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Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom]

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Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:57 pm


Kaito guesses it would be insulting to spit in the mans face and decline so he is going to take him up on that offer some day probably if some dark force was to spread and cause an issue for them and the Ex guild leader can't handle it and it gets to that point but he figures this is probably a good time to just relax. Kaito hears the man speak about going to face a raider and he wondered if that was really going a good idea but he figured that he really doesn't have a choice if Yuurei is set on doing that heroic task. "What raider you have in mind?" He was curious as that means they were going to need to plan and take the proper time to get ready for this thing as this means that there is a risk.

"I am not so sure on that one, think that would probably be weird for one of them at least." She giggled and she danced with him more and she wondered what kind of monster that would make if they did get together.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:02 pm


Yuurei would look at Kaito with a smile on his face as he was fine with the question he was asked. He would look around the place and he knew exactly, which one he wanted to go after.

“The one we’re going after is the person who threw this ball, or at least it is the one I want us to take on. We’re going after Lisa. As much as I wanted to fight my opposite.” He said to Kaito as he would crack his neck.

Renji would continue dancing as he would hear what Revy said, and he laugh a bit more. He actually felt it would be weird for them both.

“I think it would be weird for them both. They are close friends and their friendship doesn’t seem like it's breakable at all.” He said to Revy as he kept dancing with her.

He would spin her around before grabbing her and moving.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:16 pm


Kaito wonders if that is really a good choice but he guesses that he will simply do what he can vs them as he doubts that he will be able to really just let it go or hide during the fight he knows that a raider will be a tough opponent to take on even if he is will Yuurei and he wonders if they will take a third but he figured that they will talk about this sooner or later to see who still needs to get put on the team and what the plan is an dhow they will be able to pull it off and if they will really be able to take down those that  rain supreme over some of the regions that could be of use to them. "I trust in you and the things you say, lets hope luck favors us."

Revy thinks about it as Yuurei did seem to look at Kaito in female form a little strangely maybe Yuurei would thing that was a bit strange she isn't sure about Kaito as his personality seemed to shift a little while he was changed into a female.

Last edited by Kaito Todaro on Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:09 pm


Yuurei would hear him and he would have a smile on his face.

“Yeah we got this. I bet we can do it and after that, we can continue on with the fights ahead.” He said to Kaito as he would sit up straight on the chair as he would look around the area.

He would see the eyes that were looking in their direction and he would just wave at them. They would see this and they would look away from them.

“You seem a bit nervous with this. I know you will be able to handle your own Kaito.” He said with a smile on his face.

Renji would continue dancing with his partner, and he would think about what the other two were doing. They were probably having some weird conversation.

“So, what do you think those two are talking about? He asked Revy as they continued their dance.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:29 pm


"I could also accidently destroy the dimension as well." This was only partially a joke as he thinks if he really tried he could probably collapse the dimension in on itself and wipe them all out, but that isn't something he wants to dare even attempt to see if he could possibly even try to do that. Kaito also wonders what he could even do vs a raider of any level he guessed that he could keep the team safe from some of the attacks and he could give them an escape route if it goes bad.

Revy looks at Renji and she wonders what they could be talking about and she taps her chin stopping for a moment to think what it could be. "My best guesses are either trying to get him to join the guild, women advice, or Yuurei is ready to make a mover on a raider." The last was because Kaito had spoke before about looking into them and trying to find out how to beat them so it would make sense Yuurei would also like to try and take them out.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 08, 2022 12:54 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard what Kaito said, and he figured he would add to the joke.

“It’s funny that you say that. You probably can destroy the dimension, but I would probably find some way of living. Death doesn’t seem to want me.” He said as he had died two times already, but was somehow spared at the last second.

The Nephilim wondered how things would look like if Kaito had done something like that.

“I wonder who are the strongest people in Fiore? Have you ever thought about that Kaito?” He asked him.

Renji would see that she stopped dancing, and he would come to a stop as well. He would look at her and laugh about the guesses.

“Man, I’m sure it could be the last two. I doubt Yuurei is bothering Kaito anymore to join the guild.” He chuckled as he would extend his hand to her.

