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VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ]

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VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:06 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The night of reckoning had arrived. Dahlia City, a place once wrapped in the oppressive influence of the church, now stood on the brink of total upheaval. Zariya had spent weeks laying the foundation for this moment, forging alliances with the city's most powerful underworld factions, from the ruthless Daemon warlords to the bloodthirsty vampire covens, and the fierce werewolf packs. Each was powerful in its own right, but Zariya had managed to unite them for a single purpose: to cripple the church and seize full control of the city.

The gathering had already been a spectacle. The grand meeting of the crime lords in her underground citadel was the final stepping stone before the assault.  Zariya had solidified herself as the queenpin, ruler of the underground, and the one who could lead them all to greater heights. The crime lords had come to an agreement, acknowledging her authority after a night of negotiations that had left Zariya’s patience frayed but her power absolute. Each faction leader had brought their own entourages, from demonic foot soldiers to sleek, blood-drinking enforcers.

The air had been tense, charged with ambition, but Zariya had stood above it all, cool and calculating. Her speech had left no doubt in anyone's mind. Tonight, they would strike at the very heart of the church's power. The church's building was not grand. It was nothing compared to the cathedral it had sought to erect, but it was fortified, and within its walls, their remaining forces had gathered, prepared to fight to the last breath. Zariya had no intention of letting any of them leave alive.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:13 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
The streets of Dahlia were eerily quiet as the moon rose, generating a gloomy light over the city. Zariya moved swiftly through the winding alleys with her core group of Akudama, the night wrapping around them like a comforting quilt. Behind her, the various factions of the underworld crept silently through the shadows, ready to strike.

The church’s building stood short upon its claimed land but still imposing in the distance, its spires cutting through the air like jagged teeth. It was here that the final battle would take place. Zariya’s lips curled into a dark smile as she glanced at the structure. It looked as if it had been designed to inspire fear, and for years it had, but now, it would serve as the place of the church’s undoing.

As they approached the church, the tension in the air was thick, almost suffocating. Zariya stood at the head of the group, her black cloak billowing behind her like shadows stretching in the moonlight. Behind her, the werewolves growled, low and threatening. The Daemons hissed and shifted in the darkness, their eyes glowing faintly. The vampires, her kin, were silent, their eyes locked on the target ahead.

“Remember,” Zariya whispered to her comrades, “we don’t stop until the Bishop is dead. Cripple them so they can’t rebuild. No mercy.” They nodded, their eyes gleaming with bloodlust and anticipation. Her orders were clear, and they knew that failure wasn’t an option.

The Vampiress turned to her most trusted, a vampire named Nia, before giving her a nod. Without a word, she moved forward, her strong hands pressing against the wood until the creak of the hinges echoed in the stillness of the night. The doors slowly swung open, revealing the dimly lit interior.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:18 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.

The assault began like a storm breaking over the city. The church’s building, once a small and mighty fortress of supposed holiness, was suddenly engulfed in absolute chaos. The vampires hit first, leaping from the shadows with impossible speed, their fangs gleaming in the moonlight as they tore into the unsuspecting sentries with their weapons. Screams filled the night as the church's guards, trained in the art of hunting night creatures, were caught off-guard by the sheer ferocity of the attack.

The werewolves followed, their massive forms lunging toward the defenders with savage glee. A hulking brute of a werewolf tackled a knight to the ground, his fangs sinking into the man’s throat as he ripped it open with a wet, guttural growl. Blood sprayed across the floor, pooling beneath the dying man as his eyes rolled back in his head.

Zariya watched it all unfold, her face a mask of cold indifference. This was the cost of power, and she had no regrets.

And finally, the daemons moved, their forms blurring as they sped toward the defenders. swords and teeth tore through flesh, and the first screams of the night filled the church. The holy warriors raised their swords, striking at the Daemons with desperate strength, but it was futile. Blood splattered across the walls as the Daemons feasted on their prey.

Zariya moved swiftly through the carnage, her every step calculated. She didn't need a blade, for her hands were lethal enough in the darkness, cutting down anyone foolish enough to stand in her path. She had no time for hesitation. She was focused on one thing: reaching the Bishop and ending his reign of fear. Around her, the battle raged with brutal intensity.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:23 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
A holy knight charged at her, his sword gleaming with divine light. Zariya ducked beneath his swing, her vampire reflexes making her movements almost a blur. With a savage grin, she spun and drove her hand into the knight’s side, twisting it cruelly. He gasped, his eyes wide with pain and disbelief, before she pulled her hand free, sending a spray of blood across the stone walls.

She moved on without a second glance.

Around her, the church’s forces were being torn apart. One wolf, its fur streaked with black, howled as it lunged at a priest, tearing the man’s throat out with a single, vicious bite. Blood splattered across the ground as the priest's body collapsed, twitching as life ebbed from it.

But the church wasn’t going down without a fight.

From the inner sanctum, a new wave of fighters emerged, elite inquisitors shielded in silver armor, their weapons blessed to burn the flesh of creatures like Zariya and her allies. The Daemons met them head-on, their twisted forms crackling with dark magic. The air was corrupted with the stench of blood and burning flesh as the two sides clashed in a brutal dance of death. Gunfire, blade clashing, desperate roars...

