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The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria]

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#1Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:34 pm

Ren Aikawa
With the katana in his hand, the little boy ran as fast as he could. It had been a few weeks since the incident, but judging by the trees and air around him, he was still in the borders of Joya. Sustained only by the fruits and water he found around the wilderness, he was looking a bit thin. But that didn’t concern him, the only thing on his mind was his mother’s last words to him. ‘Run’.

He didn’t know what the future would look like for him. Nor does he know where he was heading. The only thing he knew was the direction of where the sun rises and sets, and the way the wind blows.

So far throughout his journey, the wind seemed to blow in the direction he was running in. As if it was encouraging him to keep moving forward. Then he felt the wind stopped. There was an opening in front of him, and there resided a clear calm lake, reflecting the full moon above. He approached the lake and used his hands to cup the water, before bringing it up to his mouth and recovered his thirst.

#2Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:43 am

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone


Basking underneath the dark sky, her silver hair glowed as it seemed to have absorbed the light of the shining moon. Her eyes fluttered shut as the wind blew past her face. Joya was indeed a beautiful country. It was one that she had escaped to in order to satisfy her lust for blood. The beautiful blue sea before her was filled to the brim with a bright crimson. At least, that was the case in the prison of her own bloodthirsty mind. Chasing those of her own kind had brought the vampire here and she momentarily stopped to observe the world around her.

The falling cherry blossoms that danced with the wind, the gentle sound of running water, and the overall calm tranquility that lingered in the air brought her raging heart some peace for once. Valeria had forgotten how long it had been since she felt such calm. Usually, her heart was always ablaze with anger, seeking to hunt the hunters known as vampires but tonight, she wanted to take a break. Or so she thought. The sound of small footsteps, clearly belonging to either a child or a small animal, invaded her senses.

Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the unique slit-shaped irises that hid underneath before gazing at the young child. He was no more than eight to ten years in age but he seemed quite exhausted. Upon making eye contact with her, she wouldn't be surprised if he chose to run away. Despite her daunting beauty, those crimson snake-like eyes that watched the boy looked very much like those of a predator. However, she had no interest in the child for he served little to no purpose as prey to her. Resting her chin on her hand, the silver-haired woman looked at the youngling. "Child, what is it that you're running from so desperately?"


The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#3Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 3:08 am

Ren Aikawa
Ren did not notice that there was another individual there. When he caught her glowing red eyes, his entire body froze in place. He didn’t know what to do. His adrenaline kicked in, but he was too tired and weak to do anything at the moment.

With no other choice, the boy answered her question. ”T-The Shogunate,” he said, his voice trembling.

”You’re not w-with them right?” he asked, clearly scared of the Shogunate more than any other thing in the world. Though he was young, he was the only child in his family and he knew of all the social and political relation and events that took over the family. Prior to him running away, the shogunate had ordered the execution of the Aikawa clan, for treason towards the Lord they served. But it was not the boy’s fault. He had always followed orders and was obedient and never had he acted out childishly. But here he was, running for his life.

#4Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:19 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone


As the boy stood there, too stunned to move, the vampire held eye contact with him. Underneath the ominous moon, she looked like a monster but upon looking at the frozen child, she almost felt pity for him. Stepping off the rock upon which she rested, she walked towards him as he answered her question. While on a hunt of her own for other vampires, she did recall hearing about the Shogunate and their tyranny over Joya but none of that was anything that concerned her.

From the fear-brimmed look in his eyes, she assumed that the child was someone being hunted by the Shogun or related to a clan that was, at the very least. "Worry not, I'm not with them. Monsters and humans tend to run in separate circles."

Once she was but a few meters away from the boy, she looked down at him. He was quite small and dainty; he looked fragile, almost like he would break if she so much as looked at him with a daunting gaze for far too long. "How old are you? For a child like you to be chased, you must've done something terrible." She had assumed that it was probably not the case. After all, no matter how unreasonable the ruler was, to hunt down a mere child who looked like he could not harm even a bug seemed extreme, even to her, who killed her own kind out of sheer revenge and pettiness.


The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#5Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:58 pm

Ren Aikawa
Having heard her answer, Ren relaxed a little. Now sitting on the ground while he hugged both of his knees. He tended to hug things when he felt scared. As if seeking a form of comfort. He still kept his eyes on the other person, but he hid half of his face behind his knees.

Thinking about her answer, Ren always thought that it was the monsters chasing the humans. Or the humans chasing the monsters. That was how it was like in folk-lore and tales he heard and read. But thinking about it, humans chase a lot of their own kind. He began to realise how cruel humans could be.

