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On Patrol[Jikan]

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On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:07 am


Regardless of Jikans attempt to minimize the game, it seemed that Nova had a different idea. Choosing to be a bit of a positive force and give some praise or encouragement. After speaking her words, Nova gave a laugh and reached out to Jikan. Patting the red haired woman on her back. "Well, if you say so I guess". Jikan said these words in a simple flat tone matter of fact way. An acceptance of Nova's words and attitude, it didn't sound shy nor stiff, just calm.

Jikan looked at the game while it was in the bag. Moving it to the back to read the little details of it. It sounded simple but not boring, a bit of complexity perhaps in the details. It was a strategy game where one built small towns then traded or conquered other areas. It sounded fun to her, hopefully Amira and Klein would too.

"Sites to see? Well in town there is this lovely little pastry shop, there is also a nice cafe with a wide assortment of drinks i sometimes frequent. You may get lucky and have someone playing music while there. The market area genuinely have some decent things. More on the way as Sleeping Calamity has been helping rebuild the town and get businesses back up and running. Oh, yes yes, the Orchidia river is also a lovely sight. Very relaxing".

Jikan gave as best of a response as she could. She had no idea what type of places would be of interest to this off duty Rune Knight. Thinking about it, Jikan had not been to the church. She should fix that and see how it was. She also found it interesting that the knight was actually interested in going by a dark guild.

Curious oh so curious.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#27Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 03, 2022 6:18 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Regnah would point out there was a cafe nearby with some music. The market was more brushed over as well as the Sleeping Calamity guild hall. Nova didn't expect much asking to see the hall but she wanted to at least put it out there. Being a dark guild, some citizens might be afraid of it. Nova just wanted to get a lay of the land if they did have to deal with them but she wouldn't be able to do much herself. Regnah did compliment the dark guild saying they were helping the town though. Whether it was for the better or worse, it relieved her to know that the citizens didn't feel threatened by their presence.

Judging by her enthusiasm, the cafe seemed like the best choice out of what was presented to her. "Some music and food sounds great. The cafe it is then. I'll cover it as a tour guide fee for showing me around. The knights are pretty generous with expenses when you have to work outside the capital." She laughed. In case Jikan was wondering why she kept paying for stuff that was the reason. Nova got compensated from the capital once she returned and she also just liked being friendly with new people. "If they don't have any music we can always take the food to the river as well."


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:54 am


The relationship between Civilians and magic users was a complex thing. One always expected people who were affiliated with dark guilds or illegally guilds due to not being recognized by the Fiore government, to be evil. To be something to be afraid of. But, in Jikan's eyes that was the case for everyone who had power, physical or magical but even more so for the ones that were magical. Just like demi humans and other races, they were different than the majority, the common folk.

Perhaps it was that look of difference that caused the fear. Maybe it was just the simple act that they held the same magic powers that could destroy or create just like any other magic user, and the label of other from their perspective was the tool that caused fear to be created, or maybe it was just a layer of discomfort. Oh them being willing to do thing for jobs or interactions that others were not willing or comfortable doing. Or maybe they were just evil after all. Jikan had started getting into some smaller non violent crime after all, evil was evil for some. Who knows?

People were people and had nuance after all. All Jikan knew, in that in the years she had been active within Sleeping Calamity and within the town, she made a rule of how things were to be done. Things were followed, people were helped, rules were enforced. And, as long as rules were followed and people were respected, no issues had ever arrived. Truly, how different was that from the government and their orders? Penalties, small such as fines, and big, such as death or imprisonment, were used by both sides of the same coin...

"Oh Nova there is no need for you to do that. I am fine with paying for myself. There is no to, even if the capital will compensate for it". She spoke in a smooth calm voice, turning around Jikan placed a finger onto her lip. "Now....I wonder what I shall get today...maybe they will have a nice snacks or drinks of the day." She began to walk, making sure that Nova was with her during her start and trip forward. "I do not know, depends on what we get. I do not want to have liter or anything harmful by the rive. It is such a lovely place".

