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Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom]

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Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:59 pm


Yuurei had made it into the ballroom now that he was no longer taking photos. His outfit was well made, and he would keep the gloves on. He wasn’t sure why, but it was comfortable this way. He kept his mask on as it would hide a bit of his face. He moved around the place as Renji would be next to him. The Exceed wearing similar clothing as Yuurei would move around the place. It would seem like there was a lot to do, and a lot of people to communicate with. This room was huge and beautiful on its own and he would keep moving around the place as he was trying to figure out what to do here.

It wouldn’t take long, but someone would stop him and he would look at them wondering what was happening.

“Oh what a beautiful specimen of a man you are. Do you mind dancing with me?” She asked him as directly as she could.

Yuurei was surprised by this, but he was okay with it. He would take her hand as he would escort her to the dance floor. Renji would just wait as he was left behind to dance.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:29 pm


Once Kaito entered the ball room the crowd of people made room so it would really be hard to miss where he was at in the room as Revy hurries along beside him as she was late and was in his domain while he had walked the red carpet alone. She giggled at him, for her getting lightly scolded about how he was so nervous doing that alone and she looks around and she wonders if Renji and Yuurei are here and Kaito can smell Yuurei and Renji.

He figures if he walked to the place where the most woman were flocking that he would find his friend without even needing to follow the the mans scent as his friend seemed to draw women like it was going out of style he hadn't planned to dance or anything pretty much he was just here to see how the dark Lisa throws a ball and if it was as awkward as this dimensions Alisa had.

Revy thinks she sees Renji in the crowd and she started to walk over to him and she wondered if he would like her dress and mask and stuff or if he would not even realize that she was herself.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:50 pm


Yuurei would make it to the dance floor and once he was there, he would step in front of the woman, and he would take the lead on the dance floor. He would start moving around to the rhythm of the song that was being played right now. He was surrounded by people who were also dancing around him. He would just watch the woman in front of him as he would continue to move her around. He would spin her around and then he would bring her close to him as he kept moving. The woman was in awe of him as she couldn’t believe she was close to this man.

Renji would watch as he would shake his head at what was going on. It was then he would look over to the side as he felt that someone was walking over to him. It was then he would see that it was Revy; the outfit beautiful on her, but there was only one of her.

“Beautiful as always Revy. I didn’t think Kaito would come here.” He said with a smile on his face as he was happy to see her.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:00 pm


"Seems Yuurei is still the same huh?" She was fighting the urge to gush at how handsome Renji was in his outfit. "Well he is the second most famous mage in Fiore would be weird if he didn't appear for this." Kaito looked at them and he took a seat and he looks around at all the people there are many people here and he wondered if this was going to just be a bad time for him or if he will find something to do with his time that didn't get him stuck in the middle of a crowded area getting bumped into and being in constant fear that he will curse or hurt someone and he doesn't think he was high on the dance with list.

Revy looked at Renji and she smiles and she starts to ask with a bit of a shaky voice. "Would you like to dance with me?"


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:18 pm


Renji would hear Revy and he would chuckle a bit as if she wasn’t wrong. It was then she would bring up a good point. He would smile as she was right on that.

“Yeah, Yuu is still the same. The woman actually confronted him and wanted to dance with him. It was different.” He said as he would comment on the next thing she said.

“You’re right about that. He is a famous mage, I wouldn’t expect him to show up, so you’re right.” He said to her as he would look at the people dancing.

It wouldn’t take long, but she would ask him to dance with her. He would smile at her as if he was fine with that, and he knew how much she enjoyed dancing.

“Don’t mind if I do.” He said to her as he would grab her hand and he would start walking to the dance floor.

He would look at her as he got to the dance floor as was ready to start moving.

Yuurei was dancing with the woman as they would continue to move around the area. It was as if they were in a small box, but she was enjoying every second of it.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:26 am


Revy figures that Kaito will be okay by himself while she dances but she isn't sure if he won't just bail and go some where else less crowded while he back is turned by she followed Renji out onto the dance floor to dance and have fun for the night. Kaito indeed had disappeared when she had turned her back on him. She looked into the crowd as she danced with Renji looking for him but she doesn't spot him.

