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Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral)

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Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:48 pm


Yuurei and Renji were just relaxing on their favorite and only island that they would go to. They were really friendly with the locals, and it would seem like they had found another job to do. This job was another catch in the sea, and they were fine with that. The two of them were walking through the sand as the sun was blazing down on them. It was a beautiful and nice day and the two of them were prepared for the day.

“Why are we always catching the sea creatures for these people? They can’t do it themselves?” He asked Yuurei.

Yuurei would look over at Renji and he would shake his head and he would chuckle a bit. He kept moving through the area as they were heading to the docking area.

“I don’t think they can. The creatures out in the sea are used to protect the island. Still, it also makes it hard for those to leave the island as well.” He said to Renji as he kept walking.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:48 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 91


Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:19 pm


Yuurei and Renji were wondering what kind of things they were going to run into in the sea today. They would finally arrive at the docks and they would start moving around the place. They would see a bunch of people here, but they would look at the ships that were docked. They were looking for the right ship that they were going to head to. It shouldn’t be too hard to find, and he figured they were waiting for someone to show up.

The two of them moved through the place as they were looking at the ships that they were coming across. It would seem like none of them were matching the description, so they would continue to walk around. They knew it had to be here, but it would take some time to look for it. The light mage kept moving with Renji by his side as people would wave at them, and they would do the same.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:39 pm


Yuurei and Renji kept looking around the docks together. It wouldn’t take long, but they would be able to find the ship that they were looking for. He would see this, and he would smile at Renji as the two of them had found what they were looking for. Now that they had done this, the light mage would clear his throat as he figured it was time to announce that he was there.

“I’m here for the job you guys posted up on the board. Is anybody here, so I can be allowed on the ship.” He out loud hoping someone would answer him.

He would look up to the ship and he would take out the paper that would show them that he wasn’t lying to them. Still, while they waited it would seem like they were taking their sweet time to show up. It wouldn’t take long, but they would see someone pop up at the edge of the ship.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:47 pm


Yuurei would wait for an answer as the person was looking at them. They were focused on the paper to see if it was legit, and when they saw that it was, they would have a smile on their face.

“We’ve been waiting for someone to take on that job. Get on board we will be leaving soon.” He said to Yuurei.

The light mage would look at Renji and they would nod as it would seem like they were going to be getting on board now. He would make it to the deck and when he got there, he would see that there were a lot of people on board. It would seem like he was greeted as soon as he and Renji would arrive. He would wave at everyone as he would be good to go whenever they wanted to.

Renji would just look around and he would open his bag as he would give Yuurei all his items.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:53 pm


Yuurei would look around as he would take his helmet off his head for the time being. They were surprised that his equipment would appear on him like that but would relax when they saw that he wasn’t trying to fight them.

“It seems like he’s ready! Everyone let's get into the water and find our catch!” He would say this to everyone as they were preparing to leave the docks.

He would approach Yuurei with a serious look on his face. He was ready to tell him a few things that he needed to know.

“The beast we’re getting today has a wife. So, there is a chance that the wife might help the spouse when it's in danger. Are you okay with this?” He asked Yuurei hoping he would say yes.

Yuurei would smile because it would seem like he was going to be fighting two today. It wasn’t the first time he had gone through that, so he was okay with it.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:38 pm


“Yeah I’m okay with this. I’ve fought many creatures being together multiple times. So you don’t have to worry about it.” He said to his client.

The man would hear this and he would nod and he would look over to his men. It would seem like they had done everything they needed to do. This was good and he would move his hand forward as they had brought up the anchor. The ship would start moving forward and their adventure would begin.

Yuurei would just move to the edge as he was going to have to fight two of them. Renji was relaxing in the middle of the ship. He would keep himself aware of anything that might catch them off guard. The breeze that went with the ship felt nice as it would press against him on the side. He would just keep his sights on the goal here. The ship didn’t have any problem with moving around though.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:50 pm


The crew would move through the sea as they were heading to the destination. It would seem like they knew where they were going, which was a good thing. He would continue to look around the water to see if the sea monster was trying to catch them off guard. Still, it wasn’t doing that, and soon enough the ship would slow down before he would hear the anchor being dropped into the water. He would look at the men that were working and it would seem like they were getting ready. This was good and he would see them dropping bait for the sea creature.

He would look at the area where they had thrown the bait and it would seem like it would begin. The sea creature would show up and it would eat the food that was given to it. It wasn’t just that, but it would show itself to the group of people here. It would roar as it had a long neck and would look at them from above the ship.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:58 pm


Yuurei would look up to the sky to look at the sea creature that was looking at them. It was hungry from what he had seen, and they were probably going to be its next meal. The light mage would shake his head as Yuurei would sprout wings from his back and he would take flight. The sea monster would see this, and it would try to take a bit out of Yuurei. The Nephilim had dodged the attack without a problem, and it would seem like its spouse wouldn’t show up. He figured he would take this monster out before that could happen. He would move toward the creature but would change his direction when he saw something else coming out of the water.

He would dodge the second attack, and now there were two of them. He would see this, and he would shake his head as it would seem like he was too late to take them out before the help arrived.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:04 pm


Yuurei would look at them as if they were huge, but they would seem like they were focused on him right now. That was good because he didn’t want them attacking the ship. The two sea creatures would move around as they were attacking Yuurei. They weren’t hesitating as they would coordinate with each other. He was surprised that this was happening, but he didn’t have time to admire them. He would just move around as he would dodge their attacks without a problem.

The Nephilim were looking for an opening to attack one of them. The people on the ship would watch the fight as they were surprised by his movements. He kept moving in the air with his cape and he looked like a true hero. It wouldn’t take long, but he would see an opening and he would take it. He would swing his right arm to the sea creature that showed up second. He would connect his attack, and the creature would squeal before falling to the water.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:11 pm


Yuurei would look over to the other creature as it had stopped attacking Yuurei and it would move over to its spouse. It could tell that it had died, and it would move around and it would roar in anger. It would look over to Yuurei and then the ship. It would move toward the ship, and Yuurei would see this. He would shake his head because he wasn’t going to let it get to the ship. He would move through the air when the creature was getting ready to attack. Yuurei would get to it, and he would punch it with everything he had. The creature would feel the blow that had killed its spouse and it would fall to the water as well.

Yuurei would sigh with relief, and everybody would cheer him on. They were happy that he was here. He would take the bodies of the monsters he defeated, and he would put them on the side of the ship.



Deadliest Catch PT. 13 (Neutral) Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:16 pm


Yuurei would land on the ship and the people there would be happy with the results. They would move to the side of the ship though and they would net the two dead sea creatures next to the ship. Once everything was secure, they would pull the anchor up and they would be on their way back to the docks. The Nephilim would see this, and he would move toward Renji. His friend would put his equipment back in the bag as they were done using their stuff for the day.

It wouldn’t take long, but they would make it back to the docks. His client would move to him, and he would hand him his rewards without hesitating. They had done them a great justice by getting these two creatures for them. Yuurei would take his reward and he would leave the ship and he would head to the beach to enjoy the rest of his day.

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