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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:01 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Everyone! Take your wooden swords and line up against the wall.” With a clatter, the door of the large practice hall was thrown back and a woman emerged from within. She was dressed in all black, with an oversize wooden sword slung lazily over her shoulder. With a certain flair of confidence, she strode towards the front of the room and stood on a metal platform before placing the sword down in front of her. All of the students jumped in surprised and stared at the sight before them. It was the start of the sixth week of life as a Rune Knight page and things were moving at a snail’s pace. Lecture after lecture, exam after exam. The twins, each obtaining high marks in their studies, had different approaches to it. For Misora, some things came natural to her. She was incredibly gifted and rarely struggled. Daisuke on the other hand struggled greatly. He would save his studying until the last minute, often staying up overnight the night before a big exam in a mad scramble to get things done. However, crude as his methods were, they yielded results. Today was the day that everyone would practice combat with weapons. Even those who were primarily magically inclined were required to have some basic knowledge of weapon combat. Daisuke, of course, relished the opportunity as this would be the first opportunity he had to show what he learned during his father’s training. Out of the two, he had more of a penchant for the more physical side of combat.

WC: 259

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:03 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"I gave you all an instruction. I expect it to be obeyed at once!" the woman’s voice booms as she slams her wooden sword on the ground. The ground trembles and the metal platform bow upon contact, scaring the class who quickly scramble to carry out her orders. As he hurried to take his pace in the line of students near the wall, Daisuke noticed that Darius had also turned up for the class. The two exchange glances before shooting one another a brief smile. It was already decided. Should their class turn into a sparring session, the two of them would meet. This would be the first time that they’d be able to test their brawn against one another. As the last page slipped into place, the woman moved from atop the platform to examine each student. Every single individual was met with a menacing glance from top to bottom, one by one as she made her way from one end of the line to the other. At the end of the line, a young woman looked as if she were about to cry at the sheer intensity of her stares. Daisuke bit his lip, silently sympathizing with his classmate. It was at this moment, Daisuke realized that whoever the woman was, and with her terrifyingly strong aura, Misora had nothing on her.

WC: 224

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:04 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
After a few tense moments of silence, she began to speak. "Saya Fukamachi." She said brusquely. "That's my name. You will all address me as teacher and nothing else. I'll make it clear from the start that you are not here to play. You're here to learn how to fight and detain effectively so that you don't get killed when you are faced with an enemy who wants nothing more than to see the remaining speck of light slowly drain from your eyes.” Most of the class swallowed hard at this brusque assessment of the lessons to come. In a flash, she disappeared only to reappear with the tip of her oversize sword mere inches away from Daisuke’s face. Everyone gasped and stood frozen in place. Like most of the class before him, he took a large swallow as sweat began to bead down his face. His body was frozen. “Name?” she demanded as Daisuke struggled to find the words.

WC: 160

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:06 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Dai…Daisuke. Daisuke Sato ma’am.” She slowly lowered her sword, letting the serrated edge scrape along the floor as she pulled it back. “Move to the center of the room.” She barked as the shaken Daisuke hurriedly moves. Saya quickly disappears again, this time reappearing with her face mere inches away from Darius. The tip of her sword was stabbed in the wall next to his face. The look of sheer terror on his face spelled it all. “Name.” she muttered as she slowly moved back. “Darius Gamal.” He says as his hands tremble. “Move to the center of the room.” She moves back some more as she allows him to quickly head to the desired location. Removing the sword from the wall, her form disappears once more and reappears atop the platform once more. “Does anyone know why these two were chosen?” her voice booms. A still silence blankets the room. “Because their marks are high?” a sheepish voice says. “Incorrect. Every member of the Rune Knights should be able to perceive their opponent’s mana. Perceiving mana should come as natural breathing. Among this group, the two of them have the highest mana reserves. One is refined and controlled. The other, while controlled, leaks out constantly.” Daisuke’s cheeks turned red at the statement as he knew that comment was directed towards him.