Now that she was merely a few steps away from him, he felt as if he was at her mercy. He couldn’t outrun nor could he fight her. He just hope that whoever or whatever he was with, that she was a nice being.

”Um, I’m turning ten this year,” he began. ”We did nothing. The Lord we served were assassinated a-and the Shogunate thought we were behind it. But I saw one of the Shogunate members did it! We were set up! It wasn’t our fault!” he began to get emotional as a few tears welled up inside his eyes. Even though he was just a child, he could tell when something was wrong, injustice and unfair. But he was still a child and he could not do anything about it. Such were his fate.

#6Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:57 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone


"So what if it wasn't your fault?"

Valeria stared down at the boy in front of her. He looked so petite and fragile, much smaller than she expected a soon to be ten years old to look. Curled up against his own legs, he looked almost pitiful but the vampire was far from being someone who pitied others. She, for one, knew just how unfair the world really was so his story didn't strike as anything surprising. It was almost funny the extent to which those in power went to make the weaker miserable. After all, that was how they stayed in power but no matter how unjust it was, there was not much to be done. For a small child like him, she couldn't help but wonder what he could do.

She halted her steps once she was close enough to him. "Are you going to keep crying about it? Crying isn't going to make the Shogunate's men stop chasing you. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, kid, but there is no such thing as fairness in this world. Once you're done crying, you might want to think long and hard about what you're going to do now."

She never expected to be giving the child advice but in a way, she figured it might be better for him to learn now than later. Valeria herself, when faced with the cold reality of the world, was much older than the boy was now. However, even at that age, she couldn't properly grasp and understand this cruel world. After all, she knew all too well how it felt to be punished when she was not at fault so she sort of empathized with the boy.


The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#7Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:40 am

Ren Aikawa
He held back his tears and cry when he heard those words. He was confused, he didn’t get how in the larger scheme of the universe that it didn’t matter whose fault it was. His small and developing brain couldn’t comprehend the logic and perspective of it.

The young Ren didn’t know what to think. So he just kept looking at the creature of the night that walked closer towards him. He tilted up at her towering figure, as if waiting to be given an answer.

Then she hit him with the reality of things. Crying won’t do anything. No fairness in the world. What I’m going to do now. He repeated those things in his head. His eyes stared ahead but his attention was lost in his mind as he rewired the way he thinks the world works. His tears stopped as well as his cries. He wiped away the tears with his sleeve and stood up, grabbing the katana that seemed too big for him from the ground.

Ren then looked at the vampire, “I am going to keep running and grow stronger; and one day avenge my family.” he said with such determination in his eyes. That was his conviction.

#8Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:33 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone


A small chuckle escaped her lips. Upon hearing her words, she expected the child to cry some more. After all, it is not easy to comprehend the existence of such blatant unfairness without the realization of it breaking a person. Valeria, at his age, could never imagine herself being understanding of such a concept, and yet, here he was, wiping his tears away and picking up a sword that was a tad bit too big for his small body.

She knew about revenge all too well, perhaps better than most. She had spent so many years of her life blindly chasing revenge that at one point, she started to lose sight of her own goals. However, her revenge was pursued as retribution for her own misfortunes. The child, however, wanted revenge for his family. It was a noble cause but looking at how small and fragile he was, his ambition was almost cute. "You can't grow stronger by running unless you're running to chase your enemies. Child, revenge isn't an easy path. It's lonely, it makes you angry and once you've started down that path, you won't be able to stop." To be vengeful, one has to discard the thoughts of living a normal life. Or perhaps, the vampire was unique as she was so caught up in attaining her vengeance that she forgot to look around her and enjoy the life she had.

However, she wasn't nice enough to stop the boy from embarking on this tedious journey. She knew all too well that this path they treaded had more drawbacks than benefits. It was daunting, terrible, and removed any other purpose from her life but at this point, her life had been little except that anyways. Valeria bent down, bringing her face closer to the boy. "But when you catch them, the satisfaction of getting your revenge is going to be incomparable to anything else in your life."



The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#9Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Tue Jun 21, 2022 2:04 am

Ren Aikawa
He heard her words well. But it was too much information and it conflicted with what he had previously thought. Can’t grow stronger if he’s not chasing his enemies? But he’ll die if he pursue them now. Ren’s way of thinking is that of logical and direct. He couldn’t quite understand how to read between the lines or interpreted the words into a meaning that makes more sense.

