotion that spurned Amir’s urge to get stronger.

“Nope. You are right on time.” Amir did not have to wait long and made sure to reply promptly. The fact that Amir’s muscle had showed up meant he could start getting to work. “Stay close to me. I would not want us to split up and get lost.” Amir gave the directions and entered the mine.

Amir did not even have to take three steps in to start feeling the difference in air quality. The air was adopting a stale taste to it. The light from outside started to dwindle, it was getting replaced by the light from the torches in the walls. The sounds of workers kept the place from feeling overly creepy.

[184 | 402]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:33 pm


Yuurei would smile at Amir as he was glad to hear that. They were going to head into the mine right away. He was fine with that because it meant they were going to get to work right away. When he saw what mine they were going to enter he would follow behind him.

“It seems like a lot of people enjoy mining for ores in this region.” He said to Amir.

They would continue their walk through the mine. Yuurei was used to the change of the air when it came to entering the mine. It gets harder to take in air the deeper into the mine they go. The light mage could hear the work of the men in the mine, which meant that there were a lot of ores for them to farm.

Yuurei also noticed this was different than the mine he was used to entering. It was good because it meant he didn’t have to worry about Cliff bothering him for the materials.


#5Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:41 pm

Amir †
The scholar stopped at a fork in the road. He could hear people closer on both sides. Deciding on which route to take was not hard. Amir simply licked two fingers and rubbed them against a separate wall on both sides. His pointer finger smelled a lot worse. Amir knew it meant that certain ores were more common in that direction.

“The Sieghart Mountains is one of the richest places with ore in Fiore. The value can be hard to determine. If it was not for the fact that it was far from the Capital. It would be more under the jurisdiction of royals. Our presence helps return power to the people.” Amir responded after choosing the direction. They took the left path in the fork.

It did not take the duo long to come across the first miners. The people looked at their clean clothes and started to glower at them. They were not happy about the presence of the intruding mages.

[163 | 565]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:00 pm


Yuurei kept moving as things were quiet between them. He was able to see his friend without a problem. In their travels, there would be a fork in the road. He found it interesting to see. That was something new to him, and it seemed like all mine had these paths. He waited for Amir to choose a path and soon after he would choose to go to the left and started talking. When he was done, he would nod as he understood that.

“Yeah, it’s why I tell my client that he needs to take a break when telling me to mine for them. I try to at least let the people who work here get their share of ores and other materials.” He said to Amir.

When they got to where everybody was working, Yuurei would see everyone staring at them. He would smile at them because it was the only thing he could do. He knew how they felt about people who didn’t need to be here.

“This again. Well, someone is going to have the balls to confront us.” He said to Amir as he kept walking.


#7Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:39 pm

Amir †

The scholar was relaxed with the looks he was getting. He got worse from his tribe growing up, worse when he was a slave, worse even living in Minstrel as a mixed race. The looks he was getting from a bunch of mine workers were more cute than anything. It was cute how they thought they were a threat.

“We can ignore them. They are not worth the effort.” Amir did not want Yuurei to become Picasso. Painting the cave walls with their blood would be too much effort to clean. The miners did not take too happy to the backhanded comment but did not try to stop them from going further in.

Going deeper into the mine the air quality got even worse. The torches became less frequent as well. The area they were entering was even becoming less secure. “Can you put up some light? And watch your step.” Amir asked the mage if he could. It would be easier for Amir to check out the surroundings if he could see.

[173 | 738]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:42 pm


Yuurei would hear what Amir had to say and he was planning on doing that regardless. He had no quarrels with these guys, and he was positive they wouldn’t be able to do anything.

“Yeah, that was the plan after all. I don’t want to hurt anybody.” He said to Amir as they kept moving.

They would know who he was, and event hen the pressure he would emit to everyone around them would be enough to make them back off them. Yuurei would be asked to emit some light for them. He figured it was something he could do, but it wouldn’t be the best. He needed a spell for that, and he had none.

It would be a small light and it would only be able to light up a few feet in front of them and behind them as well. If he wanted to light this place up more then he would probably cause this place to collapse because his spells would be able to brighten up the place.

“So, do you know the client we are mining for?” He asked him as they continued walking.


#9Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:09 pm

Amir †
The light from the guild's ace was spectacular. Amir was able to see more details in the wall a lot more easily compared to when he used the lamps. Amir was navigating to take them deeper based on the sight, records he had come across, as well as his other senses, and a hint of intuition. He may have been taking them deeper as time went by. He was also making sure to memorize every twist and turn they made.

“Yeah. We are looking for Drago Saliva. A semi rare metal that is supposed to be common in the area. Except for the fact that it was a bit dangerous.” Amir was glad to have the company.