Kaito had wandered over to the drinks and had gotten some simple fruit punch and he was leaned against the wall and he watches all the happy people that he knows that he can not be, he truly feels alone but he knows that isn't anyone's fault just a cruel twist of fate that has him in it's grip and some day he will have to break that grip and be free from this all.

That time isn't anywhere near for him he doesn't think thanks to the powers he had unlocked cause he is a coward scared of death yet yearning for it's sweet embrace to caress him and take him away from this plane.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:34 am


Yuurei would continue to dance with the woman in front of him as he could hear the song coming to an end. When it was over, it would seem like she wanted to keep dancing with him. Still, he wasn’t going to continue at least right now.

“If you can find me again I will dance with you. Still, I’m going to get something for myself.” He said to the woman.

It was then that he would walk off to get something to drink.

Renji would hear the song ended, but a new one started. He would switch his rhythm as he didn’t want to stop dancing with Revy.

“Who made the dress?” He asked Revy as they continued to dance.

Yuurei would make his way to get something to drink, and soon enough he would see someone that looked like Kaito leaning against the wall. He even did the thing that Kaito did, and it was, to be away from everyone.

Yuurei would get his drink and he would walk over to Kaito and wave at him.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:33 am


Revy smiled and she looked Renji in the eye. "Kaito of course. This was a last second thing but he still went all out on the dress for me." She shows off the bows that have scales under them that when she touches them it changes colors.

Kaito would notice the king of the ball Yuurei walking toward him, you couldn't mistake him, he oozed of charisma, women swooned from just nearing him, and the golden light of the chosen one shining down on him from above also helped identify it was Yuurei. Kaito waved back to him as a friendly gesture as he wasn't sure what the man was going to want from him. He thinks Yuurei has a lot of woman to pick from to really get it across that he is the alpha male of this party. He wondered if his dark raider self was also like this or if he was more like Yuurei with women bowing at his feet for him to even step on them a little just so they could be touched in some form by them. He kinda wondered now that he thought that if his dark self had tried to hit on Yuurei's dark self.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:48 am


Renji would hear her as they continued to dance. It would seem like Kaito had gone all out for Revy, and he was glad that he did. She would show him her bows, and he would see the dragon scale. He wondered if Kaito harmed himself to make it, but it was a fine dress indeed. He would keep dancing with her as it would seem like she was having a good time.

Yuurei would make his way to Kaito as it would seem like he saw him coming now. That was good and he was glad that his friend was there. He would lean against the wall just like Kaito as he would look at everyone enjoying themselves.

“I was wondering if I would see someone I knew here. Kind of glad it’s you. I assume you didn’t want to come here but came here because of your status?” He asked him as he would take a sip of his drink and wondered what his friend would say.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 4:14 am


Kairo rubbed the back of his head as Yuurei asked him that question being careful not to undo his mask or knock of his little crown on his head "Yeah that was part of it but the other was that Revy was excited to come as well, and I am a push over. I went if it will help her be a bit happier then who am I to stand in the way of it, plus I figured you would also be around somewhere, so Renji could take her to have fun while I sulked in the outskirts like I currently aim." He looked at his friend and he figured that he should ask for why he had come or if this was just fun for him in the end.

He remembered the last time that he went to a ball it was when Yuurei and Brone were jumping ship on blue Pegasus to go join Paradise Dawn before Yuurei pretty much out shined the guild leader and out of jealousy for not being the spot light left the guild and Yuurei took his rightful place as the guild master there. "So what drew you? The woman, the drinks the shining lights or was it your name on the banner?" He points to a banner hanging in the Hall with Yuurei's name on it.

Revy keeps dancing with Renji and enjoying herself she wondered if Yuurei had made Renji's or if it was special made by someone else.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:38 am


Yuurei would hear him and he would smile as he figured that much. Still, he was here and that was all that mattered and he was glad to see that.