“Shall we continue to dance, or do you want to take a break?” He asked her waiting for an answer.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 08, 2022 1:51 pm


He sighs as he knows that he is probably all true as Yuurei would be very hard to kill off as he seemed to be nearly invincible to someone like him but he knows that it makes sense that he is like that and he wonders what is going on and he figured that there has to be something that gives. "Well I hope I can move one and maybe I can find something that i can believe in."

He has no idea who the strongest mages in the country might even be but he knows that Yuurei has to be up there somewhere. "I have no idea but i am guess that you are up there some where for the strongest." He sighs as Kaito knows that he himself is not on the list of the top strongest around in this country.

Revy looks to him and she guessed that he was probably right about that and she just tries to relax and not get worked up or anything if she could help it.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 08, 2022 3:05 pm


Yuurei would hear Kaito and he would nod as he had heard him and his thoughts about it. If he was one of the strongest people in Fiore, then he felt that Kaito was also there as well. There was no way in hell his friend wouldn’t be.

He would have a smile on his face as he looked at Kaito.

“If you think I’m part of the strongest, then I think you are there too. Of course, not higher than me, but you’re there.” He laughed when he said the last part as he was happy to have this conversation.

Renji would just look at Revy as it would seem like she was in her thoughts again. He knew this because he was waiting for her to grab his hand, and tell him what she wanted to do, but she didn’t say anything. Of course, he stood there patiently waiting for her decision.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 08, 2022 4:18 pm


"I have my doubts about me being anywhere near the strongest in the country. I think maybe in screw ups I have you beaten." He laughed as he sees other people staring at him and he stops laughing as he was not comfortable with them staring at him. Kaito looks around to see if he sees anyone that he should be asking to dance but from the looks he should probably just stick to avoiding the dance floor and keep his focus in a different why than it at least for now.

Revy Thinks about it more and she thinks a break was probably the better choice. "Yeah lets take a break sorry about that Renji." She pulled him along behind her and she wondered what the big deal was going to be as there was not a lot fully going on but she knows that she needs to be careful as she can see Kaito is a bit stressed so no trouble making for her.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:30 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard him and he would shake his head.

“Well, I didn’t say you are near the strongest, but I think you are up there. So don’t count yourself short. I’ve seen you fight and it's annoying.” He laughed a bit as he would look at everyone that was looking at them.

Their eyes would shift away when they saw the look in Yuurei’s eyes. The golden iris on one eye, and red on the other. He would look back to Kaito as it would seem like he was looking for something to do.

Renji would hear what she said and that was when his hand was grabbed. He would look at her as she pulled him along for the ride. He would follow her as he wondered where she was going. It wouldn’t take long, but she would see the two men sitting down and laughing together. That was when he knew they weren’t going to be alone.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:11 pm


"It is about time we found you two trouble makers." Revy puts his hands on her hips as she looked at the two men and Kaito looks at her and he wonders if she had really been that worried about her and if she really needed to be that loud. As other guests had started to look at them again.

Kaito pokes Revy’s forehead. "Mind your tone with me, you are in the presence of a god." He points to Yuurei then he start cracking up as he knows Yuurei doesn’t like that he says things like that. He wondered what the next trials will be fore them and if they will be able to over come the next thing that comes their way and slows them down a bit that they will have to over come and keep pushing on and hope that they can get done currently and in a timely manner.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:14 pm


Renji would follow Revy around the area. They were dodging people left and right as they spotted the two guys who were enjoying their time. He would look over to Revy as she spoke up to them first. He was about to say something but kept quiet as there was no use in correcting her. Instead, he would look at Yuurei who had a smile on his face. The next thing that was said, would make him laugh though as Kaito had presented Yuurei as a god.

“I don’t think you can call me a god.” He said to Kaito as he didn’t want to be labeled as that.

Renji would shake his head when he heard that, and he would look at the two of them.

“You got a long way to go before I can call you a god Yuu.” He said to him as he would chuckle and then looked over to Revy.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:26 pm


Kaito was unsure of really what to do as there seemed to be far to much on his mind and he wondered if he was just lonely is why he was getting this bad want to go and confess his feelings to the woman he was thinking about and whose name laid heavy on his chest. He shook it off as he was just being dumb no woman would want him.