But, young Ren understood full well what she had said the second time she spoke.

A blow of wind passed by the place, rustling the trees and brought a chill in the air, combing the boy’s hair. Ren looked up, noticing this sudden breeze. ”When you are lost, let the wind lead. That is the teaching of the Aikawa clan.” he said, as if to himself. Like repeating a phrase that had been engraved in his mind.

The young boy stood straight as the wind still blew. He bowed down at the lady in front of him. Before he turned to leave, the wind on his back.

#10Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:46 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone


When you are lost, let the wind lead.

For some reason, that phrase popped up in her mind as the chill air within this cold country breezed past her. She had heard that phrase a long time ago, from someone quite unexpected. Her memory of the incident was rather weak but the retreating image of the child and those odd words he left behind were one of the many random incidents that she found engraved in her mind. Letting out a chuckle, Valeria wiped the blood off her hand.

The snow-covered land was laid out as far as the eye could see but amidst the pure white, she had left splatters of red that dried up on the ice. To her, it was something akin to painting on a blank canvas although she was sure that others would disagree and would rather classify her masterpiece as a gruesome situation. Pulling out the handkerchief from her pockets, she began to wipe down specks of dirty blood off herself as she stared down at the two bodies belonging to vampires before her. She had promised not to kill creatures of her own kind anymore but in this far away place, the two Boscon vampires had irked her. She found no reason to keep them alive because it served no purpose to her. In that case, she concluded, it was perfectly fine to kill them. After all, it's not as if anyone witnessed her deed.



The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#11Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:22 am

Ren Aikawa
Ren was not a fan of the cold. It made things hard for him. Finding shelter, food and water became even more tedious. The grown ronin wandered the white land aimlessly with the wind on his back. A cape draped on his shoulders, covering his entire upper body.

As he walked, he saw something that stuck out in the white blanket. A stain of red amidst the purity. He stepped closer and watched from behind a tree. It seems that something had feasted on the blood of the two victims. Ren eyed at the two bloody bodies, and he could tell that they were not human either. Perhaps a war between different vampire clans? Ren had heard of such things before. It was not his place to intervene or anything. He would not have done anything if the victims were humans anyway. As long as nothing disturbs his peace, he would not disturb theirs.

So the ronin turned away and walked in the direction he was already heading to. Being nothing more than a passerby.

#12Valeria Hildegard 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:56 pm

Valeria Hildegard

well, i'm taking my time
i'm just moving along
you'll forget about me after i've been gone

Amidst the wind, the quiet sounds of footsteps caught her attention. Snapping her head in that direction, she saw a figure headed away. Valeria was pretty sure that they had witnessed what she had done and while she didn't usually care, she was in a tricky position. She had not arrived in Bosco to cause any trouble and if word of her deeds were spread around, then it would make things hard for her. Although she never hid her intentions of hunting vampires, most people who knew of her ambitions were buried in the ground or had disintegrated into dust. Therefore, she never had to worry about building her reputation because most of her deeds were kept under wraps and she quite enjoyed that.

Having a witness simply walk away was far too suspicious. If they had approached her, she could at least threaten them into silence. After all, she was not someone who cared much for humans. If, however, the witness proved to be uncooperative, she would not hesitate to kill them. Whether to let them go or to ensure their silence, she was not quite sure. However, deciding that it was better to be safe than sorry, she followed them. Given her speed, it did not take her long to reach the stranger and as a vampire, she was able to do it without a sound. Once she was a few feet behind them, she spoke. "I'm not quite sure if you saw what just happened. If you did, I'd quite appreciate your silence." Putting the blood-stained handkerchief away, she looked at the stranger. "You don't seem to be from around here, am I right?"



The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] HWpjwHq
#13Ren Aikawa 

The Winds of The Past [Private|Valeria] Empty Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:10 am

Ren Aikawa
The voice made him paused in his steps. It didn’t require much analysing to figure out that the one behind him was the vampire he saw earlier. He didn’t hear her steps and she made to where he was in almost no time at all. Plus it wasn’t his first time meeting vampires. He had encountered many of their kind throughout his journey.

”Your business is not of my interest. I am nothing but a wanderer. You can be sure that it is as if I had seen nothing.” he replied. He was not scared of creatures of the night, but he didn’t want any trouble either. If saying those words would make her leave him alone. He’d gladly do so.

Though she seemed to want to talk for much longer. ”Yes, that would be right.” he’d say as he turned around his head a little. Revealing his crimson eyes and the strip of crimson hair on his head.

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