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Stealing Khalfani's Blood Rune

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Stealing Khalfani's Blood Rune Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:21 pm



When Yuurei had taken Emil’s rune, things had been different. The rune had been making its way around the Fiore. It was as if it was forcing him to obtain, the rest of them. He wasn’t sure what the reason behind it was, but it felt amazing. When he had gotten the first rune, he could feel the power it was holding. Now, having another one was just even better. He couldn’t believe this, but there was one thing in his mind. What kind of wish could these runes give him? The light mage couldn’t wait to see what would happen when all five of them were collected.

It was why he had found himself at West Fiore. It was an interesting place, and he knew it was home to one of the evil guilds within Fiore. It was interesting for him to be here, but he had his reasonings. It was a nice place even with the chaos that was around this place. It was daytime right now, and Yuurei was moving around with his helmet over his head. It wasn’t just that, but he had his gauntlets on him alongside his chest piece. The rest of his equipment was something he was always wearing because they were accessories.

The Nephilim was ready for battle, or at least that was what he had to do. The last guy had noticed him and that was for sure. He had to make sure that he was ready for anything here. The berserker was moving through the area as he was looking for the person who had the rune. It was weird and interesting, but how long would it take for him to find it?

With his luck, it would take a while as it seemed like his luck with finding things was horrible. Still, he had a cape on him and his armed was wrapped up in bandages. He figured he got something out of it, which was fine. Renji was on his shoulder as well as they were on the lookout for something. He was pretty sure Renji didn’t know where the runes were pointing, so he figured his friend was doing it just be cautious.

The people around where he was walking were scarce, so he didn’t have to worry about harming anybody if a fight started. It wouldn’t take long, but his rune would pull harder than had done so today. His eyes looked in the direction of where it had been pointing at. He moved toward the direction as he had seen someone in a certain direction.

Yuurei would use his runes to move closer as he wasn’t going to stop in getting one of the blood runes. When he was about two meters away he would have his right arm move toward the person’s pocket. His arm would stretch quickly as he attempted to steal the rune right from the person’s pocket.




Hassan's Cursed Arm:


Stealing Khalfani's Blood Rune Empty Fri Jul 29, 2022 1:26 pm


Yuurei’s arm would be swift and quick with its movements. It looked like Yuurei had broken his limb just so it could stretch, but that wasn’t the case. No, his arm would move this way because of the curse that was on his arm. Still, he was able to move it like it was a regular arm. His hand would go into the person’s pocket, and he would grab the rune that was in it. This was good, and his arm would move back to its original form just as quickly. Now that it was over, the Nephilim would look over to the nearest door and he would disappear to another location within West Fiore.

He had other things that he needed to do here before he could go, but this was how he would make a quick exit. He would use his key on the first door he could find, and he would open it and teleport out of this area and to the Cliffs of Astera.

[48 Hrs past Rune Taken]



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