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The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito)

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The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:15 pm


Yuurei had told Kaito to meet him in a few days somewhere within South Fiore. The day was, he never told him where to meet him at. He was looking for anything he could find in Hargeon, and he would only come up with one area. Marchen Mountains was the place to go, and it was a place that a lot of people haven’t explored. There was a town that was there, and it was the one that had been cursed by Ansem. He wasn’t sure if the people were living there still, but they had been free to travel without worry.

It was always cold there and he remembered the trip as clear as day. Still, there was no time for that. There was a cave that was hidden within the snow that could lead them to the Lost Pages. While he was doing his research the last couple of days, he noticed that he had found a second lost page. He was using that to find the location of where this hidden cave might be.

It was said to be a place where things of the magical sort were created and destroyed. It was even told that there were stored there for safekeeping and that was why it was hard to find.

Yuurei walked through the snow as it was too deep for Renji to walk on.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:31 pm


Kaito followed the crowd of giggling woman to know which way his friend had went as they giggled and gossiped about if the famous man was single, if he would let them pet his handsome cat and carry on about how great Yuurei was. Kaito kinda just laughed to himself as he went up into the mountains to look for where his friend should be and he smells around looking for if he can find him and the exceed with him.

Revy has a spyglass that she is looking through for any signs of the people that they are looking for as she rides in his hood and staying closer for warmth and safety from things that might be up here and the snow, they had only ever been her briefly in the past but never long enough to do concrete things here so she wonders what that means and what else there was here to find as Kaito gets close following the scent of his friend and the exceed he has with him.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:49 pm


“Who would have thought you would take us here again Yuu? I remember everything that happened here like it was yesterday. It was a scary time, and I thought I had lost you forever.” He said to his friend.

Yuurei would hear him and he had thought about it and everything that happened. He would shake his head because it was something in the past, and it had changed the course of his future and how they were here now.

“Yeah, I didn’t think I would take us here again, but there is a mine that might have what we’re looking for. I just hope Kaito finds me, he should be able to with how good his nose is.” He said to Renji as he kept moving through the snow.

His eyes followed the two lost pages that he had in his hand. It was cold out here, but it was something Renji was used to. He did keep himself warm with Yuurei though.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:56 am


Kaito looked like a vengeful mountain spirit from what the people that ran away from him said as he was wearing his mask and his cloak blew in the wind and his hair also waved in the wind and he was sighing at the people he did passed as most of them looked like they were giving up their ghosts and he feels the tug of his page now which means he must be close to where he is too meet with Yuurei and he hopes they have more luck here then he had, had in the last two places as he doesn't know if he could really take failing again as this was a large order they were under taking and he feels he is holding them back in it.

Revy sees the other two through the snow and she she points the way to Kaito then hurries in this way that she had pointed so that he can meet up with them and hopefully this was the place to find the page and not leave empty handed.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:57 pm


Yuurei kept moving through the snow as he wondered if he was closing in on the mine that they were going to. Renji kept his eyes out on the lookout for Revy, and Kaito, but he couldn’t see any of them. He would fix himself on Yuurei’s shoulder as he would get the heat from his friend’s shoulder.

“I still haven’t seen any sight of Revy and Kaito. Are you sure they are going to show up?” He asked him as they kept moving through the snow.

Yuurei would look over to Renji and then he would look forward as he kept moving through the snow.

“I’m pretty sure they will show up. You don’t have to worry about that. You will get to spend more time with Revy. It seems like Kaito and I want to make sure that we can protect Fiore for you guys and everyone we care for.” He said to Renji with a smirk on his face as he kept pushing forward and hopefully getting closer to the mine.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:38 pm


He opens a portal so that he appears ahead of Yuurei and Renji and he acts like he has been waiting for them and that he has been waiting for awhile for them to show up. "What took you two so long?" He laughs softly as he wonders if Yuurei will buy that story and just go with it or if the man will call him out.

Revy waves to Renji and she holds onto Kaito as she had nearly slipped and he helped her stay up and not splat face down into the snow as he backed into the mine and he was smiling and he looked around and he wondered what this place was and if this was some kind of resting place or if it is some kind of ruin like he had seen in a few other places in the country before he had come here. He figures Yuurei will fill him in so that they are on the same page.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:51 pm


Yuurei and Renji kept walking and soon enough they would see Kaito and Revy in his hood. He would hear Kaito speak, and Renji would look at him unimpressed when he heard the words that he had said to him. He would shake his head at him because that was cringed-worthy.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny Kaito. Still, I’m glad you could show up.” He said to him as he would wave at Revy as she had done so first.

