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The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long]

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The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:28 am

Her mana and by extension the mana of the ship was like painting a giant target on ones back. You never know who might take a shot; at first many beasts seemed to ignore the traveling vessel. But as time passed it grew too large to really ignore. Too big to really stop and just let it pass. First the scratching on the ‘hull’ then footsteps. And finally slamming fists against it’s edges. She’d grit her teeth and pick up her spear. Heading out onto the deck. At first she was expecting to have her breath sucked away but instead there was in fact energy preventing that from the ship and the magic that she had ‘supped’ on.

There were several hulking monstrosities with sun burned fur, skulls adorned their bodies and their claws looked dangerous. Their many eyes stared at her and she got the feeling they weren’t here to say hello. Her breath for a moment was in her throat. They were almost twice her size. The magical pressure that each gave was enough to cause most to flee. But she hadn’t come this far to give up now…



The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:33 am

The first beast to attack was the one closest to her; it’s huge claws raking across the side of the ship before trying to slash at her. She’d practically dance out of the way; realizing that not only her mana was present but the ship was giving her a little boost too. She hoped that wouldn’t draw too much on their reserves later. She’d hit the beast in it’s side and send it tumbling away into space. Though for a moment she thought she had reduced the number of foes she realized that they were used to traversing the stuff with the way it stopped it’s motion and started to head back.

Sighing softly she’d work about getting the other’s attention so they wouldn’t harm the ship too much. It was difficult given it was a bigger target than she was. But they could hardly ignore the spear that dug deep into their flesh. She actually managed to blast off one of their arms with a strike. Grinning a little bit as this was the kind of force she remembered being capable of.

But it wouldn’t be for long if she wasn’t careful; draining too much mana would be bad. She’d have to rely on just her physical form as using magic would likely overdrain the ship and- She’d blink ast his information was not of her normal scope and realized that Ossji’s book was actually really helpful. Looking to the beasts the information flooded in and she understood what she was fighting, what she needed to do and how to do it.



The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:37 am

The spikes on their back was the real kicker due to that being the weakest spot on the beasts. Their front were hard like armor and the skulls were more for just show. They would be capable of spitting various elements at her and the spike on it’s tail was capable of punching through armor. The multiple eyes were a farce since they didn’t actually need them to see and the ears were more to help sense vibrations on things they were standing on.

Ergo if she wasn’t standing on the ship she could hit them from their blindspots. The woman avoided their claws as now she wasn’t touching the ship and used the force from their swipes to help guide her along. Slamming her spear into their back and practically running them through with it. She noted that the spikes didn’t cover ever part of them and the silent screaming of the first beast left a strange taste in her mouth. She’d have to do the same to the rest and she wasn’t sure how she felt about attacking these creatures in such a manner.

The bloodied skulls on their person however made her a little less hesitant and she noted that there were some stored away in their tail. These would make fierce companions if they obviously didn’t have a thing for bloodied trophy and the briefest instant of her skull adorning one of them was enough to push aside the hesitation even further…



The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:45 am

There was a tremble through her body that reminded her of the destination that they were coming up to. Her eyes and head turned and she was gifted with a sight that made her jaw drop. Her soul ached and her hand reached out for a moment before she shook her head. Something had come over her. Something she couldn’t explain. There was a breathless moment that she needed to-

No that she had to take in later. She would have her fill of this vision and turning her attention back to the beast she was reminded that she needed to fight the last three. The fourth and fifth had been slain. Their counterparts looking around in worry and it was obvious to her that they could tell who was a friend and who was a foe based on how they moved. Mimicking their movements was easy but their size? Not so much.

Inhaling a bit the Demi human launched herself forward and instead deigned to take one of these creatures from the front. Her spear was powerful and with that thrust she first let a blast of magic from it before slamming it into her target. The mix of magic and physical force shattered its ‘armor’ before she speared it through the chest. She could tell that the sheer force needed to overwhelm these beasts was practically otherworldly in itself.

But then it dawned on her that Ossji had dealt with these beings before. Meaning that ossji wasn’t from Fiore or any other region on the planet. She’d bite her lip at this revelation and landed on the ship. Drawing the ire of the remaining two beasts…



The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:49 am

The first beast came from the left, the second an instant from the right. Dropping her spear and kicking it upwards with a foot to send it shotgunning into the firsts head while both her hands caught the offerings of the second. Heaving them up and over she’d slam them down against the ship. The first one’s head spearing itself into well.. Her spear from the force. Leaving the remaining beast panicking a bit.

The fact these beasts were so weak told her a few things; that they worked mostly on the fact that no one could really fight back. She’d reach out to grip the last beast before launching it away from the ship. She felt like it learned its lesson and would be careful about attacking large mana signatures. Standing there for a moment she’d look around to the beasts.

Ossji would make good use- What am I saying?

The book was affecting her more now that she thought about it but she did owe him her life at this point. Grumbling a bit she’d set the beasts into the storage area and maybe later he could figure something out. The last thing that she needed was…



The Rings of Saturn [S-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:56 am

Her destination took all the words that she could ever describe something and threw them away from her. She was stunned, she was overwhelmed by it’s gorgeous beauty. Her soul ached and she could feel tears in her eyes as it yawned up to meet her.

It’s ring danced a merry tune; it’s moons sang along with it. She could hear, she could feel, she could sense every single thing about this place. From the littlest font of mana to that massive signature afar. She’d sit there, staring at it for longer than she realized. Dragging a hand along her face as she realized that it was sucking her in. It was doing this on purpose. The planet was telling her a story and she was listening.

She could feel a part of her soul settle here, she could feel her magic yearn for this place. She could tell that the longer she stayed the harder it’d be to get away. So she’d have to go to the cockpit to see just how far away she was from where she needed to be while her heart was pounding in her chest. Her breath easing out as she did so.

I’ve never seen something so majestic so close before… ah…

She had a hard time moving back to the cockpit honestly; but it was needed for her survival and she could feel the thrumbing of her mind overwhelming her stricken nature. Stepping in she’d breathe out a sigh of relief. Her body working on its own again, the controls dancing for her and the destination. Her true destination lay ahead. Near one of the moons maybe? She couldn’t exactly tell as the readings were muddled to a certain degree.

She could tell that this long journey had not been for naught. That she had done it. Or at least done a vast majority of it. She would be healed with the nature of the beast ahead of her and she could serve her country proudly. She’d have to allocate some kind of resource or service to ossji which suited her just fine she supposed.


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