WC: 222

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:08 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
I can tell that some of you already know this technique. In time, you’ll all learn how to accomplish this but for right now, I want to see a display of what the two strongest can do. It’s obvious you two have had some sort of formal training. Fight for real, no holding back. If it gets too out of hand, I’ll make sure it is stopped.” She moves back and allows the two to compose themselves as they each grip their wooden swords. “I’ve been waiting on this since we met.” Daisuke says with a confident smile on his face. “As have I. Show me what you can do…” “Begin!” she yells as the two spring to life. Daisuke darts forward with a rapid sequence of thrusts which Darius, showing his skill, dodged to perfection. He slams his own sword firmly against his opponent and pushes him away. His own superior strength now revealed, he shifts his weight from his left to his right foot and begins an offensive of his own. Daisuke, unmoved by the display, dodges with impressive skill. If Darius or anyone from the class thought that this level of strength would be enough to defeat him, they were sorely mistaken.

WC: 205

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:08 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
He was deft and quick, dodging Darius’ second set of swings and leaping at him once more. Darius took a half-step back, only just judging the swing in time, and as there was the cracking sound of wood on wood once more. The class was on edge. The two combatants were fast and furious, yet entirely committed to the match. As both slipped into their normal combat rhythm, it became staggeringly apparent to everyone watching that there was genuine, ingrown skill in both of their movements. Daisuke’s chosen mode of attack was quick and deft, using several stabbing swings in one advance as he slipped almost seamlessly from toe to toe, able to change his angle at a moment's notice. Darius, in contrast, put greater faith in his strength of attack. Using his superior strength to deliver staggering strikes. For fifteen minutes, the match continued with neither side completely gaining the upper hand.

WC: 153

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:10 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Suddenly, Daisuke launched himself into the air. Searing heat began to bristle from him as he lands a solid blow on his opponent. Darius, struck off guard for the first time, lost his footing and stumbled back as his sword scatters across the floor. Daisuke lands on the floor out of breath with sweat beading off his face. He glances towards his wooden sword which was split in two by the resulting clash. Darius steadied himself, shooting a humbled grin as he extends his hand towards Daisuke. "Well fought. It seems you’ve won this round." He said frankly. "You’re not bad yourself. Seems you weren’t all talk after all." Daisuke managed, raising his head with a look of triumph in his golden eyes. "Sato. Gamal." Saya’s booming voice interrupts their conversation. At the sound, the two stand straight and bow to each other properly. "Good." She said at length, turning to face the rest of the group, all of whom were standing staring at the two combatants in awe. "Sato and Gamal have given you all a taste of the kind of commitment I expect from you. To give your opponent no quarter. Exploit any and all weaknesses and be mindful of what you can do. By the time I’m through with you, you all will be able to do much more than what you’ve seen today.

WC: 227

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:13 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
She places a hand on each of the boys’ shoulders, scaring them even more. "That's not a reason for either of you to become complacent. You have skill, but you also both had openings. If I was to challenge either of you in your current state, you would not last thirty seconds." The two of them swallowed hard as her grip tightened. “All of you will pair off in two and begin with the basics. Before today’s class is over, each of you need to perform one thousand strikes. As for the two of you. You need to retrieve new wooden swords and pair off with other people. It will give you both room to grow." She lets go of the boys’ shoulders and takes Daisuke’s weapon as she watches them scurry off before moving to Darius’ discarded sword. She examines both swords and sees slight burn marks on the handle of Daisuke’s sword, more burn marks on the serrated edges of both weapons, and small yet deep indentations on Daisuke’s. “So, I wasn’t hallucinating. The Sato boy unconsciously wrapped himself in mana that manifested like flames while the Gamal boy unconsciously defended himself with wind that created these deep cuts. These boys… They are going to be the future of the Rune Knights, I’m sure of it.

WC: 218

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:16 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke found himself yet again within the barren wasteland, running for his life from his disembodied oppressor. Those piercing red eyes followed him intently as the wound on his chest once again burned. Multiple orbs comprised of black flames rain down from the skies; each one narrowly missing their intended target. The orbs continued in the hundreds and there seemed to be no end in sight. Sweat beaded down his face as he ran, desperately trying to find some sort of reprieve against this onslaught. “I’ve told you boy. You cannot escape me. You will pay for their transgressions.” “What transgressions? I don’t even know my parents!”  Daisuke screams as a deafening roar from above the clouds echoes. An orb of flames lands directly in front of the boy as the resulting explosion sends him backwards. Just as before, the clouds part as a massive black dragon slowly descends from the heavens.

