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Don't fear the reaper (Gang Warfare - Anika)

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Don't fear the reaper (Gang Warfare - Anika) Empty Yesterday at 9:52 pm

Outfit of the day:

”…What do you know of it Colonel, you are shielded from the atrocities of the dark races, I’ve even heard your mentor is a demon. You speak to us in platitudes saying you are a champion for us humans. How about you let your actions speak for once.”

The sergeant would finish his rant, Ittindi had recently taken over the Ministry of Communication with his promotion. Everything was going according to his plan, until a mysterious figure had released an announcement scaring most of the human citizens across Fiore. This sergeant represented their fears, and they had to be heard. Ittindi didn’t mind being his men’s punching board, after all he had did it as a butler for so long. Only 40-60% of their emotions had an actual bearing on the truth, the other was a hurt person wanting to hurt others. Sadly, Ittindi stoic face only seemed to prolong the rant, and he couldn’t afford to check out lest they think he really was for the dark races. It couldn’t be further from the truth, but Ittindi cared about the impartiality he presented, not to mention he had some non-humans in the Rune Knights being inspired by seeing General Saturn.  He’d adjust his tie today he was sporting a red jacket, with a black vest and tie accompanied by a basic white pull up, his hair a mess from the lack of time he had preparing this morning before being called upon by men in his new Ministry.

After a couple of hours of testimony from members in the Ministry of Communications, Ittindi needed to blow off some steam. He didn’t have any jobs lined up as a butler today, instead he’d walk over towards the briefing room seeing if any of the departments needed someone in the field. He’d stumble onto a briefing about a potential gang of vampires that had recently appeared, conveniently right after the speech. Ittindi saw Seargent Adler’s name on the roster and decided to see if there’d be more to it. He suspected a politician or someone in the Rune Knights had hired vampire mercenaries to gain recognition in the raid.

He'd wait for the briefing to be over, then walk into the room looking for Seargent Adler. A lot more difficult with the constant saluting with his new position, before people avoided him, but now that he ran a Ministry the change in attitude had been immediate. Once he managed to find her he’d approach speaking in a flat tone.

”Seargent Adler, I was hoping I could tag along on this operation again. I’ve been under some stress with new promotion and would love to stretch my legs in the field.”

Ittindi’s had a couple new artifacts since the last time they worked together, though he doubted he’d need much besides his armor. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to die near her, thinking back to Lady Lumikki’s response he understood that others didn’t view his sacrifices as simply as he did. He would mentally be running through all the Rune Knights involved in the operation to see if any triggered any memories for him.

He'd have to be sure not to kill any members this time even if their criminal coefficient triggered his dominator, it also meant that he probably wouldn’t want to use his spear. Just weaker shots from the dominator, perhaps he’d use the new capabilities unlocked, either way this would be his first operation as a Colonel, even if he would remain unlisted on the orders. Though he was sure others would write him in their reports.

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