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The Outsider [S-Rank|Long]

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The Outsider [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:21 am


The Outsider

I am pleased to see you Guest...

He was there.

Floating in space, soft motions of his hands drawing in the magics of the place. Gently guiding everything that was around. There was no doubt in her mind that this soft and gentle being was the one that she sought. As she approached she could feel the intense sadness from this creature. His soft movements stopped and his attention on the surrounding magic waned further. His posture adjusted, not to that of hostility but of curiosity.

Little Sister.

His voice was in her head, in her mind, in her body itself. She could feel every hair of her body stand on end and the softness of that touch was something that she never knew that she needed before. Her breath had left her body and she could tell that it wasn’t going to come back until she wished it. She was within touching range and the soft brush of his hand stripped that ‘programming’ from her mind. Blinking as though she was freed she hardly knew what to say.

You came such a long way for very little dear sister.

There was a sadness to his voice; but his smile told her that it hadn’t been for naught. She’d stare at him for a long moment and then look down at her hands before looking back to him. Abruptly starting as she felt either one on her cheeks, while his eyes were hidden away from the worlds the ones on the outside of his ‘wings’ stared into her eyes and she felt her breath taken away again.

It’s never easy is it little sister? Your constant fighting. You wear your scars with pride because thats all you ever knew how to do. You never sought help and you never rested. Our god, Xenon is not a… particularly helpful one. But he has led you on this path for a reason Little sister.


Was all that she could manage and the being seemed almost impressed. He’d motion to her and tap the garments that she wore. His smile increased just a bit and he’d float away from her. Though she seemed to be floating along with him. The ship turned about and left with a single wave of his hand, like it wasn’t needed anymore.

Ever since you were born I was made aware of your existence by our god. He has… cultured your growth from the start. He knew you would be a powerful host to the music needed to protect the land. Not only did he need you, but I needed to focus on the music here.

He paused after a few moments, taking her in and setting them down on one of the moons. There was a little abode, some trees and grass covering it. A paradise away from it all. He’d smile warmly to her and she felt her heart ache again.

Those who come here often rarely leave, you have a choice. Lucretia. You can stay here and live out your days until the end of time under my careful guidance…

His hand sat on her chest and her armor, her weapon, her magic. Everything flowed back into what was right. She felt like she could do anything again. He’d smile already knowing the answer she would give.

Or you can prove your worthiness to cure your aching soul. I say these options knowing what you have already picked. You made up your mind years ago when you first realized that the frost magic when it tumbled onto your skins wasn’t your true magic. You knew me from the start little sister. And I am sorry that you have suffered so much.

....It’s… w- It’s fine. I. I did everything I wanted to do. I protected as many people as I could and got really strong doing it. But I can’t stop here- I need to go back to them and I need to have my body in a state that isn’t-

She’d stop and look down at herself blinking as she realized that the pain was completely gone. Not only had this being healed her but he had also restored her to her former state. She wasn’t a werewolf though. She was something… else? Maybe?

This state will only stay as long as I am around you little sister. When you leave the touch of the planet your body will regress. But. Prove unto me that you are worthy and I will bless you with something that will keep your form as it is, perhaps even greater for a time.

There was sorrow in his voice, something that she never had heard before. Never in her wildest dreams. She’d bite her lip as she realized that his gentle touch extended throughout the stars and it was here that he did the most good. A central nexus of ‘music’. Or what he called it was a more pure form of her understanding of magic.

I can’t win against you- but… I think I can at least show you what I’m capable of.

That’s the spirit little sister. Now please. Show me your music.



The Outsider [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:38 am


Lucretia Wolfenstein

Galaxy Dragon Slayer.

It felt strange to draw her weapon on her brother, it felt strange to raise it to see the sorrow in his eyes. He had hoped somewhere that she would take his offe. But she shook off the sensation of his music. OF his touch. The gentle caress of his mind against hers. He was her elder brother in the sense of them both working for Xenon. Which. Sounded strange to her that she was chosen so long ago and only really recently came into the power that he seemed to think she had.

She shook it off, she shook off his assumptions. His desires, his understanding of her. She pushed it away and she felt something click. Something powerful. Something that she had never felt before. She understood. Her body shivered.

If you understand something you can use it.

That memory had been burned into her to the point where she always used it. She took hold of the sensations she felt and put them to the test. Deep within her she felt the resonance take hold and she drew her hand back. The outsider seemed puzzled for a moment and then the impact of her force slammed into his frame. Sending him tumbling backwards in surprise. He wasn’t hurt by any means; she had no way of hurting him but he was stunned at the first ‘strike’.

He’d ‘slide’ in the air and tilt his head to one side; he could feel her understanding open further and his smile widened. She understood the music she weilded and he understood the strength of legions that she brought to it. Her vessel while young seemed to have potential for unlimited growth.

Everyone seemed to have that potential from that pristine jewel. His mouth opened a little bit and a single word escaped from it. It was her name, her true name. The name that she had become. The one that she had earned. It stopped her in her tracks before she could move again. The fact he understood her core nature in such a short time and understood everything about her.

She didn’t like that sensation and instead of letting him hold that power over her Lucretia did something that would likely through a wrench in what he had expected from her…



The Outsider [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:48 am



The Lord of Wolves.

Her music changed.

From the intenseness of her gaze, to the harshness of her touch. To the very core of her being; every ample moment up to this one had painted a picture of her. She was a protector, a fighter, a powerful being that sold herself to the world to protect it. But in that vein there was something underneath that she had never fully given herself to.

A warrior. A warrior through and through. A fighter to the last. Such an intense switch seemed to take the outsider by surprise and her next blow wasn’t one so much from within to that from without. A single scratch against his skin was enough to where he brought his own music to bear. Slamming her with enough force that she flew away from him like a rocket. Realizing his error the outsider snapped his fingers and lucretia was there again. Perfectly fine.

The suddenness of the change caused her to stagger and she’d put a hand to her head. She understood now, why he was here. Why he was sequestered away from everything that he knew. Why she was here after so long. It was because the two of them were two sides of a coin. Him active, her inactive to a degree. Him far; her close. He seemed unsure to reach out again and instead lucretia did.

Big Brother.

The two words weren’t spoken but the crude nature of her communication stunned the outsider for a moment. His smile widened and he’d shake his head; holding out his hands to take away the weapon she had been holding. Letting it vanish into thin air he’d give her a hug. The wings furled around her and when he drew away she’d blink.

She was back in fiore, back in front of the Rune knights headquarters. As though she had appeared from thin air a few of the guards flailed and fell back from her. She’d look down and her equipment was back. Her spear was well within her being. She could feel the presence of something around her head and floating behind it but…

...Little sister…


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