Quest: White Claudia Refined
Rank: C
Type: Bad
- White Claudia completed
- More White Claudia completed
Client: | Dr. Stephan Mabuz: Dr. Stephan Mabuz runs a quaint little magic shop nestled in the streets of Oak. Though it doesn't receive much traffic, Stephan isn't worried; his real business comes from his underground dealings of illicit magical items. Poisons, hexes, and whatever else a dark mage might need, the good doctor has it - for a price. |
Summary: Dr. Stephan will contact you for one last experiment of the white claudia, telling you that the reward will be bigger and you will no more have to go through it. Perhaps curiosity, need of jewels or adrenaline addiction, you accept to go through with it.
| 3x Fleshed Fear: A monster figure that looks like a human, its limbs look stitched together and it moves erratically, twitching and making fleshy noises. It can make sudden movements and will try to get a hold of what is in front of them to tear them apart slowly and eat them. |
Objective: Meet Dr. Stephan inside his magic shop about the quest you've taken, follow him to the secret back side to start the experiment.
Extra Rewards: None
- Create the topic in Oak Streets.
- You meet with Dr. Stephan Mabuz, who will be expecting you. He will look content that you have shown up, laugh and use over-the-top gestures to both invite you in and in general throughout the quest.
- He will once again give you the syringe and leave the room, telling you he will be watching. He tells you that he increased magic capabilities you can use while you are in there, implying you might need it. He will also give you a pocket flashlight.
- You may be reluctant or think for a second before injecting yourself.
- The world will turn nightmarish once again, this time, however, no walls, just darkness all around you except for the ground, which is just endless tiles of rusty iron grates. You will hear mechanical and industrial voices all around you from the darkness.
- Monstrous sounds will slowly start to get closer, as you turn towards them, your flashlight will show you three monsters, coming to you from different angles. They will split their head open and spurt black, acidic liquid at you which you must dodge or suffer.
- You will use your capabilities, magic, weapon, whatever you have in order to defeat them, with each one defeated, the world around you will show you your most horrible thoughts and fear, but they will cause no harm.
- When all of the monsters are down, you will be left in a world that shows you your innermost fears, shameful and regretted thoughts.
- Dr. Mabuz will wake you out of it, either with a slap or an injection, he will give you the reward as he is laughing maniacally and you will realize the horror that the bodies of the monsters you have killed are with you in the room. You will then leave.