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The Two Berserkers (Green)

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The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:43 am


Yuurei had gotten a new member within Paradise Dawn, but now he was going to do something he had done with the majority of the members in his guild. He was going to fight him and see what he was capable of. He had seen a glimpse of Ren’s abilities not too long ago, but how they would fair against him. He wasn’t sure, but since Renji and Ren thought it was best, then they would fight. The Nephilim had taken him to the training dome, where most of the fights had happened between Yuurei and his guild members.

Renji was with them, and he was just there to see how the fight would go. The light mage had his helmet under his arm, his gauntlets on his hands, and his armor on him as well. The other things he had owned were already on him before he even met Ren. The light mage would open the door to the training room, and there he would step in first. The door would stay open, allowing Ren to enter the place and close the door after.

Renji would run to a side of the dome where he would be safe from their fight. The dome itself was huge and for a reason. It was a place where multiple fights could be held, and where a lot of people came to train. From one side to the other the dome was one hundred meters in length, and it curved on the top reaching its peak at one hundred meters as well. There was a bunch of training equipment scattered throughout the area.

Yuurei would make his way to the center of the training dome though, and when he did, he would turn to look at Ren. He started stretching his body before the fight would actually start. He would put the helmet on as he looked over at him with a smile.

“So, how do you want me to fight? I can either use my magic or fight you with the items that I own.” He said to Ren, wondering what he would say to him.

Yuurei would move both his hands to make sure that his gauntlets were perfect on him. He would look over at Ren as he was possibly ten meters away from him.




Uriel's Grace:

#2Ren Aikawa 

The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:28 am

Ren Aikawa
He would be lying if he had said that he was not nervous. Because he definitely was. Ren followed his two new guildmembers, Yuurei and Renji, towards the training dome. It already looked magnificent on the outside, but once he stepped inside, it took his breath away. He looked at arching roof ahead of him, how spacious it was. He then noticed the training equipments all around, they were really serious about this kind of thing. It kinda reminded Ren of the dojo he used to train as a kid. Though definitely less majestic and much smaller than the dome he was standing on.

He closed the door behind him and walked over towards Yuurei, he stopped when he was near the center of the dome. Being ten meter away from his guild master. The armor, the helmet, the gauntlets. They looked intimidating, and it made Ren feel naked too. Adorned with nothing but his simple clothes and the katana sheathed by his side. When he was asked the question, he felt out of place. Because to him, he did not know how different both of them were in respect to fighting. He did lack any sparring or fighting experiences with fellow mages and others on the same or above his level. ”I do not know the difference in both. So you should decide for yourself.” he said and answered in sincerity.

Ren moved his left leg back a little, and his hands grabbed the hilt of his katana and the belt that held it in place. He pointed the eye of the hilt towards Yuurei’s direction. To hide it’s length. A common samurai technique. ”You can have the first move.”.

WC: 281



The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:50 pm


Yuurei would hear Ren’s words and he would nod. It seemed like he was going to be the first of the two to move in the fight. He saw his form and the way he held his katana. This made the light mage excited; he had a thing with swords and this guy was wielding one right now. He wanted to forget the fight and just check his weapon out, but he couldn’t. He felt that he would have disrespected Ren, and he wasn’t trying to do that.

"Alright then here we go. I choose to just use my equipment for this battle. I don't know what you're capable of, so I don't want to overdo things." He said to Ren as he was getting ready.

He would move his right leg back as he got into a fighting position. Yes, they were ten meters away from each other, but he wanted to show him that he was getting ready. He wasn’t sure if he would transform yet, but it was an option. Still, right now it was time to attack Ren and see what the young man would do on the first strike. He had known about swords, and he could see that his hilt was pointed toward him. It didn’t bother him, and he welcome the attack if Ren would throw in a counter when Yuurei got close.

The light mage pushed off both his feet as he was running toward the new member of Paradise Dawn. He closed the gap between them in less than half a second. He was close to Ren now a meter away from the samurai and he would swing with his left hand. He had launched a quick jab straight to the man’s chest at full speed. His right arm, however, stood on guard ready to in a direction to protect himself from Ren. The berserker had fought many times to know never to go in for a full-frontal attack.

