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Monster Hunting [NQ]

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#1† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:35 pm

† Aleja
Today's task was probably the most simplest job the Captain Commander had in a while. Apparently there was a creature just on the boarders of Crocus and needed to be checked. Now that Alejandro was a captain commander, there wasn't much of a need for him to take low tier quests such as these. Yet in a sense, making money while doing something this simple brought him a sense of peace. After back to back high leveled missions he needed a break and what better way to take that break than to do a little quest. One glob creature wouldn't hurt anybody. Today though he would be out and about with some members from the Department of Intelligence. This glob was a rare creature and had caused some minor damage on the outskirts of the city, but thy still needed to test it. Every new creature needed testing so they knew what to do should another of its king pop up.

#2† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:35 pm

† Aleja
It was safe to say that these rifts that brought in raiders from this other universe also allowed some pretty weird creatures to slip through. Many of them were scattered across the city and the rest of the country even, but most of them were low tier. This version of earthland already had enough monsters as it was, so a little bit of extermination was necessary Alejandro liked to think. With a sigh he walked through the city as a single seated Knight trailed behind him. She held a device that would point them in the right direction. The magical radar made a beeping noise as the two of them walked through the city. These days most folks stayed home, but there were others that simply wanted to feel as though the world wasn't in shambles. Some of them still found ways to enjoy their days, looking death and the eye and saying "fuck it." The Commander wore a black leather jacket cropped at the waist and black fitted jeans to match. Underneath he wore a plain black tank top and silver dog tags dangled from his neck.

#3† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:35 pm

† Aleja
He really had been fitting nicely into his new role and he really was starting to understand what it meant to be a fucking adult. In just a months time he had grown exponentially in nearly every way. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually he had evolved. Now that his essence no longer existed he was just an Angel with pointed ears and a temper problem. Who knew that being a Rune Knight would make him easily irritable all the damn time? Everybody throughout the city knew who he was now though. They had even watched him grow. He no longer was just that kid from the Celdrua house. Alejandro had been unknowingly making a name for himself. The Angel of Death was still as kind as they come. He smiled warmly and waved at the civilians who greeted him, trying his best not to get distracted by the right pair of boobs or exotic men with bulges far too prominent to ignore. It was a beautiful a day but it would be better if that damn beeping noise would just stop.

#4† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:35 pm

† Aleja
"Misaka...can you please turn that beeper off?" He asked as politely as he could, even giving her an awkward chuckle. The commander couldn't see it but the woman tilted her head in confusion. "Commander.. I can't. It's how it works." She said in her usual cold nonchalant tone. Sometimes she was like a robot. "Oh." was all he responded. After a couple of rights and lefts they soon approached the portion of the city where the Blob creature was. Once they turned another corner, there the small blue slimy thing was. The city's folk just stopped and stared in silence, occasional gasps from mothers unsure of what to do. At first glance the slimy thing was just so cute. It was small but it obviously had some sort of mission? It slowly moved through the city just knocking over stands and pushing people, leaving a trail of liquid behind it. It must have had that thing folks called little dick syndrome, like it had a point to prove to make up for its size.

#5† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:36 pm

† Aleja
"Oh my god...Misaka it's so cute." Hearts appeared in Alejandro's eyes as he clasped his cheeks. With a warm smile he quickly skipped towards it. "Commander wait, we don't know what this thing can do!" Misaka shouted chasing after the Fallen Nephilim. When Alejandro reached the quit little creature he called out to it. "Hey little buddy!" The slime stopped and turned towards him, obviously angry fro some reason.Still, it was just too damn cute. "You don't look so harmless, hm? What're you doing out here all alone? Got any friends I need to know about?" Alejandro asked the slime. It began to gurgle as if it was trying to speak to him- well, more like yell at him. This little critter really didn't like the folks of this city. It probably just hated Earthland in general or something. "Interesting.We've never seen a creature like this before." Misaka chimed. "This is the monster? Seems like the term was used loosely huh?"

#6† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:37 pm

† Aleja
Alejandro moved a bit closer towards the creature. Still, the slime gurgled and spit, yelling in whatever native language he was speaking. When it realized Alejandro couldn't understand it it began to change its color. Suddenly it grew red and its frown became more evident. It opened is mouth and spit out a slime ball that hit Ale right in his face. It did nothing though so the Knight simply wiped it off. "Hey, don't be mean..." Alejandro said in a gentle tone. Misaka couldn't contain herself and began giggling. The Angel slowly extended his hand to pat the creature on the head but as soon as he did it fucking bit him. "OW!" He shouted. Quickly he jumped to his feet and summoned Vash's white revolver, aiming it directly at the slime. Welp, there goes his patience. "You fucking mean son of a -" a bullet flew out of the gun as he finished his sentence, causing slime to fly everywhere.

(20% WC RK, 10% Ring, 20% Hermit Tarot)

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