Revy guessed it was time for some more alone time with Renji as he had seemed a bit bummed out that she had dragged him to the table they were at so she takes him to the other sid of the room to just relax and speak with him a bit. She smiled at him and she wondered what they should really do.

"I think I need to probably hide away for awhile before I make a fool of myself." He was just thinking about the woman as he looked into the crowd even if she probably doesn’t even see him in close to that way.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:14 am


Yuurei looked at Kaito and he could see that something was bothering him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he thought about one thing. Whatever happened to the lich that they had met back then? He noticed that Revy had taken Renji for another one of her adventures, which was a good thing. It would lead them alone and he would lean forward to the table as he looked at Kaito.

“So, whatever happened to that lich that we met? Is she still following you?” He asked her as he didn’t see her around.

Renji would see that he was being taken away again, and of course, he allowed it to happen. He wondered where they were going and would see they were on the other side. He would look at her with a smile on his face.

“What are we going to do now that we’re away from those two?” He asked Revy wondering what she would say.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:51 am


He hears Yuurei ask him about the lich woman he wonder what the man meant by following him. "If you mean is working under me or following my orders currently, yes along with three daemons, a nephilim, the werewolf girl, and a strange robot boy." He was fully serious about the list of people that were working under him some of them were slaves, some just lost to time and one just sorta showed up. He was unsure how wise it had been to tell Yuurei that but he had done it anyway cause it was the answer to the question he had asked.

Revy looked at him and she smirked. "What are you thinking we should do besides relax and enjoy ourselves?" Revy was clearly teasing him to get a raise out of him as she doesn't think here is the right place to be doing anything too dirty or questionable even if they could just sneak a quick one under the table and no one would be the wiser.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:25 pm


Yuurei chuckled when he heard what Kaito had said to him. It would seem like he had a lot of people following him. That was good as he didn’t need to be alone, and he was glad he found people who would follow him through everything.

“That’s good to hear. It seems like you got a lot of people who looked up to you. I’m glad to hear that. At least I know you aren’t alone.” He said to Kaito as he stretched a bit.

“You have a weird crowd though around you though.” He joked as he wondered how that didn’t come up before.

Renji would look at her as if it was up to him to decide what they were going to do.

“We can get something to drink or eat if you want. I’m fine with that unless you have something else you would like to do?” He suggested waiting for an answer.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:02 pm


He was unsure what the hell he is on about as he has had most of that team since he was still a newer mage so he has always had them around he didn’t plan to ditch them but hey maybe yuurei knew something he did not so he guessed it might be time to look into finding some replacements that were different and he sighs. "are you not a strange one to be throwing stones?" he laughs softly as there are a bunch of strange people in the north and Paradise Dawn.

Revy looked at him and she rubbed her chin. "I wonder what they have that is good and will hit the spot, think they have fatty tuna?" She was wondering if there was a lot of choices or if it was just like fancy choices and nothing like simple or enjoyable with out going through five hundred steps to eat the thing cause it needs to be run around and flamed or something.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:22 pm


Yuurei would hear him, and he would think about the crowd of people he had in his guild. He could relate that was for sure, but they weren’t truly traveling companions right now. He had chuckled though, and he would smile at him.

“I guess I shouldn’t, but I figured I didn’t see you with a bunch of people following you.” He said as he would chuckle when he said this to him.

Renji would hear this from Revy, and he would smile at her as if he was fine with that choice.

“Alright let’s go get some fatty tuna. I’m sure they will have that for us.” He said to her as he would start walking to the place where the food was.

When he got there, he would look around and would just puff his chest and look around for someone to help them, out.

Someone would show up and he would look at Renji and Revy.

“Two plates of fatty tuna please.” He said to the man that if Revy wanted more then she could add on.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:18 am


Kaito tilts his head to the side a bit. "I meant cause you have a super strong dwarf as your right had man and you are calling my group a strange crowd." He laughed as Brone was not weird he was unique and like one of the three dwarves he has crossed in the country he wonders if there are more dwarves hidden around or if there are only three in the country.

Revy looks at Renji and she followed him as there needs to be more then that around here but she guessed it is in fact what she said so the man was listening to her at least which having grown up around him was a miracle in of itself she giggled to herself as she knows that deep down he listens just some times he fills himself with a bit too much self confidence.