WC: 152

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:17 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke manages to rise to his feet to take in the impressive sight for himself. If he wasn't terrified out of his mind, he'd almost think it magnificent. It lands on the ground with a sickening thud, forcefully sending the youth back down to the ground. Methodically, it lurches forward with each step it takes sending a reverberating boom. Flames begin to billow from its snout as it creeps towards its prey. “You cannot run from me. You will never be worthy...” the Dragon speaks as it comes mere inches from Daisuke's face. “Worthy of what?! Who are my parents?” he says, almost pleading with the creature. “The sins of …. will be on your hands!” the Dragon says as Daisuke, much like the time before, unable to hear what comes next. “I can't hear it. What is it?!” he says as the Dragon opens its mouth. A black orb of flames form in the center of its mouth as Daisuke attempts to back away. “Still not worthy...” the Dragon says as it fires the orb towards a now screaming Daisuke. “Dai... Dai... Dai... wake up!” The youth spring his eyes open, finding himself within the sanctuary of his dormitory once more.

WC: 202

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:19 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
His body was drenched in a cold sweat as he looked around to gather himself. He sees his sister standing next to the bed with a concern, almost frightened look on her face. “Misora…” he mumbles as his heartbeat begins to slow down. “Are you alright, Daisuke? I came to wake you up since I figured you'd oversleep again but when I got here, I could hear you screaming from the top of your lungs.” She offered him a towel which he slowly accepted, wiping the sweat from his face and arms. “Hey Misora...” he begins after a long pause. “Have you had any weird dreams lately? Dreams of being chased by something.” Misora looks down at her lap, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around her finger. It was something she always did when she was stressed; a coping mechanism if you will. “.... sometimes.” she says after an equally long pause. “Is it a dragon that chases you?” “No...” she replies while still looking down. Daisuke wanted to press the topic and try to find out what it was and if there were any more similarities to his own dreams but decided against it.

WC: 197

#12Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:21 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
In some ways, Misora was very fragile. He didn't want to add to the stress. “I won't press it. Come on, we better get to class.” he says. His words seemed to snap her out of her trance-like stare as she quickly reverts to her previous self. “Hurry up. You're going to make me late as well. The one day the instructors decide to merge our classes and you oversleep. If I get a mark for this, you're going to pay for it. You have ten minutes. I'll be waiting at the front.” She says as she tosses another towel towards her brother before departing the room. Daisuke sighs as she departs, leaving him alone with his thoughts once more. ”No use just sitting here...” he mutters as he gets himself out of bed. Some of the sheets, now damp with sweat, lightly stuck to his skin as he removes them and tosses them back on the bed. As he moves to the bathroom, he glances at the wall to his right as he sees Galantine propped up against the wall. Just by looking at it, he felt a sense of unease. The feeling, although subdued, was much like what he experienced during his dreams. Shaking his head at the notion, he quickly departs for the bathroom before he gained more of Misora’s ire.

WC: 224

#13Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:25 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The twins made their way into the open training area to begin their combined lesson for the day. The Knights, either in an effort to save time or to prove which class was the best, decided to combine two classes for CQC lessons. By chance, Daisuke and Matsuri's respective classes were chosen to be partnered up. Both classes happened to contain the six pages with the highest marks of the current year. The twins surmised that this 'serendipitous occurrence' was actually the Knights' way of seeing who among the top pages were the best. At any rate, it was a chance for them to show off and show each other just how far they had come during the time there. As the pages mingled with one another, a thunderous thud echoed throughout the area. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching as the awed crowd splits. Moving through the crowd was a massive bull demi-human dressed in all-black attire but tailored to reveal its arms and a large portion of its chest.

WC: 171

#14Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:27 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Two horns adorned its head with the right horn badly chipped. Deep scars lined its face which finished off its menacing presence. Flanked to its right was instructor Saya, still carrying her oversized wooden sword. She had a toothy grin on her as she knew the awed silence of the crowd was due to the being beside her. The two of them made their way towards the center of the room before Saya slammed her sword into the ground. The gesture, usually made for getting everyone's attention, was purely just for show. She knew everyone in attendance had all eyes on them. “Good morning. Welcome to your first day of joint close quarters combat training. In my benevolence, I called a good friend of mine to assist in your instruction. Students, meet Jinnosuke Murasaki. He is a lieutenant in the Department of War.” Light rumblings spread throughout the class, some either knowing of Jinnosuke via his reputation or some knowing of the ruthlessness those in the Department of War carried.

