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The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social)

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The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:54 am

The years had gone quick for Miriko and she did not realize, She was too stuck with in her mind of trying other things she merely forgets how the time passes. At least she was not lingering on the failure of trying to make carvings out of wood. But Miriko knew she was not immune to failure for there were a few things she failed at which is why she was never seem cooking. Nonetheless, With the problems of Bosco currently on not a worry Miriko could say she was enjoying showing up here. The woods and forest were always nice.

"What do you think we should seek out today Alistair?"Miriko asked in ponder while she looked around. For once not having her face in some kind of book to read, some kind of drawing or painting. She was also an explorer and history lover just often times not showing that part when she was busy."You have a lot of options Miriko, So do not think you will be so bored."Alistair mentioned while quietly looking around himself.

Then he would also mention."Just remember we are in Bosco, it is different then Magnolia and Hosenka."Which was true. But at least Miriko had got an idea of where to go from here."Could always head back to Sachsia if we get too unsure and lost."Miriko mention as she to herself, With Alistair sitting next to her watching, It was now piecing together parts of plan, For a life always such of a wonder.

It was just at this point Miriko more needing to figure out what she wanted to do because she had a lot of options and generally at times could be indecisive, But that was just how she was always interested but sometimes lost.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:45 am


Kai falls out of a portal in bosco and lands on his feet catching Revy in his arms and he laughs. "I think I am getting the hang of this." The exceed hits Kaito on the head and looks pissed. "ARE YOU STUPID!?" Kai rubs the back of his head with a nervous laugh as the exceed looks around. "Where are we?"

Kai stops and looks around and he thinks he knows where he is. "We are in Bosco." The exceed looks around and sees the woman and the big cat she makes a sound of excitement. "Kai look that is the traveling painter Miriko Of ED" Kai looks the way the exceed is pointing and he sees the woman and her big companion He thinks he has seen the beast somewhere before. He walks toward Miriko looking her over in case she might be a threat as he is still getting use to the new magic he stumbled into. "Hello there miss." He didn't feel right calling her by her name as Kai didn't know her personally and if some random person just said his name and tried to talk to him at random he would be a bit creeped out. Revy looks at the woman from the hood of his cloak excited.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:49 pm

For Miriko there was places she could expected these things, But not here and hearing it in Fiorian. Alistair would look behind them first and go to look. Because well this seem far away from anywhere either of them expected to hear the language and to be known. So they had Alistair find them first if with Miriko following behind."This is strange, normally out here I dont expect her to be known."Katio was about to have a really interesting time depending on his answers, Because Alistair was a bit on edge now."Who are either of you?"Alistair did assume Revvy was harmless, She was the smallest of all of them and seemed not even all that dangerous.

But was given some kind of leniency because he had manners for the moment."You both know of me?"Miriko could pose the question, She had to ponder what was next, were people going to ask for an autograph? Or something else entirely, It was a simple and clear way for the situation to be settled and to not have Alistair worried about anything, Since he could see it was neither of them being a threat to Miriko, Not that she was assuming that right away.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:51 pm


Kai realizes who this cat was from the stories he heard around Christmas many years ago from Judith. "Wait you are Alistair right? Judith told me about you." He gets a closer look at the big cat with a smile making sure to stay respectful and low as he can so he isn't threatening to the big cat. Then he lowers the right side of his cloak and moves the bandages on his right upper arm showing his Fairy tail guild mark. "I am Kaito of Fairy Tail." He looks at Miriko and he smiles at her looking into her eyes. "That makes you the traveling painter, that my friend speaks of." He points to the exceed in his hood that waves with a smile.

"Yes we know of you, we have seen some of your art as well." Kai sets her down and Revy walks over toward Miriko and puts her hand out to shake her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Kai laughs softly at watching her being so forward.

