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The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private]

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#1† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:54 am

† Aleja
The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] B965d0b4b725ef1f554ae5aa851d1e51f060f21b

Luluhawa island was beautiful, to say the least. Alejandro had never really taken much trips outside of the country without their family so this entire experience was new to them. They enjoyed it, really. Their mother wasn't here to oversee everything they did and while she was extremely loving, she was also overbearing sometimes. The Young Celdrua couldn't fault her though. Ever since their sister was kidnapped by a cultist of demons, Mama Celdrua kept Alejandro very close to her hip. She was probably back home losing her mind at the thought of Ale being on an island alone. It wasn't that she didn't believe that her child could handle their own, it was moreso that she couldn't bare the thought of losing another one of her beloveds. Moms, am I right? She was indeed getting better at setting boundaries though. Albeit, she still called her child from time to time, she understood that Alejandro was simply growing up.

#2† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:55 am

† Aleja

This was the Stellans vacation time. Finally away from the gaze of their father and the overbearing warmth of their mother; here on Luluhawa Island, the pressure of being a Celdrua and a Rune Knight didn't exist. For once Alejandro was free to be the dumb kid they always wanted to be. Yet, they just couldn't stop themselves from thinking about their future. There were so many people to impress, so many challenges to overcome and so many hurdles to leap over. They had as much fun as they could on this island and tomorrow they would have to return to Fiore for work. It was for that reason that they thought it was best to see how much they've grown over the past week. Yup. It's only been a single week since they joined the Knights as a Page and quickly they had jumped into the position of Rune Knight. The work was far from over.

#3† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:55 am

† Aleja

The Wood-Elf stood on the coast of Luluhawa Island, gazing over the large body of water that separated the part they stood on from a distant smaller land. This piece of land was also undoubtedly apart of Luluhawa, but it seemed to be vacant. For one reason or another nobody had been on the other side of the water. The young Elf loved swimming. The ocean and seas were amongst their favorite things that the world had to offer so it was easy for them to create something to do. Training- or at least a little bit- never hurt anyone. This was the best time to do it. With a boyish smirk, they began to strip themselves of all clothing down to their underwear. They threw the clothes away from them and began to stretch. Believe it or not, the apprentice had no problem with basking in their own company. They considered themselves a fairly peaceful person after all, plus they were their own best friend.

#4† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:56 am

† Aleja

Before just jumping into the water, Alejandro relished in the view before them. With a smile, they slowly made their way towards the water and dipped a single foot inside. It was cool to the touch, but the day was the hottest it had been in weeks. As you could imagine, the cold water was a pleasant sensation. There was no point in stopping now, they thought. They continued pressing forward until their entire body was submerged in the water. Beneath the surface their feet kicked to keep them afloat. A variety of fish swam beneath them, emanating the water with blues and reds in the most magical way. The Rune Knight took a deep breath and dove under the water, swimming as fast as they could to the other side. Occasionally they would come up and grasp for air, but they would never stop moving forward. That was the challenge.

#5† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:56 am

† Aleja

It had been quite some time since Alejandro went swimming, so honestly this was more challenging than they expected. They, of course, could not turn back now. They were too far out in the middle of the ocean. The Young Wood-Elf ducked under the water again and pushed through, kicking their feet as they gazed at the ocean floor below. The fish swam with them almost as if the Elf was apart of their school. How peaceful it must have been to be a fish. Life was simple; eat, swim, shit, and sleep until a bigger fish ate you. The elf brought themselves above the water once more. They could feel their muscles tensing as they raised their arms and splashed them back into the water. They could see their destination up ahead though, so they wouldn't stop. The moment they stopped moving would be the moment they considered this test of vigilance failed.

#6† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:56 am

† Aleja

Then how would they ever make their father proud. If they couldn't even make it to the quieter island without stopping then they had a long way to go before they became a Kings guard. They wanted that almost as much as they wanted to find their sister wherever she was. Alejandro had something to prove to themselves more than anything. They had to keep going. They were so close. One last time they ducked under the surface of the water and swam, kicking faster than they had before. Even from beneath the surface they could see the mass land approaching. One last time they raised their head to grab some air and swung their arms until finally they made it. The Stellan was able to stand under the water now and walked onto the sands of the sub section of this island. "Whew" they sighed before dropping back down onto the sand. They realized that being alone, helped them train more efficiently.

#7† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:57 am

† Aleja

Rest was well deserved and needed. They gazed up at the son as they grabbed ahold of their breathing until realizing that their clothes were on the other side. Soon their body began to feel the breezes and they began to grow cold. Perhaps this was simply another obstacle they thought. The Elf folded their legs and practiced the breathing techniques that their father taught them, slowly drifting away as they brought their hands to their core to meditate. Slowly, they began to breathe in and out. They were shivering from the cool air attacking their body like little mosquitos, nipping away at them and causing goosebumps, but they focused. They could hear the birds sing songs of joy and hear the leaves of trees follow their tunes. They were exactly where they wanted to be. This was nothing like the capital. Truth be told, they just didn't feel right in the heart of the country sometimes.

#8† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:57 am

† Aleja

Wood-Elves found solace in nature, surrounded by trees and wildlife. Sometimes they loved Crocus because there was always so many different types of people and cultures. Other times they could't stand the lack of nature. The same sentiment was mostly shared throughout every member of the Celdrua Head Household. Yet their father had brought them to the capital because he thought it was best to conduct business there. The Celdrua household was wealthy house even in the forests, but the current Head of the house wanted to accumulate even more wealth. It was a smart move, but not one Alejandro would have done. Sure they loved money, they weren't obsessed with it though. It simply motivated them. The Savannan's mind began to find itself in the middle of nowhere. This was the point of meditation one aspired to be at; nothingness. Time seemed to not exist here and finally they could no longer feel the cold.

#9† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:58 am

† Aleja

Alejandro was finally at ease. Their breathing had slowed and the noise in the background was gone. They could feel nothing, see nothing, or hearing nothing. Meditation was the key to happiness and prosperity. When one could separate themselves from the world even if for a moment, they could find themselves centered when they returned. It wasn't always this easy for the Heir of House Celdrua to do this. They started practicing the art of mediation after their sister was stolen and it took years for them to get to this point. Their father believed that this was the part of training that everyone skipped over and it was the lack of meditation that made people make stupid decisions in battle and everything else they did. Alejandro didn't know if they believed that thought. Just as they were lost in their own little world, they felt a hard thump hit them in the chest.

#10† Aleja 

The Hermit Tarot: Alejandro [Private] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:00 am

† Aleja

Just like that the peace that they had in the palm of their hand had been stripped away from them. That was one way to wake up from a meditation session. "Gah! What the hell?" they said as they returned to reality. When they opened their eyes a log had been on their chest and to their surprise, a blue cat like creature had been holding it. "Oh, I thought you were dead for a sec." the creature said in its small voice. It was so damn cute, Alejandro couldn't even be upset. Cute...and dumb. "Oh...nah, I'm alive." they said before pausing. "Wait...you can talk?!" The Elf's eyes widened in surprise. The cat simply nodded with the most blank expression. "Yeah... you can too?" Alejandro slowly nodded. "My name's Alejandro Celdrua..." they said. "My name's Happy." The exceed warmly smiled. The two of them began laughing, both reflecting the silliness of the moment that had transpired.

- EXIT -

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