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Kick butt and leave names [VC]

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#1Salem E. 

Kick butt and leave names [VC] Empty Today at 5:13 pm

Salem E.

Salem got up and out of the tent bleary eyed and angry. It was not where he wanted to be. If it was not for the fact that the pay was too good. He would not bother to have accepted such an arduous task. Checking out the Stena Mountains for signs of an anomaly. It was work and so far it was boring work, the very thing that sucked away at his essence of being. Being so mind bogglingly bored the last couple of days Salem would not be surprised if he had wing sag. It was not like he was alone. It was just the people he was with at the moment were not his specific brand of fun.

Still the moment his staff started to do the weird vibrating thing he paid it attention. Going by the previous ways his staff reacted in a situation like this. Salem became pretty sure there was void mana somewhere in the vicinity. It meant another void beast to slay at best case scenario, or there was a chance that a dungeon occurred. Which was more than likely the case. Like in the Northwood Sea, there were already rumors and such of outbreaks like that happening. Salem put up a signal for the people that came with him to follow.

“Going by the reaction I am getting, the source should not be much further away. We may engage in battle so it is best to be prepared at all times.” Salem spoke non-committedly, He was excited about the prospect of battle. It was just the fact that it has not started yet. He had no reason to be overly excited. It took them only two minutes to see the portal. It looked like a jagged gash that was put into someone’s outfit. The edges were irregular and it was filled with a bleak whiteness. Seeing it up close Salem managed to gather some enthusiasm. “Onwards we go.” The fae excitedly jumped into the tear and got ready for the adventure.

The view that he was met with could only be described as barren. As a fae Salem was pretty bothered. The lack of natural energy could be felt in his body. It was worse than the low levels of oxygen. It made Salem feel like he walked into a death trap and it was so cool. Salem never thought he would have a near death experience like this. It was a nifty trick.

Salem would wait for the others to make it through the tear before deciding on how to go forward. Since he was responsible for making sure this rift would close in some way, as well as that everyone on this expedition came back alive. He wanted to make sure he did a great job. That way he could pick and choose shorter missions with higher pay, that way he can choose the adventures he wanted to go on in the future. It would save him plenty of time and effort overall.



Kick butt and leave names [VC] Empty Today at 7:27 pm

Yijun was not sure of what was ahead but he knew they were looking for a rift somewhere on the mountain he was walking around with his shield on his back and he wondered if there was anything really out here as he climbed around and looked in caves and such as there had to be something out and around there but he was coming up empty handed for now and not finding anything. Yijun was use to the cold as he use to go climbing with the monks when they did their semi-yearly hikes to the tops of mountains to show that they were still able to do it though Yijun some times thought that they did it so they could just randomly go on a trip and be away for a bit to help with their own boredom if they had any at the time. Yijun then looked out of the cave and saw the signal that it had been found and Yijun took flight to hurry over to the area where the signal had come from and he landed as he saw the man jump into the rift.

Yijun thought the man must either be brave or stupid to just jump in like that without waiting for everyone to join him but Yijun not wanting to leave the man in there alone and maybe being attack hopped in himself and he looked around as he came through and he saw the other man. "Looks like this place is going to be a hell scape to fight at. I will make sure to keep you safe you make sure to keep the heals coming and if you get into trouble let out the call and I will move swiftly to you to help you." Yijun put his arm out and his Tattoo glowed then his Naginata appeared from his Tattoo and into his hand and he pulled his shield off of his back and as he was ready for the fight to begin and he was looking around the land that was in front of them and Yijun is wondering what might be in here.

"The data we were given says the void monsters here are a decent bit strong and fast so make sure you don't let your guard down, mister Salem, I am sure me and mister Iza will be able to handle the front line for awhile, if you see anything or come up with a plan tell us okay? Cause in the heat of battle we will probably lose sight of things and that will be where you come in as you can tell us about things we can't see so your awareness will come in handy." Yijun was making sure the guy knew that he respected the man as a member of the team. Yijun just realized that none of the members of this team are human as well so Iza will probably be super happy as well as he doesn't like humans.

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