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Innocent Thievery (Bad)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge and Luci had made their way to Hosenka. They had business there today, and of course, being part of the Dragon Gang, he was also here. He was heading over to the brothel as Madam Suzumi had sent for him. He had gone straight to her as he figured that he could help with her situation.

When he got to the brothel, he would enter the place, and the first person he would see was Madam Suzumi. It would seem like she was expecting to arrive any second. When he got there, she would look over at him with a smile on her face. She would nudge him to come over, and he would walk toward her with Luci on his shoulder.

When they got close enough, they would come to a complete stop as they wondered why they were there.

“So, why did you send for me?” He would ask her right away waiting for an answer.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
She would smile at him when she heard his words and expected nothing less from him.

“Someone has been stealing our profits. I’m not sure who it is but it might be one of the girls from the brothel. I need you to search every room in here and see who has been stealing from this business.” She told this to Toge.

He was surprised that she had accused one of her own girls but shit like that happens.

“Show me the way, and I’ll start searching.” He said to her.

Suzumi would smile at him as she would walk him to a ray of rooms. She would look at him as she would open the first door for him to search in.

“You can ignore privacy issues when checking in the rooms. I just need you to find a large compilation of money, and a statement of accounts for large money.” She said to him.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:52 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would nod as he understood what she wanted, and he would start his search. He would enter the first room and there would be a woman in it. He would ignore her, and he would look around her room. It was interesting to see how tidy these rooms were. Still, he would move through this room, and he would find a few things, but there was nothing that said this person took anything. While he was also checking the room, the woman was trying to flirt with him.

It seemed like she was trying to distract him from working, but she wasn’t his type of girl.

“If I can torture you, then you can distract me all you want.” He said to her, which made her nervous and scared.

She didn’t know what he would do to her, so she stood quiet until he had left the room. Still, his search wasn’t done as he was moving to the next room.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would enter this room, and he would see that the person here would be sleeping. He would move around the room as normally as he would. He would search their room without hesitating. He didn’t care what they said to him as he had planned on getting answers for his client. While he was checking the room, he wouldn’t really find anything here. It was sad, but it would seem like he would come to a dead end here as well. The paladin would walk out of the room, and he would go search in the next room.

The earth mage would look through the entire area as he was coming out shortly with information. He would find things to tell Suzumi, but he felt like that wasn’t the stolen jewels that she was worried about. Still, he made sure to keep checking because he figured he would find an answer soon enough.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
While Toge was checking the area, he would find a boy who was trying to sneak into the management room. He would move closer to the kid, but before he could say anything the kid had spotted him and was running away from him. Toge would shake his head as he would start chasing him. He was quick for a small kid, but the paladin would be able to get him without a problem as Luci would trip him on the floor. He would pick the kid up and he would bring him to Madam Suzumi.

He figured she would know what to do with him. He would have tortured him, but then he probably would never find out where the money was located. Toge would move around the area as he was looking for Suzumi and the kid was just kicking the air while he did this.

It wouldn’t take long, but he would see Madam Suzumi and he would drop the kid on the chair in front of her.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Innocent Thievery (Bad) Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:54 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would hold the kid still as he would try his best to escape, but he couldn’t. Madam Suzumi would interrogate the boy, and the paladin would watch. Of course, nothing crazy would happen, and the boy would eventually confess that he was the one stealing from the brothel. He was crying and explaining to them that he was homeless, and he was being told to steal from the brothel. He continued telling them that he would get paid to do it, and it was why he would do it. Madam Suzumi was sentimental to the boy and would get him cleaned up and tell him he would be working in the brothel from now on.

Toge didn’t expect any of this, but it would seem like he got a kid a new home. That wasn’t something he expected. He thought something like someone’s hands would come off, but that wouldn’t be the case for today.

Madam Suzumi would go up to Toge and she would thank him for investigating the brothel and finding the young little thief. She would hand Toge the jewels he was being rewarded. The man would check to see if he didn’t get scammed from his jewels, and when he saw everything was in place, he would leave to go see Dracon.


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