#29Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:17 am

Nova Kentaurus
Nova just waved off her suggestion after Jikan responded. "Fine fine. I won't force it on you then. I just always like to make a good force impression. Force of habit. " She didn't mean anything by it at all but some people would take offense too it. Better to just drop it instead of trying to force it on her. After all she did pay for the games so that was probably enough.

After some walking, the two of them would arrive at the cafe. The smell of roasted coffee beans saturated the room. Some jazzy music was in the air as a small band was currently playing on stage while the others dined in. "Looks like we're in luck". It wasn't too busy so they had plenty of seats to choose from. Since it was nice day outside, Nova suggested they sit on the outdoor patio where they had a good view of the band. The waitress would bring them to their seat where they could order and relax.

Nova just got a plain coffee and would wait for Jikan to order what they needed before they got some more time to talk. "Thanks for showing me this place it's nice. So what do you do for a living around here Regnah?" They had played some games together but Nova never really asked her any questions about herself. This would be a good spot to get to know them better.


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:01 am


Jikan listened to Nova's words, a short raise of an eyebrow as she heard the purple haired woman say that she always like to make a good force impression. Jikan just assumed that it was a mistake and slip of word. From the sentence she said and the surrounding words, Jikan thought about it was probably supposed to be 'first' instead of 'force'.

Or at least she hoped so, if not Jikan was going to have a very annoying and tiresome day for her in the later parts of the day to come.

After Jikan and Nova walked and arrived to the cafe, a sense of pleasantry filled Jikan as the smell of roasted coffee beans and brewing tea leaves saturated outside and inside the room as well as filled her nose. Even more to Jikan's glee, there was indeed music playing in the store.

Turning her head as Nova spoke, Jikan saw the small band playing on the stage while there were an assortment of people sitting and dinning. 'Yes, wonderful luck. I love few things more than enjoy a pastry with jazz music playing, the weather was also nice as well. Warm yet cool. A perfect relaxation environment really.

Jikan nodded as the were guided to the outside patio by the waitress. "I think sitting outside s a lovely idea. The weather is too good to not be outside and the music will only make it even more relaxing".

Being escorted outside, Jikan sat down in the seat outside. Speaking to the waitress Jikan gave her order. A honey lavender tea with extra sugar in it, two cubes. Alongside with a biscuit to snack on.

She sat in her chair, her legs crossed as her head was turned towards the band playing. He ears split with hearing them and being open to Nova. "My pleasure". She nodded yes in her response to Nova's comment of the place being nice ad she began to speak in response to the rest of her words.

"Oh What I make for a living here in Orchidia? Well odd jobs really. I help the town's folk with any odd jobs or problems they have. They tell me about it and I take care of it pretty much. Sometimes its fighting off some nasty mages or adventurers harassing their stores, sometimes its getting rid of some pest infestations, other times fighting off magical creatures that come around. Really there is no sure list of the random things that come about here".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#31Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:27 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Spinning the spoon in her coffee, Nova listened to Jikan with great interest. Much to her surprise, she took requests as well. The jobs she took in Orchidia were all to help the town improve which was noble of her. Nova herself had taken one request since arriving so she knew how thankful the towns folk could be. Maybe that is why her face seemed familiar to her. Perhaps they passed by in the request hall when they were both working. Regardless, it was nice to see they both had something in common.

"Oh wow that's impressive. I would have never guessed we did similar types of work." Nova lifted up her hand and spread all 5 of her fingers out. Some small bolts of lightning would jump between her fingers just as a show of her magic. "I'm sure you saw earlier when we caught that guy cheating. I'm a lightning mage. Seeing as Jikan didn't bring up back then, she must have been used to seeing magic up close. They were remarkably calm. Nova was curious about her as well. "So do you use magic yourself or do you just use weapons when you take these requests?" Magic was rare in the country so finding another mage was always a treat.


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:43 pm


As Jikan and Nova continue to talk, the small band playing music finishes their current song. Quickly moving into their next one.