Kai looks to Alistair. "Sorry if I scared you big guy, I kinda got a new magic thrust upon me and I am trying to get more attuned to it." He rubs the back of his mask less head. He realized he lost his mask some where and he sighs in defeat. "Don't worry Revy is mostly harmless." He holds out a fish treat toward Alistair to see if he will take it from him cause figured it is nice to share.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:29 pm

So word did get around who she was, Must mean the signs of things she had forgotten about where actually happening, She was being a slightly known figure when she was just wanted to enjoy the joy of creation, But it was not so bad for the moment."Hm..I might know who that is."Miriko mentioned, Were Alistair might not seen to be connecting it. But it had been a while since that subjected needed to be talked about."I suppose of all being to be a fan, I should never assume it is just human."Miriko mentioned, She was not trying to insult anyone it was just more seemingly likely she was not use to seeing exceeds for the most part."I did not know it was actually a title to be known of, Unless It is more of a case of being clueless again."This was typical in some manner for her, She was entirely this way normally.

It was interesting at least it would slowly settle quick, She would in fact shake her hand as well as explain."He was not scared, Alistair is merely doing what is in his nature and watching over me."She had to explain this while bending over slightly because Miriko even from a far might look pretty, However she was also a tall woman. Then again this also got people a change to the up close details of how Miriko keeps her hair, the the long well kept spirals.

But she had to ask."A fan of my pieces of work? Which pieces?"This was sometimes good to gauge what field a person was more interested in was it her: Paintings? Drawing? Outfits? or Blankets? she did many things. This way Miriko knew slightly what else to expect. After all she did remember most customer faces and so far Miriko did not remember selling anything to a some one she had never met before, Was her pieces displayed somewhere she did not know?


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:21 pm


Kai laughs softly. " you have a point I guess he gives off a big brave and strong aura." Kai seem more interested in the beast then he is the woman he wondered what all this beast must have seen and fought he can see some signs of its wear and tear through its life.

Revy looks at her. color=#b529d6]"Well on the travels I didn't ask for the name of the pieces we saw some of your works, of art and stylishness like rumors."[/color] She wasn't staying she was a fan she was saying that it was nice to meet the rumor herself.

He walks over to the woman and he smiles and notices they are about the same height "It is nice to see a tall woman as yourself. You are very pretty up close." He had heard teasing her made her do like a statue act so he wanted to test it. He puts the treats away after bending and giving Revy one of them to which she cheers.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 4:38 am

It did seemed like Katio was more interested in Alistair."I mean you could always ask him questions, Alistair does think and speak for himself."Miriko would point out at least, Not realizing what full connection Katio might have consider the name Judith, She knew some things about Judith but not a lot to mention off hand right away.

So only in words."Very well, That is a simple thing to fix."Mirko would just walk over to the back traveling bags of Alistair opening one of them up and slowly dig though them, A repeating thing that normally happen with Miriko. Just the collection of books were larger this time.Then she would pull out a few of the smaller books, As well as her umbrella in case she ended up getting too warm from being in the sun. She had to keep the complexion even as well.

Then she would hand Revvy to smaller sized books of pencil drawings."Do give then a look over, Let me know when you are done looking for I do with for them back."It was something that could lead int other things down the line if really needed but was often a kind offer fro Miriko, Seeing the books of various pencil drawings all the more simple on the spot ones and not larger in details they were still in the saddle bags.

Then well the compliment just kind of mentally froze her for a moment, At least she did not express it."One does need to put effort into their appearance, Even then I am not one to highlight what would be considered my beauty."Miriko mentioned that at least she never carried an ego after all, even if one had the skill and reason to carry one, Just was not in her nature.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:50 am


"He seems more the strong stoic type." He laughs softly then he kneels in front of the beast with a smile. "I will have to let Judith know I have seen you and that you seem to be doing well. So how is the life my big fuzzy friend?" Kai seems like he is just having an innocent conversation with Alistair.

Revy gladly takes the book and she careful and respectfully looks through the books. "Your drawings are grand and you have a real control of depth with them" Revy has always seemed to like looking at art, not that Kai minded it was just he was more a music lover, but he liked art as well though he never seemed to go out of his way for it.

Kai looked at the painter with a smile. He rubs his chin at her reaction and what she said back to him."That sounds reasonable you are wise. Glad to know you know your worth and you won't bend on it. Keep that mind set and stay strong." He gives her a thumbs up and keeps his smile, he cares more that people are comfortable, he doesn't look to spread discomfort, he might tease or play the clown sometimes but at his core he wants to make people happy even if inside he might feel a void he can't fill.

