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Aspects of Failure

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Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:33 pm

Kishin, now a seasoned professional with lots of quest experience, was approached by the theater manager, Yua, regarding the recent attempts of abduction targeting the actresses. She had received a threatening message from a known criminal and needed someone to provide protection, particularly for that evening's show. Having lacked magic for a long time, Kishin's used to rough work like this.

Kishin is well aware of the situation and the gravity of the threat. He knew that this was not a task to be taken lightly and that the safety and well-being of the actresses, as well as the rest of the theater staff, were of the utmost importance. He understood that this was a serious matter and that it required a professional and experienced hand to handle it.

Despite his understanding of the situation, Kishin was still unsure if he should get involved. He believed that he had a responsibility to protect the innocent and keep them safe, but at the same time, he was also aware of the potential risks and dangers involved. He knew that this was not a task for the faint of heart and that it required a level of commitment and dedication that not everyone possessed.

205 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:33 pm

Kishin, being a mature individual, was not one to make hasty decisions. He took his time to weigh his options carefully before making a decision. He knew that this was not a decision that should be made lightly and that it required a great deal of thought and consideration. He knew that if he were to take on this task, he would have to be fully committed and dedicated to seeing it through to the end.

In the end, Kishin decided to take on the task of protecting the actresses and the theater staff. He knew that this was a difficult and challenging task, but he also knew that it was the right thing to do. He knew that he had the skills and experience necessary to keep everyone safe and that he was the best person for the job. He knew that this was not a task that he could take lightly and that he would have to be fully committed and dedicated to seeing it through to the end.

Kishin sat in deep thought, contemplating the best course of action to take in order to protect the actresses and the theater staff from the known criminal's threats. He knew that this was a serious and urgent matter and that time was of the essence.

217 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:34 pm

He began by evaluating the theater's current security measures, making note of any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities that a criminal might exploit. He went over the current security protocols and access control systems, checking for any lapses or loopholes that could be exploited. He also took into account the layout of the theater and the surrounding area, looking for possible escape routes and areas of cover that could be used to his advantage. By identifying these potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses, Kishin could then develop a plan to address them.

Kishin then began to consider different tactics and strategies that he could use to protect the actresses and the theater staff. He thought about deploying additional security personnel, increasing the number of guards and patrols in and around the theater. He also considered setting up surveillance mages, both inside and outside of the building, to keep an eye on any suspicious activity. Additionally, he thought about implementing a strict security protocol for the evening's show, with strict checks and screenings for all theater goers and staff. He knew that by having a strong security presence, a criminal would think twice before attempting to abduct anyone.

196 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:34 pm

Kishin also thought about working closely with local rune knights to ensure a swift response in case of an emergency. He planned on having a direct line of communication with the locals, so that they could respond quickly in the event of an incident. He also thought about the possibility of having undercover helpers present at the theater, to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.

As he was planning, Kishin was also aware of the potential risks involved in taking on this task. He knew that the criminal was dangerous and that he would have to be prepared for any eventuality. He knew that he would have to be vigilant at all times and that he would have to be ready to act quickly and decisively if the situation called for it. He also knew that this criminal had threatened Yua, the manager of the theater, and that it was likely that he would be targeting her specifically. So, he planned to have a close protection detail for her and the actresses.

174 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:35 pm

In the end, Kishin knew that there was no single solution that would guarantee the safety of the actresses and the theater staff. He knew that he would have to employ a multifaceted approach, utilizing a variety of tactics and strategies in order to keep everyone safe. He knew that this would be a difficult and challenging task, but he was determined to see it through to the end, whatever the cost. He was aware that there's always a possibility of something unexpected happening, but he also knew that by having a well thought out and comprehensive plan, he could minimize the risks and increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Kishin couldn't help but speculate about the client, Yua, the manager of the theater. From the information he had gathered, he knew that she was a talented and experienced manager, trainer, and writer. He had heard that she was the type to ask for help on-the-spot and was loose when it came to rewarding those who did their part in helping. He also knew that most of her trainees have become great entertainers due to Yua's strict yet also gentle approach regards teaching and also leadership.

202 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:35 pm

However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He couldn't help but wonder why she had waited so long to request protection, especially since the criminal had already made threats. He also couldn't help but question the level of her preparedness and the readiness of the theater staff to deal with such a serious situation.

Kishin knew that in order to be successful in his task, he would need to have a clear understanding of his client's needs and expectations. He knew that he would have to establish a strong working relationship with Yua in order to effectively protect the actresses and the theater staff. He also knew that he would have to be open and honest with her about his concerns and reservations, in order to ensure that they were on the same page and working towards the same goal.

In the end, Kishin knew that he would have to approach this task with a level of professionalism and expertise that would instill confidence in his client. He knew that he would have to be diligent and dedicated in his efforts in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all those involved. First things first, to see the escape routes.

210 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:36 pm

The area where Kishin will work on the client's task is a grand old theater, situated in the heart of the bustling theater district. The theater has been around for decades, and it's a well-known and respected establishment, known for its high-quality productions and talented cast and crew.