Yuurei was helping the scholar to take his mind off being underground. Being underground was not the issue. It was an issue when the walls became narrower in some places. Amir had taken plenty of quests underground before. It did not help with the fact that he still hated to be restrained. It was not as bad if his wrists and legs were loose. The caver started to rumble and rocks fell loose. “Hope you have a defensive spell. We may need it in a moment.”

[203 | 941]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:24 pm


Yuurei kept moving and while traversing he would hear Amir. He would nod as he heard what he said. That was good to know what they were looking for. It also seemed like they were working for possibly another snob. Still, he didn’t care who he worked for as long as he was getting paid, and it didn’t endanger the innocent.

While moving the mine they were in started to rumble. His eyes looked around to see what was happening. He would see some rocks falling from the ceiling. That was fine and he would laugh when he heard Amir. He definitely didn’t have a defensive spell. Still, he would light up his hands as stars would come out soon after the magic circle appear. He would wait for them to get close enough and he would start punching the rocks that fell down.

The impact from his attacks would disperse the rocks that were falling down on them and stop the momentum of the rocks. He would make sure that he was moving quickly enough so that Amir would be fine and safe. When it was all said and done he would look around to see that the area they were in was still stabilized, so they could continue their search.


#11Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:48 pm

Amir †
The usage of magic was impressive. Seeing him punch and cover himself with magic gave Amir a thought. He had never seen Yuurei use his magic so he could not help but wonder. Was he one of those rare berserker types? Using magic like that did make him seem prone to close up fighting. It was not a certainty but it looked that way. It was a riveting theory. Amir made a mental note to add it to the pile of things he wanted to research.

When they walked for two more minutes Amir stopped. He noticed that there was a noticeable discoloration in the rocks. Amir started to place his hands on the rock feeling the different textures between his fingers. “I think we may have found it.” Amir noticed a crack in the wall in one spot. Amir moved his head to let the light inside while still trying to be able to peer in. “There is a small crack right here. Will you be able to widen it without causing structural damage to the cavern killing us all?”

Amir felt around on the stones and gravel. He was looking for different weak spots near the crack and in the wall. He found a couple and recommended them to Yuurei. The spots increased the odds of opening the crack while decreasing their death toll. Amir was using the ace like a Bosco army knife.

[236 | 1,177]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:57 pm


Yuurei would continue walking for a bit and soon enough they would be able to find what Amir was looking for. He looked over to see what he was looking at. His light would give him a better view of what he was looking at and soon enough he would confirm it. This was a good thing, and he would laugh a bit because he was pretty sure he could do that. He would move to the crack that was on the wall. He had been mining with a pickaxe the whole time. This would be the first time he would use his hand.

Still, he knew it would be simple and he would of course hold back a lot. He would stop using his magic as it was too much for what he was about to do. He would focus with his left hand and when he felt that he was ready, he would strike at it. One punch would loosen it and then a second punch would make it widen as much as it could. He struck in the areas that Amir had pointed out, which was good.

Once they gathered the rare ore, they could put it in Renji’s bag, so nobody would know what they had mined.


#13Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:08 pm

Amir †
The mining work was a lot smoother than Amir had anticipated. Yuurei was proving to be able to follow instructions well. They had not died even if the dust from all the rubble was making Amir hack up a lung. Amir did not even have to carry anything back to the client. Earlier somehow the exceed managed to avoid his detection. Amir had believed the exceed stayed home. The cat was certainly a lot more silent than he was used to. The exceed had simply gathered up the dragon saliva ore and stored it away. It was great and a constant reminder of how lonely he was.

Amir gave a thumbs up when they had gathered enough of the materials. He was ready to get out of the cave and be above ground. Amir was able to suppress it before but the feeling of being confined was starting to settle in. If anyone paid attention they could even notice the fact that his usually supple and gorgeous skin had lost some color.

Getting back to the main vein was simple. Amir had made sure to memorize the route and made zero wrong turns. His ability to pay attention to detail was making it simple. When they reached the main vein a lot of people showed up. They would look like an angry mob to lesser people. It was some of the mine workers.

“Tell us what you found and drop the stuff on you. We will let you go after we get what we want.” Amir was amused at the potential hold up. He had to debate if they should fight their way out or negotiate.

[276 | 1,453]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:14 pm


Renji was quiet because he honestly hated being in the cave. It made him feel nasty, but he was glad that he really didn’t have to do a lot of work. Still, he kept silent, and he would hold onto the ore.

“Great let’s get out of here before any of us dies without clean air.” He said to the group.

Yuurei would laugh at that because he wasn’t wrong. Now they were off to leave the place. While moving through the area and retracing their steps, they would get to the main area where everyone was located. He had a smile on his face when he saw how angry they looked. They wanted to drop everything they found, but they had nothing.

