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III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ]

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III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:27 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.

III.Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1]: Link

As they neared the church, Zariya took in the sight of the imposing brittle looking structure before her. It was small, unimpressive, like an abandoned shack used to hide the bodies of "missing" victims. And yet, it was the home of twisted authority and faith, both of which she had little use for. Still, she had to respect the immense power they held over the city. When they arrived, she noticed a group of zealots flanking the entrance, each one of them adorned in the unmistakable garb of Illumin worshipper; that stupid ass cross. Cold eyes stared back at her as she inched deeper into the church.

Inside the the building, the air was heavy with the scent of incense, and the atmosphere seemed to close in around her, oppressive and suffocating. It wasn’t the type of place she felt at ease, but of course, she wasn’t here to feel comfortable. Zariya was here to assess, to gauge the strength of those who would oppose her, and to see just how far she could push.

As they entered the main hall, Zariya’s eyes landed on Bishop Loughlin. He was young, perhaps around her own age, but he carried himself with an air of superiority that set her on edge. His presence was cold, calculating, and there was something in his eyes that spoke of an inner madness, a quiet, simmering instability. He was accompanies by his zealots, each of them standing as though ready to defend him at a moment’s notice.

“Bishop Loughlin, I assume,” Zariya said nonchalantly, stepping forward, her voice carrying easily in the vast space. “You requested this meeting?”

Loughlin’s eyes narrowed slightly as they swept over her. There was no mistaking the look of disgust that crossed his face when he realized she was a vampire. His lip curled ever so slightly, and he straightened, his voice clipped as he responded. “Yes, I did. I needed to see who you were with my own eyes. I’ve heard much about you, Zariya. Though I’m surprised someone of your… kind, would have the audacity to walk in here so boldly.”

Zariya’s smile didn’t falter, though the insult wasn’t lost on her. She had dealt with worse than Loughlin in her time. Instead of reacting, she played her cards close to the chest, letting her amusement show just enough to needle him. "I’ve always had a knack for audacity," she replied, her voice light, teasing. "Plus, I was under the impression that everyone was accepted into the house of the lord."

Last edited by Zariya on Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] 86545

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:41 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
"Unfortunately, you're wrong." The Bishop’s gaze darkened. He clearly wasn’t buying her act. He leaned forward, his fingers curling over the back of one of the pews as he eyed her with disdain. “Dahlia is a city that is ripe for rebirth, but things like you are standing in the way of that rebirth. Vampires, Daemons, Werewolves… all of you are a plague on this land, and I intend to cleanse it.”

Zariya’s smile widened, her fangs just visible as she regarded him with thinly veiled contempt. “Cleansing the land? Even the human citizens of Dahlia don't believe that.”

Loughlin stepped closer, his presence looming over her. The zealots around him stood even taller, their eyes fixed on her with unwavering intensity. He moved so close to her that for a moment it seemed like their lips might touch, the tension between them crackling in the air.

"I don’t think you understand, Zariya," he began softly, his voice like the tip of a dagger’s blade. "I’m not asking. I’m telling you. Leave Dahlia, or I will personally make sure you and your kind are eradicated.”

Zariya’s gaze didn’t falter, nor did she step back. She could feel his breath on her skin, but she was far from intimidated. If anything, the challenge he presented only intrigued her more. She let out a soft, mocking laugh, her eyes glinting with amusement.

“I appreciate the threat, Bishop,” she said coolly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “But you’ll find that I’m not so easily moved. In fact, I like a little danger. Keeps things interesting.”

Loughlin’s face darkened further, his jaw clenched as if he was struggling to keep his composure. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the silence between them thick with tension.

“I’ll give you one day,” he finally said, stepping back and straightening his robes. “One day to get out of my city. If you’re still here after that, I will kill you myself.”

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] 86545

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:55 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Zariya’s smile never wavered. She glanced around the room at the zealots, their stern expressions unshattered. They didn’t concern her. Loughlin didn’t concern her. Dahlia was her city now, whether the church liked it or not.

“Alright,” she said, her tone light, as if they were discussing something as trivial as the weather. “A day it is.” Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and made her way toward the exit, her six underlings following close behind. As they walked out into the night, she couldn’t help but laugh softly to herself.

One of her underlings, a burly man with a scar running down his face, glanced at her. “Should we prepare for a fight, boss?” Zariya nodded, her smile returning as she pictured Loughlin’s face. “Tell the others to get ready. We’ll give him his day, but if he comes looking for trouble, we’ll be more than prepared to give him a proper welcome.”

As they returned to the base, Zariya’s mind churned with plans. She didn’t believe for a second that Loughlin could find her. Her base was too well-hidden, and the church most likely didn't have a clue where to find her operation. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be ready. Inside the former Tora Mob base, her underlings began to prepare, arming themselves, securing their defenses, and making sure that every entrance was guarded. Zariya, meanwhile, moved through the base with a calm confidence, the weight of Loughlin’s threat nothing more than a passing amusement.

He would try to purge Dahlia, and she would be there, waiting, ready to turn his little crusade into her own opportunity.

As she stood by the large windows overlooking the city, her thoughts wandered back to the Red Crystal she had brought with her from Hosenka. It shimmered in the moonlight, serving as a reminder of the power she wielded and the empire she was building. The church may have its followers, its zealots, its blind devotion. But Zariya had something far more dangerous: power, and an army of Akudama.

10% WC reduc via guild


III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.2 | SQ] 86545

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