Yuurei would look at Kaito and he would continue walking through the snow.

“I’m glad that you showed up. We’re heading to an ancient dwarf mining area. It is said to have been the place where dwarves forged things, destroyed things, and kept things hidden and safe from the world. Of course, nobody has been there for centuries and it is because of the damn snow makes it really hard to find.” He said to Kaito as he kept marching.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:48 am


Kaito can tell that the joke had missed and he puts Revy down and he puts his hood up cause he just felt like playing it this way and he wasn't sure what all they will see there as he hadn't been inside this place before but he knows that if it is here that it means that he probably also has to watch out for booby traps and other things of that nature as he wasn't looking to get killed here as he had a lot more to do with his life than to get killed in a place like this or risking getting his partner killed her and he wonders if there is anything really here or if it is just another dead end for him.

Revy walks along behind Kaito seeing that his joke missed she figured that she will comfort him cause she knows that he is trying hard to be friendly with the two of them as he was not sure what they even like or want for these pages.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:50 am


Yuurei would see that Kaito had put Revy on the ground with the snow for her to walk through. He would look at him as it seemed like he was upset about something. He would rub the back of his head as he was trying to figure out.

“Do you want to keep her company?” He asked Renji wondering what he would say.

He would look at Yuurei and he was surprised to be asked this question. He would definitely climbed down to the snow as he would walk over to Revy and walk with her. Yuurei would walk next to Kaito and he would have a smile at the man with the hood over his head.

“So what did you do for the last few days in the southern region?” He asked him.

While they were walking, he would see that his pages was moving at what looked like crevice in between the mountain. He wasn’t sure what it would lead to but they were going to have to continue.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:58 am


Revy liked the snow and had been waiting to get into it but Kaito had told her that she had to ride in his hood till they found Renji and Yuurei then she could be in the snow if she wanted. She keeps up with Kaito with little problem.

Kaito keeps his masked face forward and doesn't look at Yuurei but he readied a smart ass answer for the light mage. "I sat by the beach hit on bikini clad woman I thought I had died and went to heaven. Then I had this sobering thought that wait no this is hell. Then just sulked in a bar getting piss drunk for the rest of the time."

Revy tries her hardest to hold back the laugh that was brewing in herself as all they had done was let her rest take her to a fish themed restaurant, then he mostly just read and mended his clothing and hers as well as write a letter to his master who never answers him back any ways so she is wondering if his master abandoned him because he had changed his magics from the path she had set him on.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:22 pm


Yuurei would hear Kaito’s words and he would look over at his friend. He didn’t think he was the type of person to do something like that. Still, this was odd for him to do, which brought Yuurei to rub the back of his head.

“I didn’t think that would bother you Kaito. Hell, I didn’t even think you would put yourself in that type of situation.” He said as he had a smirk on his face.

He was messing with Kaito as it would seem like he was trying to joke around with him. He decided to pretend like he didn’t know better and see how he would react to his words.

Renji kept moving through the snow with Revy, and he would smile because he was glad to see her.

“Feels like home doesn’t it?” He said to Revy as they walked through the snow.

Yuurei would get to the crevice and he would see that it was a small long tunnel for them to walk through.

“Maybe at the end of this tunnel there are women in bikinis.” He said to Kaito.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:42 pm


"It does feel like home. Is Yuurei stupid and seriously thinks Kaito would do that kind of thing?" She looks at Renji and she wonders if they are both that stupid as Kaito doesn't drink and the man couldn't hit on a woman to save his life he is far to awkward and he is more the friend not the boyfriend type so she doubts he will ever really get with a woman and will probably die on a battle field alone and cold.

Kaito sighs as his sarcasm seems to have bit him in the ass here with the light mage."I highly doubt that up here in the mountains. Also It was sarcasm and I am pretty sure you know that." He walks in and he puts his hand against the wall and he wonders where they could even be, if they could even be here or if they will end you dead here or if they will be living for longer.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 5:14 pm


Renji would hear Revy’s words and he would laugh a bit when he heard her words. It was funny to see that Yuurei had gotten them to fool it seems.

“Yuu I think it messing with Kai right now. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t think there are females inside of the mine. I think he said those words because Kaito said all things about getting drunk and flirting with women in bikinis." He said to her.