The exterior of the building is a stunning architectural masterpiece, with ornate sculptures and intricate carvings adorning the façade. The building is made of a combination of brick and stone, with a large sign above the entrance displaying the theater's name in elegant script. The entrance is grand with marble steps leading up to the grand double doors, that are adorned with brass handles and intricate engravings. The doors are usually open during performances, but when closed they give the impression of being heavy and hard to open.

The building itself is several stories tall, with tall windows that allow natural light to flood the interior. The windows are adorned with elegant curtains, which are usually drawn closed during performances, but when open, they provide a glimpse of the opulent interior. The building is surrounded by a lush garden, with well-manicured lawns and a variety of flowers and trees. The garden is illuminated at night, giving it a magical and enchanting atmosphere.

217 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:36 pm

The surrounding area is bustling with activity, with people milling about, going to and from the various theaters and restaurants in the district. The streets are lined with vintage-style street lamps that cast a warm glow over the cobblestone walkways, adding to the charming and inviting atmosphere. Street performers and vendors can be seen along the way, adding to the lively and vibrant atmosphere of the district. The theater is located near several public transportation options, making it easily accessible to theater-goers.

Overall, the area where Kishin will work is a charming and inviting place, with a rich history and vibrant culture. The theater is a well-known and respected establishment, and the district is a popular destination for theater-goers and tourists alike. It's a bustling and lively place, but with a sense of elegance and sophistication that makes it the perfect setting for a grand old theater.

152 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:36 pm

Kishin, being a seasoned professional, approached the task of protecting the actresses and the theater staff with a clear and level-headed mindset, ready to take on whatever challenges may come his way. He knew that the criminal he was facing, Ayakashi, was a dangerous and unpredictable individual. He had heard rumors of his infamous reputation and knew that he was not to be underestimated. Symbolizing the wrath of a mad god, Ayakashi was known to lurk in the darkest streets of Hosenka City and had been reported multiple times for his various crimes, even unto the neighboring cities. Because his mask is from the theater in Hosenka, Ayakashi had been rumored to be one of the actors in the said theater.

Despite not having any concrete prior knowledge of Ayakashi, Kishin was determined to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the actresses and the theater staff. He roamed both the inside and outside of the theater's premises, familiarizing himself with the layout and identifying any potential vulnerabilities. He ensured that all access points were secure and that the security personnel were aware of the potential threat. He also made sure that all emergency exits were clearly marked and easily accessible.

205 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:37 pm

As the performance was ongoing, Kishin kept a close eye on the stage, ready to act if needed. He made sure to stay alert and vigilant, scanning the crowd and keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. In the middle of the show, Ayakashi appeared on-stage, holding two actresses in his arms and threatening to kill them if anyone attempted to stop him from taking the actresses with him.

Kishin knew that he had to act fast and without hesitation. He quickly assessed the situation and determined the best course of action. He chased Ayakashi when he tried to run away, focusing only on the criminal and leaving the rest of the chaos to be handled by the theater's staff. Negotiating as a hired mage made Ayakashi fearful, making sure the actresses were unharmed. Kishin had the capability to take down criminals, but also know when to use force and when to use negotiation.

After retrieving the actresses, Kishin handed Ayakashi over to someone who would swiftly take him away and never come back. All it took was a strong physical strike. The actresses were then tended to, but only had some dust. Kishin made sure to check on them, making sure they were okay and comforting them if needed.

215 wc


Aspects of Failure Empty Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:37 pm

When the performance was ongoing, Yua, the manager of the theater, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that a dangerous criminal, Ayakashi, was out there, threatening to take their valued actresses if they were not careful enough. She had received a threatening message from him, and she knew that he was not to be underestimated. She had heard rumors of his infamous reputation and knew that he was a ruthless and unpredictable individual.

Despite the security measures that were in place, Yua couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She couldn't help but wonder if they were truly prepared for the potential threat that Ayakashi posed. She also couldn't help but question the level of readiness of the theater staff to deal with such a serious situation.

As the show progressed, Yua's heart began to race as she saw Ayakashi appear on-stage, holding two actresses in his arms and threatening to kill them if anyone attempted to stop him from taking the actresses with him. She felt a sense of panic and helplessness wash over her, as she knew that she was powerless to stop him on her own.

Just as she was about to lose hope, she saw Kishin, the protection she had requested, quickly and efficiently move into action. He chased Ayakashi, retrieved the actresses and handed over the criminal to the authorities. Yua couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude towards Kishin, who had protected her and her staff from the dangerous criminal. She knew that his professionalism and expertise had allowed him to protect the innocent and bring a dangerous criminal to justice. He then collected his reward and left, satisfied with a job well done. Despite not having any prior knowledge of Ayakashi, Kishin's professionalism and expertise had allowed him to protect the innocent and bring a dangerous criminal to justice. He knew that it's not only about the money, but it's also about the satisfaction of making sure that the people he's protecting are safe.

351 wc

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