The music began to play as soon as Nova began to spin her spoon in her cup of coffee. For some reason the music made her think. When Jikan thought about it she needed to expand her skill set. Her non combative skill set. With all of these years where she was just a traveler, a wander, she had to provide for herself with what ways she could. Back in the past it was being a hunter of creatures of the night, along with hunting normal catch. When she became a hired hand she started doing work associated with magic users and adventurers. Taking quests, small tasks, and long missions.

"Oh, do I not look like the hand's on type of person?", Jikan asked with a light hearted amused friendly tone. Jikan eyed the woman as she lifted her hand and spread her five fingers, a wave of electricity moving between them. So Jikan's eyes saw correctly, Nova had used lightening magic earlier. "Ah yes I thought I saw something back then". Jikan picked up her cup and had a sip. "Me? I use whatever is the best tool given the situation. Sometimes that is magic, sometimes its weapons, sometimes its just my mind and a little charm. Just whatever makes it easiest for me and gets the job done".

Jikan then put her cup down. "I dont think I have seen your face in town before, or at least recently. Obviously I know you are new, but I don't know how long you been here. How long have you been her among our people? Has it been okay whether on duty or off? Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you here? Just getting sent up by the organization?".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#33Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 08, 2022 1:11 am

Nova Kentaurus
The band switched to a new song as the trumpet player and piano man played together. Nova basked in the melody while she listened to Jikan. The answer that she received was vague but at the same time it did answer part of her question. She stated that she used magic among other things. That at least proved that she was a magic caster. The element and type of magic however she didn't specify. Nova didn't want to pry too much so she would just leave it at that. If Jikan wanted to reveal it, she could always do it herself. Some people didn't like to show off.

The conversation switched back to Nova herself. Jikan was able to pinpoint that she was a new face and then hit her with some questions. It almost felt like an interrogation with the amount she asked. Still Nova was fine to answer them. "I've only been here a few days and it's my first time visiting the city in general. I came here for work. I'm sure you know Orchidia doesn't have the best reputation because of all the crimes. Rune Knights were sent to help deter that and help the people. " They were also there to keep an eye on Sleepy Calamity. After Eternal Nightmare was able to repel the attack from the knights and alliance, they had been more cautious. They needed to gather more information.

"But so far I've enjoyed it despite the rumors. How have you enjoyed the town so far Have you lived here all your life here Regnah? "


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:31 am


Unknown to Nova, Jikan was normally the reserved and careful type of person. When first meeting a person she like to keep conversation as simple and direct as possible. Depending on the conversation topic or person involved, the sentences Jikan gave could be short, or long. And sometimes they would hold not much information or a decent amount. It depended on how much she felt she needed to give an answer to what was proposed to her. As well as if more information would benefit to her or not. So it was rational by her habit that her answers were vague...and well....it did not help that she was talking to a member of the Rune Knight forces. Active crimes or not, her first impression and her break out from their prision did not do well for her belief that she would not be a person they would....friendly with as a unit.

It was best to not volunteer information.

As the music played in the background Jikan's and Nova' conversation continued. As reserved Jikan was, she was also often the insightful or investigative type. It made it hard for conversations for she liked to find out about people as much as she could while in contrast not giving a lot of information herself. At times it could feel overbearing or interrogative to a person, and, depending on things, that could be the case at times. A new person would not know this, and would likely feel like they were being interrogated. And...even though Nova was in a social way right now, Jikan was still trying to be subtle and cordial. Well, it would just have to be seen how Nova would respond.

"Ah I am glad to hear that your time has been fine since being here. I hope your down time during the last few days has not been too chaotic though. Yes, Orchidia does not have the best reputation because of the history of crimes when it comes to people looking from the outside. I hope it does not distract you for the wonderful place it is most of the time. Most days, it is no way near as bad as people say it is". At least, that was the truth Sleeping Calamity came. It was hard for other criminal organization to cause mess within Orchidia when it was clear who the top dog was. And, as Jikan had made clear through her first two years in the town helping the people. The town is mine, and she did not like people to break her things.

