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Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:43 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge and his companions had entered the building. When they did the people, he had brought with him would enter as well. They would see how nice and big this place was. It would also seem like there were a lot of people here as well. They seemed surprised that these guys had made it into their building. They would also see the man with the helmet and the weird creatures as well. They figured that he was the leader of this group and would gather their items as they were ready to start the fight. Someone would walk toward the front of the group, and they would look at Toge.

“So you think you can mess with us and leave here breathing? You made a mistake coming here, man.” He said this to Toge.

Toge would crack his neck when he heard this because this was going to get interesting.

“Chaos is what you wanted?” He asked him.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:43 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would look over at his friend with a smirk on his face.

“Yes, this is what I wanted.” He said as he turned to look at the man that spoke to him first.

“Yes, I wouldn’t come here, if I didn’t think I was capable of doing what I’m doing right now. It’s you who are nuts to mess with us. Now you got to be punished for your actions.” He said to him.

He would hear this and he figured he would be rewarded for bringing this man’s head to his boss.

“Destroy them, but leave this guy to me.” He said to everyone around him.

The group around Toge would hear this and they would start charging forward. They would start fighting as Toge would look at this guy. It would seem like things were about to be interesting. Luci and Lector would make sure that nobody could interfere so they would run around attacking the same person together.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:44 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge and Babiidi would run straight toward the man in front of him, but while that was happening a group of people would run to their boss. They saw this, and Babiidi would attack them because they were coming too close to his master. The Beastmaster kept moving forward and the two of them would start their fight. He would throw a punch at the man, but he would dodge the attack and he would see that Toge was slow as hell. This was good, and he would continue to move around to get a grasp of the man he was about to beat up.

Babiidi was trying to get to his master, but it would seem like people kept running toward him. They weren’t sure what he could do, but they didn’t want him to get anywhere near their leader. Still, the fox wasn’t going to hold his punches as he was trying to get to Toge’s side. It couldn’t allow anything to happen to him, and that was why he was rushing.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:44 am

Go D. Drakkon
Lector and Luci were running around and attacking people left and right. It wouldn’t take long, but someone would kick Lector on the side and he would fall to the floor. Luci would see this, and he would go around the man and he would punch him behind his knee. It would bring him down a little. Lector would get up from the ground and he would see this, and he would start running straight toward the man. When he turned his head to see the black demon, Lector would come, and he would scratch the man up on his face for hitting him. He would drop to the ground as the two of them would continue moving around the building.

Toge would try to attack the man one more time, but then he would feel something connecting. He would feel pain in his leg as the man would hit him there. Still, Toge would have a smile on his face as he was excited to feel this even if it hurt.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:45 am

Go D. Drakkon

He would swing his fist instead of checking to see how his leg was doing. He would connect his fist straight into the man’s face, which made him happy to do. He would stumble back from the hit and he would smile at him because he was a weak man. He would move toward him as he figured he would take his legs out. Still, Toge would see this, and when he saw the man was going for his legs again. The cobra would slide down and would get hit on his chest as he grabbed the man’s leg and was trying to pull him to the floor.

While this was happening Babiidi was clearing out the room. He was taking out the people that kept getting his way. He wanted to get to his master and help him. Toge would bring the man to the ground, and he would get on top of him with a smirk on his face. He would start punching the shit out of him after he had gouged his eyes out.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:45 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would continue to punch the man as he was screaming from the pain, he felt from being blinded. The demi-human would start choking him and everyone from the enemy gang would see this as they were rushing to help their leader out. The people with Toge would take advantage of this and would start beating them. It wasn’t just them that took advantage as Luci and Lector would do the same thing. The sound of that man screaming would give Babiidi enough time to beat those around him without a problem.

The creature would see that someone got close to his master again, and when they had gone to attack him. Babiidi would get to him and knock the man out with three hits. Toge would get up from the ground and he would laugh as everyone knew that they had to secure the place, which they would go and do. Toge would look around and he would order some of his people to drag these bodies out of here.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 14 (Neutral) Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:46 am

Go D. Drakkon
The group would check to see that everything was clear, and the building and the merchandise that were there were also theirs. That was perfect, and now they were going to go and report to Dracon. They had gotten the keys to the building from the guy that Toge had taken out. The entire group would leave the area as they would head to the club, which was the old tavern. When they got there, they would all be let inside. Toge would let them know that they could enjoy themselves after what they had accomplished. When they heard that they would separate and decide to have fun. Toge would walk to the VIP section with Lector, and Luci on his shoulders.

Dracon was surprised that he had come back so soon, but it would seem like he got the work done. Toge would explain everything to his boss and he was happy to hear the results. He would tell one of the guys to get a couple of men to occupy the building right now. When the man left Dracon would give the Beastmaster his jewels for the hard work and betraying his original client.

196|1211 (20% companion, 20% guild perk)

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