It had been a few weeks since Ikanbi and Kuva had made their way back to Desierto, and while Ikanbi had speant some time catching up with the prince, Kuva had been absent, recovering from a deadly wound. Today, Ikanbi went to check on her, it had been a few days and she had given her some space to rest. She brought Kuva some food, and two of them chatted for a while, before Ikanbi set out to the market, intent on getting some good produce for a snack. Setting out, she wore all white today, with a dark purple cloak and hood that covered the lower half of her face and above her eyes.
Ikanbi made her way to the market with relative ease, and found a familiar produce stand that she knew regularly carried dates. She purchased a few, then casually offered one to the cutest person she saw next. "Ever had a date?" Ikanbi said while staring directly into the woman's eyes and eyeing the fabric of her outfit.