The tone and consequences she showed did help a lot with reducing crime, at least, crime targeted to Orchidia citizens. The other regions were still fair game, they were under her banner or rule. She suppose Paradise Dawn sudden appearance, and the surge of Rune Knights in the area also helped to deter. But, it also caused annoyance with goodie goodies coming up to Sleeping Calamity causing issues. It came with the reputation...even if Jikan took careful care to not have evidence that Sleeping Calamity members were up to no good.

Jikan picked up the biscuit and broke a piece of it off, chewing on it after she spoke as Nova asked her question. After finishing the piece she would speak, "Yes and no. My time in the town has been okay. Pleasant and unpleasant like any other place someone could find themselves living in. I have not in fact lived her my whole life, been about two and a half years now I suppose. It was chaotic moving in her with the town's destruction due to that weather storm that came in and the fighting. I was unsure if I wanted to move out here". She placed the biscuit down back on its plate. Jikan had decided to offer that piece of information. Whether she would regret that would have to be seen.

"Oh, Miss Nova. If you do not mind me asking, why are you a Rune Knight? There are many guilds in Fiore and some have more inflow of jobs to do. So I would assume you are not doing it for the money".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#35Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:22 pm

Nova Kentaurus
From what she had seen so far, Orchidia seemed like a lovely place. One guy cheating wasn't really that big of a deal. It was just a minor crime and the only one she had witnessed so far. The rumors about the town painted in a much harsher light. She went in thinking it would be drugs and murder. It's possible it might happen eventually but right now everything was fine. Jikan had lived in the town for 2.5 years so that would give her a feel of things. Apparently it was destroyed due to a weather storm along with some fighting. Being new to the country, she hadn't looked into the history. It would be something she would have to investigate later.

"I grew up in it." Nova responded. "I'm originally from Seven. I was part of the police defense force. You see, in Seven we worried more about large monster attacks from the outside more than crimes. My father worked as a police chief and my mother was a doctor that worked in the same building. Once I reached the legal age, I worked with them." Nova paused for a moment. She didn't want to bring up the death of her brother so she just glanced over it. That was a whole can of worms that would stay sealed. "And then we ended up moving to Fiore. My family was recommended to the knights and we were welcomed with open arms. I do it to make them proud."

Nova had met some people in guilds before and they were great people. The knights themselves were sort of like a guild but just had the stigma of being a law force. "The concept of guilds is still new to me here but they do look like a fun time. It's a shame the knights forbid you from joining them when you're in service. Are you in a guild by chance Regnah? Is that where you get all your requests?"


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:11 am


Jikan's eyes, something within them, shifted a little when Nova spoke about her upbringing. A family worried more about monster and creature attacks than crimes done by fellow humans or at least humanoid beings. Those things were more of an emotional and mental concern of crime handling. It was interesting at least to hear about someone having a similar background to her own. It lit a small spark inside of her, so much so that she had thought about acting against her norm and considered talking about her upbringing.

"Yes, I am in a guild. A small one really in the comparison of names in Fiore. I get some of my requests from my connection in the guild. However, most jobs I get are from usually just talking to the town's people in Orchidia and any real town I find myself in. There are also people I know from when I was a guild less mage for most of my time in Fiore. Doing simple jobs they needed down and larger issues such as hunting large monsters or creatures of the night".

Jikan paused after she spoke, letting the music in the background to continue playing as well as letting Nova potentially be able to speak. General information once again as given by Jikan in response to Nova's words. Calm and social and yet distant a little still.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#37Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:45 pm

Nova Kentaurus
So they were in a guild but they didn't specify any guild name. Just said that it was small. Some guilds weren't big official ones like Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus but rather smaller bands that usually were unrecognized by the general population. Jikan seemed had a way of answering her questions but at the same time was pretty vague about her answers. She wondered if she just didn't like talking about herself or had something to hide. Perhaps it was just because she was Rune Knight. There were those that didn't trust them because of rumors about how they weren't just. She was used to it at this point after working in the country for the few short years she had been here.

Nova was happy to see she was a fellow monster slayer as well so she smiled at her. She raised her coffee at Jikan in a cheers motion. "Well here's to two badass girls slaying monsters." She laughed and took a sip. "So how did you get into the guild business in the first place? Was it family or did you just have some friends bring you in?"