The Nephilim did this but wondered if he should have just summoned Galatea at the start and had her fight him. It would have been unfair since he wanted to fight Yuurei and not another person.




Uriel's Grace:

#4Ren Aikawa 

The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:42 am

Ren Aikawa
Just the equipment, Ren repeated in his mind. Ren doesn’t know what Yuurei was capable of either, but it felt like it would be something very scary. Yuurei was the guildmaster after all, and it sounded like he is of the position due to his level of strength as well. He saw the nephilim moved his legs, and the young ronin prepared for what’s to come.

Then in an instant, the nephilim were already a meter away from him. His eyes noticed that Yuurei’s left fist would strike as it charged towards his chest. As if already apart of his instinct, Ren turned his left leg, the leg on his back, ninety degrees around to his right side, turning around his entire body and his chest barely dodging the attack. Hand still on the hilt of his katana, Ren then immediately drew it as a counter attack. He striked his katana in an upward frontal swing. Attempting to hurt the nephilim that was in his personal space.

But being the one not wearing an armour, Ren lunged back 15 meters. Getting away from his opponent. He wanted to see how much damage he did first. If it ever did hit. He couldn’t afford fighting up close. Not with his thin sword and Yuurei’s mighty gauntlets.

WC: 215
T WC: 496



The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:49 pm


Yuurei would watch Ren dodge his attack, and it was something he had experienced many times. People who got into a certain stance usually used their feet to dodge an attack by moving just a bit. He figured that Ren would be able to do the same thing. When he saw him in the tavern, he knew the man could fight, but this was him testing him out. It worked, and while the man had dodged his attack, he would see the counterattack coming. The man had his hand on the hilt of his katana the entire time, the movements of his arm started. Yuurei could have and wanted to use his right arm to clash against the man’s katana, but he broke it then, he wouldn’t let Ren have a weapon.

While the man was removing the blade from its scabbard, Yuurei pressed his feet on the ground before lunging himself to his right to dodge the swing of the blade that was moving upward and toward him. He would dodge the attack and at the same time he would lunge twenty-five meters away from Ren and it would seem like the man also lunged away from him, which meant they were forty meters away from each other.

“Nice dodge, at least you have the movements and ability to dodge the attack. You also didn’t waste any time trying to attack me. I guess we should continue.” He said to Ren as he would look in his direction.

He wasn’t sure if the man was coming to close the gap between the two of them, but Yuurei would run straight toward him once again. His speed allowed him to close the gap between the two of them in two seconds. When he was a meter away from Ren, he would launch a quick jab once again at the young man. This time he was using his right hand to attack while keeping his left hand in a defense position. He wanted to see the next thing he would do and whether or not Yuurei would either summon Galatea or break his katana.

Still, Yuurei knew that if he continued fighting and training, then he would become a master swordsman in the long run. It all depended on his dedication to the craft above it all. Still, he was testing the man in front of him and was waiting for the opportunity to go all out and show him the difference between them for the time being.




Uriel's Grace:

#6Ren Aikawa 

The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:30 am

Ren Aikawa
Ren was both shocked and amazed at how fast Yuurei could move, dodging his counter attack by just pressing his leg on the ground and lunging away. Usually whenever he would counterattack a punch by swinging his blade like that, he could easily land a blow on his opponent as their body were already dedicated on the momentum of their fist punching ahead. But Yuurei was nothing like the ordinary man, he was different. Much faster, scary fast. Now that they were forty meters apart, Ren thought about what had happened, and what could have happened. If Yuurei was that fast, the guildmaster could easily intercept Ren’s counterattack and land a blow on his sword. And judging by those gauntlets, it could easily destroy Ren’s thin blade into smithereens. But Yuurei did not do that. There was no other explanation than Yuurei simply did not want to end the fight just like that. They were already beginning after all.

Ren would hear Yuurei’s feedback, he appreciated the compliment, he wanted to return the compliment but it was hard when Ren knew that Yuurei was holding back big time. All of Ren’s life had been about running away and dodging attacks, he thought that was he was best at that. The art of the katana had always been about ending the opponent in one quick blow, as the katana is not suit to last long in a battle. That was why Ren had his katana always sheathed in and only drawing it out to land an attack, and he would never use it to block one.