WC: 170

#15Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:29 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The twins, however, knew of Jinnosuke a different way. He was a good friend of their father during his time in the Rune Knights. He would come by and visit the estate often during their youth, bringing presents during each of his visits. The two regarded him as something akin to an uncle. His brutish reputation and cold exterior were nothing more than a facade when off duty. The two rarely saw him when he had his 'game face' on but knew that they would not be dealing with the same lovable uncle as they did during their youth. In all honesty, the two were fine with that. Neither wanted to be coddled during their training. They wanted to be the best and wanted to earn it through blood, sweat, and a lot of tears. They owed it to their father to achieve it that way. “Welcome to CQC Class.” his voice boomed scaring some of the students.

WC: 158

#16Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:31 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As instructor Fukamachi says, I am from the Department of War. We pride ourselves on the fight and rely primarily on our physical skills. I recognize that this style of fighting may not suited for some of you. You have your magic or whatever tricks it can do to rely on. That's fine. However, you may encounter a situation where you don't have access to your magic. It could be sealed or temporarily removed. This is where CQC will save your life. Allow me to demonstrate.” As his deep voice fills the area, Saya retrieves one of the test dummies and places it beside Jinnosuke. Without missing a beat, he turns towards the dummy and attacks it with rapid-fire strikes, most of it largely unnoticed by the other pages. As the last strike hits its target, the dummy explodes into shards of wood and metal. The pages stand mystified at the display, many of them unable to close their now agape jaws.

WC: 162

#17Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:34 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
You will pair up in groups of four. Two boys and two girls from each class. Once you are grouped up, we will start with the basics. Simple strike and parry combinations. As time goes on, we will incorporate more steps. The instructor and I will be moving throughout the groups to monitor and give instruction when needed. Dismissed.” he says as the students begin to scramble. Jinnosuke, finally spotting the two within the crowd, shoots them a knowing wink before he moves to converse with Saya. “So, I guess we are partnering up huh?” Daisuke says as he nudges his sister's shoulder. “If you are so eager to get embarrassed in front of everyone and Uncle Jin, I'm more than happy to oblige.” “In your dreams. Don't get cocky. If you remember the last time we had a spar, I won.” “Only because I let you.” Daisuke scoffs as his sister smiles.

WC: 153

#18Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:54 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Hey Misora! Do you want to be my partner?” a shrill voice could be heard. “Asuna!” Misora replies as a young woman with red hair appears. “This is my brother, Daisuke. Dai, this is my friend Asuna.” He greets the young girl who replies in kind, the two then having an awkward silence. “Hurry up and go find a partner you idiot.” His sister's voice stirs him from his thoughts as he quickly looks around. Darius, to his surprised, had already been taken by a young man named Eric. Eric was known as a bit of a brute among the first-year pages. He could only imagine the physicality that would occur from that group. Probably for the best. As he scanned around, he heard a familiar voice call to him from behind. “Shotaro.” he says as he turns to greet his friend. “Hey, do you have a partner?” “I do now. You already know the bane of existence. This is her friend, who was probably forced into this, Asuna. Please blink twice of you need assistance.

WC: 176

#19Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:11 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Cute...” Misora says sarcastically as her friend laughs and greets Shotaro. With each group finally paired off, the lessons could begin. Brother and sister stood away from one another, each eager to begin. “Just because these strikes are supposed to be training, that doesn't mean I'm going to pull back my punches Daisuke.” “Neither will I. Just don't start crying when I beat you.” The two quickly dashed towards one another, each pivoting to their right and coming overhead with a hook. The hooks collide against one another as they both move to follow up. A series of kicks and punches fly between the two, each meeting the same fate at the hooks. Their movements, though unintentional, were in sync. The movements were so methodical, so precise, that one would assume it was choreographed. The twins moved to deliver a straight kick to one another, each simultaneously landing square in the other's chest. The two slide back, a smirk appearing on their faces.

WC: 163

#20Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:14 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
You've improved since our spars with father. Gotta say, I'm impressed.” “You aren't bad yourself. And here I thought all that sleeping would have made you sluggish.” The two chuckle before they quickly glance around, seeing that their partners have moved a good distance away. The rest of the class had spread out, giving the two about twenty feet to themselves. Recognizing the rare situation they found themselves in, Daisuke begins to speak. “Looks like we have a little distance between us and everyone else. I say we briefly cut loose. How about it?” Matsuri smiles as she realizes what he means, cracking her knuckles in delight. The temperature around her begins to drop as a bluish white aura appears around her. “I'm game. Let's see if you can keep up this time.” A dark red aura appears around Daisuke as he slowly steps towards his sister with slight burn marks appearing as he walks.