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:50 pm


Jikan had wondered about if she should have given a false guild name. A neutral or indepdent guild that she new was in the North. One that she could hide in but, given the factor of it being a Rune Knight before her. They could probably check records if she was told possible information to cross check. A full name, a guild name. For all she knew they had data on people's psychical descriptions as well such as body, hair, and face. It would easy for a magic to exist to check such a thing. Even more so, there was the issue of Jikan not know which guilds the purple maiden before he she did know of or had a personal connection to. If she said a guild and Nova could say she knew that Jikan wasn't...well that would be a hindrance to being anonymous.

oh if only Jikan had said she was guild-less.

Anyway it seemed Nova was much more happy abut another piece of information. Skipping over what was previously said. Jikan took up her cup of tea, meeting Nova in a cheers motion as the purple haired talked with a bit of joy and laughter. "Yes, doing something like that. Definition of bad ass".

Nova was very cheerful. It seemed that the Rune Knight had good memories attached to it. If only Jikan had such positive feelings about that career. Jikan's face was soft, calm, and soothing. A coy smirk as their class clanked together.

Nova was happy to see she was a fellow monster slayer as well so she smiled at her. She raised her coffee at Jikan in a cheers motion.

"Neither really. Family nor friends had anything with me getting into magic. I...just sort of found myself doing it for money as I walked the land looking for someone. Just did work as a guildless mage wandering for a long long time".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#39Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:59 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Nova ran her fingers through her long violet hair to adjust it as she listened to Jikan answer. By the way the red head told her story, they were actually complete opposites. While Nova had her family bring her into the police and knights, Jikan was more of a wanderer for most of her life. Doing side gigs for money until she finally found a place to call her own. Nova was happy for her. Not having friends and family supporting you at the beginning must have been tough."Well I'm glad you finally found a place that accepts you."

There was also the mention of Jikan looking for someone. This piqued her curiosity as well so she just had to ask. "Did you end up finding that certain someone? If you haven't, I can keep an eye out for you." It could have been anyone but Nova wanted to help if possible. The truth is she might have found them already or maybe it was a private matter she didn't want to share. However, if Jikan needed an extra set of eyes, Nova would lend hers.


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:42 pm


Jikan watched as Nova ran her fingers through her long flowing violet hair as she finished giving her answer. A stiffens in her hair or just the body moving in its relaxation. Either way, Jikan had told her story and answer partially at least. Maybe even she had given some more information than she had done previously. In the jest, it was different from Novas. If one were to look at the finer details the question then would be how much. "Yes I am to. But thankfully, home is where the people are not the location. Even if the location can hold a lot of memories or emotions to it".

"Did you end up finding that certain someone?".

Jikan looked down at this comment. For once in her few times of allowing it, her face veil fell down without her choosing so. A heavy sigh came as she put her cup down. "No. I have not. It is my brother. I have searched for him for many years now. It is the reason why I even came to Fiore. Ever sight or word of him has been a false lead or a dead end. I....have begun to accept that he just does not want to be found...or is simply dead as I have found nothing new for the last two years".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#41Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:28 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Nova knew the answer to her question before Jikan even responded judging by the negative reaction. Still, she would be a good friend and listen to her story. It was her brother that she was searching for that was missing for years. Unfortunately, it sounded like the search she had been doing in Fiore was coming up empty. This hit Nova especially hard that she even started to tear up a bit at the revelation. Back in Seven, she had lost her brother on duty after he was injured by the monsters attacking the city walls. It was still painful now even though it happened years ago. Despite being trained as a doctor, she couldn't even save him.

Reaching across the table, Nova put her hand on Jikan's. "Don't give up" she would say almost without thinking. "Even if it's a longshot you have to have faith they are still out there. I seen it before on duty. Knights and soldiers get attacked and lost on patrol. Months go by and nothing is reported but eventually they were found and returned to their families." This didn't happen every time but Nova was just trying to stay positive for her. Even if it could spark just a flicker of hope back, it would be worth it. "Like I said before, I can help you with my resources if you find anything."