Revy Keeps happily flipping through the book and tilts her head at a few drawings to fully take them in.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:48 pm

At least there was some kind of conversation to be had with Alistair not that it was often avoided Miriko was just normally use to seeing him just stay quiet and doing what he normally does with out problem."I could say a far more peaceful and quiet life then what it was like before being around Mimi"Which was a good answer because it was just a far more casual life he had now. But in some manner it might be easy to guess that Alistair does some times miss some one who was missing for a fair amount of time now.

If there was one things Miriko as a painter wanted to be known for was actually being friendly to people who did enjoy her work and did not have the money for the things she makes, She attempted to make herself always friendly and some what cheerful towards them."It did take many years of practice to get the handle and understanding of how to control a pencil for the shade work."With that she continued a thread of never having an ego, She knew she was good with a painting and various other things but holding it over people was not that good.

That part could be more questionable, Miriko internally just kept any feelings of how she viewed herself a bit more quiet since it was in her normal to be a bit more settled and well manner. But at least if he thought that, She did not really need to talk about it too much. As long as she could control herself and not much else was high lighted with her appearance these conversations could continue on with out much worry in the end."To linger upon all these worries of looks, Never really does much for important things."


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:35 pm


I am surprised you don’t miss battle a little. he smiles and keeps being friendly to the big cat he was glad he got to meet the cat even if it might only be for a fleeting moment in time he can still proudly said that he did get to meet him and by proxy met the traveling artist known for her beauty art and her craftsmanship on other items he didn’t think anything crazy about her.

He looks at her and wonders if the calm subdued demeanor she showed was forced or if maybe it was a learned behavior. you see very subdued yourself, is it an act or just how you want to be? Like do you ever of moments of just whimsy and excitement you can’t hide below the layers? he innocently smiles at her cause to be honest he sorta wanted to learn about this mysterious woman even if she just told him to drop dead or to stop being nosy, he would learn something from it.

Revy finishes the book handing it back to Miriko, then she walks over and bops Kai on the head. Please excuse him he can be a tactless idiot some times. she turned and is bowing to the painter asking for her forgiveness.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:20 pm

It was a good question to ask Alistair, There was some things he missed but battle might not really be one of them, He just shrugged the best a giant cat could shrug."A life a battle isn't worth one chasing, There are better things to do in life then that thrill."Best way of saying a lazy cat was lazy and enjoyed being lazy, Miriko just did enough to keep him active and he was find with that.

It was not a normal question of her but Miriko seemed to answer."It is just been my behaviour for years now."Mainly she never really had to think about it. After all it was just the way she was."I do get excited, just most people don't notice unless you really look."Miriko knew she had ways of her behaviour being picked up it was just not something some one could pick up on while she was alone, Alistair might know but might not really care to answer it.

Questions on her behaviour were, Different."Might I ask why you wanted to know?"Behaviours were a strange this between people, All worked different. Miriko would just wait to hear what he would have to stay, When you normally find a known painter or artist it was more common to expect questions about that.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:00 pm


Kaito sees the beast has a good point about a life of battle not being one to chase. He has been more chasing his own tail as he looks for his own answers so even this answer from this big cat as meaningless as it might first appear had a deeper layered feeling to Kai. "Thank you for your wisdom Alistair." He feels like he has a new understanding for himself from that.

He turns his focus back to the painter as she spoke and he couldn't help but wonder about her answer to if it as well had a deeper layer to it that he might be able to get something out of it, then she turned a question on him as to way he asked such a question to her and he rubs the back of his head with a smile looking her in the eyes. "I don't know really, more it feels like there is more to you then just a painter, artisan and a very pretty woman. I guess I more asked to get to know you better and if maybe you had something else behind the slight smile and the proper mannerisms you show and have shown so far."

He figures that probably sounds odd to say to her and is probably not something she often gets from strangers, a bit different from the paint me and make me things, she might have become use to. He figures she will play it off as gracefully as she speaks and has spoken to them so far with a measured yet not cold tone.

Revy looks at him seeming to be getting cross with him for acting like such an idiot in front of Miriko, he should not talk to a stranger so causally either, or assume things about them, she bops him on the head again.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:40 am

It was most likely more to her, Just off a first meeting basis this question was not one that would get answered in depth. Miriko did need to know other people for a long enough period of time and trust them before something maybe a bit more in depth was really needed."Even if you could be correct, Is it really something you ask a person upon a first meeting?"Miriko mentioned because it was something she wanted to maybe start learning the process of how he got to asking that question.

