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[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything...

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[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything... Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:54 am


Paperwork... a sinful task, delegated by sinful individuals. Such a fate when one serves the sinful guard of this sinful country. Oh how beautiful would it be for flames to overtake and engulf these heretical lands... and... these thoughts... these feelings... The girl let out a sigh. There was power inside of her... there was a feeling ambition... a mini battle inside of her cold body... Something that made her feel as conflicted as her thoughts. Who was she... why did she exist... why did she have the overwhelming desire to free these people... These cold people... Why did she desire to be warm.

With the last paper signed... Tempris stepped out side and sat on a bench. She wore her blue habit which covered her hair, a blue dress but no shoes. She could only feel the coldness in the ground and feared missing out on the possibility of warmth. After all... there had to be some love in this world... right... Illumin? @Kon


[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything... Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:27 pm


A harsh truth of what had transpired over the last couple of months was truly beginning to hit Kon about the reality of what the Rune Knights truly were, even after all of their reformations they were still merely tools for the Magic Council to influence the world around them. A sense of disillusionment that had been long lasting from when he originally held a position within their ranks almost a decade earlier. He had hoped that with his interventions that this plague of corruption would be stifled, diminished or put a stop to entirely through his own policies, however they had proved to do the opposite with even the grand title of General being merely transferable from one person to another. It really made him question why he remained there especially after he had given them so much, there was much to ponder upon what he was to do, especially with Miharu and Hirota now equally shifting his thoughts on remaining within the rigid and structured regime.

And yet despite all of that he was now in Oak about to meet Tempris, another member of the Rune Knights whom he held in good stead, a curious devotee to the Illumin faith that bordered on the fanatic. More than once, he had questioned their judgement, religion was one thing, blind loyalty was another especially given what worshippers of Illumin were infamous for. He couldn't definitively be sure that Tempris had done similar acts but more than once he could have sworn there was the distinct smell of burning flesh coming from Tempris, but perhaps that was nothing more than his imagination. Approaching a church in which Tempris always seemed to linger around, Kon could almost immediately spot the tiny figure before greeting them with a curt smile. "It's been awhile Tempris, whats brought you to Oak?, I had always written off this part of the country."


[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything... Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:00 pm


Tempris eyes faced forward into the scene, refusing to shift from whatever spec of life they grasped onto. There he was... The man of iron... one who relinquish thy flesh to become something... else. It was sinful... no... it was pure? This abomination continued to thread small debates in her mind, in her heart, in her blade. It was a horror and a beauty. Yet... who was she to judge.

Her heart did not beat. She felt nothing but coldness. This body... was worst than his and not even her gift would fix it. "Colonel..." Her head did not move. "Fate has brought me here..." She raised her head. "If we refuse to walk among dirt... who shall see it. Who will clean it. How can we know if we are clean."

Her head shifted back down to a large tree. "I think... I should be where I am needed... I think that's were I will find his warmth. Maybe... that's were I can find fire." Her mind was cloudy. There wasn't much to pull from as her own known life was so short. "Oak... is suffering." A tear fell from her eye. "Its so cold. Its so lonely, unloved... Its nice that you decided to give it company."

She patted the spot next to her. "Please sit next to me... Kon... Share with me what a mind trapped in metal latches too... Tell me... if you have ails or... if theirs.... suffering."


[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything... Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:48 am


Ever the cryptic, Tempris' answers to Kon's questions left him more confused than ever. She was notorious for her zealotry to the Illumin faith, but at the same time, Oak was the least likely place he would have assumed her to have gone, especially with the mysterious absence of the Fiorian Divine. A title that which the perpetual teen would undoubtedly covet for their own means. One thing that perhaps stood out most from their reply was the indirect acknowledgement of his demotion that left a small pain in his artificial heart greeting him as Colonel rather than his previous more prestigious title of General.

Just one more step towards his diminished loyalty to the Rune Knights. Had the Magic Council deliberately demoted Kon to remove him from the organization entirely it was hard to say, but their members certainly left that impression. Hoping to confide with a fellow Rune Knight, he rested his metal frame upon the chair causing it to bow and almost cry from his obscene weight. Sighing through his voicebox, Kon revealed his open laundry without filter or discretion. "I must admit, Tempris I am uncomfortable with the direction that the Rune Knights are going in, even the acknowledgement of my demotion as you illustrated earlier is giving me cause for disillusionment within the ranks." Removing his hood to reveal a far more battle-scarred portrait, He continued. "I've fought long and hard both locally and afar for well over a decade and any recognition that was earned, I felt had been removed in a instant."


[Open] I am... somebody... ask me anything... Empty Today at 4:24 pm


"Demotion, lost of vision, lack of thanks." Tempris said coldly, "Attention will never come to those who seek it in suffering. The lost have grown to like their torture... their lack of freedom... their sin. Why seek approval from them... Why..." Tempris stopped.

Her eyes open, "The knights are not the goal for people like us... They are but a tool to enact... how would you say... Justice..." The girl grinned flair her own magic through her body. "I been removed from the knights 3 times... Yet... here I am. They don't know what they want. They don't feel the cold winds. They lost their way to warm... And so I sit here. Filing pointless paperwork... standing between heretical bickering.... Holding my tongue admist the heresy which plagues us..."

Tempris stands up. letting her cold feet touch the cold ground. "Kon... You are not... human? Why play by the rules of mortals beneath you... Your goals aren't as grand as mine... yet... their goals... Sin... horrible... Silly... pointless machine man... But they are yours... Have you given up."

She walks in front of him. "Shame... heh..." She then poked him in the head. "I forget the heretical workings of your body... Do you still drink tea?"

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