There was no way Ren would close the gap between them. He already felt at an disadvantage in their weapons and armour, and his best trait, his speed, had also been at an disadvantage. As Yuurei had the speed of a demon. Ironically. Ren simply stood there in a stance, knees bent and legs open wide apart, hands on the hilt of his katana and belt that held it. He was preparing, preparing for the attack.

But as he watched Yuurei ran, something in him kicked. He had been scared and in fear this whole time, and it did not feel nice at all. He rarely felt scared. So why should this be any different? A samurai should not be scared to throw their life and fight till the end. And Ren came from the best of the samurai clans. Selfless yet full of pride. Gentle yet fierce. The crimson ronin felt something blazing in his heart. A roaring ember from his spirit. With this newfound impulse Ren started running towards Yuurei’s direction, albeit a lot slower. The two of the berserkers were then a meter away, and Yuurei moved his left arm to throw a punch at him. Another forward punch, Ren had thought. It was something simple, Yuurei must have gave it easy to the young ronin again. So Ren decided that he would not disappoint his guildmaster. Ren dropped his feet and in turn his whole body, dodging the simple frontal strike. With his right leg pointing forward on the floor he slid his body along the ground from the momentum he had built when he ran. In that instance as well he drew out his katana and swing it in a horizontal arc around him, attempting to hit the nephilim’s legs as he continued to slide forward and away from the other. After the swing he immediately sheathed in his katana while he was still sliding. That would be something people would see a lot, A quick draw and strike before sheathing it back in. Ren was fully aware of his weaknesses. But he did not complain, nor did he like complainers. He simply adapted around it.

When the momentum ran out, he found himself three meters away from Yuurei. To which he jumped up to stand facing the nephilim, before lunging back another 15 meters. Creating yet another distance between them. At the end of this lunge, Ren was already breathing heavily from all that adrenaline. He was enjoying this, this sparring. He could not wait for the day that he would frow strong enough to face Yuurei in an even field. No screw that, he wanted to face someone on his level next. So that he and his opponent could truly enjoy a good battle.

726 | 1222



The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:14 pm


Yuurei was able to dodge it for three reasons only. One he had a lot of combat experience, which allowed him to know that his opponent wasn’t going to avoid the attack but go for a counterattack of their own. Two, he had thrown a quick jab; a quick simple punch that came from him, wouldn’t throw his momentum out of whack. It was a simple punch, but it packed the same amount of power behind it as all his other punches. It was why he didn’t try to do anything fancy with his attacks as that was just enough for him to do. Finally, third, all the physical training he did allowed him to move quickly out of harm's way when it was needed.

Still, it seemed like his movements were too forward that Ren was able to dodge his attacks. This time he had done something interesting. It made the berserker smile to see that the man had used his running momentum to slide onto the ground and dodge his attack. Still, with a drop to the ground Yuurei would find himself lunging into the air and avoiding his legs from being cut. He would land on the ground twenty-five meters away from Ren as he slid his body to turn to him before jumping and lunging away from him. The distance between the two of them was now forty-three meters away from each other.

The Nephilim found himself impressed once again with the Ronin, and his fighting was beautifully done.

“That was a beautiful technique. If you continue to polish your technique, then you could make it far in this world.” He said with a smile on his face.

He was sure that Ren didn’t need to hear that, but he wanted to give him the knowledge that Yuurei appreciated his styles, skills, and talent for growth. Still, they were both looking at each other. The Nephilim was thinking about showing him his true power, but he figured he would give it a little bit more time. He was enjoying seeing Ren’s movements and he figured that he could show him more.

Yuurei would start his run again, and within two seconds he would close the gap between the two. Still, the moment he started running his wings would come out from his back, but they didn’t stop him from his previous action. He was in front of the Ronin as he would once again launch just that straightforward punch that he had been throwing the entire time. He refused to throw a combo in this fight as he was testing his new member and not trying to take them out.