The workers at the tables look at them and they blink it was a strange sight to see talking cats around they wondered if maybe they were just cursed humans. They get the orders ready and they hand them over to the two and look at the workers at the drink table that should be expecting them next.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:50 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard him speak about Brone.

“I mean when it comes to weird, Brone probably tops your entire group. So you got me in.” He said to Kaito as he was enjoying their conversation.

It wasn’t every day that they got to just sit down and enjoy their time. They were always on the move and always doing something. He was scoping out the competition, but at the same time, it wasn’t serious enough for him to be on guard.

Renji would look at the worker and it would seem like he was confused for a second. Of course, they are being confused didn’t make a difference as they had gotten the food that they wanted in the end.

He would have his plate now as he was looking at Revy and wondered what kind of drink she wanted.

“What kind of drink would you like Revy?” He asked as he started walking over to the table.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:50 pm


Kaito has no idea what the future holds for them, for all Kaito knows is that he could be dead tomorrow or maybe one of the two of them will settle down and hang up their adventuring cloaks and just never adventure again till their children have grown and are out adventuring on their own. Kaito doubts that he will have that happen to himself maybe Yuurei will have it happen as Yuurei is a ladies man.

Revy things about it and she isn’t really sure what she wants to drink but she better stay sober and she guesses water is the best choice she could pick is probably water. "I will take some water cause gotta stay sober or else we may get carried away." she winked at Renji just teasing him as this night feels like it is taking forever to be over as if they were trapped in a cycle that seemed to keep them going maybe into madness.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:43 pm


Yuurei was happy that they were able to relax and it would seem like things were going through his friend's mind from what he could tell. He looked over at Renji and Revy, but he would see that they weren’t around. It would seem like those two were enjoying themselves more than anything.

“I wonder how many times people looked over at our table. They’re probably wondering how we met.” He said to him as he would look around and his eyes would meet with a few others as they turned away.

Renji would hear what Revy had said to him and he would smile as if he was fine with that. His smile was also because she had winked at him as he looked at the man here.

“As she said she wants water, and I want a glass of milk.” He said to the man.

The man would hear this and he would go and prep their drink right now. Renji would take a bite of his tuna and would close his eyes and moan at how good it was.

“This is great.” He said to Revy.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:04 am


He looks at Yuurei and he laughs as he remembers how they met and no one would probably ever believe them on how it happened those years ago and Kaito took this man to that place for them to waste time and not really do a lot of any thing. "I doubt that they would even believe us if we told them the truth of how we met and what we even did that day." That memory kinda brings back some bitter sweet memories as that was back when he had also met Lani and he now has to live with the fact of how badly he had failed.

Revy laughed at how the man made that noise as she hadn’t expected him to make that sound from eating the tuna and she takes a bite of hers and she can see why as this was higher grade stuff than she was use to. "Seems this host of ours didn’t skip on the price for the food that is for sure."


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 18, 2022 4:44 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard him. It was a day in Hosenka and something he didn’t think he would ever expect.

“Yeah, they’ll probably laugh and think we’re lying or something. It is weird how things could change after many years. Still, I’m glad you stood here through it all Kaito.” He said to him as he would stretch his arms out into the air.

Renji would hear Revy would laugh when he had taken a bite out of his food. He would look at her and when he saw her take a bit he could see her reaction to how good it was. He smile when he heard her comment about the food.

“Thank god they didn’t because this is one of the best things here, besides dancing with you of course.” He said to her as he took another bit.

The man would approach them with their drinks so they could take them to their table.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:58 pm


Kaito agrees that it sounds like a long shot story and he wonders if really anyone could believe it and he keeps his expectations lower as this could be misunderstood as a lie to trick people and he needs to make sure peoples trust in him is not further shaken. He leans back in his chair and he relaxes and sighs as this is what it is but yeah who would believe that Kaito took Yuurei to do karaoke for a afternoon with Revy and Renji.

Revy looked at Renji and then she collects her drink as she looked around for what to do next after they had gotten done with eating and she wonders what Renji is thinking and if he was thinking to if he would get lucky but she doesn’t know if Renji was thinking about getting lucky. "So what do you think is next for all of this?" She sips her water and wonders really y what is left to do.

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