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Going to do Some Time (North to East)

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Going to do Some Time (North to East) Empty Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:22 pm


Yuurei would lean back on his chair in the office. He would look over to Renji who was relaxing right now. The Nephilim thought about the contract that he had on his head and figured that it was time to get it off him. He didn’t need it and honestly, it was a stupid target on his head.

“Hey Renji, I think I’m going to be gone for a while. I think I need you to take care of things for a few weeks. I’m going to leave everything that belongs to me here. I’m going to just take my key of course.” He said to his friend as he wondered what he would say.

“Alright, if you say so. There is no stopping you and what you want to do.” He said as he would go back to sleep.

Yuurei would walk over to the door and put the key in before turning it and opening it to his new location.


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