One of the inquisitors swung a silver mace at Zariya, the weapon trailing holy flames as it zipped through the air. She dodged the blow, but the heat singed her skin, making her hiss in pain. She retaliated with a swift kick to the man’s chest, sending him staggering backward. Before he could recover, she pounced, driving her claws into his throat and tearing it out with a savage motion.

The battle was chaotic, bloody, and relentless. Crimson bodily fluid soaked the cobblestones, and the cries of the dying echoed through the night.

Zariya’s eyes darted through the melee, searching for her target. The Bishop was somewhere within the building, protected by layers of guards and holy warriors. She knew he wouldn’t flee because his arrogance wouldn’t allow it. He would die tonight, or he would try to drag her and her allies down with him.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:26 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Her warriors fought at her side, carving a bloody path through the church’s forces. Together, they pushed toward the building's heart, where the Bishop awaited. Inside the sanctum, incense and blood consumed the atmosphere . The once pristine marble floors were slick with gore, and the towering statues of Seraphim seemed to glare down at the carnage below. Zariya stalked through the grand hall, her eyes fixed on the figure at the far end.

The Bishop stood tall, his face hidden behind a golden mask, his robes stained with the blood of his fallen soldiers. He held a staff that radiated holy energy, but Zariya could see the fear in his eyes, even from a distance. He knew his time had come.

You should have left this city when you had the chance,” Zariya called out, her voice cold and echoing in the bloodstained chamber. “Now, you’ll die here, along with the rest of your false prophets.”

The Bishop’s voice trembled slightly as he responded. “You think you can overthrow the will of the divine? You are nothing but a parasite, an abomination! Your kind will burn in the fires of holy retribution!”

Zariya frowned frustratingly. “Still spewing the same bullshit.”

With a roar, the Bishop raised his staff, summoning a blast of holy fire that surged toward Zariya. She darted to her left, feeling the heat scorch her skin as the flames passed by. In an instant, she was on him, moving faster than any human could react. Her blade flashed, but the Bishop was quick, parrying her strike with the staff. The clash of steel and magic echoed through the hall as they fought, each blow more vicious than the last.

For all his bluster, the Bishop was skilled. He fought with a zealot’s desperation, each strike of his staff aimed to kill. But Zariya was faster, stronger, and fueled by centuries of the vampire fury within her deceased sire's bite. She ducked under a swing, her fangs bared as she clawed at his side, cutting through his robes and drawing blood. The Bishop staggered, his breathing labored.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:41 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
“You’re no match for me,” Zariya hissed, circling him like a predator. “You’ve spent your life hiding behind your false faith, but tonight, that ends. There was opportunity for you to be apart of what I'm building. Money, power, a kingdom. But, you chose the wrong side, Bishop.”

The Bishop swung again, but this time, The Desiertan was ready. She sidestepped the blow and drove her hand deep into his chest, piercing his heart. The Bishop gasped, his eyes wide with shock as he fell to the ground, his staff clattering to the floor. Zariya stood over him, her hand still buried in his chest. Blood pooled beneath him, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. He tried to speak, but his words were lost in the gurgle of blood filling his lungs.

The Bishop tried to speak. He wanted to curse her one last time before he went to the hell he believed in, but it was no use. “It’s over,” she whispered, ripping her hand free with his heart in her grasp. It beated, pulsing just a few moments more before she tossed it atop his dead body. Quickly, she wiped her hand on his robes. “I'll see you in hell.”

The Bishop’s body twitched once more before going still, his lifeless eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

Zariya turned to face the chaos outside. The church’s forces were in disarray, their morale shattered by the death of their leader. Without the Bishop to guide them, the holy warriors faltered, their once-coordinated attacks falling apart under the relentless assault of the Queenpin's forces.

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:47 pm

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
As dawn approached, the land around them was in ruins, and the streets of Dahlia ran red with blood. The church’s once-mighty presence in the city had been shattered, its members either dead or fleeing for their lives. But Zariya knew that this was only the first battle. The war had just begun.

Alas, The Queenpin wasn’t finished. She strode through the battlefield, her eyes cold as she surveyed the aftermath. Too many of the church’s elite had been slain, their ranks so decimated that it would take months--perhaps years, even--for them to recover.

And Zariya had no intention of giving them that time.

She paused at the edge of the churches not-so-grand balcony, overlooking the broken streets below. Her allies gathered beneath her, their faces smeared with blood and dirt, but their eyes filled with triumph. The city was theirs. With a satisfied smirk, Zariya raised her hand. “Dahlia is ours,” she declared, her voice ringing out over the ruins as cold as ever. “The church is crippled. But they aren't yet defeated. There's still more work to do if we truly seek to annihilate them. But from this night forward, the underworld reigns.”

A chorus of cheers erupted from below, the factions united in their victory. Vampires, werewolves, Daemons, and more, all gathered under one banner, the banner of the Akudama. But even as the sun began to rise, Zariya’s mind was already on the next step. Dahlia was just the beginning. There were other cities, other factions, the entire government and enemies still lurking in the shadows.

And she would deal with them. One by one.

Until all of Fiore belonged to the underworld.

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VII. The Dark Coronation [SQ] 86545

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