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Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral)

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Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:11 pm


The two of them had been doing a lot in Crocus. It even seemed like they were dealing with the mess of the people here too. They were sending weird creatures out into their world, and Yuurei was here to take them out. He had been doing that for the past few days, and now he was back at it again. The Nephilim had found himself in front of a Job board. He was looking for the next job to do, and he would find it. It wasn’t a big surprise to see what kind of quest he would take. He would look at it and it would seem like there was a gargoyle that had been released into the wild at night.

It seems like this thing was only active at night as that was what was said within the paper that he picked up. He would look over to Renji and it would seem like he was over the whole helping these fools.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:11 pm


“What’s up Renji, do you have something to say?” He asked him as they were moving around the city.

Renji would look at him and he would have a serious look on his face.

“Yeah, I don’t like what the people in central Fiore do. It seems like they are doing stupid things because they don’t know or care about the consequences.” He said to Yuurei as he would stretch while they walked.

Yuurei understood what he meant by this, and it was why he was trying to finish doing things here before they could go to the south. He wouldn’t respond to him as he just kept moving around. It would seem like the gargoyle should be roaming around the south of Crocus. He wondered how strong it was, and he needed to take it out quickly. He needed to prevent it from causing havoc and destruction around the city.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:12 pm


Yuurei would make it to the destination, and he was looking around the place. He wasn’t sure where the creature might be hidden, but he figured that he would find out soon enough. Renji would keep a look out as he wasn’t trying to get attacked by something that turned to stone in the morning. The two of them were looking for the creature as they were ready to fight it whenever it appeared.

“Do you think we got the wrong information?” He asked Yuurei wondering if they were in the wrong spot.

Yuurei would rub his chin as he would look around and then look at Renji.

“I don’t think so, it would be the first time something like that would happen in taking a job.” He said to Renji as he kept looking around.

Yuurei wouldn’t take long, but he would find something that might have been longed to the gargoyle they were looking for.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:12 pm


Yuurei would follow the trail that he had found, and he would go with it. When he got to the next part of the area, he would notice that there was a creature flying around looking for something. It wouldn’t take long before the two of them would lock eyes with each other. The gargoyle would roar as it would soar down to Yuurei as he had tried to attack the light mage. He would see this, and he would use his right pivot to spin and avoid the attack from the creature.

Renji would jump to the side to avoid the creature and he would get up quickly as he was running around. He should have gone on Yuurei’s shoulder, but it was too late now. Yuurei would look at the creature as it flapped its wings and looked down at him. He would shake his head when he saw this because it seemed like the gargoyle thought he had the upper hand in being the air.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:13 pm


Yuurei would start transforming, his wings would appear on his back, and his left eye would change to a golden color. He would look at the gargoyle as he would fly into the air. The monster would look at him and would roar from the fact that he could do this. It would throw out a gust of wind at Yuurei, but he would get out of the way as he would go around the current and behind the gargoyle. It would be quick to turn around as it would seem like it had to fight this man up close. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but Yuurei kept himself on full alert. He had gotten jumped by a bunch of chimeras last time, and he didn’t want to make that same mistake again.

He would prepare to fight as Renji would just stare at the two fighting from the sky. It was a battle to see who would reign at being the king of the sky right now.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:13 pm


Yuurei would make his move as he would fly straight to the gargoyle. His movements quick in the air as it was on land would catch the monster off guard. He would punch the gargoyle and he would have been sent flying back. The Nephilim would see this as he would get into a fighting stance. The creature would stop falling as it was looking at Yuurei. It would stare into the man’s eyes as it would fly toward him. He would attack Yuurei as it was trying to slash at him and then use his feet right after. The berserker would dodge the creature’s attack and he would punch it again.

It would take the hit before landing a blow on Yuurei. He was surprised that this gargoyle could take so much damage as he felt like the creature should have been done after the second hit. Still, it would seem like the monster had some resistance when it came to physical damage.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:13 pm


Yuurei would smile as he could see that this was going to be a tough opponent to fight against. He would prepare himself as the monster would fly straight to him. The Nephilim would dodge the attacks that were coming from the monster as he was trying to land a hit on the man. He had felt the blow from this monster even though his armor had protected him. He was a strong opponent, but he knew the results would be the same. He was going to be the one to come out on top.

The berserker would just move around the monster, and he would swing his fist straight on its back as it would tumble in the air. It was then that Yuurei could see the cracks that were forming on the creature. He had a smirk on his face as he knew that the creature was almost done for. He just needed to deal with a few more hits.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:14 pm


Yuurei would prepare himself as the monster in front of him would look around. It could feel the damage that Yuurei had dealt. The gargoyle felt like it needed to do something before it would meet its demise against Yuurei. That was when he saw Renji on the ground, and he would soar through the sky as it was diving down to Renji. The Exceed would see this and he would start running away from the area he was in. Yuurei would shake his head when he saw what the gargoyle was doing. He could tell it had the intelligence to it. Still, that wasn’t going to be enough as he was going to have it meet its end soon.

He would start flying as he was chasing after the gargoyle. It was a game to see who gets caught first. He would shake his head as he needed Renji to keep running for a bit.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:10 pm


Yuurei would catch up to the gargoyle and he would punch the monster on the side. It would be sent falling to the ground. He would see this, and he would crack his neck as Renji would keep running. He would look back to see that his friend had protected him. He would come to a stop as he would look at the two of them fight. Yuurei would land on the ground as the gargoyle would get up from the ground and it would roar as it would look over at Yuurei.

It moves around as the monster was looking at Yuurei. It was getting ready to attack Yuurei, and he was fine with that as he would watch the monster move toward him. He would see him swing at him, and Yuurei would dodge the attack without a problem. He would look at the monster as he could tell that it was getting desperate.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:23 pm


Yuurei would watch it continuously attack him and he would just look at it with disappointment. He would get ready as he was waiting for an opening from the beast. Once he had seen that it was aimlessly attacking, Yuurei would take it out of its misery. He would sidestep to the side as he would look at the creature one last time. It was then he would swing his fist straight into the gargoyle’s side and he would see it stumble to the ground and it would roar from the pain it felt. It would feel itself cracking, and it tried its best to stop it. The gargoyle would look over at Yuurei and it was filled with anger.

The gargoyle would get up on its feet, but that would do enough damage to it. The creature would start feeling itself go and soon enough it would fall apart as if it had been defeated.



Monster Hunter PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:27 pm


Yuurei wand Renji would look at the creature as it had been reduced to rubble. When they walked to it, they would see that it would turn to debris and the wind that picked it up would send it flying away from them. The two of them would have finished this creature, and now it was time for them to get rewarded. The two of them would walk around Crocus as they were heading to the destination of their client. When they got to the client, they would knock on the door. The man would come out and Yuurei would explain that he took care of the gargoyle. The man would hear this as he would reward Yuurei. He would give him the jewels and Yuurei would take it.

He would see that it was the right amount and he would look at Renji. The two of them would be on their way to resting for the night to handle whatever was left of the jobs in Central Fiore.

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