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On My Way (North to Central)

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On My Way (North to Central) Empty Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:59 pm


Yuurei had decided that it was time to look for the runes. His first stop was to head toward Center Fiore. There must have been a rune there, so he was going to make his way over there. He hoped that he was right about that because hunting the runes was something he had on his mind for a while. The Nephilim had looked over to Renji who was moving around the room they were in.

“We’re heading to the North Fiore, Renji. After that, we will come back home and get an update from Brone. Still, we got some stuff to do.” He said to his friend.

The Exceed would hear this and he knew what that meant. He would get on his shoulder, and he would have his bag with him. They were getting ready to become stronger and become one of the scariest mages in this world.

Yuurei would take out his key and he would put it inside the door. After that, he would twist the key and open the door. This would bring him to find a door within Crocus Street. Yuurei would step through and into Central Fiore, he would go.


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