Still, he was keeping an eye on Ren’s movement. This guy wasn’t slow, and he wasn’t inexperienced. This fight allowed Yuurei to see this and it was why he didn’t tell him he needed to learn more, but to continue to do what he was doing and everything would be fine in the future.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:


The Two Berserkers (Green) Empty Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:41 am


Yuurei’s quick jab must have caught Ren off guard. He didn’t think this attack would do such a thing. The attack was truly meant to make sure that the man would be able to dodge the attack and showcase his moves to the light mage. Still, that didn’t happen, and he could see it. He wasn’t sure what had happened, but Ren had stood still. It was as if the man had gotten stuck with the fast punch that he couldn’t dodge it or even see it coming. The light mage felt like he should have held back even more, and then maybe this wouldn’t happen.

Why didn’t he dodge it, what the hell is going on here? He thought to himself. It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei’s fist would connect right onto Ren’s chest. It would send the man stumbling back from the blow. He would look over to Ren as he would see that everything was fine. That was good, which meant that this guy was indeed strong. It brought him to realize that Ren would be able to show him a great fight after all. It wasn’t just that, but it would seem like the young man wasn’t lacking in any category.

Yuurei would get into a fighting stance as he was ready to continue with the fight in front of them. They had a lot to do and he was sure that he had just seen a little bit of what Ren could do. This reminded him of the time when he had fought against the people to fight him at his master’s home. When he was training in hand-to-hand combat, he had fought someone who used a katana. Their fighting style was completely different, but he was a different man when they had fought.

He figured this would be the same thing. Still, it would seem like life had other plans for Ren. Yuurei’s eyes widen, he was surprised, off guard, and shocked to see what had happened. He would see Ren fall to his knees in slow motion. He thought the young man had felt the blow too late like a delayed reaction. Still, he thought the man would be able to fight. He could see it in his face, there was that fighting spirit. He felt that Ren could keep fighting, but he would have to get up from the ground to be able to do that.

Yuurei waited as he was looking at the man, but it wouldn’t change what was happening. He would watch Ren fully fall to the ground. He would shake his head at this because he couldn’t believe that it was all over. His thoughts would run through his mind, and he wondered how he could have avoided this, but there was no answer that would come to him. He would sigh in disbelief because he thought it would go better than this. He saw how the man fought at the tavern and he knew that this wasn’t his full potential.

In the end, it didn’t matter what his potential was. He was on the floor, and unconscious. Yuurei would walk over to Ren, and he would kneel. He would check to see if the young man was dead or still breathing. When he got close enough, he would put his hand over his mouth and his nose. Of course, he didn’t touch them, but he would feel the air that was coming out of them. He would sigh with relief because he wouldn’t have wanted to kill them either. That would have been bad for the guild, and he was pretty sure if that had happened nobody would have wanted to spar with him in the future.

“Thank god he’s still alive. Still, now that I know this, I guess I should take him to the infirmary. They will take care of him, monitor him, and be there when he decides to ever wake up I guess.” He said out loud and to himself.

In the end, Yuurei was just happy that he was still breathing and would be able to fight him again. Hopefully, next time he wouldn’t freeze as he had done. It made him scared, nervous, anxious, and alert. He had thought someone froze time for a second and they had made it so Ren couldn’t do anything. That would have been weird but thank goodness that wasn’t the case.

Yuurei would pick up the young man and he would look over to Renji. The Exceed would get up from where he was relaxing. He thought he was going to see more to this fight, but it was over quickly. He thought Ren would show him some cool tricks, but he knew Yuurei just needed to land one hit. Still, he would run to the door that Yuurei was heading to, and he would open it without a problem.

“Alright let’s put sleeping beauty into the infirmary and then let’s go get something to eat?” He asked waiting for Yuurei to decide on that.

The Nephilim would walk through the path in front of him as it was much easier to get to places now.

“Yeah we can go get something to eat. I guess we can get you some fish, but I think some chicken and white rice with sauce on the side would be good.” He said to Renji.

Their stomach would grow to talk about it, but it also meant they were at the infirmary. When they got there, they would see healing mages stationed there. He would move Ren to one of the empty rooms, and one of the healing mages would be there with him. Yuurei would nod thanking them and he would be on his way to get food.



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