“Ah, so I have to thank Revy for you being here. That’s good of her. It seems like she enjoys these kinds of things.” He paused for a bit as he was wondering what else to say to Kaito.

While he was thinking about it he would hear Kaito again and he would laugh a bit.

“I came here for the drinks, and food, and because of my name on the banner. There is no way they would be happy with me if I didn’t show up to this.” He laugh a bit as if it was true.

He would put his hand on his friend’s shoulder as he would look around at all the people.

“You should enjoy yourself a little bit. I know you're nervous because you don’t want to hurt anybody, but you’re fully covered, so dancing shouldn’t hurt.” He smiled at Kaito wondering if he would go dance with someone.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:03 am


When the man touched him and said that Kaito narrowed his eyes. This was just not his thing and it does bring back bad memories as the last time he was to go to a ball he was to go with Kailani in matching costumes and she got sick and he know got back in touch with her after that and she ended up dying so this made this even more painful of a think for him as he shouldn't be around more people.

He has no idea if his curse had gotten stronger so that now it might effect people like an aura would and causes those that got closer to him to have misfortune as well as himself. It would explain why him and Revy were so clumsy and walk into traps so easily.

Revy was still enjoying her self even if there wasn't able to see where Kaito was but she knows that he wouldn't just ditch her and leave her to enjoy the ball alone even if she was with Renji at the moment she didn't want Kaito to miss out on the fun. She knows that Kaito can dance she had seen him do so many times while he was alone when he cleans and works on things to music.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:39 pm


Yuurei would wait for an answer, but he never got anything back from Kaito. He would shake his head as he needed to live a little, but then again he understood him. He would smile at him as he tried to get him out of his comfort zone, but that didn’t work.

“No worries, do you want to get something to eat then? You must enjoy it as much as me, I know you don’t drink, so your option is food.” He laughed when he said that as he wondered what Kaito would say or do.

Renji would continue to dance with Revy, but while he was doing that he could see that something was on her mind. He figured he would ask her as they kept moving around.

“Is there something bothering you Revy?” He would ask her as he spun her around before stopping her in front of him and continuing to move.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:24 pm


"If I am honest I think I am more scared of myself than my curse." He could probably just walk up to any woman and the second they reject him he could just phase them into the floor or just throw them into the void to get devoured. He holds his head as a smile cracked across his face and his eyes glow red, the thought of doing that to someone made the voice in his head roar with excitement and egging him on to do it. "I think I am also good about the food as well for now." His voice had a more sickeningly sweet undertone to it almost as the madder one that Yuurei had met before he got back into this dimension.

Revy looked at Renji and she smiled. "No nothing is wrong or on my mind just hope that Kaito doesn't just wall flower." She wondered if this was the right place to be at this moment and she was not one hundred perfect sure if what she said was even right to be saying.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:46 pm


Yuurei would hear him as it would seem like it was himself that he was scared of. He rubbed the back of his head as he was trying to figure out why was that. It was then that he would deny him getting food as well. The Nephilim looked at him confused. It would seem like something was up with his friend as he was weird now.

“If you say so, you come to meet me by the food. I’m going to get some nice food.” He said Kaito as he would make his way to get some food.

When he got there he would look at it all now as he was trying to figure out what he wanted to eat.

Renji would continue dancing with Revy as she would speak to him. He would smile at her because that going to be hard for him not to do.

“I’m sure Yuurei would try something, but if he doesn’t get Kaito to stop standing still, then nothing can.” He said to Revy as he would dip her before picking her back up and moving around.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:21 am


Kaito watched the man walk away and he started walking through the crowd as well when people bumped in him then look nearly panicked at him looking at them. He sees the fear, the want to not be near him in their eyes and their auras feed his own negative one as he is bumped into as if his curse was feeding on it and he can feel it growing stronger in himself the voice telling him that they are ants why should a god care about them or what they care about. He logically can't really disagree as he feels the light in his own heart starting to die out as he himself is consumed by the darkness and rage in his own heart his own hates and fears.