It was not knowledge of art he sought to know the person behind it, When the person behind it did most of the time prefer to tell some stories with her pieces."Such an thing might be good to wonder, But I am already fairly open as it stands now." might be around able way to figure it out but being out right was so far not the best."But if there are any other questions you want to know, Do ask."But the conversation was not dead.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:14 am


Revy sighs and doesn’t know why he has to be so straight forward now, she figures Judith’s words had, had more power then she had meant it to have had on Kai for trying to be more friendly to people. he is a big to much sometimes, I am sorry if he is annoying you, he is still getting use to talking to people. she knows her words are right, she knows Kai is trying to see in to this woman more then their probably is.

So how long does it usually take to make a good piece ? She sorta wants to have a painting she knows that sorta sounds like she has a big head but she thinks if it was done by miriko’s hand it will be worth having.

Kai rubs the back of his head, he guesses he had over stepped her boundary of comfort and really should have shut up instead of asking to many questions. Yeah you are right I shouldn’t have done that.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:05 pm


The country of Bosco was something else. Even in the after math of the internal conflict that resulted in numerous places of the tourist haven nation to be destroyed or damaged, it still held a gift of drawing in foreigners and sight seers. The various design styles of the buildings that made up the towns, villages, and cities within its borders were beautiful. But the natural look of the land was something else, something more, it was pulchritudinous.

"Jiiiiiiiikkkkaaaaan", a voice called out.

A red headed femine figure shifted their body on their mount, lowering their head their eyes looked down to the voice calling down to them. "Yes Mia?".

"I think I see some people over there! It looks like a lady, a big cat, a guy, and a cat on their head, but, I think it's an exceed. like me!", Mia pointed out to the direction she saw them not that far away.

"Oh? A big cat?", Jikan turned her gaze to them, specifically the cat, "I...think I've seen those two before...but I am not sure were". Jikan continued her normal pace riding her mount, they were already were on a path that was somewhat close to the direction the group was. In a minute or two they would be in talking distance.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:18 pm

At least Miriko was a rather peaceful person and did not take thing too hard. It was something that she could have to consider if people were blod enough to ask her down the road ever again in life."I might not be one for normal understand of social means, But I do not take it to heart." Revyy could consider it lucky that Miriko was not super upset about it such question, After all she is invested in something that was easier to talk about then deep complex emotions with a strange when they should know each other far more first.

For Revvy's question it was a simple answer."You are going to have to keep in mind size and what the piece is. Keep in mind I do more then just paintings and drawings."Which was true she had a few other skill in the end."Painting and drawings are based of size in subject matter. 1 day a week depending on how busy i am with other things."That is what she viewed as reasonable. Most likely it would also risk being delayed by a few things in her life going on. After all she was known as a travelling painter for a reason.

With Katio's mention there was something else she could just mention."I do understand. There is always something beyond the art that person might want to do, There are more simple questions that could be considered asking, I am sure you could think one up if needed."Katio could count this as a blessing, Miriko pretty much just gave him a redo moment,Because for the moment Jikan was too far away from Miriko to really know she was there, It was a good ponder if Katio could do well with a different question.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:08 pm


"nothing really I could ask of you at this moment." he still sucked at talking to people that don't lead the conversation, he lacks the flare and any real confidence in his speaking unlike Emil. He wonders if maybe he should just be a mute and let Revy do the talking to people from now on, cause he seems to just dig himself holes he sighs and wonders if he should have just let the dimensions devour himself.

Revy looks at Kai and then back to the painter. "I am looking to get one of myself
I am small so how long and how much do you think it would run me for your time and effort.
She is more trying to keep the conversation alive plus she knows she will never really get this chance again, cause the second they see Kai again they would probably not give them much time.

Kai starts humming to himself as he hears a tune on the wind riding it like a horse into battle and he wonders why it is singing like it is and omen forewarning him of damager or trouble. all that time in the woods has thought him a lot and he looks up into the sky seeing something or someone on the way toward them. "Guess heads up big guy and Miriko you have a new guest."