Yuurei would laugh at him when he heard his words, and he would smile at him.

“Sorry about that. I know it was, but I just wanted to bother you.” He said to him as they kept moving through the crevice.

Yuurei kept moving and soon enough they would see the entrance of the mine. He kept moving and he would see that they were getting close to the entrance.

“I hope we find something cool in there. I don’t want it to be like the last place we were at. It got depressing at times.” He said to Kaito and everyone else.[/color]


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:56 pm


"I sure hope so, So what did you do with your down time with Yuurei?" She wondered if he was the one at the bench having fun and getting his eyes filled with the bikini goodness.

Kaito just makes a done with it sound from his mouth and he keeps his hand running along the wall for anything that might end up helping them find anything but he sees the writing and knows that this place is dwarven in nature so this place will probably be pretty decently protected from invaders like them. Maybe this one will have a lava golem that will try to hammer them into the ground or hit them with rolling magma balls of death maybe even a wave of lava being sent down a hall way at them to trap them and kill them the possibilities are endless for what one of those things might be able to do in a maze like place like this.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:17 pm


Renji would laugh and then he would think about what he did with Yuurei during their downtime. They did a lot of things now that he thought about it. He would look at her once he had finished thinking about what to say to her.

“Well I usually catnap, but when we’re out and about, we are trying different types of food. Well, I’m always going for some type of fish. We’re always meeting with people around the North since he’s the guild master, so he tries to have good relations with the others. Then there are countries we go to since Yuu tries to learn everything he can about the countries like he did with Fiore two years ago.” He explained to Revy.

While Kaito continued to run his hand against the wall, he would feel like he had pushed against one of the walls. He would trigger something, and it would seem like the entrance of the mine would become bigger. It would also seem like it triggered something else, but they would know what it was. Yuurei would look at Kaito and then at the entrance as he would move forward.

“Nice one, I was wondering how we were going to get in the small entrance.” He said to his friend.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:12 pm


"I can't wait to see the death traps waiting for us in here." His voice sounded less than thrilled as he has read people often do not leave these places once they enter and he knows his bad luck for traps and dangers and he was wondering if he would even live to get out of this place and he hopes that they don't actually run into a golem made of molten rock that could melt them to their bones and make them regret their lives for entering this place of dwarven horror and glorious death.

Revy is unsure how to take that talk as Kaito is as far different from that as he probably could be as he is more likely to avoid people than he is to just straight walk up to him as most people stay back from him as he is known to be cursed and Kaito more sees it as he is ugly and a blight to the people that are around him so he doesn't wish to bring down their worth with him around them.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:20 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard those words. He couldn’t wait to see those death traps either. If it was this weird for them to get into the mines, then there could have been a lot of traps.

“You’re right I can’t wait to see the death traps waiting for us. I know we better hold onto Renji and Revy, so that way they don’t get caught in any traps.” He said to Kaito.

The Nephilim would enter the mine, and at the beginning of all, this would that there were metallic beams everywhere around the place. It would seem like they reinforced the mines so that they wouldn’t be able to collapse so easily. Another thing he noticed was that when they stepped in lights would turn on all over the place.

He continued to look around and he could see that there was only one path for them to take for the time being.

“Only one path to take. Are we ready?” He asked Kaito.

Renji would see all of this and he wonder how bad this was going to go.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:39 pm


Kaito isn't sure if Yuurei is making fun of him or not and he portals Revy into his hood and she looks around cause he isn't usually that forceful and he usually gives her a fair warning that he is going to teleport her before he does unless he is saving her from falling and she wonders if he is that scared or if maybe he had just woken in a firmly foul mood and she didn't want to push her luck with him as she knows that he was been feeling extra weird lately and she knows that he has become a bit more withdrawn as of late about things and she wonders if the master not answering his letters thing is the big problem or if it was just something else that she hadn't known anything about that has his goat this time.

Kaito nods to Yuurei and he is gonna just follow Yuurei down the path because he knows if it was himself that was leading the way he would definitely be accidently setting off traps that would end up putting Yuurei and Renji in danger along with himself and Revy.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:47 pm


Yuurei would see that Revy was not inside of Kaito’s hood. He was happy when he saw that, and he would look over at Renji. He would take his friend and he would put him on his shoulder. This was good and he would see that now that they were ready, Kaito was waiting for him to make the first move. The Nephilim would walk through the tunnel first. He would move through the path, and he moved carefully through the area. He would look at his bandages to see if they would signal him if there was a trap of any sort in front of him.