Revy nods and has no doubt about that if anyone could probably make him move it would be Yuurei but she knows that Kaito gets weird when he is in crowds so she hoped that wasn't going to happen and him lose control or anything. "Yeah he is probably in good hands after all they are good friends right?" The last part of what she said felt strange like the words didn't connect did Kaito actually have friends or does he just make them think they are his friends like some kind of smoke screen or illusion.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:50 am


Yuurei looked over to see if Kaito had followed him, but that wasn’t the case. He would rub the back of his head. He figured he would have at least followed him just to converse, but it seemed like he had other plans. The Nephilim would shake his head as he would get the food he desired and put everything he could on a plate. He would turn his back against the table now as he was looking for Kaito while eating.

He was thinking about flying into the air but figured he would give it time for now.

Renji would move around the dance floor with Revy. He was actually excited and happy that she was here. He couldn’t have asked for a better dance partner. When she spoke, he would smile at her, and he would nod.

“Yeah, they are friends. After the blood, and sweat they shed together I wouldn’t think they were anything but that.” He said to Revy.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:06 am


Kaito gets back out of the crowd and he takes food from afar sitting in a seat and drinking fruit punch. He was not going to get close to the food table as their was a massive mass of people there but he could get food like Yuurei had told him while staying out of the way of things. A woman walks up and sits at his table and looks at him and she looks like she narrowed her eyes at him and he looks at her and he wonders why she was staring at him and if she really needed something or if she was just trying to figure out who he was.

Either way he was not worried about who ever she was as she will move on when she is done staring at him like he is a zoo exhibit to entertain the children that have dragged their parents to the zoo to see the animals and he wonders if he is really going to be okay or if he was just lying to himself.

She giggled for a second and then asked Renji something. "Is Yuurei really scared Kaito would leave him as a woman if he let him use the key on him?"


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:11 am


Yuurei would move around the area instead. It was the best thing he could do right now, so that way he didn’t cause a commotion. It was an easy thing to do when people were staring at you and didn’t move. He was able to navigate around those that were in his way. It was every so often he would feel his arm being rubbed by women around the area. He would smile at them as he would keep it moving as he was looking for Kaito slowly. It wouldn’t take long for him to find the man sitting at a table. He would make his way there and he would take a seat.

“So, you got food in the end. That’s good, that’s good.” He said as he was starting to eat at a faster pace.

Renji would continue his dance with Revy, and he would her questions. He would chuckle when he heard her say that.

“It could be that, or I just don’t think Yuu wants to know how it feels to be a woman. I’m not really sure.” He laughed a bit at the random question.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:20 pm


It would seem Yuurei didn’t see the woman so maybe she wasn’t in this dimension and he was just seeing through to a different one. He stops looking at her and toward Yuurei. "Ya I figured I should at least score some of their high grade food before I go." He was being honest but not fully it was more to the fact he was feeling weird so eating something seemed the smarter idea in that moment to fill the void he was feeling in the moment and he heard the voice faintly in his ear of the woman that wasn’t there “I see you”

He figures that means this woman must be the person who got his magic in a different dimension cause she was clearly not another him, she he wonders what she wants or needed that she was calling to him across the veil of dimensions but he doesn’t expect to have less questions than answers.

Revy shrugged as she guessed that made sense as men seemed to have it better and less strange feelings.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:11 am


Yuurei would hear him talk about getting food before he left, and he would shake his head. He didn’t want his friend to leave, but it would seem like that was going to be the case. He was going to make sure to keep him here as long as he could.

“Yes, their food is amazing. I can’t help but want to eat more of it. Still, it is not every day we get to relax and eat like this. We’re always on the move, so we don’t really get time like this man.” He said to Kaito as he was eating more of his food.

“So, Kaito so how’s everything with your guild?” He asked wondering what he would say.

Renji would continue dancing with Revy as he didn’t get to do this a lot with her.

“Does Kaito enjoy turning himself into a woman?” He asked her.

