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Underground associates 5 (S-Rank)

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Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:10 pm


Kaito finds that he is being requested once again to do a mission for the org again and that was something he guessed that he needed to heed for the future that when he comes back to the east in the future that he be on a don not disturb list of some sort so that he doesn't get bothered every other day by these people that seem to just keep coming out of the wood work that needed him while he was just trying to have a peaceful time back in the side of the country that had helped him to grow as he needed to make sure that he didn't forget his roots and he tries not to stray to far from his path. He walks up to the building and he looks at the door and he wonders if going in and not just ignoring the request might not just be a good idea that would probably save him some time later and a massive headache now.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:10 pm


He sighs then he walks in with Revy right behind him and he looks around the place it seems like it is pretty empty today and he walks around and he hears one person talking and they are looking for people still hiding here and Kaito deals with them and then finds a woman under a desk pretty beaten up and she looks at him realizing who he is and she hands him a request telling him this was going to be a long request and that he will need to be careful and take their time to handle this one as it is going to need a lot of attention and he was not going to rush it like they asked him to do and he will be on the watch. He is too sneak into a criminal group and to stay low profile and in the end he is to spring into action and to save the hostages, but first he needs to find where they are being held and to do the things that he can to keep the place in mind.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:10 pm


Kaito has Revy open her bag and he changes into a different set of clothes that he can move in just in case things end up getting hairy so he can fight and not worry about splitting his pants and he hopes that he can do somethings to just keep his profile low and he hopes that he can just take the steps get the intel easier and he hopes that he will blend in with the others and he even changes home he is walking and he walks more thuggish like the others that were around him and he even starts speaking differently and keeping himself in the groups and if anyone says something he just retorts not even giving answers just keeps them details besides that he was told to be here or there nothing beyond that and that they need to watch who they are talking to as he could kick their ass without trying.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:11 pm


Most people just back off him and the group he is walking around with as they seemed to have taken a shining to him as he wasn't scared to be an ass to them and say he will kick their asses. Kaito can tell this group is a simple bunch of super low class of them and he wonders if he will really find the hidden areas walking around with this bunch or if he will have to super deal with some thing else and have to deal with fully geared out back guys or if he will really just have to back hand someone and take their keys and break into the place and maybe use this group of idiots as fodder to buy him time by turning them against some of the other as they don't seem they would not listen to what they think is an order cause they seem strong and he knows that means they will really come to his aid if it seems like he gets into deep trouble.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:11 pm


They walk with him to the hide out that they are using and he sees everything as he walks and they seem super organized as a group and he wonders if maybe he might have been made but he stays calm and he just keeps with them and he walks through a holding area where he sees the people they captured in the raid on the building and some of them are bragging about how well it went and that they hadn't seen it coming but they did note of their own got the sense knocked out of him and they say that they still need to be careful as they are not sure who or what might come to help them cause if that guy got so beat up it means a knight in shining armor might show up to help free them and they can't risk this place being found and they are willing to use the hostages as fodder for themselves to get away.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:11 pm


He knows that he is still in step one of all of this and he needs to wait and keeps collecting Intel and not go and out himself so he took a mental note to make sure he knows where he needs to come back to and not let them sit there for too long and he knows that he will break them out and he will not just let them rot or be used by the people that want to use them and he will put them into his domain while he fights even if that means that he is in a bit of a pinch mana wise and he knows this is gonna be a pain in the back side to take on as he has only seen what seems to be half of the hostages so he still needs to find the other half and he has to wonder if there is a rat in the group or if they were sold out by someone else and they just seemed to strike that day out of any other but they struck early as it was probably meant to catch him off guard but who ever it was didn't know the actual time he was to be here.


Underground associates 5 (S-Rank) Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:12 pm


He will need to find out where they had gotten their info from as there has to be something that he can do here to find it out and pass it on as he was looking for where they could even reasonably look into things and he is drawing a blank and why did he all the sudden think it had something to do with him had he become vain and started thinking everything was about him and he had to be the center of attention and that means that they had to have been attacked because of him and that was not working to help them get them on their way but that means that he needs to think of a smart way to handle this and he thinks when he attacked he is going to turn into his female form and do the attack so they don't know the real person that attacked them he figures that they will barely notice a grunt that went missing in the shuffle but he still needs to find the answers and the other half of the hostages. Plus others will have probably fled as well to get out of the way from being attacked or captured by rune knights.
(1273/1250) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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