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What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral)

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What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:00 pm


Yuurei was in his office today as he was clearing the room with all the backed-up paperwork that he had allowed to gather. He should have told Brone to do this, but he knew that his friend probably would have forgotten or given up. He couldn’t blame him, to be honest, so it was why he was working hard right now. Still, he was surprised that nobody within the region had reached out to him to work. Of course, he would regret saying that soon enough.

While he was working and clearing out the work, someone would knock on his door. He would stop what he was doing as he would look at the door.

“Come in.” He said as he was waiting for them to come in.

The man would come in and he would smile at Yuurei as he was glad that his guild master was back. He would move to his desk, and he would place a letter down on it.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:01 pm


Yuurei would move to the letter, and he would chuckle when he saw the crest on it. It would seem like Mr. Cliff had heard that he had returned home. This was something he probably missed from Yuurei and his business wasn’t doing well it seems. Still, he was here now and when he finished reading the letter he would get up from his chair. He would look over to Renji as his friend was napping but would get up when he heard the chair move. It would seem like they were going to go somewhere.

He would stretch his arms into the air, and he would walk over to Yuurei and start climbing on his shoulder. When he got to the top Yuurei would start walking to the window he would jump out of it and he would start soaring to his mana bike. This was a cool thing he got along the way of his travel.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:01 pm


Yuurei would hop on his bike as he would start it and he would start driving it down the mountain as he was navigating through the tough terrain to make sure that he didn’t flip it over. This was fun and different than flying or running. He would make his way to the Cliff Mine as he knew his destination far too well. While moving through the path ahead of him, he would see things differently than he was used to. Still, nobody was in his way, which was good because it would allow him to get to his destination pretty quickly. He would slow down as he was moving through an area that people could walk in as well.

He would look around to see the hard-working people here, and he was happy that things were still normal. It wouldn’t take long, but he would see Mr. Cliff waiting for him by the entrance of the mine.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:01 pm


It would seem like he wasted no time, rushing here as he was waiting for Yuurei’s arrival. The Nephilim would turn off his bike as he placed it in a spot where nobody would bump into it by accident. When it was secure, he would start walking to his client. He would see the man had three bodyguards now and it would seem like things got tough for him around here. He needed more protection it seemed, but it was not his business to know why. He would approach them with a smile on his face as he would look at every one. The bodyguards never smiled at him. Mr. Cliff was happy to see Yuurei as he would walk forward and one of the bodyguards would do the same thing.

“I’m so glad you’re back in the North Yuurei. We’ve missed you quite a lot. My business hasn’t been booming as of late since you have been gone. Still, I figured with you here things will change.” He said to him as he would look at the two bodyguards as they would move.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:02 pm


Yuurei would look at the two bodyguards and he knew what they were holding in their hands. He would take the helmet as he would check to see if it was durable. He didn’t need it, but it was always good to have. While he was checking it he would look over to Mr. Cliff.

“I see you got my security around you. I guess a lot has happened since I have been gone. Still, you don’t have to worry I will take care of the materials for you. It shouldn’t be too hard to get things for you.” He said to Mr. Cliff.

He would look over to the second bodyguard who would hand him the pickaxe and Yuurei would make sure that everything was fine. When he finished checking up on it, he would hold onto the axe and he would look at Renji as the Exceed had gotten off his shoulder. The two of them would walk to the entrance of the cave as it was a place they hadn’t been to for about two months.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:02 pm


Yuurei and Renji would make their walk through the cave. It was lit up everywhere and it had support beams around the cave and path, so cave-ins wouldn’t occur. The two of them would continue moving through the place as if it was something they had forgotten. They would move through the path and soon enough they would be met with a fork in the road. The two paths that they could choose would go for the one to the right. It was the one that a lot of people would go to since it was cleared up. He would go through the small linear path, and it wouldn’t take long for him to make his way to the exit of this path and he would now be in the open. Still, there was nobody here and it was probably because the materials here had been dried up for the time being. He would look at Renji with a smile because it was good to be home.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:03 pm


Yuurei would continue moving through the area as he was venturing deeper into the mine. Of course, he knew that he didn’t have to worry about anything, so he kept moving. The berserker would continue to move through the empty area as he kept going deep. He knew that he hadn’t been here for a month, but how much had been gone since then? He would soon hear the noises slamming against the wall. It would seem like he had finally made it to where everyone was at. They were working hard, and they would look over at Yuurei as they felt someone coming.

When they saw him they would wipe their sweat from their faces and would wave at him. They were happy to see him back even though he was doing their job. They appreciated him due to what he had done for the North. He would wave at them with a smile on his face as he was glad that they were doing their jobs.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:03 pm


Yuurei would keep moving as he knew where he was going now. He wanted to be away from them, so he didn’t discourage them with how he did things. The berserker was quick with things, and he didn’t have to put much effort into mining. The light mage would continue moving through the place as he would see a few more people along the way. Still, he kept pushing through, and eventually, he would find a place that was isolated from the rest. There wasn’t anybody here, which was good, and he would move his way to the spot where he could start farming.

When he saw the materials stuck by the rock, he would take his pickax and he would start hammering it down at the rocks around it. He would chip it down as he was making sure that it would be able to drop normally. When it fell to the ground, Renji would go and pick it up as Yuurei moved on to the next deposit to dig out.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:04 pm


Yuurei would move to the next spot, and he would continue to take ores out of the walls and rocks that they were stuck in. He wouldn’t waste time as he would do this with precision. His energy was used as much as he could, but he had a lot of it. He would move through it without a problem, and he would be able to clear out a few more deposits. Renji would be moving around the place as he was collecting the materials that fell because of Yuurei.

He didn’t remember the last time he had worked before. During their entire trip, he didn’t do much when it came to working. He was always by Yuurei’s side and observing as it was the only thing he could do. Yuurei would keep moving as he would continue to break the materials off the walls and rocks that had them. He knew they were going to be here for a few hours to get the jewels that they wanted.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:07 pm


Yuurei and Renji would continue to do this work for a few hours. They were working hard and making sure that everything was good. He was hoping this would be good enough to make sure Mr. Cliff would be happy, and at the same time making sure that he wouldn’t have to bother them for a week or so. The two of them working would give them quite the seat. It was good work and honestly, he knew working like this would continue to help him physically. It was why he didn’t stop doing all of this just because he was a guild master.

Yuurei would stretch his arms as he would look over to Renji as he was getting the final materials that were on the ground. The two of them would finish their job and would wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

“Alright let’s head back and give Mr. Cliff what he wants.” He said to Renji.

Renji would nod when he heard that as he was okay with that.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 20 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:11 pm


Yuurei and Renji would start walking back through the path that they had come from. While they had done that, they would see the people that were working. They were still here doing their best to make sure that they got jewels to keep their family going. This was good and he would wave at them as he was leaving this place. The berserker would move through it all and soon enough he would find himself out of the mine. He would see that Mr. Cliff was waiting for him with his wheelbarrow. This was good and Yuurei would look at Renji as he would open his bag. All the stuff would come out of his bag and into the wheelbarrow. Mr. Cliff was excited to see everything that had appeared on his transportation, and he would look at Yuurei as he was glad that he was back.

He would pay him his reward and Yuurei would get on his bike, and he would leave to go back home with Renji on his shoulder.

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