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:52 pm


Jikan continued to ride forward on her Duhlin mount. It had been some time since they had been traveling on Maxx. The stead was still fresh and filled with plenty of energy. But, there was no real need for Jikan to travel far on this day. So, she was just out and about. Taking a walk one could say with him. It was important that he got out and received some exercise. The light was good for his mood, and he loved flying in the air. A simple stroll was also enjoyable for him at times as well.

When they all finally reached close to the group they were finally able to hear what they were speaking about. Something about the quality of something, the importance of deciding with the factor of the size and piece of painting and drawings it seemed. So it was an art conversation? Jikan was just a normal person in this matter. She wasn't an enthusiast but appreciated the beauty of things. Art at times was something she enjoyed looking at and observing. She did not often think of analyzing the art though.

As they got closer and closer Mia was just bursting with energy. Her normal shyness and quietness being removed by the sight of a possible exceed. The small cat jumped onto Maxx's head as they stopped, doing a happy wave in the direction of what she assumed to be another exceed. "Hellllooooooo".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:59 am

So far it seemed, Miriko might not mind. Alistair might on the other hand because well more people where kind of just showing. So Alistair was already heading over to look at they were so Jikan was just going to have to talk to a big cat if anything, Mia might be nervous depending how she felt about Alistair. He was doing normal task of making sure whoever they where might not risk Miriko in some manner.

After all at one point she had intended of either relaxing or doing some kind of work."It should not take too long considering what you have mentioned so far, Is it of you or something particular you are wanting drawn or painted up?"It was now work details more then anything else, if Revyy had an idea it was something they could easily work on , Most likely the price would not be too much either since Miriko did not charge too much for small pieces even if ends up a bit more detailed.

She would also say something else to Katio just in case."Well then, I do not take you for the art wanting type, But if you ever see it fit. I do know how to make blankets and outfits as well."It was at Katio because she did not take him as wanting a painting or drawing. She was offeriing services to still be friendly to Katio, He might be strange or a bit awkward but Miriko wanted to show it was still okay to talk and socialize as well. One thing at least Miriko was prepared with example of her clothing and blankets if he was actually interested in such things. For they were a part of her normal things to carry around while she was travelling about.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:30 am


Revy realizing it was Mia with this stranger she is happy but it doesn’t seem she realizes who she is so she doesn’t bring it up. She looks back to Miriko and she rubs her chin and she wonders what she should do for the picture. Kai chimes in to help Revy with her choice. Why not get it of your confident pose? Revy looks at Kai who is also keeping an eye on Jikan in case he has to warp people away he takes note that the exceed with the woman is dressed the same as his. Yes what he said with me posing like this.. She does her confident pose with a big smile.

Kai looks to Miriko himself when she spoke to him. I thank you for your offer Miriko, maybe one day you will feel inspired and a blanket idea will come to you for me . He smiled happy for the offer from the tall woman, he had thought maybe she had grown to dislike him from how awkward he was.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:11 pm


Mia stayed on Maxx's head. Staring at the group of people that was present before them. However, Mia's calmness and eagerness changed when the large cat came forward, walking up to them. Practically jumping in the air before sliding down Maxx's neck. Falling into Jikan's lap before climbing behind her, peeking her head from behind Jikan's back. While Mia did that Jikan watched the cat approaching them a little bit closer than the others. She felt that she had interacted with, or at least had seen them before. The lady as well. She titled her head back to speak to Mia as she reached her hand behind her and gently patted Mia's head.

"Hello there Kitty. Is there any chance that you can talk or communicate in another way??".

Mia stayed behind Jikan as Jikan spoke. Her eyes looked around to scan her environment before losing a little bit of tension in her body as the sight of Revy. Spotting them, Mia poked her head out a little more. "R-revy??".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:28 am

It would be simple work really. At least for Miriko she did not mind what she was given. They knew what they wanted and left it easier for Miriko to just work when she could set up and work on it."Good good. Since your making it simple for me to work on these things."Miriko mentioned to them both it was Miriko giving Revvy and Katio credit. "Painted or drawn?"She was all for if Revvy wanted to stand in place and pose it was far safer then anyone else who asked her to pose well maybe aside from Alisa.

As for Alistair and who was speaking to him. Alistair would just start by walking away slowly."You have another one looking it seemed Mimi."Alistair would start by mentioning, Alistair still however was weary of people might be new here because Miriko could only handle so many things at one time. But Alistair then slowly went back to sit not to far away from Miriko to be able to watch. But close enough to still listen and watch.