“You can look into my friend's bag here. We don’t have anything, and we didn’t find anything. We felt the mine shake and decided it was best to leave.” He said to the group.

He would look over to Renji and the Exceed would open his bag. When they all looked, they would see that there was nothing inside the bag. There was a lot of murmuring within the group as they were upset that these two didn’t find anything at all.


#15Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:34 pm

Amir †
Amir was still not feeling fear about the current situation. They had a lot more people, Amir had a weak body, and AoE spells would wipe out everyone present. It was still not enough to actually make Amir nervous. The main difference being that none of the mine workers had an appearance that suggested them to be mages or adventurers. If they were not then their fighting capabilities would make it impossible for them to be a threat.

The surprising part was the fact that Yuurei chose a non violent solution to their predicament. Amir would have aimed for peace but he was surprised about the fact that the ace did it as well. It gave him a new light to view the light mage from. The only reason Amir would have avoided violence was to prevent the guild name from being tarnished for attacking regular people. If they attacked them first Amir would not mind responding in kind.

“Yep. You can check yourself. We were merely sent to survey a vein in section xxx.xx.yyy.” Amir came up with a location easily. It was off on a side area they had passed by. The safety of them checking the area was up to fate. Amir cared little if they died in the way of greed. He was not a god and did not have to look after everyone. He had his own principles and way to earn jewels like everyone else.

The scholar would wait for everything to get checked and the other two members of the trio ready to move on. Amir did not have pockets on his outfit and his bag was empty. It was easy for the miners to check through him. “Besides. Even if we did have goods on us. I suggest you check the identity of the people you try to hold up before you move. Paradise Dawn may be new in terms of magic guilds but we are no pushovers.”

[328 | 1,781]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:51 pm


Yuurei would wait for everything to be clear. Once it was done, Renji would close up his bad. The light mage was always kind to those around him. He didn’t like people being bullies though. Still, he had to be calm in this situation, and soon enough they would be able to leave. He would hear what Amir said to the people here. He wasn’t wrong with his words, and he was glad he said it. The people there would be worried when they heard that as they stepped back from the group. Yuurei would start walking as he had also remembered how to get out of here.

He would lead the way for them and while he was doing that, he would see how narrow this place was. It wouldn’t take them long to get out of the path that left them with the fork in the road. He knew where to go from here and he would move through the mine and path. The torches would reveal their path and they would finally make it out of the cave. While he had gotten out he would take in a deep breath as the air was amazing when he was missing it. He would look over at Amir with a smile on his face.

“I can assume you’re happy that we’re out of there. But now you lead the way to this Drago Saliva guy. I kind of want my money.” He laughed a bit as he waited for Amir to take the lead again.


#17Amir † 

What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:52 pm

Amir †
The walk the rest of the way back was a simple manner. The miners did not want too much trouble after all. Paradise Dawn may be a new guild but they were still a guild. They had people specialized in magic and they would never be able to silence everyone present. The most that could happen was they died. If they thought the guild was evil enough then they would have to worry about their families. The miners were a simple type of people that bullied the weak and feared the strong.

Amir was happy to be out of the mine. He had to take a couple of deep breaths of air. The air fresh from the forest felt refreshing. It revitalized his spirit that was wilting under the pressure of the confined earth. Amir wondered if the forest made him feel revitalized because of his element. He needed to find a large pool of mages to conduct the research with.

Taking the ores back to the client was a breeze. They could blend in with the surrounding people. They did not have the look of dirty miners. It made the other miners perceive them as travelers instead avoiding an annoying hassle. The return from Dawncliff Mine to Rush Valley took them no time at all.

Amir turned in the materials. He started a conversation with the person that hired them. Amir was negotiating for more pay. When receiving the jewels he would split the amount Yuurei, and Revy. Then he left and went back home to the guild.

[259 | 2,040]


What's mine is mine (or is it?) (NQ A-rank)    Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:58 pm


Yuurei would follow Amir through the area. It was a nice walk as their destination was Rush Valley. He was glad to go through the area. He figured that his client would be close by, but that wasn’t the case. Still, he was fine with that. As long as the guy wasn’t Cliff, then he didn’t have a problem. When they got to Rush Valley, it was a smooth trip there. It was weird to see everybody look so angry at them. He, of course, didn’t care. He allowed Amir to do the talking with his client. They knew each other, and Yuurei didn’t know the guy. He was sure the guy knew of him though, but that was different.

It wouldn’t take long, but Amir would bring out the bag of jewels that he had gotten from his client. They would split the money amongst the three of them and after that Yuurei would follow behind Amir. They were going to the same place after all, and it was the guild. Still, he was glad to be able to work in the mine with someone else. It was just him and Renji in the mines every time, but not today.

201|1829 (10% reduction from companion)

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