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All Fired Up (D-Rank)

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  All Fired Up (D-Rank) Empty Mon May 09, 2022 2:37 am


Kaito heard that the owner of the creepy castle he had seen when he was walking through the area before and he smiles and he hopes that she is okay and he hopes that this lord doesn't just kick him out at first sight and he looks at her and he wonders and he walks up and he hears the lord out about what he wants and he thinks he can do it just make sure that the things are going up and keep it all going in that way so they will be ready if something were to happen and come crossing into oak cause it would probably not take long to make sure that the beacons are getting up and in order. He hurries and he sees the first on is nearly done and he gives the guard a thumbs up and the guard smiles and waves back.


  All Fired Up (D-Rank) Empty Mon May 09, 2022 2:38 am


He moves on to the next couple of beacons and they look like they are ready and as he gets closer he sees that the one is fully built but the guard is asleep and he figures they could use the nap for now and he leaves Revy to watch over the guard so in case anything comes the exceed can awaken the guard and they can fight what ever it is together. Kaito goes on to last of the beacons and he finds an unfinished beacon and the guards dead body. He runs to go back and report this and he wakes the sleeping guard and warns them as well as he collects Revy that way this guard also doesn't get murdered as well and he warns the other beacons then he gets back to the castle and he reports to the guard at the gate about what he had seen and he knows that he is probably gonna get looked at a little side ways but he wants to make sure that it is understood that all the beacons are up and ready besides one so they can make sure of it, he then takes his pay and heads out.
(352/300) 40%wc (10%guild, 10%companion and 20%ring)

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