WC: 155

#21Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:15 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Gradually, his slow lurch becomes a full sprint as he nears Misora with a right hook aimed at her face. Matsuri ducks down and narrowly dodges the strike before countering with an uppercut to Daisuke's chin. The strike hits the youth with much more force than he had anticipated, slightly lifting him up off of the ground. He manages to catch his footing and takes a short hop back to prepare himself. As he saw Misora charge towards him, he couldn't help but think of her growth not only as a fighter but overall. When they were younger, she cried about everything. The slightest things scared her and she regularly spent time hiding behind her older brother. Now, she was strong enough to step out of his shadow and stand beside him as equals. Scary enough, her power was still growing. While in mid-thought, Daisuke was rudely brought back into the present by a vicious side kick to his abdomen.

WC: 160

#22Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:22 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Before she was able to bring her leg down, he managed to hold onto it and strike out at another right hook. At the last moment, Misora manages to bring her hands out to block the attack but was still sent skidding backwards. Unrelenting, Daisuke took off after her, his form beginning to blur. Matsuri quickly recovers and responds in kind, her form blurring as well. Streaks of red and blue charging one another as the two forces neared one another with fists reared back. Just before they met in the middle, both found their forward motion stopped as they dangled freely in the air by the hand. The two glance up to see Jinnosuke holding each of them up in his hands. “Unc....instructor Jinnosuke.” they say in unison. “And just what are you two doing? This was supposed to be learning the basics of CQC, not going all out with one another.” his voice booms. He drops the two and lets his hands dangle towards his side, revealing the damage caused by their strikes as blood dripped freely. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry!” the twins say in unison once more as they quickly scramble to their feet and move near Jinnosuke.

WC: 201

#23Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:24 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
They stand back and bow towards Jinnosuke. “We're sorry.” He growls and leans down towards the two, giving the appearance that he is about to ream them. As he gets down to their level, a smile forms across his face as he begins to whisper. “It's fine. I've known you two for most of your lives, this was expected. I'm very proud of your growth and I know your parents would be too if they were here.” He slowly rises up and the smile quickly fades, reverting back to his persona. “That was reckless and had I not stopped you, you could have seriously damaged yourselves or some of the students here. Luckily for you, I cannot punish you.” “You mean we are safe?” Daisuke says as he slowly raises his head. “I said that I couldn't punish you. Doesn't mean you wouldn't get punished...” As he says this, Daisuke and Matsuri could hear the familiar sounds of wood being scraped across the ground. A lump form in each of their throats as they feel the menacing presence behind.

WC: 179

#24Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:38 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Did you two little shits have fun....” Saya says as she stabs her sword in the space between the two. Sweat beads from their faces as she places a hand on each of their shoulders and leans her face near theirs. “Go and perform the lessons the correct way. After class, both of your asses are mine. Do we understand?” “Yes ma'am...” they both say meekly as her grip on their shoulders tighten. “Wonderful. Now get out of my sight.” “Yes ma'am...” they say as they quickly move away from their instructor. Saya sighs as she removes her sword from the ground and lets it dangle from atop her shoulder once more. “Not quite the way I wanted you to see their power but it serves the intended purpose. What do you think?” “For their age, their power is impressive. Their father and I always knew they had potential but to see it being realized is truly a sight. I've also observed the other four that you mentioned. The six of them are the standouts of this class. If this is the future of the Rune Knights, I think we are in good hands.

WC: 194

#25Tsukishima Higurashi 

Legacy [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:26 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The twins find themselves on hands and knees, scrubbing the gymnasium floor with soap and a small toothbrush under the watchful eyes of Jinnosuke. Sweat beaded from their faces as they continued to scrub. “After your little display, you two are lucky I don't beat the snot out of you myself. Clean up the mess you made here then head to the gymnasium. You will clean the entire gym from top to bottom with just these two toothbrushes. If I even sense the slightest bit of either of you exerting any powers, I'll kill you myself. Is that understood?” Daisuke swallows hard as he remembers her cold words, furiously returning to his scrubbing. “Unc...Instructor Jinnosuke. Can't you help us out a little?” Misora says with a huff. “You can call me Uncle Jin here, no one else is around. And unfortunately, little one, I can't. This is your punishment from Saya and it would be wise for all of us to not cross her.

WC: 164

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