Then well Miriko just seemed to look over upon the two new arrivals and just sighed, Hoping this did not turn into a working time when she was intending to explore to start with, She would have to see after getting Revvy's request done. Hopefully if any request was not too out landish Miriko could be pretty happy and content about things overall.

Then while waiting for Revvy's answer on how it was to be made since she left two options, Miriko would walk over to Alistair where she can go thought her travel saddles bags and collect the things she would need to use. Then just in case she also picked up the one blanket she had on her.  before collecting her art supplies and handed it over for Katio to inspect."This, is my personal travel blanket it is my example of blanket and quilt making I carry on  me, Look at it to see if my art is of interesting of yours."Then she would wait.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:59 am


Revy nods toward Mia. Yes Mia it is I Revy. she giggled a little seeing Mia really hadn’t changed much in their time apart. Revy followed the painter with her eyes and a smile. I would like it painted if I may madam Miriko . She is excited and thankful.

Kai looked at the new woman that had just appeared, she looks a little a little rough to him, he wonders if she is out on the hunt for trouble or just was passing by. His attention shifts back to Miriko when she hands him a blanket and he inspects it feeling it and looking at the craftsmanship of the blanket and she is as good as he had heard rumor of. You live up to the rumors I have to admit, you have the beauty, the grace and your work is top notch. I would be very pleased to receive something of this caliber.

He smiles at Miriko happy that she was still willing to offer him something but he guesses that speaks to her kindness, generosity and her knowing oh to well what it is like to be awkward around people and doing something strange but being forgiven for it.


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:17 am


It seemed that Jikan was correct in her wondering of if the approaching large feline was able to communicate. It could and thus had a level of intelligence. More than the normal animal. Or was that just magic? Perhaps it was a magical cat. It would make sense due to its large size and it did not look like a lion, tiger, or other large feline predator.

Jikan watched as the cat went back to their spot near who she assumed was their owner. Its initial sizing up of its new guests seemed to be over. Jikan remained calm, still patting Mia's head as she stayed behind Jikan. She had gotten use to talking animals by now. This was...what, she thought, the fourth one she saw? No no, there was another one talking. Here. Mia called to them, saying Revy. That was five now.

There was another thing though. The cat and the lady looked familar. Not in seeing their face on a poster but more in the way of interacting and seeing in person. But from where? Was it, at the Halloween town? Jikan's mind went back a little trying to recall what it was. Something to do with art and a line. Wae Jikan getting something? It felt like she was embarrassed by it, and blushing? Something on her face. Makeup? No no, she never wore make up. The only other thing was that weird face paint she had on her face when she popped out of the town suddenly with fogged memory. "Ouch", her head pinged with a sharp pain. Trying to remember again and resulting in some pain that stopped it further.

Mia poked her head out now. A more relaxed face, one that was even smiling a little. "Yeaaaa Revy I missed you", she hopped down, doing a little run over before attempting to hug her old friend. "How have you been?".

Shaking her head Jikan would ride Maxx over a little to where Mia was now. Stopping before looking down at Mia with a happy content look. "Have you found an old friend Mia?".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Harmless Explorings Of A Painter.(Open/Social) Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:05 am

It was becoming more of a social gathering for small cats with a large one watching. Just means Miriko can slowly place whatever business she was most likely needing to do down the road held off to a point. Most likely just after this Revvy painting. That is if she was not too distracted by the other talking one called Mia, That did not bother Miriko for she was not on the time crunch right now."Do...do you both want a bit of time for your companions to socialize?" Miriko mentioned because it might be needed for them to be able to do so.

Then she would collect her blanket and and put it away. Slowly starting to collect the things might be needed for the painting Revvy wanted. With in this timeframe might be good for Jikan to actually talk, Katio to continue conversation or something else over all with socializing to happen, Miriko can only do so much for these things.

But she gathered a paint brush, one tiny canvas and some vials of paint. Getting some kind of stand, Miriko just casually collected the things her umbrella just incase she got too hot, patted Alistair on the head while he watched quietly and started setting it all up. Miriko seemed to be getting into her work zone so she might start losing focus and attention to the things around her. It was just a normal risk in the life of Miriko.

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