It would seem like things was fine so far, and it wouldn’t take long for them to make it to the end of the tunnel. There they would see a huge cavern being exposed to them at this point. There was so much around them, and they would also see tracks around the place.

“So, which way do we go?” He asked them.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:00 am


Revy looked around as they walked and she took in the sights that she could see from inside of Kaito's hood and she wonders if Kaito will really be okay here or if this will be another giant disappointment for him that he will not get over till he is far older and greyer on on his death bed.

Kaito looks around as he was asked by the light mage which way to go and Kaito takes a knee and he looks at the prints on the ground. "Have you been here before, there are fresher prints here from something, want to follow them?" He has no idea if it is even a good idea though if some thing is walking around with these big of feet it could be anything from a great ape to a yeti. So if they do follow it they need to be extra careful of where they are looking and if they are looking in the right way when the attacks start flying.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:08 am


Yuurei would look over to Kaito as it seemed like he noticed some fresh prints on the ground. He would hear his question, and he would rub the back of his as he wondered why he asked him that. He would kneel down and he would look at the fresh prints on the ground.

“Nah, this is actually the first time I’ve been here man. It seems like someone got here before us?” He said to him as he knew this wasn’t a normal set of feet.

It wouldn’t take long, but something would fly straight toward the group. The thing that fell on his face was a piece of paper and he would shake his head as he would grabbed the paper and he would look at it. This was nuts but this was a page that looked like the other two pages that he had found before.

“Did that paper find you?” He asked Yuurei.

That was when something would snatch it out of his hand and it would disappear into the Mine.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:24 am


Kaito looks at the man and he sighs. "Looks like it or there might be something like a creature running around in here." Kaito saw the page hit Yuurei right in the face and he feels the dread of this happening as he knows what it means that Yuurei was blessed once again by the hands of fate that were guiding them. He figures that his curse makes him a bit less favorable to honor from the gods so he guesses he will just have to do the same thing he always does and just work harder to get what he needs and waits to try and keep himself in the fast lane to the upper levels of this world so he isn't left behind to die alone in the past to feel the raw sadness of the darkness.

Revy see the creature that swipes the page from Yuurei and she runs after it calling it names and saying it should give that back and Kaito chases after her to make sure she stays safe and that she doesn't get eaten by what ever that thing is.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:29 pm


Yuurei was shocked to see what the hell had happened. Renji noticed that Revy had chased after the mysterious creature, which would bring him to chase after her. She wasn’t going to go on her own to get the paper for Yuurei. He would see that everybody had been chasing after the creature and that he was the only one who was standing there. He would shake his head because he had found a page in this place, and it had been taken away from him just like that.

Still, he wasn’t going to allow things to go like that. The Nephilim watched everybody run as fast as they could to catch the creature, and he would start running after everyone. He was going to get his page back.

“That belongs to me, you can’t just take people’s stuff.” He shouted out to the creature as it was running and leading them somewhere.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:44 pm


Kaito is surprised that Revy would just run off like that and he wonders why this thing would steal Yuurei's page like that what strange twist of fates key did this too him and he wonders if he will be able to help them or if they will just be hiding themselves away and he hopes that they are able to get Yuurei's page back as he deserves it as that is how it goes the best keep getting better while the lower struggle to try to move up at the same time. Kaito knows that isn't fully right of him to think but he doesn't see proof that it is wrong.

Revy is hustling along after the creature knowing that she is probably never gonna be fast enough to catch up to it as Kaito scoops her up in his arms and he keeps causing after the thing that way he can protect her from anything that might come out at them.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 1:30 pm


Yuurei kept moving as he was the fastest of the bunch. The first person he would pass was Renji, he would pick him up without a problem because he was the one lagging, and he didn’t want to get separated from the group. When he got to Kaito he would see that he was holding Revy. He would give her a thumbs up as she was the one that started the chase in the first place.

The Nephilim would move past him but would slow down in a way, so he wouldn’t have Kaito lose track of him. Still, that little shit was quick on its feet, and it would continue to move through the mine until it turned the corner. When the light mage got there, he would see a bunch of different armor and weapons around the place. It seemed like they were brought to a regular forge. He also noticed that paper was on the floor, but the culprit was nowhere to be found.

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