“By the way, I’m happy you’re here.” He said to her.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:00 am


"Yeah I know we stay busy always, rather it is some small thing that turns into a huge thing and we get questioned and such for. But it is probably harder for you getting eye humped everywhere you go." He laughed softly as the woman was still looking at him and she looks very displeased with him ignoring her and she hits him in the back of the head but no one else sees it just the sound and his head snapping forward and the woman reels back from his curse effecting her.

Kaito just plays it off like nothing happened to himself and he looks back to Yuurei and he answers the guild question. "I guess it is fine I kind of skipped over visiting while we were in the east looking for the pages as I had seen them at the beach not to long before that on the island." He is unsure where Yuurei is going with this line of questioning.

Revy looks at Renji as he asked about if Kaito liked turning into a woman. "I think he likes having the ability to do that yes, not that he uses it for lewd purposes, just works well with his skill set as he can do a job then walk out as a woman that no one expects cause they are looking for a man or vice versa." She giggled as she thought that maybe Renji wished to hear her spill the beans on Kaito being some kind of fiend that does it in his down time for dirty things. She had wondered the same thing but all she had seen him do was train and get use to the body and make clothes that fit the female body the man seem to never even thing of doing anything to himself.

Revy hears the male exceed say the line. "I am as well happy that you made it as well to the ball."


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:12 am


Yuurei would hear him and he would chuckle with his friend as he did see a lot of people looking in his direction.

“Yeah, we’re busybodies, and I guess we’re known for it. And as for me getting eye humped, I find it funny and I don’t really care.” He said to him as he would continue eating.

Yuurei would hear him and he would smile. He was glad that Fairy Tail was doing fine. They were a huge guild, after all, one that he knew would survive even him.

“That’s good to hear. Glad everything is peachy there. If you ever need help there, don’t hesitate to ask me.” He said as he would finish his meal.

Renji would hear her words, and it made sense. That was actually a nifty trick and one a lot of people would get fooled if they weren’t paying attention.

“That’s actually a smart thing after all. I guess it’s best that Kaito has that key then.” He said this to her as they kept dancing he would smile at what she said last.


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:41 am


Kaito looked around the room and he points."Bet you could walk over there and get all three of those woman in bed with you with out even using a word, you wield an evil power." He laughed at his own joke but he knows that they probably would chase Yuurei for even the slightest chance of having his child that might grow to be even a tenth of the power of Yuurei and they would never have to work again after that cause the kid would be a cash cow for them.

Kaito sees the two exceeds still dancing and talking to the other. "Why would I need help there?" The question confused Kaito as he was unsure why he would need help there. Kaito finished the food he had taken and he looked at the woman and he figured out they were stuck between dimensions. Kaito moves off to the side and he opens a pocket in dimensions and tunes it to the right one and the woman is able to get out, seems if he falls between dimensions that others with his powers have a chance to see them. The woman collapsed onto the floor telling him he took long enough to help her. He shoos her off before someone gets the wrong idea and the woman opens another portal and flees through it.

Kaito makes his way back to the table and he acts like nothing happened. "So what do you think is next for us?"

Revy wanting to tease Renji a little. "Maybe if Kaito gives up being a man he can just find love as a woman."


Enjoying the Dancing and Conversations [Ballroom] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:58 pm


Yuurei would hear his words and he would rub the back of his head. He probably could, but at the same time, he didn’t care about that right now. He was just relaxing on the chair he was sitting on. He would pat his stomach and rub it.

“I’m sure you're right about that, but not that it matters to me.” He said to Kaito.

He heard Kaito ask him a question and he would shake his head. He was just offering his hand in the future. He wasn’t sure if Fairy Tail ever needed it, but he wanted to let him know. It seemed like Kaito let it go over his head.

“It’s an extended offer. I don’t know if you ever guys will need it. I was just saying it.” He said to Kaito as he would chuckle nervously as he looked at his friend.

“I think it’s time for us to go and find a Dark Raider to take out.” He said as he rubbed his chin as was thinking about, which one to take out.

Renji kept dancing with Revy as he was happy right now. He would hear her, and he would laugh out loud.

“Yeah and then he and Yuurei would be together.” He laughed a bit as he would continue dancing.

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