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#1† Aleja 

Later~ Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:33 pm

† Aleja
I had fun here, it was cute and I met some cool people~ I'm not perfect, but I tried my best and did what I could to make everyone's RP experience better. I truly have loved this place since 2012! & I've grown up here. I think to a certain extent though, a certain someone is right. I'll never feel respected or comfortable here because I'm just not respected or comfortable, and its nobody's fault but my own for literally allowing myself to endure the disrespect and putting it an extreme amount of work to keep the site afloat. I think I just don't fit in here, and that's okay. For all the shit I've contributed, for yall to allow a homophobic, transphobic, dickhead to literally rage on saying those disgusting ass things, and not 1 person defended me?

If that were any of YOU, I would have NEVER sat idly by and let someone say those things. But I guess Im tripping, right? I digress.

I NEVER cared about being a Mod. That experienced made roleplaying harder for me. We're literally adults...who the actual FUCK cares about being a Moderator for the sake of political power on an online Anime RP?

I literally have nothing nice to say anymore.

Anyway, sorry I couldn't finish the magazine, don't want to contribute more than I should. Apparently I'm not a valued member of the community, love that for me.~ And so while I'm sure nobody gives a damn, I shall take my leave. <3


Later~ Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:00 pm


I really don't want you to leave, because you are without question one of our best members?

We haven't always seen eye to eye, but I'm glad that changed with time?

I've always respected your principles, and it is absolutely disgusting the way you were treated, and ever more so the fact that you have been hurt by the community response to the issue. You are not alone in that fact, and it will not be forgotten either, I can assure you. I can only express my apologies for being out of the room so to speak when this incident occurred...

I whole heartedly implore you not to leave friend, but I can understand why you feel the need to?

I promise, for what it is worth that I love you, and I am willing to fight for you, if you are willing to stay?


Later~ Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:33 pm


There is nothing I could have done in that situation. I only allowed you to defend yourself because I know where we're from and I figured you had it on your own. Do I condone what was said, no, but I have no authority on who gets banned, or else certain things wouldn't have gone that far.

In the end, I don't think you should leave, but if you do, then I can understand. But you will be missed.


Later~ Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:17 pm


Hi Aleja, I've just been caught up with what's occurred unfortunately I wasn't available during the time as I was asleep at the time, 5 am my time. I am sincerely sorry that this has occurred and I wasn't there to be able to address it myself when it did occur. I completely understand if you feel like you need to leave, however, I'd like you to reconsider, and give it some time just as a member once again. I'm sure people would love to see you continuing your work with the magazine. Some of the most helpful content I've seen in a while. In the meantime, it was good to have you here and you were and will continue to be considered a valuable asset for the work that you have completed and assisted with. Otherwise have a good one fam.

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