On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:31 pm


Jikan let her words hang in the world. It felt...strange. Talking about these sort of things. Letting it out. Not specially because Jikan was telling it to a stranger or a Rune Knight. For all intents and purposes, a hostile or at least an opposing force to her and the group she was affiliated with. That was what Nova was. But....the thoughts in her head, the feelings shaking in her bones...that...was not something she let out. Letting that out was a weakness...a vulnerability.

She did not like it....she did not like this...

She felt it in every fiber of her being. And the fact that she was saying Nova tear up, as if she had a symptom for her....some pity. It made it worse. It was itching something she could not get rid of....and...disgusting. A sense of disgust...for herself.

For sharing that part of herself with Nova. Someone that was a stranger. Someone that was not one of her children. But more importantly... for feeling a small piece of gratitude at the purple haired woman's words. For letting her hand rest on top of hers. "It has been years...and a constant dance of chasing an invisble man. Nothing noteworthy. Nothing real. And I am stuck now with nothing to go on".

#43Nova Kentaurus 

On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:06 pm

Nova Kentaurus
This might have been a mistake. The subject seemed like it was too sensitive for the two of them. Despite trying to help her with the issue, it seemed like the cut was too deep to be healed with words. Jikan repeated what she said earlier with a change of tone in her voice. She could tell by the pauses it was hard. There was no evidence that she had found despite the years of searching. Nova couldn't imagine how hard it was. Though her brother died, that at least gave her closure to recover over the years. This was left open.

Nova let out a sigh and wiped her face to clean herself up from the moment they had. After that she was back in her clear mindset. "Well if you need anything you know where to find me." She would say just as one last act of support. There was silence between the two of them as they just watch the band play "Anyways we're supposed to be having fun right. Let's just enjoy the moment." It was tough but she managed to force a smile as she said it for Jikan's sake.

The music was a good wingman was they started to play a lively tune that brought the mood of the whole cafe up. Nova would do a goofy dance in her seat as it lifted her spirits up. Hopefully her looking like a fool would make Jikan laugh. Once the band finished, Nova would clap. At the same time, her watch would start to beep. Her break was over and she would have to head back. "Well it looks like that's going to be it for me. I have to go back to work but it was lovely meeting you Regnah. Thanks for showing me around. If you want to do it again or go on a request, feel free to stop by the office." Nova would then stand up and place her money on the table. Being Joyan, she would bow to Jikan and take her leave.



On Patrol[Jikan] - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:52 pm


The subject that they had moved on was indeed a sensitive one. An uneasy one that would likely dig into the two of them when they tried to communicate on it. The change in her tone was making that clear, at least for how it was impacting her on her side of things. It hard, it was aggravating...it was pitful and a wound to her pride and sense of identity. She hated how it stung. The unknown and failed success of getting evidence. Anything. But no, she could not get a dang thing. Not even a crumb.

She out a sign of her own as Nova sighed and wiped her face. Letting her blue green eyes peer out at her as she spoke, Jikan nodded her head and spoke. Still filled with emotions internally and not wishing to let a piece of her out again, she tried to force her voice back to its monotone neutral cold base tone. "Okay...I will keep that in mind". That was all she had to say before the silence between them happened. Listening to the music being played by the band, giving a soft nod of her head at Nova's comment of just enjoying themselves.

She was more than happy to do that, less of a hectic thought on her mind with the other things she was trying to think about or handle already. The music continued to play and was an enjoyable thing. The soothing music changing into a lively exciting style. The room became even more cheerful and active. A few people even getting up to dance a little. The purple haired Rune Knight doing an admittedly slightly humorous dance in her seat. An act that managed to get a small smirk from the red head.

The music finished, and the crowd alongside Nova and Jikan clapped their hands. "You're welcome Nova, it was no trouble. Perhaps we could do it again in the future, or go on a request", she doubted the last part, but it was good to not show that off. Jikan stood. Not being Joyan but she was well enough knowledgeable of the social cues at least with the culture. And so Jikan returned the bow with one of her own. Seeing her leave Jikan sat down to finish her tea. After doing so she left a tip for the store and their server before leaving as well.


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