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Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral)

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Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:02 pm


Yuurei and Renji were on Luluhawa Island as they had been moving through the beach’s shore together. They had taken a job to capture a sea monster for the local fishermen here. He figured that it would be something they could do to kill time and at the same time make jewels.

They were walking through the area, and they would see people around the place. They would wave at them as they would make their way to the port. When they got to the port, they would see that there were a lot of people selling merchandise and the catches they had gotten for the day. He knew what he was looking for, so he decided to keep it moving. The ship was a white one with black strips everywhere.

He would move around the place as he was looking for the ship he was going to help. While doing that he would wave to some of the people there who saw him.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:02 pm

The member 'Yuurei' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 30


Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:07 pm


Yuurei would continue walking around the area and while he was doing that, he would finally find the ship he was looking for. He would see the beauty of it all, and he still held onto the dream that he would one day be able to have a ship of his own. Still, he learned from his jobs here, that he had to respect the ships from the people here.

“We’re here to work for you? We have the job request here!” He shouted out loud.

He would have the paper out in his hand and stretched out to the ship. The people on the ship would hear this and the captain would make their way to the edge of the ship. When they got there, they would peek their heads out to see that Yuurei and Renji were waiting for them to answer. He would look at the paper in Yuurei’s hand when he saw it was legit he was fine with them coming on board.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:12 pm


“Ah, I’m glad we had someone who’s brave enough to take this on! Please come on board. We should everything ready by the time you get up here.” He said to Yuurei and Renji.

The two of them would hear this and they would look at each other. After that, they would walk up to the deck of the ship and they would see that everybody was lively. They were done with the ship and the captain, who told them to come on board, was almost done with the preparation.

“Bring up the anchor and set sail. We’re going to sea and getting the big catch that we always wanted!” He shouted.

When they heard this, they would shout, excited about this as they would do as they were told. The ship would start moving from the ports they were in, and they would start leaving. Yuurei would look at the edge of the ship and he would move to it. He would look at the sea and wonder what would happen today.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:12 pm


Renji would make his way to Yuurei and he would look at the sea as well. They were wondering what was going to happen, and his friend would look at him.

“I think I will be able to help you soon, Yuurei. I can’t wait to be an asset to you.” He said with a smile on his face.

Yuurei would look at him and he would smile at him.

“Don’t worry about it. I know you will be of help when the time comes. Still, you always help me out no matter what.” He said this to his friend as their client would approach them.

“I know who you are. I’m glad that you’re here. With you, I’m sure you will be able to get things done.” He said to Yuurei as if he would let him be on his own.

Yuurei would smile as he was glad to hear that his client had faith that he would be able to do this job without a problem.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:12 pm


Yuurei and Renji would continue to be on the lookout for the sea monster that they were hunting. It wasn’t just that, but it would seem like they couldn’t find what they were looking for. The sea monster had to be here, right? He would continue to scout the area, but it would seem like things would be too late. The Nephilim had thought about it, but it was too late. The ship would feel an impact from the side of the ship, and it would tilt from the blow that had occurred. The berserker would see this, and he would feel like he was going to fall off the ship.

He would grab Renji and he would put the Exceed on his shoulder as he would grow wings from his back. He would see the people falling into the water and he would shake his head because it would seem like the sea creature caught them by surprise.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:13 pm


Yuurei and Renji would shake their heads because they thought something like this wouldn’t happen again. That wasn’t the case and now they would have to rescue the people who fell into the water and fight off the sea monster.

Yuurei knew what to do and he was going to do it.

“Cape, I need you to take everybody and put them back on the ship. I will be able to take care of the sea monster without a problem.” He said out loud.

The cape would leave Yuurei and it would do what it was told to do. Yuurei would move on his own as he would meet up with the monster and he could see that it was a huge snake-like creature. It would stick its head out as it was looking to see what to do next. It would spot Yuurei in the air and it would lunge its head at Yuurei. The Nephilim would see this and he would dodge the attack without a problem.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:18 pm


Yuurei would look at the sea monster as it would fall back into the water after it had missed. He would shake his head when he saw this because it was vicious. Still, at least the monster’s attention was on him and not the men in the water. He would look at it as he would lower himself down. He could see the shadow of the creature in the water as it seemed like it was waiting to strike again. The berserker couldn’t do anything unless he went into the water to fight it.

His cape was doing a lot of work and Renji was making sure that the snake didn’t get to Yuurei’s blindside somehow. While this was happening, the sea snake would start its next attack. It would swing its tail from behind Yuurei and would bring it out of the water. The Nephilim would sense the danger coming, and Renji had shouted where it was coming from as well.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:16 pm


Yuurei would hear Renji scream and it would seem like he was right. He would move from the area he was in faster than the tail would be able to get to him. It was then it would hit the water and would miss Yuurei completely. He would look at the tail going back into the water, and he wondered what was going to happen next. The cape was doing what it was told to do and soon enough everybody that fell into the water would be back on the ship. This was a good thing because it meant that he didn’t have to worry about them.

The cape doing what it was told to do had decided to go back to Yuurei when it knew that there wasn’t anybody else to save. It would return to his neck, and it would stay there. He would look around trying to figure out what would happen next with the sea monster.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:19 pm


Yuurei would see the shadow of the monster moving around again. It would be able to see Yuurei and it looked like it was planning on its next attack on him. He would move around the water but made sure that he didn’t go too far off. While he was doing this, he wondered what it would do next. He figured once it attacked, he would go for the counterattack, but it all depended on how it would attack him. He was patient as he kept moving around. The people on the ship would dry themselves as they looked over to the battle between Yuurei and the monster. They could see that the man had wings, but they were curious to see who would win between the two.

It wouldn’t take long, but the sea monster would attack Yuurei once again using its tail. Yuurei would see this, and he would dodge the attack, but he would catch the tail before it could do into the water again.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:22 pm


Yuurei would use his strength and he would pull the giant sea monster out of the water. It wasn’t just that, but he would toss the thing into the air and would let go. The sea monster was defenseless as it was surprised by what was going on. The Nephilim needed it to show itself as he was going to attack now. He would make his way to the sea monster, and he would swing at it two times right under it. The sea monster would screech from the pain it felt before its eyes rolled back. It would hit the water and a huge splash would occur from the beast. Yuurei would sigh as he could see that it was not moving anymore.

It wasn’t just that, but it was just floating there for the taking. He would soar down to it and he would drag it to the ship as he knew that he had taken it out.



Deadliest Catch PT. 18 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:25 pm


Yuurei would make his way back to the ship and he would land on the deck. His wings would disperse, his eye would go back to normal, and Renji would drop to his side. He would look at everybody as if they were happy with what he had done. They would secure the sea snake, and they would start making it back to the ports they left. When they got there, they would dock their ship back in one of the empty areas. The Nephilim would be met by the captain of the ship, and he would see that he had jewels in his hand. Yuurei would take it and he would smile at him as this was the reward he wanted.

With that, he would bow to everyone and wave at them as he would make his way off the ship. He looked around and figured he would go into town and spend some of the jewels that he had gotten.

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